Chapter 8 "Patara Poza" Oh

[Episode 1: Dark Call]

Fusarions that continue to develop. Baldo, who is in no physical condition at all, continues to be made a voice that calls to him. The awakening of the dark god Patarapoza is close. Knowing so, Bardo consolidates his determination to embark on a journey again in order to regain the physical and mental strength to be able to confront the Dark God.

[Episode 2]

Take Cars and Seto on a journey and meet Baldo, who mourns the decay of his body, but in the cocoa of the great lord of Yadbargi, a man named after Baldo Lowen. A lord is murdered, and Bardo the Maker is the suspect. At a public trial, Bardo used his companions to uncover the conspiracy of the Lords' deputies.

[Episode 3 Running Down]

A Bardo line begged for an overnight inn in Sir Kurt Andales's Hall. Seeing Ceto pair up with the soldiers in the hall, Bardo is impressed with its growth. Bardo, whose subordinate Shema of Sir Andales runs into a place where he runs off with the depths of Sir, offers to be the guardian knight of love unexpectedly.

[Episode 4: Middle Zarkos]

A line of Baldo visiting Maisian territory finds out that Gordon Zarkos was dead, as well as that Kainen and Eurica had also left the world. Baldo, remembering the danger to the middle that inherited the lord's seat, preaches this.

Episode 5: Gordon's Love

A visit to the Linz realm, the Bardo line enjoys a pleasant evening with former lord Simon Epivarez. At that feast Bardo hears the story of Gordon Zarkos' love of his youth. Trisha, who was Simon's adopted daughter, and Gordon, who was studying knighthood under Simon, were in love and were supposed to get married.

Episode 6: The Queen's Struggle

Baldo is shocked by the news that Julelant was dead last year. Having finally regained his temper over the matter, Bardo listens to Simon about Parzam's recent developments. After Jules' death, the queen Princess Shernelia struggled, saying that Chantillion was to become the substitute king and that the next king would have Prince Bardolant.

[Episode 7 Etna]

Baldo across Ova, but I can't decide if I should visit the King's Capital. That's when I stopped by in the city of Mithra to get a pinch of bread from one woman. Inspired by its flair and realizing that the people's rich life was brought about by Julelant's devotion, Bardo is finally ready to face off against Patarapoza.

[Episode 8: Prisoned Island]

Removing Jana's bracelet, the Dragon Man Chitil Arch picked her up. Taking him to the island of the Dragonman, Bardo finally faces the evil spirit king, namely the dark god Patalapoza. What a captive island itself was the identity of the evil spirit king.

[Episode 9 selected]

The King of the Evil Spirit, who connected his heart to Bardo, tells him that his only wish is to get a starship and return home to avenge it. And at the price of invoking a starship, we give up control over weapons, registered ships, and labyrinths, and try to give them a thousand years of life, youth, and health by taking in divine spiritual beasts. Bardo refuses this, and the captain decides to kill Bardo.

[Episode 10: Spirit]

At the last moment Bardo finds out who the starship is, he defeats the captain. It was the countless spirits freed from the captain who helped Bardo, who was supposed to die as he was. Bardo looks back at his love for Idra as he is carried by the Spirits into the night sky.

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