The Old Knight of a Frontier District

Episode 10: Nightmare Players (Part II)


Bardo asked what size and shape the legacy of "The First Man" was and where it was located.

"I don't know where it is in shape or size.

I don't even know where it is.

No one knows.

So it's a spirit sword.

Each of the seven Spiritual Swords is sealed with what was called the Divine Spiritual Beast.

Heritage lists the spiritual wavelengths of seven divine spiritual beasts.

Whoever can work in tune with the Spiritual Sword and release its power, with the help of the Spiritual Sword, may issue an order to the Heritage.

The order arrives from a very distant distance.

But now the legacy may be at the end of eternal darkness.

Or it could be the bottom of the ocean (Yug), or it could be in the mountains.

That's why it's this relay device. "

I'm not sure. There's also a mix of words, but I know what you mean more or less.

Bardo expressed his doubts.

What is a divine spiritual beast?

"I don't know.

I don't know.

It's an ancient strange creature.

Is it God or the Spirit?

I hear he was a creature without meat, and he wasn't.

Anyway, they had the power to whisper. "

God or the Spirit.

I was also concerned about that, but Bardo asked the following question:

Instead of knowing the shape and the size, he said he was familiar with the legacy.

"I heard it coming out of [the rubble].

Little by little over hundreds of years.

Besides, the user of the Spirit Sword was called in here to make a legacy call, because this is not the first time.

We've been watching it.

But this is the first time a non-existent user of the Spirit Sword has come here.

Come on, Bardo Lowen.

You call the estate here. "

What? What?

What did you say?

Echidorkier, what did he say?

Did I tell you to call the estate here?

Bardo put it in his mouth and asked a question.

If you order this sword toward that ball of light, come, surely the legacy will come here.

"That's right.

You've heard it for a long time.

The sword is the key to invoking legacy and giving orders.

Come on, call it. "

Oh, my God.

Dragonman's chief Poporbal Popo said he could summon the power of legacy with this sword.

So wherever the legacy is, I thought it was sending its immense power from there.

But no.

Whatever the legacy may be, call it and it will appear here.

inheritance itself.

Is it something I can move around on my own?

If you show up in this room, it won't be that big.

But what do you mean?

This is in the mountains of Fusa.

To come to this room, you have to go through several closed doors.

Where does legacy and how does it appear here?

"What are you doing, Bardo Lowen"

Bardo repeated the question.

I was wondering if I could use that on you, too.



Haven't you heard from the chief?

Orders to the Heritage...... those with Spiritual Swords take precedence.

You may set your estate free until you die.

However, don't forget to kill the first one if you call.

And if you die, the legacy belongs to us dragon men. "

Kill me, huh?

Much more clearly.

But now Echidorkier said something that bothered him.

When Bardo dies, he says the legacy belongs to the Dragonman.

This means that even those without ancient swords can use the legacy if it is in front of them.

This is very important information.

Because once you invoke the legacy, the Dragonman Echidorkier can kill Bardo.

You may also take Jana's bracelet and then rule the spirit.

Still, I don't get what Echidorkier thinks.

You're supposed to want to trick Baldo into making a good move.

And yet, the insensitivity to confess beforehand that you were going to show your fellow Baldo a nightmare and kill each other.

A helpless confession that even those without ancient swords can use their heritage.

I wonder what the hell is wrong with this.


It could be something like this.

Dragon men were in ancient times the most powerful species of the continent, with the exception of divine spiritual beasts, and were only slaves or bait, such as other species.

Even now, Echidorkier, human or manuno, just commands.

Expect obedience as a matter of course.

On the other hand, it requires unilateral obedience.

That's the only relationship this dragon man knows.

Negotiating or rushing is not in this dragon man's consciousness.

"What's up, Bardo Lowen?

Call for an inheritance. "

Does the inheritance and the doings indeed have the power to defeat the wizards?

"You've heard of the Angry Arrow of the Korama, which wiped out the capital of Majnubek with just one blow.

That's the legacy.

I don't know what shape that takes and what size it is.

But legacy is the Corama's Angry Arrow, the machine that launches it.

Cholama's Angry Arrow is the legacy. "

The great lie of the dragonman's chief was revealed.

Heritage has already been summoned and has wielded its power.

The Dragon Man knows exactly what power it has.

Still, "Corama's Angry Arrow"?

The weapons of the gods.

A monstrous artifact that destroyed the capital in one blow.

What was King Jean's legacy?

Once upon a time.

