Are you kidding me?

For the first time, there was only a moment of excitement.

You should get used to it soon.

Are you kidding me?

--Mm-hmm. Looks like a fighter.


Well, what's it like?

The unspoken words of the island of captivity sounded terribly clear.

Bardo's mind was now in a wide open space.

Beyond that there is an opponent.

And if you care about it, you feel like you can put it in in a flash deep in the nostalgia of that other person.

My own thoughts are also extremely clear.

Every time I think of one word at a time, the outline of that word spins without mistake.

Once in a while, ask me a question.

—— What's your name?

My name is... my name is...

Oh, my God. I forgot.

As you may recall after a while,

But you humans call me Patarapoza.

I could be sure through the passage of the connected mind that the answer was the truth from the other person's heart.

I also felt firmly stuck when I was trying to remember my name and that my attempts to follow my memory were interrupted so that the thread could be cut off.

Oh, my God.

In this state, I don't lie.

Even if it does, it will fall out on them.

Then let's try and lie.

My name is Henry Jones.

Occasionally I found the word to be a lie.

There is no connection whatsoever between the superficial layer of consciousness of the person spinning the word and the huge forest of memories behind it.

It is a falsely spinning word at the mouth, and the fact that the person who spoke about it is aware of it is conveyed as an emotion such as hesitation, bad determination, etc. when uttering the word.

Looks like you checked.

Okay, let's start asking your questions.

—— Then let's hear it. Patara Poza. What kind of a pussy is that?

Suddenly that's a tough question.

I was originally alone.

But I gained strength by becoming a spiritual possessor.

Do you know what spiritual possession is?

—— I know.

Jean locked me up on an island of captivity.

So he sealed my power.

But before I got locked up, I was finishing a study.

I wonder if you know that spirits are inhabitants of a different world.

—— I know.

I discovered a way to step into their world.

And eaten them in their world.

—— Wait. Isn't there a single human being capable of taking in the Spirit in one piece?


How to take in multiple spirits was gained before that.

'Cause that's how I got the power.

We could have stepped into the world of spirits.

I ate and ate and kept eating.

My strength has grown beyond bounds.

But still, I was careful.

Jean shouldn't have noticed.

I don't care how you take in spirits and increase your abilities.

Because the power of the weapon Jean is holding back was overwhelming.

I waited a long time.

--Isn 't that a long wait?

"Was it two or three hundred years? I forgot.

Fortunately, I made two dragon men into pawns.

Secretly watched the continent.

And I finally found out that Jean was dead.

But I panicked.

Because the humans were left badly untapped.

Jean didn't give the humans weapons or superior tools.

—— But you found out about Majnubek.

Yes, it is.

I heard from the Dragon Man what happened in Majnubek and investigated it.

And I found out what kind of weapon was used there.

After all, Jean didn't abandon his weapon.

He kept the humans undisclosed, and he was hiding an overwhelming weapon.

Well, that's not something I could break, so I thought maybe I would.

But I'm relieved.

He didn't even let go in his last years, so he wouldn't have given up after all.

But it's more than likely he hid it somewhere out of reach.

I proceeded with my investigation carefully.

I hid what I was doing.

The puppets were never on the table.

If we destroy the nations of man, we will lose our clue to King Jean's legacy.


No, that's after some investigation.

In the beginning, I was afraid of something else.

Jean's dead, and even though the humans remain undisclosed,

There's a hidden force somewhere.

If I just show up.

I thought they might come out.

I needed more help.

I keep spreading my body in the world of spirits.

It absorbed the spirits and strengthened them even more.

And we've been working on it carefully.

There seemed to be no hostile forces.

And I'm finally starting to move.

To get my own things back.

Baldo Lowen.

Let's not talk about Jean's legacy.

It wasn't originally Jean's.

Because it's mine.

—— Right! I know who you are. You're the Captain!



Who's the captain?

It sounds fresh in this language again.

But you're right.

I'm the captain of the starship, the one with authority over the starship.

Jean Cruise rebelled and took the ship from me.

But Baldo Lowen.

How do you know that?

How far do you know about this?

