The Old Knight of a Frontier District
Episode 9: Love Song (Middle Edition)
"Dear Bardo Lowen,
Your appointment as General of the King Parzam Army.
Congratulations. "
After greeting Bardo and Chantillion, what Doriatessa said was a celebration of the general's inauguration.
I plan to quit the general soon, but I can't even speak of an unannounced HR, Bardo answered vaguely.
When Doriatessa said it was good as before because of the strangely altered language, it did not come to that against him who was climbed by the head of the king's army, and he got angry.
Doriatessa, sitting in a chair with her sword off, asked if Cars and Jurchaga were absent.
Now I am accompanied on an expedition in the presence of Prince Wang, saying,
So Lord Cars and Jurchaga served in the kingdom of Parzam?
And he looked terribly surprised.
Bardo replied that he had not served in particular, that he was only serving temporarily, and that he would return to me when he returned from the expedition, and asked how Doriatessa's work was.
"None of this, nothing has started yet.
They say there are three people I coach.
They say there are five candidates, but I have nothing to do until His Royal Highness Prince Wang returns home to run for office. "
When she asked if she was busy because of the many invitations to the night club, she gave a troubled expression with a beautiful frown.
"Did you get in your ear?
Nobility is a nightclub favorite in our country, but it's more than that. "
At the ball at the Royal Palace, I thought that would be all you had to do if you danced with one person.
Unexpectedly, however, a large number of princesses asked me to sign up for the dance, and I didn't know who to turn down, so I ended up dancing with all the princesses.
Though he spared the difficulty of exchanging words with stranger nobles, he was hungry, his body tired, and he was troubled.
Originally, he said he didn't like night clubs, so he refused all the offers.
Give the reason that you can't do anything on your own until Prince Wang is back and properly inaugurated.
"By the way, I was a little surprised that Lord Chantillion was here.
When did you get along? "
And because I asked a straightforward (tiny) question that seemed like Doriatesa, I explained that I had known her face since before the Border Race Martial Association, that the two of us had been on assignment and had traveled for about three months.
I couldn't tell to what extent I could tell what was inside or what was wrong, so I put it in an ambiguous way, but Chantillion made up for the lack of tongue.
"I would like to ask you this, but the fort in the north was attacked by numerous warcraft.
I offered Lord Bardo, the main general of the Chinese army, and along with him I defeated the great warcraft.
And then we went around several villages in the south, surveyed the public opinion, and took a journey to punish the bad guys. "
Doria Tessa was very interested and asked more questions.
Chantillion explained that while the specific place and person names lay low, they largely made sense of the events.
"Oh, what do you mean?
There is always an adventure around Master Bardo.
There is justice, there is a noble will.
Lord Chantillion.
I am also a lifelong lucky man to meet Bardo and be saved and guided. "
"I know you, Lord Doriatessa.
Those who are close to my door have taught me more about the adventures spoken by the Jurchaga. "
Then the two had a terrible time talking about their journey and adventure.
Knowing that there was a record of Bardo's adventure under Chantillion, Doriatessa wanted a copy of it, but Bardo sealed the topic with a gaze of coughing.
Also, when we found out that each other's swords were demonic swords, we showed each other "The Maiden of the Night" and "The Blue Lady" and admired the beauty of the other's swords.
When Bardo asked if the "maiden of the night" had not been returned to her house,
"I gave it back once, but when I decided to leave Parzam this time, my brother gave it to me again.
If there's a fumbler, this will kill him, "he said.
The answer returned.
For some reason Chantillion gave Doria Tessa a slightly tight face, with a mouthful, would you accept the dress as a gift?
Doriatessa, with a decent face for a moment, said no because she wasn't going to go out to a nightclub in a dress while she was in this country, but it would be in vain.
I was concerned about how Chantillion was sober when I heard that.
And I thought.
Speaking of which, when we talked about Doria Tessa before, Chantillion's reaction was too good.
Was it not the pleasure of meeting a good enemy, but the pleasure of meeting a woman with a certain heart (so to speak)?
I came all the way to visit today and thought it would be oddly grumpy, but now you were telling me that Doria Tessa would be here.
But Bardo wasn't so sure about this idea of his.
Baldo has a reputation for bluntness between men and women.
I used to be asked to bridge love when I was younger, but when Bardo walked in quickly, it didn't work out for some reason.
In time, I was nicknamed "The Man Who Breaks Love," and I was greatly outraged, but all my efforts to actually take it failed.
Not to mention, he himself had to admit his low sensitivity with regard to sex.
The flowers completely blossomed into the conversation, so I encouraged the two of them to have dinner.
Dinner was ready as soon as it was ready.
The main course was fish dishes.
Because I have a customer, or I purposefully serve,
"Baked Dake's Milk Oil (Bouillet)"
and turned it down and lined up the plates.
The way in which dishes are served in advance is unique to this House.
It's more of a camouflage style.
Normally, the dishes are taken to the table in large plates or pans, and the main guests are separated from the mistletoe.
