The Old Knight of a Frontier District
Episode 6 Fort Corpos Rescue (Part II)
While scolding the soldiers who stood up, Bardo let those who were out of the fort in and let the gates down.
Approaching are ten blue leopards (Yerger) and ten owl monkeys.
Bardo glanced at him.
The first to strike should have been ten blue leopards and ten owl monkeys.
They were all knocking down a few.
The carcass was also seen by Bardo.
Yet now there are ten of them both approaching.
How can this ridiculous thing happen?
Now, it's like.
Isn't it as if it was replenished just for the reduced amount?
Besides, these guys do act as a group.
If you look at the red light in your eyes, you don't doubt the Warcraft, but you are acting least suited to the Warcraft.
Reaching the fort, the warcraft looked up at man and began to emit a voice of intimidation.
It's like you're asking me out.
I can't.
I can't solve it, but I'm not thinking about it.
If you look over, all the frightening is in the eyes of the soldiers.
What can I do to turn this eye into a normal one?
It is decided.
All you have to do is show him a sample.
and Bardo sharply called for a deputy general.
Chantillion, already dressed in silver armor, replied Rilli.
standing behind it, still headed to the two accompanying knights in armor, Bardo said,
Knight Tsargary.
Knight nuts.
Let's let the troublemakers do their job.
Bring each of those big shields over there.
Thank you. Happiness. "
"I didn't know you could fight with the General, the ultimate honor."
and the two knights smiled invincibly and followed Bardo's instructions.
On the road so far, we had time to feel a single scale of each other's personality and martial arts.
Also, the honest respect that Chantillion, the master, turns to Baldo, is affecting these two as well.
A decent piece of equipment, and if you look at yourself, the men who know you're an armed samurai.
It was Baldo, who had both of his top knights set out to use instead of his squire, but now he was thankful for that good fortune.
These four can fight.
The Baldos walked out of the East Gate.
To fight the blue leopard, it is really good to weaken it with poison arrows before attacking it with a combination of shield holding and spears.
But there is no poison here.
Horses can be killed if you use them, and it's hard to defend them while they're riding.
It's a problem if twenty Warcraft strike at once, but we have to do something about it.
We really need to turn to offense here.
The Warcraft circled to a position where they could see.
That means we can see this one from over there.
One of the blue leopards came running this way.
It's like, first of all, I'm just saying I'll take a look at things on my own.
Tsargary and Nuts with a large shield are ordered to focus on defense.
Bardo stands between the two, letting Chantillion protect his back.
Both Baldo and Chantillion have kite shields on their left.
Bardo pulled out his ancient sword as he dazzled at the warcraft running by.
Stavros, it's time.
The ancient demon sword emitted blue and green phosphorescence.
Glowed brightly.
However, this light can only be seen in Baldo.
I feel the warm power flowing in from my sword boost my vitality.
Warcraft jumped and attacked Baldo.
Bardo waved his ancient sword and struck the face of the Warcraft.
The two shield holders adjusted their shields to an angle that would not stand in their way by looking at Baldo's behavior.
The ancient sword entered through the middle of the forehead of the warcraft, slashing and tearing down his throat.
Warcraft fell to the ground, convulsed, but it was clear that he had suffered fatal injuries.
Soldiers watching from the top of the fort's walls rose.
The sight of immortal monsters buried in one blow who did not die, whether cut or poked, should have lit their eyes with hope.
and it was Chantillion who whispered a small praise.
Two blue leopards just ran in there.
I ordered the two shielded men to guard against it.
The two accompanying knights, surprised by the magnitude of their response, properly prevented the first shooting of the Warcraft.
A warcraft dived under his shield and stuck his nails up the right foot of the knight on the right.
but fine armor withstood that attack.
The shock should have gone into the body, but the knight didn't break his attitude.
There is no Baldo's sword on his front leg before the Warcraft draws his body.
I didn't get to slash it off, but I was able to scratch it deep.
Hold him in, and Baldo commanded Tsargary on the right, and the nut on the left,
and raised a warning voice, almost simultaneously.
The blue leopard on the left flew away once he backed down and followed his escape.
The Warcraft made a blow to the left knight's helmet as he jumped over the shield, and went straight over Baldo's head as Baldo did not poke up the shield on his left hand.
Capturing a moment passing overhead, Chantillion's sword captured the demonic belly.
The scream raised by the Warcraft taught that the attack had a mundane effect.
Chantillion looked back quickly and back-to-back with Bardo.
Bardo didn't look at you, but he felt signs that Chantillion was surprised.