Until last year, the spirit-possessed lived. Until I heard the knowledge of that Spirit. The people who came on board a starship from a distant world split into two factions and fought over it, and one of King Jean's wins. The spirit-possessed said that [the captain] had been defeated, captured and executed by King Jean. But you're not supposed to be killed.

From what I can tell, you know it's a rebellion, right?

—— Is it not because the mercy hath broken a statute of reason, and hath sought to oppress the people of the land?

No, that's ridiculous. I rather tried to protect them. "

Jean Cruise said we should recognize them as intelligent creatures and treat them as indigenous.

But all the natives were untouched.

Again, many of them had completely different values than human beings.

He wasn't a decent person to talk to.

Weren't you trying to set up a dynasty with Mizuto as king and the Sailors as nobles?

"I will not deny that. In any case, we needed to build a moderate civilization as soon as possible."

It was most appropriate to adopt a strong guidance system as a transitional measure.

This does not conflict with the Commission's guidelines.

—— They called it betrayal that Jean had woken up early to be called king in the land.

That's a lot more familiar.

But I'm sure it is.

Whether his doctrinal claims are legitimate or not.

Local intervention without consulting with us at all.

They've made changes to the local political system and made promises of their own accord.

Besides, he was a scholar who didn't have any qualifications for policy decisions!

After all, what was the conflict between you and King Jean? From what I've heard, King Jean thinks that the Sailors and the Sleeping People and the Subhumans should hold hands together. The sailors said they thought the Sailors should become aristocrats, the Sleeping People should become civilians, and the Subhumans should become slaves. I have also heard that you intend to wake up the "sleeping people" after you have embedded the tease to rule your mind.


In short, what are we going to do with the passengers?

His idea was ideal.

If we did, we'd have caused a terrible mess.


After you sealed me.

The world Jean built.

Do humans and subhumans live together?

There's no difference between the rich and the poor in a human country, and people live on an equal footing.

—— But weren't there many sailors who were in tune with King Jean's idea?

That was my failure.

To the junior sailors.

He didn't explain it in detail.

Local governance policies and future prospects.

But at any rate, there are too many possibilities for what's supposed to happen on the ground.

In all cases, it was difficult to explain the policy.

Am I lying or deceiving?

—— No, I haven't. I truly believe in what I told you.


You're a descendant of Jean Cruise.

It's only easy to resonate with his ideas.

But from my point of view, this was the truth.

At least I want you to understand that.

—— Descendants? What do you mean?

Oh, you didn't know that.

"Conditions that can be synchronized with the Spiritual Sword, that is, conditions that can be used."

His descendants, whose spiritual form is extremely similar to his.

—— Isn't there supposed to be no offspring left for King Jean, who became spirit-possessed?

Jean Cruise left his descendants before he was possessed by the Spirit.

That's a lot of people.

Honestly, that's one of the reasons I hate him so much.

Anyway, you're Jean's descendant.

And he has a very similar heart.

You're supposed to think like Jean.

—— I am the descendant of King Jean. Me.

And the answer to your earlier question.

I was a normal person.

Gain special power by absorbing massive spirits

And because we've put so many parts of our existence in the world of spirits.

The flesh in this world is enlarged, and it's a pile of flesh.

It's enough to cover the island.

Take your things back.

I hope to avenge those who drove me into this situation.

One human being.

- Revenge. What are you going to do with it when you get the Cholama Anger Arrow back?

Cholama's anger arrow.

What the hell are you talking about?

Wait a minute.

Oh, well.

You were talking about the attack that wiped out Majnubek.

Ha ha.

No, excuse me.

I laughed because it's such an exaggerated name.

What do you call that?

The main cannon.

I hope you don't laugh.

That's the main gun.

- Shuho, what?


It means the most powerful weapon.

I wasn't thinking about fighting the enemy.

If you get hit by an enemy, you get attacked and you die.

It's based on the idea.

So there's no decent weapon.

I'm ashamed to say that's the most powerful weapon.

—— Are you saying that you wiped out the capital of Majnubek in one blow and it's not a decent weapon?

Yes, it is.

That was quite a poetic name.

Speaking of these words, the spear of light.