In preparation for the final war with the demons, the Sun God Korama made a weapon known as the Arrow of the Wrath of Korama with the help of many gods.

It is a terrible weapon that wipes out the demons from every land in which they live by the light they call from the stars.

But the prophetic god Odd prophesied that if he used the Corama's Anger Arrow, the gods would also perish, and the appearance of a mighty ally named Mada-Veli on the gods' side eventually caused the Corama's Anger Arrow to go deep into the arsenal of the Sun God without being used.

The Corama's Angry Arrow has been used before.

It was when Jealous Zona, wife of the Sun god Korama, learned that Korama had exchanged feelings with the beautiful Nele and brought up the Angry Arrow of Korama in anger.

Zona unleashed an "arrow of Korama's wrath" toward the land where Nele lived.

At that moment of ejection, the Korama caused the weapon to reorient itself.

The Corama's Angry Arrow, which flew far into the sky, wiped out another star.

Zona said she stilled her anger on the condition of turning Nele into an ugly snake figure.

"Majnubek was the capital that we made man to serve.

But the First Man vanished the capital of Majnubek with a single blow.

A long time later, [or so] learned about our oral statement about Majnubek and made him investigate the "indentation of the wazaka".

When I heard the report, I learned what it was caused by.

He was unusually excited and ordered us to explore it.

He told me to explore to the end of the earth and find it.

I was not informed of its exacting shape or size.

However, if you look at it, you can tell.

It wasn't easy to find, but I didn't give up.

I let him continue his quest with horrible obsession.

Why did [Sagittarius] fear the legacy so far?

Because the Corama's Angry Arrow has the power to destroy.

I can't think of anything else.

But it was so cleverly hidden that I couldn't find it, looking or looking. "

The "indentation of Wazaka" is a huge indentation in the desert, said to lie far west of the Mercano Temple Autonomy.

It is a legend that the indentation was the trace of the destroyed capital of Majnubek.

And that's not just a legend, it's a fact-based story, which I just heard the other day from the dragon man's head.

"That's a bigger chunk of iron than a castle, he said.

My servants and I searched all over the continent, and found nothing like it.

So it's still a spirit sword.

We have to call them with the Spirit Sword. "

Lies were also revealed.

I thought you said you didn't know the shape or the size.

But he said it was a bigger chunk of iron than a castle.

Then you can't show up inside this room.

So what the hell is calling,?

"If you have enough power to wipe out Majnubek in one blow, it is also easy to blow out every" captive island ".

I have lived with humiliation, looking forward only to destroying it with the power of my heritage.

Come on, call the estate!

I say we call it in here, but will it actually show up near here?

I'm not sure.

In any case, this is far from the "island of captivity".

Even if we summon a legacy here, we can't do anything about the monster from here on "The Island of Prisoners".

Unless you have wings and can fly straight to the Prisoner's Island.

That means.

After all, the Dragon Man is not willing to let Bardo use the power of his legacy.

For a moment, I am not willing to entrust that mighty power to man.

Bardo was so sure.

Dragonman Echidorkier intends to either rule Bardo's mind and turn him into a puppet as soon as his legacy is invoked, or kill Bardo immediately.

Dragon man Echidorkie has been badly twisted.

Drawing knowledge already would be the limit.

But I just want to ask you one more thing.

Bardo asked where Lord Stessil and the people working here had been brought from.

"That's not human.

It's a tease doll made of machines.

Three hundred years have passed since I discovered this place and followed the instructions of the Master Registration.

Originally created by the First Man, it's been in motion for about 2,000 years. "

He said it was a tease doll!

Though he only looked like a living human being.

But nevertheless.

Three hundred years later, has the dragon man Echidorkier been playing with the master here?

If so, he would naturally have known the challenger's terms as well.

You can't enter the labyrinth from the wind pit unless you're a group of six or more people of three or more races.

This dragon man should have known.

But I didn't tell the dragonman's head about it.

Why didn't you tell him?

I see.

Because the other entrance and the others were free to use.

I could have gotten into this if I rode the Fei Long to get to its entrance and do it.

Didn't the chief say that the entrance had never been closed?

Also, even if that entrance could be used, it would not have entered here without the permission of [the] king of evil spirits.

Since there was no need at all to come all the way through the labyrinth to this place, Echidorkier had not communicated the conditions for entering the labyrinth to the head of the Dragonman.

That's probably what it is.

What I hadn't told you was lucky for the Balds.

Had the head of the dragon man had that knowledge, he would have joined the rebels.

In that case, all the knights of Parzam could have been killed and Bardo could have been taken hostage and forced to cooperate.

