The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 1030

Qin Shou recovered his fist, faintly: "The last moment, you finally understand who is your enemy, good, good


After that, Qin Shou fell back to the city, holy mountain, and then said to those who came to avoid refuge: "Those funeral products, do you help me with it?"

Everyone heard the words, I wanted, and there were no number of people who came out! The six families have been submerged in the sea, and all kinds of magical magic weapons whistling, and the six families have more than a dozen breaths. Alive!

As for the family of not thought, Qin Shou did not see it. Qin Shou estimated, those people should be taken away by no thought, or ... kill ...

At the same time, the West, Western Tourism Headquarters, Missha.

"Daoyou, not Zhou Taoist fell." The vicinity of the landscapes in front of the landscape, sigh.

The attractions were taken to point: "Unfortunately, he has the opportunity to sacrifice."

The passerby glanced at the leader, and his eyes were very deep. Subsequently, he shakes his head: "Taoist, the strength of the rabbit is getting stronger and more powerful, if you don't want to do ways, our Western will be afraid to step. Later. "

The attractions huh, huh, laugh: "Step is not the seriousness of the people. Dao friends, you think more, no thoughtful people are the listener of the Zijing Palace, and the famous student of Hongyu, and the rabbit is What? It is a wild demon! He killed the disciple of Hongyu's ancestors, this can be very small! I will go to the Ziji palace, if the old ancestors are not happy, the rabbit will die! "

The passerby was shocked: "Taoist, you have to tell Hong Yun ancestor? This ... Hong Yucao no matter anything in the three borders ..."

"Yeah, otherwise the rabbit does not dare to be. I just try it, if it is not, there are many people who have a good time in the Zijing Palace. This news makes them listen, they never Will you sit? The cause of this year, today's fruit, the thing is something, "" "Attach people.

The passerby bitted: "Indeed, I heard that Chen Wang has passed the big giant who is not thoughtful. Now Chen Wang's strength can also be ranked ninth in the purple palace! If he is a shot, the rabbit is 80% Can't live. "

The attractions shook their heads: "Chen Wang is terrible, but since we have to do it, you will do a big! Three thousand big kings

Should be customized, is he not self-defeating for the first day? Nowadays, this rabbit is also a top ten talents. It is less than a thousand years of practice, comparable to the top twenty in Zi Zi 3,000 ... I think he will be interested in the rabbit. "

It's a clear that he is very clear, he is very clear, the interest of the three thousand big rings is not small! Will pass the time, the time to take people is not long, but repair it ...

The attacked people left, and Mi Mi was quiet again.

However, the whole fairy is shaken!

Qin Shouqi returns, spike Red Mi, spikes no thought, so horrible strength, let everyone shocked! At this moment, no one yet shouted that Qin Shou was born to the famous Emperor's name because of his luck. One is only two demon kings.

As at the account count, I tied such a great god on the chariot.

Some people have joys, those who are not dealt with Qin Shou, if they have a cold, and they are sealing the mountains, and they do not allow disciples to go out.

Those who have intended with Qin Shou, they are happy, blowing, sang, celebrate, and some people have begun to gather in Wang Yue Mountain.

Of course, some people are angry, very angry!

"Sad Rabbit! Out, I don't want to return home!" The merchants called.

"Just!" Sunflowers sat on the side of the merchants, sitting at the legs of the lady sitting on the chair, and the hands should be reported on the chest.

The other side of Qinyuan also followed the road: "The stinky rabbit, killing no thoughtful people, he doesn't inform us to watch the lively, and it is evil!"

"Just!" The sunflower continued.

Rainbow is sitting aside, there is no hair, a pair of scorpions are very calm, as if Qin Shou do, will not cause her to be angry.

However, there is not so good temper, one shooting table: "I think, we need to kill the mountains, don't tear the rabbit's ear, I doubt that the guy is not happy, I forgot us. "

"Just!" The sun will continue!

"Kwai, why do you always have, that is, you have no opinion?" Win Yun curiously asked.

Kwai is a little said: "They said what I thought, I also said, should be. Well, the sister, when I started?"

"Now!" The middle of the middle, the girl should be promised, then Wang Yue Mountain, the women took a team of younger brother, and the mighty, a big army killed the most fierce, the most fierce, the most, the most happy army. Not Zhoucheng.