—— of light, spear.

That's right.

It's like a candle flame.

--Wait. Isn't that what Kohlama's Angry Arrow is looking for? So, what the hell do you want?

It's a ship! A starship. It's a ship across the sea of stars!


—— What? Do you still have a starship?

Of course you are.

That's not gonna work in a thousand years or two.

I knew there was something left.

Jean, but whoever it is, it's not like it can be broken.

But there was a chance he was hiding it far out of reach.

In fact, I let the dragon men look for the starship, but they couldn't find it.

It's bigger than the castle, not the city.

If it's anywhere you can find it, you'll find it.

That means Yug can't even fly to the dragon men.

At the bottom of Eug.

It's hidden in a farther place.

I couldn't find the starship, but I didn't find a clue. It's called a cave of trials.

I can't find too many clues.

I started studying the legends of humans.

In doing so, I wondered about the stories of those who had gained a powerful treasure beyond trial.

So I went over it in detail.

I found it everywhere.

Trial caves and similar facilities.

—— What? Aren't there one cave of trials?

Not one.

But they come in different shapes.

Facilities other than Fuzza's wind pit have been shut down.

I'm from the Mechanical Doll of the Cave of Trials.

I asked him how to call the starship, seal the order, and solve it.

—— Hmm. Did the machine dolls know such a secret?

That's right.


"When my descendants visit the Cave of Trials in the distant future."

I struck my hand to tell you the secret of the ship.

But they didn't know where the starship was moored either.

What is a seal?

Don't be ridiculous, Jean.

When we find out we can't rewrite the order order order to the starship.

I put some protection on the order.

—— Plump?

I'm trying to block this order.

Unless you solve that protection through the Spirit Sword.

Every order is void.

What are you going to do now, take back the starship? Will you be king of the world? Or...

I'm not interested in that anymore.

There's only one thing I want to do.

Siege home.

To avenge those who brought me into this sight.

That's why we really need a starship.

Wait, it was quite a while ago when you came here.

I don't know exactly, but it's probably over 2,000 years old.

How long does it take you to get here from the siege?

I'm not sure about that.

The deviation of time due to distorted space navigation

We haven't fully figured it out yet.

But I think it took over a thousand years.

—— Then, it will be three thousand years since Odori left the sieve. I guess we'll need a thousand years before we get home. Aren't those whom you hate dying already?

But the descendants will remain.

All of them are the object of revenge.

I'm going to remind the descendants of the people who live there.

Make them pay for what they've done.

—— Does a starship have that much power?

Not on a starship.

It was made of a sieve.

There's a weapon that could easily destroy it.

It will be developed at the sieve.

But no matter how we develop our mechanical civilization,

You won't be able to prevent me now.

That's the kind of power I didn't have in my siege.

You can control people's minds from afar, drive them crazy, show them phantoms.

Now my power is strong enough to kill every human being living on the continent instantly.

With this power, you will rule and kill and destroy the sieves.

—— But there's only one of you. Can't we win? Assuming you win, what do you do in a country that's been destroyed?

You may not win.

But there's gonna be a lot of damage.

That's fine.

If only I could go home and burn my brand.

I could perish with that.

That's my wish.

Am I lying?

No. Your words are sincere. It's not even a slight lie.


Well, Baldo Lowen.


Are we done with each other's questions?

—— Right.

All right, then.

We understood each other.

So I have a proposition for you.


Baldo Lowen.

Me and you, we can benefit each other.

There's only one thing you offer me.

It's a starship call.

I want the Dragon Man to take us to the Cave of Trials, and I want you to call the Starship through the relay.

That's all I need.

I'm from this place.

We can give orders to the starship that came to Fuzza.

And Baldo Lowen.

There are many things you receive from me.

First, let me give you a weapon loaded on a starship.

You can use it to control all human beings easily.

Of course, you can be a protector without domination.

If anyone watches the human world and behaves unjustly or wrongly and unforgivably,

You can correct that human mistake.

You will be able to protect those you love and support the country you love.

The righteousness of your faith will cover the land of abundance.

Then I'll give you a ship with a starship.

I don't have the power to cross the sea of stars.