That should be it, too.
Chantillion is now wearing a sword with the Devil's Sword (Blue Lady (Ele Sichel)) attacked by the Duke of Argoride family.
Chantillion believed that if it had that terrible cleavage, all of us could break even the Warcraft.
But I actually put a demon sword into the warcraft, and instead of breaking it, I finally scratched it.
You've figured out the horror of something called a warcraft.
If you ask Bardo the most, he was just a superior demon sword and just a chantillion, such as giving a single blow to a powerful enemy named the Blue Leopard Warcraft.
Bardo jumped forward and gave a painful blow to the back of the warcraft that Tsargary was sealing his movements.
Probably seriously damaged his spine, the beast hit Baldo.
As Bardo pulled himself back, the nuts quickly swung their shields to start the Warcraft.
So again Bardo stepped forward and made a deadly blow to the blue leopard's neck.
Behind you there is the sound of Chantillion interacting with the Warcraft.
Baldo called out, aiming for his leg, and I stabbed him.
"I got it."
and also replied to the discipline and Chantillion slashed on the foot of the blue leopard safely.
At this time Bardo was turning around and cut the head of the Warcraft, which stopped moving for a moment, into two pieces.
Bardo hung up on the order to leave.
Each of the three returned a reply of understanding.
The knight's strength is better seen retreating (wanting to come) than watching him attack (Shinko).
Moving forward and breaking enemies can be done by anyone with momentum, but keeping damage under control while walking with your allies requires training and guts.
In that regard, there is no doubt that these four are first-degree knights, because they did not break down their attitudes to the warcraft that attacked them one after the other, and they retreated firmly at a twisting and constant rate.
Besides, I let that happen for the first time in a whole collaboration, so if I were also a military supervisor of the King's Army on this occasion, I would have accidentally raised my voice of admiration.
As the two shielded men suppressed the two blue leopards, the blue leopard jumped overhead and struck its powerful right forelimb against Baldo's left head.
Bardo was just tapping off the owl, so he couldn't intercept this.
Though the shock escaped by shaking his head in the opposite direction, the damage went through.
But now Baldo is not scared of anything like that.
The leather helmet of Porpo's soul is protecting me.
Surprisingly, Chantillion, who had just sprung the two owl monkeys, twirled and flipped, striking a demon sword into the forehead of the blue leopard that struck Bardo.
It was a great reflex nerve, but this was a bad hand.
The sword was begun and his posture disturbed, and Chantillion was pushed down by the blue leopard.
Baldo slashed off the neck of the blue leopard that grabbed Chantillion's throat.
Kicking the body of the blue leopard who lost his neck, Bardo pulled Chantillion's right hand to get him up.
If a knight with full armor falls, it's something that helps a nearby ally get up.
I want my head.
My hands are numb.
Even with the Devil's Sword, the blade spills, and it breaks.
Yes, Chantillion replied to Bardo's words, not getting up, knocking down two jumping owl monkeys.
Bardo smashed those two heads.
While I was doing that, I reached the East Gate.
Did you enliven the valor of the Baldos, the soldiers with the spears held the warcraft in their hands and managed to slide well into the gate?
The blue leopard, who had chewed (or broken) the tip of the spear and stuck his head out, fed the ancient sword.
When the gate closed, the many prepared round-tails held the door tight.
Drinking up the water offered, Bardo deliberately breathed heavily.
Chantillion and the two shielded knights weakened so that they could follow it.
may also be referred to as
It was a short time, but there has rarely been such a dense battle.
His face, which drinks water off his helmet, is filled with a grin.
The soldiers of the fort gather around it, let them take off their armor and send the wind, give them water and food, and spoken of their struggles.
Several came around Baldo as well.
Those eyes are no longer dead.
If you look, there is a knight who explained to Bardo earlier the state of the war so far.
Sounds like a knight in quite a position.
And when he commanded the knight, and put the eight soldiers upon the turn of the east gate, he called out to Chantillion and to the two of his companions.
Well done.
Even when I went to the pacra, it worked.
After a break, now I'm out of the West Gate.
The three of them answered with a very good voice.
But there are those who differ in it.
"My Lord General.
Didn't you teach us how to fight? "
He's the knight who explained the war.
The name is definitely Ray Kobak.
Who fights with the knight Ray Kobak!
Several soldiers responded to Bardo's raised voice.
It's a good number of fighters.
Of the ten blue leopards, five are alive and moving.
There are seven owl monkeys left, but they are all hand wounded.
