The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the jade rabbit

Chapter 549

The sidelines and sneer said: "That is gathered, the rabbit is rude, you have rude? It's really no education!"

Chang Hao smiled: "Hey, how is it? Your son is hit, now it is to sprinkle? If you really have a matter, it is better to go with the rabbit, if you win, what is it? This matter? It will only make people feel that you are a shrew. "

"Chang Hao! Don't force me!" Hehe angered.

Chang Wei is not a way: "Hey, I am so afraid! Do you want you to take a look? You don't forget, here is the Zijing Palace! You are the same, you can't challenge me ... if it is a shot, ... "

And cold-cold road: "Very good, wait for the end, then find you!"

"Let your stay!" Chang Hi didn't care.

Just then, Chen Jing smiled and said: "Do you think you are very powerful? If you are really powerful, why bother to grab the seats, it is nothing but it is the tenth seat here, it is not good. That is the first Do you dare to sit? "

Qin Shou weddy, grinned: "Nothing, who is I challenged?" It's just that it's happy to open! This first seat he had already understood the clear and clear!

That is the entire purple palace, the only one must have corresponding token

The seat of the seat, if anyone is going, inevitably suffer from thunderstorms, and let you have an audience, but also on the spot is flying gray.

However, the brand in Qin Shou's hand just is the brand of the one, so Qin Shou wants to go, it is really a hair! In fact, he also can't see the seats, the reason why the position is right, is for disgusting him, by the way, he will smoke his two mouth!

Chen maind said: "If you don't have anyone? Of course, if you don't dare, then it is." After that, Chen Zhong turned and went, and he would not ignore Qin Shou.

Just then, the burning man opened: "The one is no one, if you sit up, you have to pass the trial of the child, and it is yours, you have lost it. Opportunity. In the poor pass, since you have won the price, you will be in place. "

This seems to be thinking about Qin Shou, but everyone understands that this is the general law! Today, Qin Shou is the four-party emperor, the status is extremely high, the strength is equally weak, and there are few people who can hurt people.

Such a person, living is for a face! Nowadays, when the three thousand passengers in Zi Yan, the most powerful three thousand people between the heavens and the earth are said, if it is back, isn't it? This person will definitely lose ...

"Forget it, it is not anyone who can sit! After all, it is just a wild rabbit." Chen Lou smiled.

The attractions followed: "It is no wonder that he will take the seat of my brother.

He is a view of my brother's magic weapon, this is the danger of people. Today, the seat is a real experience. If he has the courage to see the ghost. "

At this moment, Qin Shou suddenly turned, stared at the attractions: "Two is a tease? The rabbit, I challenged him, just to take him. His rubbit rabbit, I can't see it!" At this time, the postman's face has become incomparably ugly! What is he? One of the two major teachers in Western teaching! Ziyi three thousand passengers ranked tenth! Whether it is strength or identity, is it true? When did you play this?

At that point, there is nothing, and the passing people and his classmates are proud of the Western teachers, and they are harmful.

"You can't see it? So who do you look?" At this time, there have been a three thousand big borders, curiously asked.

Qin Shou's eyes swept from everyone. Those strengths were not as good as Qin Shou, and the next consciousness shrinks, and they were afraid to be stared by Qinshou. However, if you think about it, Qin Shou challenges the challenges have been used, nor is it worried about what, then it is quite a chest.

When Qin Shou's eyes passed through three thousand big director, he paused slightly. Subsequently, it fell on the first position!

Everyone saw this, the face suddenly became incomparably, did this rabbit really dare to play the idea?

The world can't help but open: "The rabbit, that is quite dangerous, before someone

Challenged, after the injury, spent 3,000 to restore the vitality. "

The Xinghuang Road: "It is true, if there is no absolute strength and confidence, don't touch him. Don't listen to the leader, Chen Lord they say, if they have the ability, they will challenge themselves. They are Excellers! "

The attachment of the people swept a look of the world and the neighborhood, whichever: "This is indeed a pleading method, but I want to ask, rabbit, do you dare?"

Qin Shou eyebrows, laughing, laughing: "Although the world is big, what I don't dare to do! However, is it not very meaningless?

I heard Qin Shou put forward gambling, the brow of the attractions suddenly locked, and he had done a detailed investigation of Qin Shou, and it seems that this guy seems to win! I have never lost!

The last gambling, but also a gambling, no thoughtful people almost bankrupt ...

The post is also opened: "At the time of the Taoist, how? The rabbit dares to do so, you, you can't even gamble you, do you even gambling?"

The attachment person snorted: "Since you have to bet, then, I am with you! But how to say it clearly!"

Qin Shou smiled: "It is of course, but we are not a child, it is okay. Since you have to play, you will play a big! I have to conquer this seat, I want you to be a mountain!"

At the time of the attacked people, stared at Qinshi Road: "Do you want me to be Missha? You

Can you know what is Mei Mingshan mean? "

Qin Shou did not think about it: "I mean what he means. Anyway, I seem to be on the mountain! I am not betting? Still saying, do you even have this strength?"

At the attraction, I laughed: "This is enough to see if you have enough power, if you fail, I want you to be a mountain!"

This time, the audience is stunned! .

Chapter 550


Everyone knows that now the most popular mountain in the fairyland is definitely not Mi Mi, nor is not on Zhishan! But the Wanshi Mountain!

There is a sanctuary under the Wan Meshan Mountain! The last time did not appear, it does not mean that there will be no future! Once there is ... in which the benefits, I am afraid that it is higher than a big education!

It is more worthless than the Mi Mingshan and Wan Mountain. To make it better, everyone knows that Missha will be suppressed Luo Wei, who takes hands to be Mi Mingshan, is equal to the incident of launching Luo Wei, that is a hot salamination, who is unlucky!

Calling, everyone feels that the attractions will be earned!

But the attraction is not that, why is Qin Shou to be Missha? This is what he cares! He can not think that Qin Shou is a stupid, it is to be necessary! There must be a problem with this!

Others must be a big trouble, but the inner people understand that Missha is the air transport of the whole Western teaching!

Western teaches Mishan, and it is the Hong Kong law! Although this law is invisible, who dares to teach Western? Even if the two Tian Dynasty is again, I don't dare to destroy the Western teaching!

That is equal to a gold medal!

Even if there are two universal masters in the West to take two universal masters, and they see people.

Also far, Missha is important!

Qin Shou did this, 80% is to break him!

If it is often, the attachment will never promise, but at this moment, in the face of the organizer, the Wan Mountain, he is a heart! San! The value of a resisted person is much higher than that of Missha.

A villain can suppress a big education. Even if it is not ashamed of the law of Hong Kong, it is not dead, but the saints are not dead, as long as they don't provoke Hongjun, it is still not dead! One is relying on people, one is depends on myself, the two are light, the fool is all over!

At first, he looked at Qin Shou, no matter whether promised or not, he didn't suffer! In his opinion, this is a powerful sale!

As a result, Qin Shou smiled: "Take the road, do you fight it? Your Mi Mi is not more than my Wan Mountain."

The attachment people shook his head: "Although the Wan Shan Mountain is known as a sanctuary, it has not appeared so many years, maybe just a false rumor can be said. Rabbit, the road, my painting, gambling, watch you "

Qin Shou hugged his body, as if it was very tangible, he was happy to bloom! Ten Take the Nine Win Win, do you have a gambling? The reason why it is very hesitant is to confuse the leader, the province's guy suddenly snacked, not gambling, the Qin Shou can be big.

In addition, Qin Shou is still considering, what is the pit picking people?

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