Here the dishes are served on plates and beautifully decorated with moderate sauces and accompaniments to be transported to the supper room.
It is forbidden to go out into the hallway for those who have no use for supper time, lest they be disturbed in their wages walking with plates.
The waiter's servant says he can even be made to train to run without breaking the dish.
Why, because Kamler believes that "warm dishes are served while warm, cold dishes are served while cold".
The servants say it would be easier for the military and others to serve here.
Still, isn't it rude to talk about Dakez's baking of bouillets?
Dakez is a delicious white fish.
It is not the kind of ingredient to serve to a valued customer.
Besides, I always use bouillet when baking in a flat pot in this house, so it's like I'm declaring it clueless tonight.
Bardo carried the dish to his mouth with a little anger.
What the hell is this?
The spice began to spill around in my mouth.
What a big competition for flashy aromas and stimulation.
I took the sauce on top of the dish with a knife and saw what the deakes were like.
The spices are surprisingly covering the surface of the fillets of Dakez.
I have known for a long time that Camlar has purchased and used a really wide variety of spices.
Bardo was a lot surprised that spices were so varied.
The surface of this fish is stunned with a horrible variety of spices.
And it's baked with flour hanging from it.
Moreover, not only the lower side of the fillet, but also the upper side is cooked.
It was strange that I used to bake this way in another dish, and I asked Camlar.
Then the man had a faint face,
"It's all about just shrugging a burnt bouillet and hanging it from the top over and over again"
And I deceived him.
Oh, the fillet.
A fillet of deakez.
It's puffy for some reason.
Don't you have plenty of good taste?
How can it taste like this?
Is Nakahara's Daekez different from that on the border?
Besides, I like this white sauce.
Was it a sauce that combined lightly baked flour with fish broth mixed with oil drained from the milk?
Eating the sauce alternately with the vegetarian state adds another touch of goodness.
In between, moreover, bite the bread and eat it on the sauce.
Here we go again!
Tonight's wine is white.
Early picking of Ariane Fisse, extremely dry.
The cooler it is.
I can't wait for the refreshment of hitting the back of my throat directly.
Chantillion and Doria Tessa also enjoy a great evening meal with a thriving voice of surprise.
It'll be hard on you about yourself, but that guy always thinks only about cooking.
Is there also chivalry in cooking?
The topic of the two young men had shifted to Baldo's first extravaganza.
I relax from the heart, but then the two behave elegantly.
It's beautiful to see, and it's just fun to watch you talk.
"The depth of Lord Cars' moves cannot even be measured by me.
Lord Bardo's strength is all he looks at. "
And Chantillion said something outrageous.
No, you've been looking in my hand for the past three months, so you know exactly what I mean.
The moves are much better.
And Bardo said, "Chantillion, I think that's more and more because I saw it," he returned.
until Doriatessa,
"I think the same thing.
Lord Cars also said that the strength of your uncle is rarely of any kind. "
and so forth.
Bardo laughed bitterly and said that he himself had said that I would attack Cars only once a hundred times.
"I heard those words too, so I saw Bardo's overwhelming strength at the Border Race Martial Association and wondered.
So I asked about the roads to the Imperial Capital.
Then Lord Cars said:
That was the case then.
But my uncle is different now.
Originally, His uncle was laid to the ground by a rare famous swordsman.
But then he trained knights to fight with power.
Whoever has a sword must choose whether to fight with force or with skill.
These two are difficult to reconcile because the training methods are as different as they are on the battlefield.
So the teaching of moves remained asleep in His uncle's house.
But as he grew old and weakened, he got inspired and his moves woke.
Even so, it may be temporary because we haven't really trained in moves for many years.
Also, your health will fade with age and eventually you won't be able to fight.
But for some reason, my uncle is young in strength and responsiveness.
And I know the best moves, so I'm a tough warrior.
When I heard the words of Lord Cars, I thought it would be. "
When he heard Doriatessa say this, Bardo was surprised but also at the point of falling to the fu.
Even Chantillion mentioned this.
"Even so.
That figure where Lord Bardo stood with his sword and shield at the Border Race Martial Association.
To your mere appearance of standing, I felt so wary that I trembled.
That's what everyone should have thought.
When I first saw General Napala Fujimo, I was more impressed than no.
Plus, that move that struck Lord Enes Caron.
What a strange and beautiful move. "
I feel like I've heard the name Enes Caron somewhere, but where it was.
Asking Chantillion, he says he's the winner of Division IV.
That's what I remember when they said it.
Bardo faced that knight, Enes Caron, in an exemplary match, and after taking two in a row, a lightly dropped sword on the top of the head of the helmet (Kabu) triumphed by cutting the opponent's consciousness.
It wasn't a blow I let go of trying to hit, it was a blow my body moved on its own.
But Chantillion is the one who specializes in attacks that inflict pain on people inside by hitting them from above the armor.
When Bardo said that and praised Chantillion's moves, he looked badly uncomfortable.
