The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the flood is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 1057

The legacy of the people, Jin Mandi, I teach, the only class. Diligence, play is not good,, should force.

"The only pass, it will not be this break." Qin Shou opened, the face was green, I saw it above - the Green Hat Dafa!

"Your uncle! I have left your son to leave a green hat Dafa. Do you want to do it?" Qin Shouqi is not light, continue to turn down, the result is all blank page! I have turned to the end, I have a few words!

"Don't find it, I will travel with your mother, you mix it! Pay attention, don't die outside!" - You!

"Stinky old man, do you play together?" Qin Shoutoni is a gas, but after it is determined that the aunt did not die, Qin Shou's heart was unable to be unbelieving!

I thought that my mother was dead, my heart was still dead, otherwise I won't be desperate. Nowadays, my aunt didn't die, he was in his mouth, but he was happy in his heart ...

That moment, Qin Shou felt that there was something broken in the body!

In the next moment, Qin Shou feels that the strength in the body is rapid, although there is still no

Step into the holy, but he really felt the existence of the holy level!

San, the next product, the three corpses, China products merits and moral sacred and force to be sanctified!

Qin Shou can feel that he is going to be holy! However, this road is not good, rely on cultivation, and you can't come to the end.

Just then, the sound of the system rang: "Hey! The initial heart has been found, is there return to the flood face?"

Qin Shou immediately refused. He still had something to do, how could it be so stayed.

The first star should find out that he has a feeling of feeling, and the plane where the star is located is very big. If you don't solve the hidden dangers here, he is vivid in his heart.

Thinking of this, Qin Shou immediately went into hell, summoning the Lord and Judge of Hell.

"Meet the Master!" The two worshiped.

Qin Shou nodded: "You go to protect the mastery, I will reserve the land, and then cast the wheel back!"

"Yes!" The two heard words, and the heart is now! Reproduction, retrofit the government, this means that they will finally turn forward! No reincarnated hell is not hell,

Hell with a reincarnation is the real hell, and they can also absorb great merits from the reincarnation!

Two people waiting for Qin Shou, immediately shot, sit in the air, there is a word in the mouth, and the hands are constantly changing, playing a printed , the print is in the air to lead a road, the order chain of the hell, run through the whole hell!

In the huge sound of hell, the lava began to submerge a high mountain, and the mountains were rising, and a river whispering, this is a naire!

Qin Shou made a bomb, and the loess flew out, turned into a small path, supplemented by space, became Huangquan Road!

The jade falls, and it is a bridge.

Judging the Hall, the Trumpet Town is a big hall, and the order chain rushed into the clouds, inserted into the earth, turned out the rules of the whole world, the order chain of the original fracture was re-activated, the rules of the land house were reactivated , A stock of pure yin is up!


Three loud noise, Tianlei rolling, there is a rainy ...

Subsequently, Qin Shou summoned the door of hell, which is that the door of the hell is actually the semi-door panel of the ghost door, which has been broken. However, Qin Shou has seen the real ghost door, and the little one in front of him, he recovered naturally not a problem. with

The lack of things is made out of order, and the chain of broken order is renewed. The whole door will soon be formed, and Qin Shou once again established the entrance to Huangquan Road!

At this point, the land is completed!

Qin Shou made a trick, the Lord of Hell and the judge ran came over and worship.

Qin Shoudao: "You listen to it, I reopeically let you enjoy the Qingfu! Nowadays, the people in the world are too heavy, you have to give me a good! Let him die, let him die ... this is my birth Place, I don't want to have any confusion here, understand? "

"Understand, Master! We are trying to take care of this world!"

Qin Shounan nodded, just left.

At this moment, the hell of hell called: "Master, the last time you asked the event, we can't answer you. But some things, we feel that may be useful for you, specially collected Hand it to you. "

After that, the Lord of Hell took out a lot of money to Qin Shou.

Qin Shou nodded, broke it, returned home, open the bag, I saw there a high stone in it! However, this stone appeared in an instant, a horrible pressure is to spread! Qin Shou snorted, and quickly played a print

Block this power!

This force is terrible, if it is not Qin Shou movement, the whole star, even the solar system must be flying as average! .

Chapter 500

Break finger

After blocking the strength of the stone, Qin Shou has time to take a closer look.

However, Qinshou observed for a long time, frowned, a weird way: "How does this place look like an old two?"

"Boss, this is not the old two, this is a piece of finger! Just that power, I feel your breath, it is released, it has hostile to you! That is, he is the enemy's finger!" Nine cylinder .

If Qin Shou is thinking about it: "The enemy's finger? An alert is still saved with a strong powerful finger, interesting."

Qin Shou took out the golden bell, and then reached out on that finger, carefully experienced the strength of the inside, next moment, Qin Shou face mad! Suddenly open your eyes, big move!


In the stars, a huge storm appeared out! A small star outside the solar system is a powder! The horrible shock wave is still spread!

In the air, Qin Shou was shocked by the shock, and a full body was blown into a cloth, and there were still a few blood marks on the flesh!

Qin Shou was shocked to look at this scene in front of him, "Saints! This is a broken finger! Some people have smashed someone else!"

"The saints are not dead, how can they be cut off?" The nine tube is also scared! Most importantly, this half-cut finger is actually on the star! Not in the flood season! So what did you experience on the star?

The fingers have smashed the stone skin outside, crystal clearly floating in the air, just like a hundred million immortal stars! A large road avenue is spread, and all attempts are all crushed into his things! The saints don't touch the causality, not dead, dignity like heaven and earth! As long as they don't want, any creatures can't touch them! Tell!

Qin Shou stood in the air, staring at the half of the fingers, the scorpion was clear, whispered: "Nine cylinders, if I eat this half of the fingers, maybe sanctual?"

The nine cylinder was scared, called: "Boss you crazy? Don't say it is a saints, even if it is a blood of the saints, it can kill the sacred! Even if you are so strong, you may not be able to live!

Qin Shou shook his head: "You just need to tell me, if I eat it, how will it?"

Nine tube: "Or death, either integrate the power, hold the power of the saints! As long as you have this finger as the core, you will continue to be sacrificed!"

Qin Shou smiled: "Everyone knows that there is a junior opportunity under the Wan Sheng Mountain, but no one has found it! Now, I have returned to the star, there is such a half of the stars, what would you say that this will be coincident?"

"Boss, you won't think this is the key to the sanctuary? However, that system?" The nine tube hesitated.

Qin Shou also understood what the nine tube was thinking: "Maybe there is another opportunity, but I can't wait, I feel that this finger and some existence have a contact, afraid that it will come soon, some people come! If you come It is a saint, then I have no chance! "

Eternal Tianyi is in swallowing the heavens, the strength of Qin Shou is almost invincible with the same level, but it is still difficult to self-insurance!

The nine tube is silent, and it is only a good time: "Boss, if you want to pay for it, be careful, if things can't, when it is immediately retreat."

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