The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 1021

On the nine days, in the palace, the female saints and Laozi are chatting;

In the Yuxi Palace in Kunlun Mountain, Tongtian's Lord and Yuan Shi Zun were playing chess;

But everyone's mind is not here, they are very clear, the bunny below is the key! But at each other, no one experienced things in the fairy world, it became a balance.

The ancestors still in the ancestral, Fang Ya flawless him, but it is still a palm of Western teaching chassis, and a mountain is flat! The attached person who was prepared from going out had to crumpled and rolled back to the Western Teaching Headquarters ...

The pronounted person went to the heavens, visiting the two demon emperings ...

At this point, the city has become the battlefield of Qin Shou and the no-wealth of people, a battlefield without existing people!

No one knows, in this time, Qin Shou finally made a difficult decision. He was in the closing place, and the Yuan God was forced from the flesh, re-created a flesh in the air! This flesh is just a fifty, and there is no difference between ordinary people. .

Chapter 449


The previous flesh was made by Qin Shou into the second body, named - Zhenwu!

Since Qin Shou will take a hundred percent of 190rd, the Yuan God of Zhenwu is very weak. But the strong flesh can give him the best protection, and there is no weakness. The only thing to do is to use the flesh to warm the gods and return the gods to the peak state as soon as possible.

In addition, Qin Shou's fetition of 190% of Yuan God is integrated into the fire. Strong Yuanshen quickly transformed the fungus, the strength of the strength! Insufficient 100 years, Qin Shou's Fire has also become a nine heavens, and it will become a San! It is not Qin Shou can't break through, but Qin Shou is hesitating!

This flesh is the most perfect flesh that Qin Shou is currently created. However, Qin Shou also understands that he has a flaw, but the current level of Qin Shou can not see it. Even so, he is more than most so-called geniuses and many enchanting! Most importantly, Qin Shou used this flesh that was rebuilt by his own blood, so there is no possibility of exclusion.

Of course, this flesh, Qin Shou, is not too satisfied ...

However, Qin Shou is comfortable, this flesh is his use of countless experience and Wu Kao's head analysis, the most perfect, most close to the flesh! Although there is no truthful fungus, it is on the way

But there is other sentiment. At the same time, he is also the first time, clearly feeling the feelings around the world around the world, and saw a Kangzhuang Avenue, leading to the saints!

However, Qin Shou also saw two two roads, one is the body of the flesh of Zigu, and the other is dark, and Qin Shou does not know where the road does not know, it seems that he does not lead saint!

"There is also a road to the saints this world. If you do not become a saint, what will he become?" Qin Shouxin is full of doubts, the rest of this time, he is almost studying the gray road ... And for the outside thing, he is not nothing, and the swallower people wake up, and the outside thing began to collect information, and the things that Wang Yue Mountain attacked Qin Shou also known. Even he also got the latest action plan from Aoi.

However, Qin Shou is not worried about the safety of Wang Yue Mountain, because the swallowing people have already gone!

"Since I saw it, then I have to go and see, this flesh is not perfect, I can try ..." Qin Shou thought of this, Qin Shou wants to step in it!

at this time…

"Hey! The hundred years of gift packs have been issued, please check!"

Qin Shouton was happy, laughed: "The system brother, you always come so time, then, this time you give me what surprises?"

Qin Shou hurriedly received a gift package, a colorful gift package fell in front of Qin Shou, Qin Shou

Open, the eyebrows will pick up ...

This big gift is only only the same! A porcelain bottle!

Qin Shou took the opening and saw it, there is no medicinal medicine in it, only one drop! Qin Shou only looked at an eye, there is a kind of illusion that falls in, as if it is not blood, but a poisonous!

Almost at the same time, the information of this blood in the Qinshou blue sea.

"The blood of the departure, from the blood of the road, no need to understand, with the blood of the food! Once you take it, you will swallow all the way you comprehend, the flesh will be transformed into the departure body, from this way Don't add it, you can't understand the power of the world. "

Qin Shou slang, he didn't expect that the system actually gave him such a weird blood! The blood of the departure, Qin Shou has never heard of it, even if there is no one in the memory of so many creatures, there is no one in the recorded blood and departments.

However, Qin Shou has a feeling, this is related to the way to see the future, it seems to be related!