All the way, many people are curious, this is the king of this king, take millions of demon, sing, sing, the sky, the flag is too big!

But when they look at the big Qin characters above, and after the Tianstrum Bookmatic, after the official flag of Qin Shou, it has returned to the head, and he did not dare to speak. Today's Qin Shou, whether it is strength or forces, not they dare to provoke!

If the fairyland must columnize a list of people who can't afford the characters, Qin Shou is absolutely steady! Even if it is a saint, it must be ranked behind Qinshou.

"Dawang, you said that Ning jun, don't provoke four parties, this is why? Is the four emperors be more powerful than the sage?" On a hill, a demon asked curiously.

The demon king also drank some sleepy eyes, but still glanced at the little demon: "You know a fart! Ning in trouble, don't provoke the quarter, this is not what I said, but the world demon ghosts common mean. .

Chapter 463 Chapter in the nest


You think, the saints are on the high, never the dead, we don't want to provoke; and the four emperors are all in all around, and they may meet at any time; then, the saints will be a saints, as long as we recognize the wrong It is not what it will be. But the rabbit is different, I heard, the heart of the guy is so small with the needle! His quotes are, revenge is not overnight! If it is causing him, it is estimated that there is no chance to even apologize. At that time, he was killed, and he was stewed in the pan ... "

"Hey? The four emperors still eat people?" The little demon hopped.

"Eating people? ... um ... I have never heard of it, but the monster can eat a lot. So, recently you have given me the eyes, don't give me trouble. Otherwise, I am can't afford, I am One throws you out ... "

The demon is nodded ...

In the cloud, win the clouds and smile; "Kwai, why do you have to pull so many demon, but also blow to sing, this is too big."

The sun is not a way: "What is this? Now the rabbit can be the four-party emperor! Under the two people! The four-party big emperor! We are also going to pick him home? Do you have a little draft? The rabbit said, there is no need, expired, I still feel small ... "

Win Yun is smile, he will be a Phoenix family, and it is more concerned that she is really worried that the drain is big. What is the trouble, it will be a lot of people in this fairyland, and the young people can be a lot.

Just then, Zhangzhou: "Win Yun, I think that the sun is not wrong, the rabbit is now different, the strength is also enough to open the bodily, and the emperor is also known as the emperor. If you don't say it, you can't say it. "

Merchants and sheep laughed: "Win Yun, although you are born in the Phoenix, but I have not experienced the grand occasion of the Phoenix family. At that time, the Phoenix family was traveling, there is no billion Huang soldiers, it is embarrassed to go out. Today's Phoenix I am desolated, I am afraid that I am very moving too much, it is too unfashionable, it is pressed, so I am cautious. But the rabbit and the Phoenix family are different. The rabbit is the allies of the heavens, and the relationship between the two demon is very good. And the relationship between a few ancestors. Now he can say that it is like a day, it is necessary to have a rain to have rain. As long as he does not make anti, do not do too much things, no district million The emotional quench, it is really nothing ... "

Qinyuan followed the head: "It is true."

Listening to the words of the business sheep, winning the clouds tones. There is a little helpless, winning the clouds in the women, there will always be some inferiority. This inferior is from the strength. It is also from the bodies ... the birth of the Phoenix family, did not let her have a proud capital, anti

It has become a cumbersome. Because she has already been expelled from the Phoenix ... She is a discard ...

On the nine days, the demon palace!

"Father, do you looked at the rabbit Yao Wu Yangwei?" Prince nest is very uncomfortable.

The emperor heard the words, and his face was immediately serious, and asked; "What do you think?"

The nest is going to start, and it is very straightforward: "The four emperors so Zhang Yang, it is too much! It's better to see that those people are not the four-party emperor, but his family ... may not be on the family, just his friend. His friends are open with millions of demon, holding his banner, so as ... "

"What?" The face of the emperor became more and more serious.

The nest is only when the emperor is angry with Qin Shou, and suddenly did not find it, this gas seems to be rushing. The nest is, more and more addictive, should be said: "I think it should withdraw your four-party emperor's name!"

"Hey!" The emperor took the case, angered: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

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