You can travel anywhere on the continent in an instant.

The dragon man is not even in the sky.

You can watch over people and punish them.

You and your chosen people can be gods in this world.

And I'll give you control of every labyrinth in the world.

We've found eleven more facilities similar to the Trial Cave.

There are smart machine puppets there.

For humans, the treasure of what they covet is stored again.

And there are facilities that can treat people and other races in this land.

It's an excellent facility for treating almost dying people.

Your loved ones will live a long, healthy life.

Above all, I give you youth, health, special powers and a thousand years of life.

Old bodies are tough.

Wouldn't it be nice if the endless strength and resilience of our young days were restored?

Don't you want to regain the energy and muscles that flood you?

That's what I want.

By eating the spirits out of service.

That's right. It's about the last spirit sword you have now.

The Spirit in the Spirit Sword is very powerful.

Eat it and you'll benefit from it.

Come on, pick it, Bardo Lowen!

Do you accept my offer?

Or say no.

—— What happens if I say no?


That depends.

I don't think you have any children.

—— Oops.

Oh, boy.

I don't know why.

A lot of times, spiritual swordsmen leave no offspring behind.

I wish I had many wives and children because I have Jean's blood.

If that means you're going to kill me here.

The Spirit Sword uses dragon men and servants to restore them to the human world.

And wait for the next user to show up.

—— Right. There was also an ancient sword in such a village grocery store...

I can't wait to get killed somewhere.

I need you to touch the hands of many people.

The Spirit Sword will never be able to meet a human being.

The Spirit Sword and the user seem to be able to associate.

It's inconspicuous, but if we leave the spirit sword in a place where anyone can get in.

Eventually, the user will be attracted.

—— Will this Spirit Sword not meet the next user before I die?

The Spirit Sword is always alone.

There's only one more spirit sword that one human can synchronize.

So if you refuse to cooperate,

We're gonna have to kill him.

You have a child.

If the descendants go on one after the other,

'Cause there's a good chance there's a spiritual sword user from that clan.

I can wait for you to die naturally.

—— Captain.


What is it?

—— Unconnect your mind and do it. I want to think about it for a moment.

Okay. Okay.

I expect you to think carefully and make wise decisions.


When I unconnected my mind, there was no shock like when I connected.

I just had the feeling that my body would be pushed away by the big wind and that my body floating in the universe had fallen to the ground.

Even with the mind disconnected, the captain will be able to read this mind if he wants to.

But if this one feels it, it undermines trust, so I wouldn't dare risk it.

The captain takes a little distance from his mind and watches Bardo quietly to draw his conclusions.

Most importantly, I don't know what to say because they read my thoughts.

Bardo thought.

Sure, the captain, he's not lying.

I'm not even going to break my promise.

Sincerely, I think and believe as I have spoken with my heart.

The only thing the captain wants is a starship, and everything else feels good enough to give way.

It is also true that there is no interest at all in the fate of men and other races in the land.

You're right about the value of what you're offering Baldo.

The captain thinks he can sacrifice anything else if he even gets a starship.

I believe that from the bottom of my heart, and I believe that a strong determination to keep that promise will be the key to negotiations.

Think about the captain's proposal.

The captain travels siegely aboard a starship, and never returns.

There is no attachment or untraining in the earth here.

Go home sifter, make as much brawl as you can, and die.

Certainly that is the captain's wish, and there is no lie.

What did the captain say he was offering?

Is a ship on a starship like a small starship?

With that, they can fly.

Bardo remembered the first flight the dragonman had taken him to experience.

That was a great experience.

It was a little cold and the wind was tight.

I don't think so, if I could fly the skies of nations with ease.

What a heartbreaking experience that is.

I wasn't very interested in something like a weapon.

But with it, Fusarion can help when Pacra is in crisis.

The fact that there are people with such weapons may also discourage unnecessary warfare.

Hard to use, but successful use would protect the peace of mind of many people.

There are eleven more things like the Cave of Trials, and they give you control of all of them, because your heart moves a little.

I wonder what weapons, medicines and knowledge are asleep.