No, wait.

Would Echidorkier really have known the challenger's terms?

I don't know.

I don't know that.

And it doesn't matter anymore.


Now I've asked you what you want to ask.

Bardo quietly pulled out his ancient sword.

My left hand hurt when I held the sheath down gently with my left hand.

Speaking of which, there was a crack in it.

But the pain Bardo feels is terrible.

The overflowing anger doesn't make you feel the pain.

An uncontrollable hatred doesn't make you feel pain.

Bardo called to the ancient sword with a small voice.

Stabolos, and.

An ancient sword is enveloped in blue and green phosphorescence.


Is that the power of the Spirit Sword?


I didn't know it was this much!

Bardo walked right next to Echidorkier.

He then pointed the ancient sword at a ball of light floating in the hollow, stretching his arms straight out.

Echidorkier stares at the ball of light with three eyes open.

"Call it!

Call it!

Come here and we'll call the estate!

Dragon man Echidorkier ordered that excitedly.

There's no reason why Bardo wouldn't.

I'm pointing my defenseless side at Baldo, just staring at the ball of light.

I can't help it.

What I've been waiting for for for so many years is now.

Bardo spun his body all the way to the right.

With ancient swords raised diagonally.

On the right side of Baldo is Echidorkier.

Its height is much higher than Baldo's.

The tip of the ancient sword that shook up can only be the height of the Chest of the Echidorkier.

But the phosphorescence stretches from the end of the ancient sword.

Its stretched phosphorescence devoured from the side of the Echidorkier and ran up its gigantic body.

And the phosphorescent slit his face from bottom to top, and fell out to the top of his head.

After a while.

Echidorkier turned to Baldo.

Phosphorescence has not put any scratches on Echidorkier's body.

I guess Echidorkier hasn't even felt the pain.

He moves around his third eye and looks down at Baldo with a strange face.


A light fracture line ran on Echidorkier's body.

It is in the position where the phosphorescent light ran through earlier.

The fracture line increases in brightness while looking at it.

Something is about to pop out of Echidorkier's body.

And the light began.

From the body of the Echidorkier, light of all colors spilled out as it exploded.

And he popped out towards space in all directions, disappearing as it were.

But Bardo saw it.

Every one of those lights has a face, limbs and feathers.


Echidorkier was eating hundreds and hundreds of spirits.

But can one creature eat many spirits?

Perhaps that was the power that [Rubi] and he gave to Echidorkier?

Or is it a special force allowed only by the Dragon Man?

In any case, that was the secret of the great longevity and the curse that ruled even the Queen of Manuno.

And also, Bardo noticed.

Perhaps even before when we defeated the Warcraft in Pakla, the Spirit should have been freed from the beast.

But it cannot be seen without special eyes.

Now Bardo can see the Spirit.

The Echidorkier after the Spirit popped up was as empty as a loose shell.

As it drifts, the body drifts off the fracture line.

sounded like punching an iron mass into a rock.

The remaining body also wobbled and collapsed.

The fallen Echidorkier's death splits into fine pieces as he makes a crisp noise.

Split shards make even more noise and crack.

The pieces were finely and finely scattered, and at the end of the day the sand chunks remained there.

With cold eyes, Bardo saw the end of the monster who lived one life at a time.


When he was drawn to the master of "The Cave of Trials," and found out that it was the Dragonman Echidorkier, Bardo decided to kill this Dragonman.

I don't like deals.

The inexplicable chigusa of "Trial Cave" was also discovered.

There were two types of enemies in this labyrinth.

One is the enemy of the arena.

This is a tough enemy, but a fought one.

Come on, enjoy this fight.

Try your best.

I even felt the warmth as if I wished the challenger to grow.

The presence that prepared this enemy is playful.

The other is an enemy in the aisle.

This enemy is even a nasty, offensive, and harsh enemy.

They are enemies whose sole purpose is to torment and kill challengers.

What you can feel there is malice.

Badly distorted malice.

It was even felt that the only thing that prepared this enemy was to entertain the challenger.

I was wondering why, in one labyrinth, there were obviously enemies of different kinds.

But when I met the dragon man Echidorkier, I knew why.

It was King Jean who was the "first man" and "only one king" who prepared the enemies of the arena.

And it was this dragon man, Echidorkie, who prepared the enemies of the aisle.

At least, it must have emerged in a much distorted fashion the enemy that should have appeared.

So the Dragon Man Echidorkier has to be killed.

For those who will be challenging the Cave of Trials.

