The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 1015

Fake atea tits: "Just!"

Tai Si real people have grown up the eyes and look at others, and then the Qing said: "This is not thoughtful, this is the money, this is lost, he will have no blood!"

He said: "He must have a must win, otherwise it will not do this."

The fake tea should take the head: "He let people go to the crush master, tell the masters of Shi Wang. I will know that they will be ghost, so they have been hidden on the side, so ..." .. "

Chapter 440 Window Air

Window empty

"So, do you know the location of True Shi King?" The Tai Si real people immediately asked, then use a smile that Qin Shou and other talents, looked at everyone, that meant, this is the goods to lie to us!

Fudge tea did not know that her identity was broken, but nodded: "It is! Forget, not much to say, I will take you!"

After the clerk, I just said, Qin Shou was first opening: "Very good, A tea, then you take a road."

Fake ate tea, go in front.

After the Qing Dynasty, the sound of Qin Shou Road; "Big Brother, this guy is full of mouth, you still walk with her?"

Qin Shou smiled: "It is indeed full of mouth, but why do you want to see it? Anyway, we have to go to another place to find Stone King."

After the latitude mouth: "He is likely to introduce us the farthest place."

There is no way to say that there is no stone king that there is no stone king there, then we will go forward, the probability is not small. "

After the Qing immediately shut up.

Qin Shou smiled, did not say anything, he truly agreed to follow the original tea

Because there is only one, this fake tea gives him an inexplicable familiarity, as if the idea can manipulate everything, and this feeling is getting deeper! It is like transmitting data between computers. It is still not overlooked yet. If you have finished all, you will open! He needs to contact this fake tea, keep the connection.

A Tea took Qin Shou all the way straight, and the stone on the side did not look at it. Instead, the Too two real people saw a lot of stones that looked to sell well, and a strong pulled Qin Shou went to see, but Qin Shou swept it. After you, I will drop the next sentence: "Waste!" And then left, leaving a unhappy too second.

Soon fake tea, I took Qin Shou to come to a high stone. This stone fans are five black, and there are also plants of moss, how to see it is like Shi Wang ...

Too second real people can't help but say a word: "How do this stone look like a guardian of the town?"

Fake Aquarite: "Shi Wang is a double-life stone king, a total of two, but only one in two pieces is true. If you choose the wrong, the true stone king will be self-destroy! So, no thought, no dare not open these two Block King. This piece of pointed little fat stone on the stone of the stone is his double-life stone king. "

Qinshi Road: "Why didn't the mascher come?"

Fake Abai Tea: "The masters are too proud, refused to disclose the information.

This will be estimated to turn in Shifang. Rabbit, I can help you, the rest will be ... um ... "When I said this fake, there was suddenly stopped, then the face began to distort it ...

Shen Qing screamed; "Look at his face! His face is distorted, just like the dough!"

The fake tea's face is really like a dough, as if someone is constantly squatting, and finally turning, suddenly constitutive, the five senses are all! The whole person is still standing, and the other people don't understand the sound.

"Windows system is starting ..."

Qin Shou listened, the chin is faster! He felt that he had a feeling that he followed to fake tea is like a computer to connect the mobile phone to transmit data. Now, he finally understands what is going on, this place is in the Windows system! However, Qin Shou estimates, this stuff is 80% of piracy!

Then the Windows operating system successfully launched the electronic audio sound, Qin Shou actually feels intimate, scratching the head: "I don't know if Win7 is still Win10."

"It is Win10! By great Qin Wei, the new program edited by Win10 foundation. The run is faster, the boot is faster, more intelligent!" Fake a tea open.

Qin Shoufun scratched: "Qin? I am going, my old man? Ok, what is you?"

This fake tea actually turned into the empty look of Qin Shou! Although Qin Shou didn't feel that it was more beautiful in this time and space, even more fairy more than, it was too far ... Is it a rabbit master? But ... I didn't find the moonlight box. How can I return to the past? "

Qin Shouxin is confused, but he can be sure, this person is absolutely standing in Qin Shou, because these specialized terms, only him know, others don't know at all! I can't do it!

The two truths on the side, , . .

Qin Shou went back to God, said, "Ok, don't meet. Tell me, what is this? How can you be around you, and now, what is your now?"

"I was found in not thought, and Into the soul, I had a certain energy, re-awakened. However, there is no administrator privilege, so I can only run my basic ability. Today, someone takes out Secretary, open my second-level administrator privilege, let me find you, tell you the location of Shiwang.

And you as a member of the swallowing spit, you directly own the level of administrator privileges

So you are now my owner. "Empty road.

Qin Shou wondered, basically believed in empty, these words, killing Qin Shou, do not believe, no thoughtful people can think of it!

So Qin Shoudao: "Very good, empty, although I don't know what the so-called past old man is thinking about, but you said, I believe. However, your strength only has the king, in the dragon and phoenix, When doing soldiers, it will not be too weak? ".

Chapter 441


Empty road: "Weak, my strength in the whole day is Yadheng. In that era, there is only Yadheng to be qualified! My memory fragment, I found a lot of powerful enemies ..."

"Yadan is qualified to participate in the war? That ... I am going, what happened to that era?" Qin Shouzhen.

, too secondary, and then scared!

The head said: "The memory system is seriously damaged, in short, this world has a very terrible enemy!"

"This world? You say that our enemies are this world, isn't the other world?" Qin Shou was losing, he was really afraid of the dog's blood to come to a foreign invaded horse. Qin Shou is really unbelievable, and there are any civilizations and eligible to invade the flood. If you really have, Qin Shou can only put a middle finger to the sky, and a sentence: your uncle.

Empty point: "Said, our enemies are in this world! But the battle, Qin Wei and the guy have disappeared after a battle."

Qin Shou nodded: "What is the dragon and phoenix family?"

The headless: "Memory is broken, don't remember."

"Well, the key place does not remember, it is your uncle." Qin Shou helplessly said that he had already guessed, and it is also used to it.

Qin Shou wants to think, this is empty, there is no use of any use, and it can get many useful messages with no thought. So Qin Shoudao: "You don't follow me, don't expose yourself, continue to follow your news, what news there, let me know the first time."

"Yes, the owner." After the empty collar, changed to the appearance of a fake tea again, and left.

"So many people see that he has changed in front of you, will it cause no thoughtful people's doubts?" Too seconds.

Qin Shou, I laughed: "Doubt? He doubizes his own magic? If this is true, then you will doubt it. Ok, don't say it, still come to the stone king, grandmother, these two stings are really like the toilet The treasure of the town of Zhenshan. "

Two stones, dull, there is no special place above, Qin Shou opened the heavy stone, it is only a normal stone, which seems to have no valuable things. Qin Shou once again opened an enlightenment, and the result, still couldn't see anything.

"This ..." Qin Shou scratched his head, I don't know how it is good.

Too seconds: "Rabbit, can't you see it?"

Qin Shou Road: "You can't see it."

Too two is also said: "Since you can't see it, I think ... Do you understand?"

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