Those Stecil Beginning Machine Dolls healed Bardo's left arm for a while, and Zaria's wounds and fatigue were healed in just a few moments.

How many lives would that medicine save?

It may even be possible for all the children born to grow up quickly.

That's a good thing.

And they also say it gives you youth and health.

What a fascinating suggestion that is!

Will this old body restore its youth and sagginess?

And a thousand years of life!

Not for a thousand years, if only a little more lives went on.

I can keep an eye on Baldrant's fate.

I can see the future of Fusarion.

I can see if that dream will be true.

What a possibility it is to rip your chest off!



Bardo was remembering General Appetite.

That man has lived hundreds of years.

If the Baldos hadn't killed them, they would still have lived hundreds of years.

But did it bring happiness to the man?

Did you bring happiness to those around that man?


Long life was a curse for that man.

The blood was black, the taste was lost, and I was not allowed to fall or rest, exhausted to live.

I was not allowed to taste life, to enjoy it, to rejoice with people.

What is living?

What is dying?

People live to death.

Life is unlimited and honorable because it is decided to die.

Honorable, and loving.

Because life is limited, people share joy and appreciate that they can spend a small amount of time together.

Living means eating things.

Remember the days you traveled with Gordon Zarkos.

Remember that fun camp.

Priest Bari Toad, and Zaifert, and I ate with Chantillion, that knight fish.

Gordon, Kainen and I ate with Yurica, that black shrimp.

Gordon and I ate with Jurchaga, that cordur.

Cold ale, freshly roasted beef barbecued with Goes Bore, Zaifert, and Killy Halifalus.

Gordon, Cars, Doria Tessa and a bunch of meals by that waterfall I spent with Jurchaga.

How fun and good it was!

If you get enough power to dominate the continent, you'll get as much Knight Fish, Corcordur and cow abalone meat as you want.

But is that good enough to be fun?

Zaifert, Killy, Goes Boer, and Gordon, Kainen, and Eurica have all passed away.

I don't eat with them anymore.

That means I'll never visit that goodness again.

But that's why the memories of that time are honorable.

They have finished the battle to live and are now at peace under Patarapoza.

Under a patarapoza of truth that is not such a fig.

Living is joy, and death is peace.

Believe in the tranquillity you will visit one day, and people will live a bittersweet day.

If being born is a blessing, then dying must also be a blessing.

Neither is irreplaceable, just one life event.

Loathing death means letting life slip.

If you refuse the offer, the captain will kill himself.

But humans from all over the continent will be killed.

Because that continent is like a swinging cage that takes captains and grows golden eggs.

I might do something that rocks once in a while, but I wouldn't do anything that would break the eggs inside.

It's hard to forgive that once every hundred or two centuries there will be a great raid of Warcraft, but there's nothing I can do.

There is no way for me to push it off right now.

I just hope that sooner or later there will be a human being out there who can prevent it.

There's only one thing I can do right now.

It's just about avoiding the terrible breakdown in front of you.

Bardo decided his mind.


—— Captain.


Have you thought about it?

--Mm-hmm. Captain, I need you to hold my heart again.

No problem.

All right, we're connected.

Come on, let me give you an answer.

--Before that, I forgot to ask you a few questions. What does a warcraft mean after all? Why is there such a thing as a warcraft? No, I know that when a mad spirit possesses a beast, it becomes a warcraft. I don't know why spirits go crazy.

I don't even know that.

The Warcraft has emerged.

Because it was when I was trapped on a captive island and I was hoarding my strength.

I don't even know why the Spirit went crazy.

I just think...

I wonder if it's like life expectancy as a species.

Life expectancy as a species?

That's right.

Spirit life spans hundreds of years.

If the life expectancy runs out, it will disappear.

With new power in the world of the Spirit.

I'm gonna show up in the world again.

And by then, he's taking over his old memories.

What does it mean to have tens of thousands of years of memory?

I couldn't bear the weight of that memory and went crazy.

I'm guessing it's something like that.

I don't know what the truth is.

Jean was a scholar.

I think you knew more about this than I did.

Jean couldn't find out what happened.