Not to add any more people to the service of this selfish avenger.

Even for those who died in the Tri.

In the castle of Rhode Van, even for those who died in the castle of Mailao.

Even for the beasts who were considered warcraft, served, fought and perished.

Even for the lost Cars tongue.

Now Bardo's whole body was burning with white anger.

It is like burnt ash at first sight.

But actually, it's not.

I burned down what was to be burned, and therefore the anger was white.

If something touches you inadvertently, it happens that something will be held by a white flame and burned out with no ash left behind.

Baldo is burning in an uncontrollable rage.

Not yet.

Not yet.

Killing the Dragon Man Echidorkier is not enough yet.


Lord Van's brave men.

Odora's carelessness doesn't clear just because you defeat one of these monsters.

In the blood of this lizard alone, I will not engage your lives.

There are those who have ordered this lizard to plot.

At your fingertips, peel the pebble.

It's like proceeding with a pawn of play.

There are those who have begotten another warcraft, and have mowed a man's life.

I won't allow it.

I will never forgive him.

I didn't mean to call it a legacy and a do-over.

The idea of using it to bury a monster is certainly fascinating.

But if we call in such a dangerous weapon, we will surely be miserably used in the future.

I know how to call it in, but I don't know how to send it back.

If Bardo doesn't summon his legacy or anything, the monster has no way of striking a hand.

I don't know where the legacy is now, but it's best to keep it hidden out of the reach of people.

Nevertheless, Echidorkier was a fearful enemy.

Four people, Engdall, Yemite, Gordon and Cars, were quickly deprived of their freedom of mind and made their dreams come true.

If we can manipulate these four minds easily, we must assume that there is no one on the continent who can fight the Echidorkier.

It was a shock that the dragonman's curse, in particular, fell into the midst of Echidorkier's surgery without a hand until Engdal of Gerkast, who was supposedly resistant.

But if you think about it, even that Queen of Manuno succumbed to the curse of the Echidorkier and ruled.

The power that Echidorkier gained was extraordinary strength among the dragon men, and before that curse everything that lived and lived could be called helplessness.

When it comes to it, there is something unimaginable about the power of patarapoza that can't be fattened at all even with its exquisite kier.

Bardo first put away his never-ending anger.

I'm worried about my people first.

I wonder how I can get in touch with Stecil.

Will Stencil do me a favor?

Or would you take revenge for killing your master?

Speaking of which, it meant that the "Cave of Trials" tramplers would be rewarded.

Weaponry, medicine, knowledge?

I want medicine.

The medicine that keeps Zaria alive forever.

If that is possible.

But Bardo's thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a sounding alarm.

An inorganic voice echoed from the ceiling.

"Confirm the death of the master.

Confirm Master's death.

Your facility settings will now be initialized.

Your facility settings will now be initialized.

Except for the attendant, it is discharged.

Except the attendant will be discharged. "

Suddenly Baldo's consciousness was interrupted.


"Master Bardo!

Dear Bardo! "

He called out his name over and over again, blurring his eyes open.


Bardo awoke all the way up and looked around.

A wind pit.

It's the six pedestals in front of you entering Trial Cave.

There's Gordon.

There's Cars.

There's Engdall.

There's Yemite.

And there's Zaria.

They are all asleep.

Kars had been woken up by Kara.

Gordon is awakened by his squire.

Knight nuts look at Engdall and Yemite.

Bardo got up and went to Zaria's place.

I'm back to being an old woman.

But he's not pale.

There's after allowances everywhere.

Stecil, Bardo thought.

That's just a guess, but it wouldn't be off target either.

He gave me allowance before he lost consciousness of the Balds and sent them outside the labyrinth.

Speaking of which, Bardo's own left hand is almost painless, too.

When you look at it, the superior hitting cloth is wrapped around it and stopped with a strange band.

Excellent medical technique.

Furthermore, Gordon still receives allowances.

Neither Engdall, nor Yemite.


Zaria, in particular, should have died using all her power as it was.

But now, he's alive.

Has Stecil infused life into Zaria, who has lost the power of the Spirit, in any strange way?

I don't know.

All I can tell is that Zaria is alive now and she's not pale.

Bardo gently rocked the old woman's body.

"Or, Cars!

You, your tongue, you got your tongue cut off!

Oh, my God.

How awful. "

Kara is twitching.

No, I thought I'd say I cut that myself, but Kara's crying on Cars' chest.

I can't even let Cars go, I'm turning my hand around Carla's back and holding her gently.