"I'm just embarrassed if you compliment me.
That is a technique of guessing and hitting bones and muscle movements in armor, as you will notice, making it very difficult to see where and when to hit.
It worked out well at the Border Race Martial Association, but if the opponent is a little more skilled or riding a horse, the chances of success are very low.
This move failed the rogue who met with the swordsman Zendatta. "
That's right.
I was wondering why I failed.
That's what happened, Bardo was good at it.
Then Doriatessa pinched her mouth.
"Lord Chantillion.
I was also wondering about that Bardo-like move.
So I asked Lord Cars.
Then he told me:
You would have seen your uncle drop Kathua branches by the waterfall.
If I could do that, it would be a move. "
Shantillion asked what it was about, and Doriatessa began to explain.
Listening to that, Bardo also remembered.
It was just a year ago now.
To train Doriatesa, Cars, Bardo, Gordon and Jurchaga spent some time by the waterfalls behind the border mountains.
One day, Doriatessa's move went one step further, and Cars celebrated by slashing off every branch of Kathua's flower with a brilliant move.
The celebration in that case is more of a move that slashed it, not a flower.
Seeing it, Bardo remembered the moves shown to him by his master in the past.
And I accidentally slashed Kathua's branches myself.
The boneless ancient sword was unwrought, and the branches fell sharply and danced to the water, as I remembered some time later.
I don't know how I rolled it out myself, it was a strange move.
Yeah, that was my teacher's, Cantor Edda's show move.
Cantor Edda's memories made Bardo sift that move.
I see.
As Cantor Edda's memory fades from now on, so will Bardo's moves.
Also, just because he knows the moves, Bardo can't move as fast as Cantor Edda or Cars.
Because such training has not been piled up.
But now.
For a while to come.
The Devil's Sword Stabolos gives me strength and strength, and Cantor Edda's teachings give me moves.
Bardo wondered once again what a blessing he was.
We talked for a while and Doriatessa left.
Chantillion sent him away. He showed it like that, but something,
"Lord Chantillion does not treat me like a woman, he treats me properly as a knight.
Thank you very much. "
They just told me, so it seemed hard to cut it out.
After dropping off Doria Tessa, Bardo asked Chantillion if he had come here to see Lord Doria Tessa.
Chantillion wandered his face bright red,
"Hey do it.
I'm here to see Lord Bardo.
I came, but I didn't know Lord Doriatessa might come for a moment.
I was hoping for a prediction. "
And I've returned an honest answer.
Having gained momentum even though the topic had reached that point, Chantillion has been consulting with us as to how we might be able to direct the feelings of Lord Doriatessa here.
There is a sense that Bardo is oblivious to his hand.
I've never had a lot of results from advising you before.
So I couldn't say much about stepping in, and I asked him how his uncle had spoken of him.
"You sure you sang a love song under the window?
Right, a song!
Lord Bardo.
You taught me good things. "
and went home in momentum.
Bardo wondered if we could run horses so fast around the city as we went outside the hall and dropped them off.
And I bluffed.
Love song, I thought.
Bari Toad came home late at night.
You look terribly tired.
When asked if it was a difficult meeting, it was the same, but then the incident happened.
Oh, my God, there was an intruder in the back palace.
The prick snuck into the women's quarters, completely unnoticed by the Kingsguard knights, and sang a song in the garden, daring invincibly.
And have a sweet sweet love song.
The Knights, who received reports that a man was singing in the garden, looked up and several knights entered the backyard.
The noise did not increase, so a small number of people headed for it.
The prick continued to sing in the darkness of night and darkness, using the bushes to crouch the hand of the Kingsguard knight and cross his sword.
I stunned two knights to give it to you.
And when he finished singing, Yuyu said he disappeared deep into the garden inside the royal palace.
Three months after Chantillion pulled the Kingsguard captain, the selection of his successor has been delayed.
The head of the maintenance operation of the Royal Palace has just been inaugurated tonight by the Marquis of Pawcruz.
The Marquis of Pawcruz is the eldest son of the Duke of Argoride and for Chantillion, who transferred his domicile to the Argoride main house, he becomes his stepfather.
"If Chantillion had remained a Kingsguard captain, such a jerk would not have been able to break in"
He said he was outraged.
Sometimes lost servants and mischievous princes may come in because the female residence area is connected in the garden with the royal palace and if the gate of the fence is open, it will pass.
This time too, it was important (oh and) because it was time to take in something, but maybe no one would have to take responsibility, Bari Toad said.
There's no way to hide it, Bardo explained his conversation with Chantillion.
Bari Toad said after a long silence, let's keep this a secret between the two of us,
More than that, Bari Toad dived in his voice and told Bardo.
"His Royal Highness Prince Wang will be back shortly.
Tomorrow the king's capital will be touched, and the day after tomorrow we will have a triumphal parade to return to the royal palace.
General Bardo wants you to come into the royal palace in the morning.
Tomorrow night or the morning after tomorrow, His Royal Highness Prince Wang will see the General. "
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