The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the jade rabbit

Qin Shou has not seen it clearly, and a golden fist on his head.


But it is the golden body of the trisher, the golden body is eight-sided, holding a sixteen leg in his hand, followed by the future!

Qin Shou saw this big jealousy, a feet, a rumor, a thousand giants, systemicization is a blood drill, violent, fond of killing!


The golden body of the passerby, is retired by Qin Shouyi punch!

In an instant, Qin Shou directly took out the golden bell swept!


The gamble beams, the sixteen meter is shocked by the bells into the hot powder!

Qin Shou is from the air, one foot stepped on the golden clock, borrowed from the sky, jumping to the golden body of the pre-court, a boxing on the face!

The golden body is rude and flying out, and there is a crack on the face!

Just like this, a old tree behind the golden body, like a Hua Guan generally covering the golden body, a small man's general fruit is low, and even the fruit has opened his eyes to the people. Sir, laugh. Some will climb on the tree vine, like a small monkey, generally disorderly.

Qin Shou's consciousness said: "People 's Guan Friends!"

"Rabbit, the eyes are good! Unfortunately, this person is mine!" The quasi-trisher came out from the void, but unfortunately, the two air, the magic weapon, the Qi Bao Miao, is not around him.

Qin Shou has a smile: "A tree puts your cattle into this way? Look at the fist of the rabbit to break this tree!"

The passive people have a smile: "The fruit trees are the roots of the heavens and the earth, the immortal is not destroyed, will only be self-witted, and find him, but will not be killed! At the same time, he represents the endless life between heaven and earth, there is it In the case, I will congenitally be invincible! Rabbit, I really didn't think that you also stepped into the hierarchy, but today you are destined to defeat! "

Qin Shou has a middle finger to the quasi-trisher, said: "Stupid, you really thought that only you will borrow magic treasures? The rabbit will not? You are a tease, the town is dare to hand over the ginseng fruit tree, That is what he is dying! "

After that, Qin Shou's hand has a long bow, and there is more arrow bag behind!

The passing people saw this, surrounding the face, screaming: "Then the smashing of the bow! How can you bring this east?"

"Haha ... play a small trick with the rabbit, the rabbit is your ancestor!" Qin Shou said, it has been ambiguous, the bow is satisfactory, and the arrow has burst out the light.

It seems to wear the heavens and earth in the world!

The arrogance of the passage, disappearing in the void, into the gold body!

There are more shields in front of the golden body.

"Block? Rabbit, I want to see it, you can block me a few arrows!" Qin Song Song's hand, the sorrow, the vegetarian shot!


The shield in the golden body is wore on the spot, and the arrows come from the chest of the golden body!

The golden body is back, and the golden light is bleak a bit. At this moment, the guidance tree passed the energy, and the golden body immediately returned to the peak-peak, and the golden eyes were incomparable! Even the sixteen letters that are destroyed will appear again!

Qin Shou did not be shocked, laughed; "This tree is good, this tree is good! Check, give you a chance, this tree is with me. If you give me this tree, you will make you out today. Otherwise "

"Dream! Win me first!" It was quited to anger.

Qin Shouxi said: "Toasting does not eat, it is fine, since this, pick up!"

Qin Shou crazy opened the bow, and the arrow was shot. The golden body gangliang, the magic weapon in his hand continued to take out, attempted to block the arrow, and the result is like a porcelain in front of the arrow, one touch Fry! .

Chapter 547 Ginseng Fruit is broken

Ginseng fruit is broken

Instead, it will shoot the golden body into a honeycomb. Even if some people have constantly cured, the golden body has a trend of collapse! No way, Qin Shou archery speed is too fast!

It is also a bitter and can't say it. How can this bastard use? The bow is not known as the non-emptive big witch can't pull it? This bow is not a big force, can't you start the bow? How did this rabbit be so uncomfortable?

Qin Shou can't care about how to think, he is now very cool!

Qin Shou's flesh is very powerful, in some extent, even more than the back! Unit theory, Qin Shou is already chasing the ancestors, the demon emperor's footsteps!

However, Qin Shou has not had anything special, and it is generally used as a double boxing, grasping the mountain. The only thing that can be considered a weapon is only a sharp due to a strong force.

And the bow is different, this bow is extremely demanding! And Qin Shou is not lacking is the power!

Previously, Qinshi used the weapon, there is a good feeling of the great treasures of the straw, and there is no strength to use!

This time, Qin Shou's power is used, the kind of feeling that is addicted to Qin Shou! So Qin Shou is not

Going to attacking the passive people hiding in the golden body, but a crazy shot of the gold! In Qin Shou Eye, this golden body is a living target, which is the big toy who vent!

It's hard to tell people, always happy, fear that Qin Shou one arrow in his own respect! Although it is not dead, it is also difficult to take it.

Qin Shou screamed crazy shot, the cheats of the arrows of the cheats were inserted back and forth in the golden body of the quasi-triad, and the golden body was crushed, and it was recovered by the ginseng fruit tree.

Over time, Qin Shou's attack has not slowed down, but it is more and more violent! Qin Shou's strength is too fast, especially the flesh, the skilbore of the flesh is not in meditation, but is constant! But the strength reaches the point of Qin Shou, I want to find someone and his one-on-one, it is not easy. Among the people around, I went to the level of the ancestral, and I was left behind.

But then, you will definitely not follow Qin Shou in that flesh.

Today, there is a living target, human meat sandbags, how can Qin Shou?

Later, Qin Shou directly contracted the shackles of the bow, and the fist was bombarded against the gold!

It is quasi-channel to see this, and the heart is furious, and finally don't use it when the target is, it can be hand! So it is controlled with the golden body and Qin Shou.

The result is that the person will soon tragedy, the gold is strong, but how can I be compared with Qin Shou's flesh? Qin Shou's true martial arts, is the road to the Emperor Taiyi! Emperor Taiyi flesh is better than the ancestral witch! Although Qin Shou also destroyed the extent to which the Emperor of the Emperor is extremely powerful!

Among the same level, no one can break his flesh!

Double fists are invincible!

Golden body!

Qin Shou beats, the more crazy, and finally, he actually wrapped around the golden body, and he was in the back of the golden body. He grabbed the people's ginseng tree to pull out!


A root of the ginseng fruit tree is broken on the spot!

The ginseng fruit tree is not a magic weapon. This thing is either soul to connect to the recognition, either self-survival. Zhenyuan Daixian will give people a ginseng tree to give people, it is the secret method, that is, planting people's crucible trees on the quasi-triad people.

If the ginseng fruit tree is pulled out, it means that the trisher will lose the people's crucible trees!

The arrogant is a big shock. If you can't take it, you will rush out from the golden body, and you drink a lot. There are countless people who have appeared in the air, fuse the vicinity of the thousands of times, and take a palm!

Under the outstanding person of the empty-level, the power is more horrible. If Qin Shou meets the premise people during the heyday, it is absolutely impossible to counterattack, which is likely to be destroyed.

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