I decided to leave it undisturbed.

Apparently, with their medical treatment, they couldn't restore the cut Cars tongue back to normal.

Or, if only I had time, would I have been able to get my lost tongue back?

While doing so, the pharmacist Zaria woke up.

"Hey, Bardo.

So I told you I'd be there later. "


You're going to die over there.

I thought so, but I put it in my mouth,


It was just one word.

And I thought.

What if?

If Zaria is well and the power of the Spirit remains at all at that time.

At that time, can we have Cars' tongue undone with the power of the Spirit?

I don't know.

I can't wait to ask now.

But if that's what you can do, this old woman will do it for you.

Instead, we have to be careful if we don't force it more than we need to.


A debriefing was held on the spot.

Manuno also seemed to stick around in turns, and we heard the report together.

We had Gordon report on how it was until we split into six entrances.

As always, I thought I would tell an immersive and thoughtful story, and unexpectedly let him make a well-suppressed and understandable report.

Has it settled down with age?

But after all, when it came to the struggle between Bardo and the god of war, there was a fever and it became a story of exaggerated martial arts.

If we just ask here, Bardo will sound like the greatest hero in human history.

However, Bardo did not think Gordon's story well.

Gordon, who speaks of Bardo's work with all his best thoughts, was not made loving and loving.

Asked after the split, Gordon, Engdall and Yemite were flown into strange rooms and suddenly raided.

I saw the raider's face, and it was Baldo.

Each of the three said he was slashed to death by Bardo.

And when I woke up, I was here.

From now on it was a dream, but at that time it only seemed like a reality thing.

I looked at Cars, and I nodded small.

That means Cars was the same.

Zaria lost consciousness as it was and said she would have been here if she had noticed.

Then Bardo spoke.

That I met with a mechanical doll named Stecil.

Dialogue with Dragon Man Echidorkier.

In the crap of killing the dragon man Echidorkier, Manuno was unusually excited.

Apparently a report has come directly to the Queen, and Manouno has repeatedly wondered if it was true that he killed Echidorkier.

After Baldo's report was finished, silence flowed for a while.

It was Engdall who broke it.

"Tori Bardo.

How do you settle with Patarapoza? "

Even though the opponent is also said to be a pillar of God, Engdal's expression and attitude do not even reflect what he cowered.

It is the stiffness of detachment.

In response to this question, Bardo, for a moment, fell preoccupied with the answer.

How do we settle?

In the first place, what is the settlement in this case?

To fight patarapoza and destroy this?

Can we fight God or something?


There is a way.

Invoke the Corama's Angry Arrow and use it.


That's when Quinta opened her mouth.

"Master Bardo.

Master Bardo has a great reputation for the two great powers: the Kingdom of Parzam and the Empire of Goriola.

There is also a huge loan, albeit to say this.

Why don't you speak up to those two countries and look for the Corama's Angry Arrow.

We can search this continent extensively if we also call upon both countries and countries on the brink.

Nothing else, such as a larger mass of metal than a castle.

Wouldn't you find it if it was something in this continent?

Fortunately, now the Evil God Patarapoza is in sleep.

Find the Corama's Angry Arrow and defeat the Evil God. "

That's a possibility I didn't even think about.

But it does seem like a worthwhile way to try it.

No, you can't.

Then the "Corama's Angry Arrow" will be known all over the continent.

Where I asked for a search in secret of my identity, it's clear that if I do such a big search, I'm looking for so many treasures, and if I find out there are secrets there, secrets, etc., are something that will eventually be revealed.

No, you can't.

The method leaves its roots in the future.

Because after unsealing the "Corama's Angry Arrow" with an ancient sword, there is a dispute over it.

We can call them in, but we don't know how to send them back, and we don't know if we can destroy them.

Nevertheless, King Jean's legacy was a weapon.

Cholama's Angry Arrow

I guess it's more of a device to strike it out than that.

Apparently it's a bigger device than a castle.

I can't even imagine a weapon or anything like that that would wipe out a giant capital with a single blow.

The arrow itself must be a tremendous size.

How many more arrows are left?

Both the dragonman's chief and the echidrukier thought that [Ruji] was looking for a legacy with his blood eye to destroy it.

It may be, or it may not be.

But Baldo's intuition leaned towards the imagination that it might not be the same.

Because even if that is indeed the weapon that can destroy Patarapoza, it is difficult to find and still difficult to use.

If the seal can only be unsealed by an ancient sword, it can be said that there is no longer any prospect of someone using the weapon at all.

