The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 59.

Today, it is very hard to have a monster, but also make the rabbit god boasts very powerful, scared to everyone, this recycling she is a shot, easily solve the enemy, then come back, the value is multiplied! Communicate again, it will inevitably be a lot! When the master said that the master told him, it was a sudden stunner, as long as she won the belief in the western pawn, she had the opportunity to fly during the day, go to the land of Lingshan!

So, Yan Zhao said: "Your king, no. A little demon, isn't it to come?"

After saying, quiet as a teacher is too empty, the sound is far from: "The poor is going! Please ask you to be wide!"

Shangguanfang saw this, the gas is straight, looks to Yangluo: "Her Majesty, Master Jing Ru actually resist? This is too much!"

Yang Lu is also dissatisfied, just what to say, Qin Shou knocked knocked her helmet and whispered: "Don't be angry, ready to give her corpse ..."

Yang Lu stunned, said: "What do you mean?"

Qin Shoudao: "That is not a turtle, but a millennium practice! There is still countless little snake in the big snake, people don't know if it kills, but if this place is in the village, the people who are absolutely a village Have not live! "

"The fineness of the millennium is not a formation?" Yanglu shocked.

Qin Shou has no mouth: "What is weird? A lot of innate use, the shape is more difficult than the ordinary monster."

"Your Majesty, Millennium Snake, I am afraid that the Tianshi is can't deal with. It is better to bring the people, let go. Tomorrow, I will return to the teacher. Please ask the teacher's last fairy." Shangguan Fu.

Qin Shoudao: "If you don't have any last fairy, there is this rabbit god. You are waiting for it, see the rabbit blond to catch the snake!"

This time, Qinshou is smart, does not give Yang Lu to catch the chance of tail, and then go up and run away.

The front is as good as the teacher, and I'm trying to cut three disciples. I used God's characters. The speed is extremely fast. In addition, the big snake is also rushing here, relative speed, more than ten minutes in the middle A flat field encountered between the fields.

Yang Lu and others worried about the comfort of this, and climbed to the heights to see it. This look, suddenly scared, which is a snake, clear is a dragon!

From a long distance, there is no feeling, close, Qin Shouton has a feeling of seeing the train, this big snake is too TM big!

It's a stupid eye that is like a teacher, this is the water turtle? At this moment, I don't know when I am too arrogant. The big : "Sad bunny, lie to me!"

Oral, quiet as the teacher runs too much!

"Human? Woman? Haha ... This king hasn't gone!" The big snake lifted his tongue and suddenly laughed.

Qin Shou listened, almost planted from the clouds! Although the daughter country

People rarely have ugly women, but ugly women are not! This is like a teacher to count! The bald head, wrinkles, work hard to work with the Gloriency of Our Lady, but with a violent gas.

It's so bad enough as the teacher! And this idiot snake is more, and a snake will also catch women back to be! You haven't stated it ...

Qin Shou brain made a half day, and he did not think of this snake and the relatives of the teacher. This proportion is completely not a matter!

Yu as anger: "! I am a high-quality, you dare to move me, be careful!"

The big snake essence is no matter what it is, it is rushing up to the big mouth. It is too long to scare the blood, but it is a few Buddha light, but even the snake is not rubbed! The big snake snake head is out, a volume, the teacher is too only feeling wet, the next moment, the clothes are gone! The light runs wild in the wind, this feels like a teacher, it's time to cry!

Qin Shou held a paw in the sky, called: "Beautiful! Beautiful dry! This snake is good, the rabbit does not want to kill him."

When you run a big snake, you will run a few steps, and the big snake's noodles are also a volume. It is quietly involved in the mouth, and I don't know what to use this dead snake. Qin Shou actually heard it. The mouth is quiet as the excitement of the teacher, turned into a delicate.

Qin Shou took the brain, heard: "I remembered, the snake nature, this goods will not practice the NB oral life?"

Regardless of that, the three disciples of the like have been behind the snake

The little snake was shredded, and Qin Shou didn't shot again. This snake is more sprint to the village.

"Hey!" Qin Shou screamed, revealing the cloud; ", , dare to suicide, you know the most?"

"Where is the demon rabbit? It is a monster, what is the big half of garlic? Still the rabbit god, ! Waiting for you to form it again!" The big snake did not show weakness, just this car, Qin Shou When I arrived, I was a teacher who was rolled by the snake, the scenery, when it is ...

Qin Shou stretched a rabbit: "Little mud, temper is quite big! Do you know what this is?"

"Rabbit, I have ate too much, how can I not know!" The big snake criticized.

"Today, the rabbit will let you see, from the rabbit palm!" French world!


The bunny's body is magnified, and the aura is not as good as the millennium, but the head is bigger than the snake. At least the arms should open the neck of the snake stroke.

Snake is found, it is shocked! It is just an ordinary snake fine, there is nothing inheritance, everything rely on himself to practice. But instinctively knows that there is a monster and the monsters that have not been passed down, not a grade! .

Chapter 18 pain, hurt

I saw that the rabbit suddenly became big, and the consciousness called: "Universities?"

"It's good, unfortunately! Eat me!" Qin Shou yarn, the five-line method launched!

Lei Tao is only the basic law of the immortal in the sky, which is equivalent to the palm of the world. It is also Wu Gang to teach Qin Shou, Qin Shou Dafa is not, but the little spell has learned a seven or eight eight!

Thunder condensed, turned into a huge thunder rabbit, and fell!

Snake is fine is Yin attribute, the most fear of Yang Lei!

Crisis, the snake is also awkward, one looks, hit it!



Rolling the thunder, the snake is screaming, and it is directly taken back to the ground! The little snake scorpion was died by the Thunder, and the electric cooked did not count, and the scattered place!

But really cause damage to the snake, or Qin Shou's claw! "Eight-nine Xuan Gong" has a great force, and it is completely able to shoot it! However, Qin Shou didn't want to do it! His monster kingdom has not yet been built, the hand is lacking and missing, this millennium snake is fine, just as his first younger brother, beat!

Otherwise, this is a little monster in the future, is it?

Want to take him with his rabbit?

Besides, a person hunting, which has a group of younger brother's comfort!

The snake is touched, immediately understand, this rabbit can't afford! Turn the snake head, you have to run!

"Hey! Dare to give me the brain?" Qin Shou grinned, touched a stone from your pocket!

"Dry, dry, people have slept!" The stone screamed, Qin Shihilated stones said: "Call a fart! Call you again!"

Stone immediately shut up, poor Baba's way: "Uncle, you will not use people to shoot me? Hurt ... Really ... old hurt!"

"Roll! It is a person, not a person to shoot you! Listen to the death, shoot the snake fine, I will not be a character, I will let you become awkward!" Qin Shou said, no matter the big stone Shouting, put the stone out of the stone! At the same time, shout: "Enchanting, View Bao!"

"Magic ?!" The snake is scared, there is a magic weapon, but it is not a stable, and it is better!

This snake's strength is far less than true immortality, how can I have to live in Qin Shou?

Stone, ah, the strange call, flying over, Qin Shou found that this stone can adjust his own in the air, no matter how the snake is twisted, it is unable to escape the stone!

At last!

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