The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit. 1005

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Of course ..."

"What?" "The woman asked in the same way.

Qin Shoudao: "Take him, let me look at Wan Shan Mountain ... Well, Wan Mi Mountain seems to have trouble!"

"Ah?" The girl exclaimed.

Worry: "How can it be good? The anger of the saints, the sky, the road ancestors want to deal with you, even if he can't shoot, you can send countless masters ..."

Qin Shou smiled: "Okay, look at your scared, nothing, there is me. I dare to provoke him, there is a way to deal with him ... but before, I

It's going to do something ready. You don't look at it, someone will come. "

"Who comes?" Everyone asked curiously.

Qin Shoudao: "Of course ... I found the savior. Well, although I haven't found it yet ..."

Everyone is talking again ...

However, Qin Shou quickly went out. After a long time, Tianding Tianding with a team of 100,000 people will fall from the sky, and these Tianfang will directly stationed in the Wande Mountain, and the Guifeng on the side of the moon.

Kwai is a bit worried: "Will you help you block the saints?"

Qin Shou smiled; "Blocking the saint is a joke, the whole heavens are moving it. But the saints can't shoot, and the saints are under, ... encounter these Tianbi Tian, ​​it is enough for them to drink a pot. ! This is an officer, who touches who is unlucky!

However, this is just a deterrent power, I am afraid that I am afraid that I am too old to play yin, find someone to attack what. "

"Sneak attack? We look at the moon mountains, many major arrays, he wants to attack, not so easy." Kwai Road.

Qin Shou smiled: "Of course, it is not so easy, but if it is sluggish, it is not enough. So, we hope to improve the overall power,

At that time, he is coming, what is the ghost zombie, you can go! "

"Where is it so good, I have been very hard, and I have to respect it. If it is Yadheng, there is no way ..." The Kwat is bitter.

Just then the rainbow suddenly opened: "General Yadheng, I can kill."

Qin Shou slang, staring at Qin Shou, this was shocked, and the rainbow became a breakthrough! How long?

Qin Shou Road: "Rainbow, how did you do it?"

Rainbow thought after thinking about it, he said: "I don't know, anyway, it will be so bad."

Qin Shou bar, sigh, sigh: "When people are more dead ..." He is more affirmation, this rainbow is definitely a big reincarnation! However, who is it?

Qin Shou guess can't guess, too lazy to guess, there are too many people around me, Qin Shou has been used to it.

Qin Shoudao: "Well, look at your look, things are not as bad as you think. Too many old men want to deal with me, not so easy. Under the day, people who can kill me have not born yet "

"I think this is necessary to talk with the two demon emperors. If Tianstrinde is a hand, the concerns of the ancestors should be more." Hook Chen Dao.

Qin Shou shook his head: "No, Daddy, the uncle, they still have other things, I can solve it, I can solve it. Ok, I have n'thing to do, I am going to be closed!"

"Closing the door?" The girl was stunned.

Qin Shou nodded: "Yes, the last time hunting will have not been able to use it. Since things are solved, I should have closed it. This time, I have to break through the San! Those Sheng came to a kill, come and two, I kill a pair! "

Draw a woman, Qin Shou went to the closed-door secret room, and made a big array, then let the swallowing people's protection law, this is careful to take a Dan medicine, it is the Di Danzi!

At the beginning, we were destroyed, with endless power and toxins, but they have been busy, he didn't time to calm down to absorb the power in this medicinal medicine. I finally have time ...

Xiang Liu called the poison teacher, the strength is also extremely powerful in many Yadong, most importantly, Xiangliu has nine heads, nine hearts, a person is equivalent to the nine strength of San! If you don't play Liu Liu, you can't make it a baby, plus the baby's baby. If Qin Shou puts so many people, it may not be able to kill the willow.

The strength of the will will will be strong than the red lotus fire absorbed by Qin Shou.

Many! Absorbs his strength, Qin Shou estimate, he should be able to break through the Sheng Sheng!