--Hmm. I see. Can't you see that a warcraft is born after all? Too bad. One more thing. Why did King Jean push you into the island of captivity? Why didn't you kill him?

That must have followed our siege laws.

It's been a long time since our sieve stopped killing captured enemies and sinners.

Because life, that is, individual personality, can never be reproduced in a person's hands.

That's why it's avoided that people take people's lives.

Anyway, if you're gonna die in the war, I caught you.

I guess we just had to isolate ourselves on a remote island.

What happened to your friends? Did they still push you in somewhere?

"... my friends."

After losing the battle.

Looks like you chose the path to follow Jean Cruise.

I've also been the first master of labyrinths everywhere.

They were my people.

- You didn't want to come to this earth. You didn't want to leave the sieve. Why did you become captain?

He's been trapped.

Those who feared my power.

Trap me.

In a situation where you don't want to take on the captain of an immigrant ship.

I pushed him.

To be captain or sailor of an immigrant ship.

It was said to be a noble job with self-sacrifice.

It's about bringing sinners into the new world.

- A sinner?

That's right.

The starship passengers...

The sinners.

Because there was no death penalty in our world.

Take away your memory and your knowledge.

I threw it away on the stars.

Speaking of which, I wanted to ask you another question. Weren't you burning orders in the heart of Lugurgoa Geskas? Orders that you cannot, for example, kill or cause to be killed the dragon man Uldru.

You've amazed me so many times.

But you're right.

I also forbade Luglegore Gescus to talk about it.

How the hell did you find out about that?

You must have guessed from the circumstances.

You're getting better and better.

That people as intelligent as you have become users.

I thank the gods.

—— Lugurgoa would have served you well for many years. Wasn't it painful for you that Lugurgoa and the dragon man Uldru, and the dragon man Echidorkier, died?

When I woke up, I found out that Urdoru, Echidorkier and Lugurgoa Geskas were all dead.

I mean, all the executives I put in the human world.

I felt a shock, a strong anxiety.

I was wondering if something fatal had happened while I was asleep.

When I found out you killed Echidorkier with information from the Mechanical Dolls of the Trial Cave.

I'm very surprised.

From the puppet I put in Parzam and Goriola again.

When I found out you fought Luglegore Gescus twice.

I've never been able to help myself.

I thought I found out from my men who put it in Parzam and Goriola. Didn't you leave your men in Sinkai?

I didn't put a puppet in Sinkai.

That was one of the promises we made with Luglegore Gescus.

You didn't tie Luglegore to not kill me.

No, no, no.

Don't let the last use of the Spirit Sword touch you.

He was embedding orders.

I'm guessing he figured out a way to get behind it.

He was the one who wrote the order.

Because it was before I could identify you as an individual.

Orders weren't enough.

—— I will not lay my hands on the last user of the Spirit Sword, bye. But he did try to kill me.... No.

Bardo was struck by surprise.

General Appetite was trying to kill Bardo.

I tried to make an attack to the last moment.

But the truth is, there was an order in my mind that prevented me from killing Bardo.

Suppose the General of Appetite himself was well aware of that.

Everything looks different.

—— What if Lugurgoa had forbidden suicide?



You were forbidden, by the way.

What's wrong with that?

Again, it was.



What did he do?

No way.

But I don't know.

I don't know how it really was.

Now that's something I don't even know.

I don't know how he got behind me.

I'm not interested.

That's not a big deal right now.

Anyway, you survived.

That's all.

But I do feel signs of a revitalized spirit sword.

I can't locate him.

I'm guessing that was the work of something called Jana's bracelet.

- See you later. And We entrusted the treasure from the queen of Manouno.

If only the Queen of Manouno knew she had it.

I was going to take it away in advance.

Well, that means Baldo Rowen is in Fusarion.

I knew it right away.

We sent a human puppet to Fusarion.

But you're on a journey.

I have many puppets in the capital of Parzam.

I was just pointing it elsewhere.

You don't have to do that anymore.


You reveal your whereabouts.

You responded to my invitation.

Come on, let's go.

Answer me, Baldo Lowen.

Accept or Reject


--Hehe. A weapon on a ship mounted on a starship. And labyrinth mechanical dolls and tools.