Isn't there supposed to be nothing wrong with leaving it alone?

Why bother searching around and doing things that make its existence noticeable around you?

Also, if the goal is to make it unusable, you can either finish off all the ancient swords, or you can do it.

If so, isn't Patarapoza looking for a legacy not to break, but to use?

What the hell does Patarapoza intend to do with the Cholama Anger Arrow?

Imagine that, for some reason, Bardo felt a chill with his total body hair.

Bad things happen.

If you give the Corama's Angry Arrow to the Evil Spirit King, something very bad will happen.

Intuition in Baldo taught me so.


Could it be that "Cholama's Angry Arrow" originally belonged to Patarapoza?

King Jean took it from Patalapoza, and sealed the power of Patalapoza, and locked it up on the island of captivity.

For Patarapoza, is getting the "Corama's Anger Arrow" about reclaiming my lost power?

If you regain that power, what will Patarapoza do then?

Bardo, who was depressed by the outrageous thought, noticed that everyone was glancing at his face.

Bardo said with him.

It is better not to be known about the "Cholama's Angry Arrow" as much as possible.

You can't ask a big country to look for you.

Would you mind keeping your mouths shut?

I won't set you up about this.

Soon the monster will wake up and give his use to Baldo.

Think about that then.

But I made up my mind.

I won't look for legacy and do it, and I won't call it in.

Engdall nodded loudly at this word and said:

"Then call me when you fight that monster."

"Me, too."

Yemite also said.

Then the line went home.

On the way, the Queen of Manuno would love to meet Bardo.

I went to see him, and he gave me enough jewels to flood me from both hands.

The dragonman Echidorkier takes to the queen of Manuno, a resentment he can't hate, even if he hates.

Bardo, who defeated it, was to receive the great gratitude of the Queen of Manouno.

Bardo divided the gem in one line.

One line returned to Fusarion.

Along the way, Bardo reflected on his confrontation with Echidorkier.

At that time Bardo had only thought about killing Echidorkier.

On second thought, however, there was no guarantee that the Devil's Sword Stabolos would work for Echidorkier.

It was more natural to think it didn't work.

If Echidorkier had cursed Bardo's heart if he had killed Bardo on the most Bardo provocation, Echidorkier would have been severely punished by Patarapoza.

But that wasn't the time I put that in my calculations and hung up on Echidorkier.

I just let my anger overflow and I slaughtered him.

I'm a little surprised that that kind of youthfulness lingered on me.

Anger, though, dulls judgment.

In confronting Patarapoza, we must at all costs maintain a calm mind.

Engdall, Yemite and Knight Nuts stayed in Fusarion for a few days.

Fusarion is still a remarkable development, but I have been surprised among them.

The soup came out for the second night's meal.

It's a white soup made from Egarsocia.

What a cold soup this soup was.

The cold soup after the hot meat in the heated room was really delicious.

He said the white soup was made from cow's milk and sappho.

The rough ingredients on the border give it an elegant flavor, not to mention in Camlar's hands.

That's fine, but the question is how did you cool this soup?

How dare Kamler mobilize a large number of manpower to build a basement, covered with stone walls and turned it into a cold storage room.

And they use the mountain caves in the east as ice chambers to store the ice made during the winter months and to regularly transport the ice to the cold storage rooms.

What a waste.

How dare you.

Speaking of which, Kamler was a man who could use his own money for missing spices and dishes.

If you leave him alone, he'll do it indefinitely.

This guy doesn't care about the hassle or expense if it's for cooking.

I talked to Doria Tessa, worried about it, and she said that's fine because more and more people have to give me a job.

In addition, Fusarion is gradually being used from leading cities far away for Egarthosia, and being able to serve delicious dishes for hospitality is the most important strength.

If that's all right, Bardo relieved himself of the food.

Left to say that Fusarion was a good place for rice, Engdal and Yemite returned to their respective places.

Engdall sent him to Taranca and put Seto on his squire.

Nuts were also to be accompanied.

After sending Engdahl to Taranca, he ordered him to take his feet to the king's capital of Parzam and to report to King Juleland according to the matter.

Yemith made Quinta send him.

Gordon returned his squire first and stayed in Fusarion for about two months.

During my stay, he helped Bardo a lot.

Eating with Gordon is fun.

Bardo was slightly ill when he returned from his adventure in the wind pit of Fusa, but he was able to have fun every day.

Gordon returned to Maisian territory sparing the remnants.

That was the last time I saw Gordon's face.

(Chapter 7: Challenge to the Labyrinth)

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