In the entrance, under the action of the mother Dan, the strength of Na Dan has begun to release it slowly, and the speed is getting faster and faster!

Qin Shou only felt a stunning talents constantly swim in the body, hit, his flesh became more and more powerful, poisonous, although it is not a top-level road, but it is inconvenient, all the power under the sky, there are A poison branch! Even if it is the so-called holy force, for dark creatures, it is also a poisonous!

Therefore, the way to poison may not be the most powerful road, but the quantity of the contained roads, and there are also many ways between the heavens and the earth.

And Qin Shou's flesh, the most lack of way! It requires endless road to strengthen the flesh, build its own power system, thus breaking through the stabilization!

At the same time, Qin Shou's head, lotus bloom again, a piece of petals opened, Qin Shou's strength began to fly! However, Qin Shou is still dissatisfied, the idea moves, the gathering of the gathering, the power of Wanxing, which is sprinkled on the nine days, is all gathered!

At the same time, swallowing the eyes of the people, a golden light and Qin Shou links, the many ways of the swallow-talking people have transferred to Qin Shoucies!

Qin Shou's flesh became more and more powerful ... ..

Chapter 426 is very fierce

Very fierce

Wang Yue Mountain is so big, naturally alarmed the whole Wan Mountain, and countless people's eyes. After discovering that the movement of Wang Yue Mountain, he recovered his eyes. Today, Qin Shou is in the day of the day, no one dares to provoke!

However, Wang Yue Mountain still stepped up the defense, and the women always tighten the nerves, and they did not dare to loose. However, the anger of the ancestors in their imagination did not happen, everything was calm. However, the more this, the more they are worried ...

Soon, three days have passed, the fourth day is not bright, Wang Yue Mountain has a thick dark cloud, and the black cloud is getting thicker and thicker, but there is no rain. Then the wind is mastered, a black wind suddenly came, the position is hoped in the moon!

The horrible black wind, directly covering the entire Wang Yue Mountain, and put all the Tianfang on Kui Shan's sky!

100,000 days of soldiers will bring the team's generals, and when they see the situation in front of them, they immediately call; "The whole army is in the army, no attack, defense, come, speed to inform the heavens, we need help!"

However, the voice is old, and the black wind suddenly reached out a big hand, and took it down to Quihan!

Luo Tian General saw this, roaring; "He Fang demon, dare to attack the Tianstroke! Do you want to rebel?"

There is a dry laugh in the black wind: "Reverse? Then you just be rebelled

Let's! Heaven, you can't manage my endless nime! "The voice falls, the sound of the rock, Quiterny is sold all over the whole shot, like watermelon usually exploded!

The Tianding Tiantian in it will not stop this hit at all, and the farm is in the virtual!

At the same time, the sun, hook Chen, win the cloud with Dongfeng, the West Wind and others ran out, just saw the scene of Kui-Zhan was destroyed by the black wind big hand!

Win Yun angered: "Who are you? Total, what is the matter?"

"Total head is dew? Haha ... What? Today, Wang Yue Mountain will inevitably destroy! There will be no one to help you!" The black wind lit a pair of scarlet eyes, which is all naked hatred!

Just look at it, winning the clouds seems to be severely hit, and the retreat. Among the women, the qualifications of winning the clouds are the worst, although she is more than one person, she is also a genius. But with these enchanting, it is really weak. In particular, the enemy of Qin Shou's resulted in provokes, and now the lowest is Yadheng, the strongest is already a saints.

Kwai is running out, blocking the boundless energy before winning the cloud, this is very strange, this energy is very strange, the change is unpredictable, and there is no invisible one. But everyone knows that this power still exists, just exists in a special form! Unlike the water, it doesn't have a mentality!

The black wind came out of exclaiming: "It's a strange force ..."

Kwai pointed to the Black Wind: "It's not what you are, now you will run the horse! Otherwise, don't blame me!"

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