Safe and sent out only those with full body armor.
He had three men in pairs, one with a spear, and two with a shield and a one-handed sword.
It just so happens that six groups could be formed.
Bardo gave instructions from above the castle wall, letting two pairs deal with one.
You can just get rid of the owl.
Because if you defeat the blue leopard, you are an enemy that has nothing to do with it.
Don't you dare!
Warcraft and not immortality.
You can't scratch it with a single blow, but you just have to hit it ten times.
Focus the attack on the neck and cut their lives off.
I can't actually beat ten times the amount of trouble because it's not exactly something I can attack in the exact same place.
Still, if you keep attacking, it does work.
As I realized that, eventually the morale of the soldiers also increased.
There were no more dangerous occasions, but I wiped out all the blue leopards without losing a single one.
If it were a big blue leopard like the one who fought in Jameen's neighborhood one day, this would not have happened very much, but fortunately today's blue leopard is two or three times smaller.
The Chantillyons, rearmed, are watching the battle next to Bardo.
"In Pacra, you always fight enemies like that.
Are all the knights of Pacra as magnificent as General Bardo? "
Inspired by this word by local love, Bardo, unexpectedly,
Not compared to such an old man.
Your lord Galiera Tercia is beyond saying.
The lead knight, Seidelmont Expengler, is a young knight.
I replied.
It is Baldo who felt better even though Chantillion and the two accompanying knights looked surprised, but will later regret this statement.
"My Lord General!
New enemies appear in the northwest direction.
Ten shilozuno. "
In the wake of the voices of things, Bardo confirmed a new enemy.
The decision was quick.
First, he ordered Chantillion and the two accompanying knights to be equipped with shields and horse spears.
The knights out there were ordered to enter the fort from the east gate immediately.
And he commanded the wizards to cast down round stones and stones before the north gate.
He also ordered spare spears to be prepared.
And I took a spear and a shield myself and spanned Uytan.
It's a big Shilozno.
As tall as a horse.
The skeleton is crusty and weighs more than a horse.
The initial speed is not so much, but when acceleration is applied, the momentum is faint.
On its head grows a large, hammer-shaped white horn, the origin of its name.
Shilozno's assault cannot be prevented by the infantry, even if it has not been warcrafted.
We need horse mobility to fight Shilozno.
The four Baldos struck out of the west gate.
Yueitan runs, runs.
Run at great speed.
The three in the back are pulled apart in large measure.
He circled from his left on the brink of the enemy, supposedly jumping in from the front of the leading Shilozno, and penetrated his horse spear deep into his neck muscle.
He let go of his hand from the spear as it was and ran through the left rear of the Warcraft through the huge horns coming at him.
Bardo ran in a large, left-turning circle as he remained, feeling signs that the Warcraft had fallen and several of its successors had been involved behind him.
Again, that's crazy.
Normally, the Shiloznos are supposed to start chasing Bardo, but keep going towards the fort.
However, the following three spears were successfully penetrated, so the herd's assault speed was able to burst.
Bardo circled in front of the West Gate.
As per the meeting, there are many replacement spears standing.
I grabbed the spear and headed for the North Gate as I ran through Uytan.
Shilozno and the others were beginning to head for the gate.
The gate would have been broken if it hadn't been for killing the momentum in advance and dropping round-tails and stones in front of the gate to make the scaffolding worse.
When he stuck a spear from the side into the base of that one neck, he quickly disengaged.
The Chantillions follow this.
The rest was this repetition.
And after weakening the warcraft, he mowed his neck with an ancient sword.
Those who watch will be surprised.
Just wave this short sword from the horse and your neck will be completely cut off.
For those who do not see the strange light of this sword, it will look like a magical sword move.
When I lost the life of the last Warcraft, I got a loud cheer.
If you look up, the soldiers are belling on the walls, poking up the weapon in your hand to heaven.
Those who do not possess weapons are shaking up their bushes.
Bardo also raised his ancient sword and responded to this.
The cheer grew a bit louder.
We won.
Baldo's intuition captured something.
I turned around and saw something move in the far rocky mountains.
The signs vanished in an instant.
Bardo stayed at Fort Corpos for seven days.
The knights Ray Kobak buried the dead, provided allowances for the wounded, and took food and medicine from Mithra.
The Warcraft raid never happened again.
In the meantime, Bardo taught him how to fight warcraft.
Day eight.
As soon as the matter was put together in a report addressed to Prince Wang, and stuck to the knight Tsargary and the knight nut, Chantillion and I left the fort behind.
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