The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the jade rabbit

"Greed!" Bodhi ancestors!

Qin Shou Bar is a mouth: "This is a greedy, people are not greedy, where to grow."

Bodhi ancestors waved ...

Qin Shou sat in the door of the Samsung Cave, and his face was unhappy: "Can you make me normal next time? Roll every time ..."

After that, Qin Shou fart is back to the room to sleep.

The next day, the sky didn't lit, the chickens were called, and the door was rugged.

Qin Shou asked in the eyes of sleep: "Who? This big morning, what do you knock?"

"Rabbit, hurry out, don't go to the earlier, you are miserable!" Outside the door, came from the sound of the orpha.

Qin Shou thinks that he is not in the daughter country, but in the Lingtai Fangzhou! I think that I have to eat to sleep on the mountain in the next hundred years, Qin Shou decided! Sleeping more than a second!

So this goods turned over, Mongolia, sleep!

I can knock in the door for a long time, I don't see Qin Shou's reaction, directly push the door, come in and see, I suddenly fry, I opened the quilt!

"Ah!" The orpha-time lying in the quilt is still a big character! The pencil is still shaking.

The orpha is immediately turned around, angered: "Sad Rabbit, rogue rabbit, stinky rabbit, get up!"

Qin Shou's answer is: "Call ... call ..."

When I was standing, I was fired, regardless of three seven twenty-one, turned, with the quilt directly rolled Qin Shou, dragged out.

"You a bastard, it's time to be punished!" I can anger.

Qin Shou asked in a confusion: "Penalty?"

"Penalty Station!" Alone.

Qin Shoudao: "Oh, then let me put me the door.

Iprain: "..."

Solitude: "Can you have a long time? Is it strong?"

Qin Shoudao: "Well, then you put me on the wall, I work hard to sleep, don't lie down."


The orpha is already speechless for Qin Shou, she really can't think of it, how can Bodhi ancestors receive this place!

She knows that Qin Shou is already a paste in my mind. I didn't feel it when I was successive last night. After I came back, the more thought it was found that this is more complicated. I can evolve countless changes in this hundred and eight. People's trunks are additional, 1 plus 1 equal to 2, 2 plus 1 equals 3, so accumulated.

Qin Shou is now directly a cube, line explosion!

Qin Shou is now desperately organizing this information. When he is not finished, he will definitely have no lesson. Who is telled, can there be a Bodhi ancestor? Tell your goth, can you have a practitioner?

I was sole to have a tangantang gate, I saw that a disciple had been doing well, and they were doing early lessons. However, it didn't come as a Bodhi, a Buddha or Guanyin Bodhisattva.

I saw this, and the tone, threw Qin Shou to his own desk, she returned to the seat.

At this moment, a small figure came over, looked at Qin Shou, and then took out a little feathered to pick it up on the nose of Qinshou.

I can look fun, get together, who knows ... ..

Chapter 157 Let the Bodhisattva angry rabbit

Qin Shou only felt powerful, a big sneezing directly! This time, the saliva is sprayed directly on the chest of the orpha!

When you are alone, you will be full of cold cream!

Qin Shou's heart trembled, almost the reaction of the consciousness, reach out and wipe the chest, rub again: "Hey, hit a sneeze, not deliberate ... Hey ... how to be so cold?"

I can face all the cold, almost awkward: "Follow enough ?!"

Qin Shou, grinned, hurry, rub it, pinch this, not ...

At this moment, someone shouted: "Bodhisattva is coming!"

This is an anger, go back, but the eyes, it seems that he will eat him when you look at Qin Shou.

Qin Shou only didn't see it, his face was thick, ignored all non-substantial damage! At the same time, Qin Shou has a history of history, first gratitude bodhisattva.

Turned to find the fierce that made him sneezing, and Qin Shou was directly happy: "Xiao Liu!"

"Cut, you see people?" Xiao Liu bites, and his mouth is unhappy.

Qin Shou fits the head. He really wants to say that you are too small to find, but let's think about it, look like Xiao Liu's most hate others say she is small.

So the voice is a turn: "How can I see you early, this is not just transferred? Xiao Liu, why?"

"The Bodhisattva said that I came here to listen to the road, I came." Xiao Liu Qian got out.

Qin Shoudao: "What are you doing during this time? Why didn't you come to my daughter?"

Xiao Liu bites: "People are closed, the last big worm wasts me so much magic, I have to worry, I will do it with this book!"

Qin Shou Chickens nodded: "Xiao Liu Weiwu, how is the little Liu closed?"

Xiao Liu's face is red, not talking.

"Is it?" Qin Shoucheng asked.

Xiao Liu Yan said: "People have slept for many days ..."

Qin Shou: "..."

"Qin Shou, what do you have?" Just then, Guanyin Bodhisattva opened.

Qin Shou hurriedly sat in the body, a transcript: "Yes!"

"What?" Guanyin Bodhisattva asked.

"I want to pee." Qin Shou called.

The disciples immediately laughed, with their strength, did not eat grain mixed grains, take the urine? The fool looks out that this bastard is the letter.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is really unhappy, said: "If you say, you will go out to face it!"

"I want to pee!" Qin Shou called again, then climbed up, holding the quilt. Many disciples are stunned, and Guanyin Bodhisattva is already, then the reaction will come, drink: "Qin Shou, what do you want to do?"

"Can you go out? I will go out." After that, Qin Shou has ran out.

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