That's right.

It can't be on this planet. It's the best property.

You can call it a treasure.

It's worth more than anything.

—— Tell me, Captain. Can you eat that?

What is it?

—— Is that good?

What are you talking about?

What are you talking about?

—— The simmering of corulose guts eaten at the border ganz was good. I would choose that over a ship that could rule the sky.

If you get the onboard ship, you'll be free to get any food.

I don't know. Not you.

—— Oh, yeah! I drank that night at Roadvan Castle, and the beef tail soup tasted great. I would rather choose that than a weapon that could wipe out the city.

That's fine.

If we can get the power of the labyrinth,

You can get as many as you want.

—— Right. Can I get ten or ten thousand? Bye, Captain.


—— Remember that even the same food can feel terribly good or tasteless?

Taste depends a lot on your physical condition and mental state.

If you get a healthy body.

You'll feel better than ever.

—— I see. A power that allows even health to be free?

That's right.

You are.

You can be an absolute on this planet.

- Captain, let me tell you something. I think it's good to eat something. I don't know how that feels. It comes from stirring up life. Anyone who gains the power to gain everything or to rule over anyone can't stigmatize the inevitability of life. You can also have friends who share the good taste.


—— Good, remember what the word means? Five hundred years ago was the last time you ate something out of your mouth? A thousand years ago? You know how wonderful it is to lose all of your senses of flesh, your eyes, your nose, your mouth, and just live with resentment as food? Your body will accept food. You know that joy? If you don't know, it means you don't know that living means life. What is the value of a covenant with such a person?

Come on, you savages!

I thought you were a little more intelligent.

The starship and what's in it is a crystal of wisdom.

It was built by mankind over the years and with enormous manpower.

It's packed with the essence of civilization.

You don't even know how wonderful it is!

—— Captain.


—— However, as long as you get the starship, you're going to leave without doing anything.


If it wasn't for that condition, you wouldn't be handing over the starship.

Whether this star flourishes or perishes.

It doesn't matter to me.

- See you later. That's what you think. I think so from the bottom of my heart. I don't think so.

What is it?

—— I wonder what you think when you actually get a starship, fly off this earth, and look down on this earth from the far sky. I wonder what thoughts will come to your heart when you see this earth, which has been my prison for a thousand years. Hate. I want to turn it off. Don't you think so? Hate each other, kill each other, destroy them in despair, don't you think?


The captain was upset.

I was upset, listening to Bardo, imagining the scene, staring at the thoughts that had sprung up in my heart.

Bardo was right.

When that happens.

If you leave this star's crease.

Both this star and the people who live there will hate and can't wait.

Would do exactly what Bardo pointed out.

That's what I realized.

And Bardo also found out that the captain had realized that.

It connects the mind with the heart.

That desire for hatred and destruction has been conveyed to Arias and Baldo.

The captain also found out that it had been passed on to Baldo.

In other words, we learned from each other that the veracity of the undertakings, which are no longer prerequisites for negotiations, has been lost.

- What a strong hatred. At the bottom of your heart, every human being in this land hates and hates. Bye, Captain. Even if so much hatred springs from your heart, it's the same thing. I can't give you a starship without you. Attracting and passing on a starship means entrusting the life of all the creatures of this earth to you. We will never be able to give such power to those who have forgotten the haphazardness and beauty of life and have forsaken their lives honorable hearts. That's my answer.

Now Bardo had consolidated his determination that he would never obey the captain's thoughts.

It is the determination never to listen to the captain, even if he is threatened with taking all the beloved hostages and killing these people if he does not call the starship.

This strong rejection was naturally passed on to the Captain as well.

The captain conveys a strong sense of anger.

Bardo remembered the feeling as if he had been thrown into boiling water.

It's a shame.

I'm sorry to hear that.

I spent a lot of time looking into the negotiations.

It ended in failure.

You let me undress my heart without realizing it.

I can't trust you anymore.

Besides, you've revealed what's deep in my heart.

I can't use the same hand on the next user of the Spirit Sword.

It's a shame.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Baldo Lowen.

I hate you.

I will never forgive you.


Are you ready to die?

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