"Zhenwu can be sanctified, swallowing the sky can also be sanctified, since the sanctuary is not a problem, then I will explore the so-called deficiency of the deficiency!" Qin Shou thought this will be swallowed directly, For a moment, Qinshou hurts to the ground!

This flesh is not the body of the body of the bunny. It is so powerful that the power of swallowing is so powerful, and the ability to resist pain is so powerful.

Qin Shou was lying on the ground, with a full body, the flow rate of blood is getting faster and faster, the whole body has increased, and the blood flow rate suddenly stops when a horror speed is suddenly stopped. The blood is close to the heart of Qinshou. .

The more blood of the heart, the more, the last, and it is a point!

Qin Shou's whole body is like a corpse, and it does not move.

The true weapon legs on the side are sitting there, they are moving, and the eyes are calm, and the light is said: "This blood actually absorb all the blood, then in internal assimilation?"

The voice falls, Qin Shou's heart suddenly shock, and then blood donation is usually sprayed out, and the whole body of Qin Shou!

However, this is not finished, Qin Shou's bones, muscles, internal organs, and cells have begun to crush, one inch smash, and then resemble the separation of the road with the help of departure!

However, this process is very slow, Zhen Wu estimated, no ten or a half months cannot complete this change. Simply close your eyes, I have been cultivated, and some of the spirit is contacted with Aoi, and the observation does not move in one fell swoop to prevent us.

In the night, I still jubilant in Word, Qin Shou's curfew is only for a limited number, and the rest of the people are working properly, and they are in the city, but they are in order and prosperity.

But behind the bustling, the dark place is very quiet.

Not thoughtful people slowly got up, pinched a print, there was an array in the room! This method is extremely complicated. It is obvious that this should be a big array of not a big man, forcibly modified into a small array, narrowing within this bedroom.

After the array, it was not thoughtful, then he bite his teeth said: "Strong rabbit, you continue to be crazy! For a month, my magic will be successfully refined, when it is, you must slaughter you! You don't go, how is my big plan to complete? This will only be mine here, no one can be here! ".

Chapter 450, a murder

I can't kill

Not thoughtful, there is no attention, and the people behind them have passed these words to Qin Shou's true martial arts.

Qin Shou cold smiled: "It seems that this old guy has a secret! I said, this is not allowed to be stunned by me, he actually doesn't go, it is reasonable. Just, I don't know what exactly. What is something, he is so heavy, and it is willing to fight for it with me! "

Not thoughtful people look to the people. "You are right here, anyone come, say that I am clinging and cultivating, no one is gone!"

"Yes, the owner." Aoi nodded.

Not thoughtful, this is only a sleeve, and a picture on the wall suddenly becomes large, and it is a door, and it is not thought to go in a door. Then, the light gates disappeared, and the researchers were the ordinary unparalleled painting ...

Qin Shou saw this, the mind is always, immediately ordered the Aoi to follow.

Nairo Coika could not trigger the painting changed to the door, tried it several times, it was not effective, Qin Shou gave up.

"It seems that the secrets of the old guy are in the middle of the door. I have to find a chance to see it. I can let him care, it is absolutely not a million, ..." Qin Shou's body avatar, It comes out of a bad smile.

The character of true Wu is different from the top of the sky, there is no seven emotions, but inherits

Qin Shou is bad, and there is also violent, hot side. If someone has provoked Qin Shou, the anti-peace response must be analyzed, and then decide whether to shoot; if it is Qin Shou, I will choose a way to retaliate about the opponent's pain, but still rational, pay attention is Others, others can't be angry.

But the difference between Zhenwu, the character of Zhenwu is violent, once it is enrolled, he will use the simplest and rude way to the other side! Of course, he will not violate Qin Shou 's mind, just like it is not thoughtful now, Zhen Wu wants to kill him in the past! However, Qin Shou's mainstur is a deeper thing, and true violence will not be chaotic.

This is like a person, there is a variety of ideas, but there are more ideas, but also can't change the idea of ​​the mind, and action is compliant with the mind.

Not thoughtful, naturally, I didn't know that his secret is being smashed. It didn't take it from the painting, but the doll still found that there is a lot of it. According to the skills of the dip, Qin Shou found that whenever the stone is inadequate in Shi Squad, it will enter the door, and then bring a lot of good stone. This is why the quantity of stone in the city is amazing, and the quality is also a root cause.

However, there has never followed the neighborhood people walk into the door, and I don't know what to have.

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