The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 729

"The value of a three-piece spar!" North Wind Road.

Qin Shou's two eyes turned around: "It's not?"

Mountain gods listened, suddenly anxious: "A lot! This is how I have been in a hundred years!"

Beiwa follows nodded: "It is a lot, it is enough for me to spend a long time."

Qin Shou took a must-have a bag, swept it, suddenly shook his head, the things inside were really unfamiliar, both afterwards! This kind of thing, Qin Shou can make a big one, Qin Shou completely can't see it!

Throw the mountain god on the ground, played a print on the brain of the mountain god, Qin Shou smiled: "Okay, you use money to sell, the rabbit is still

is you. As for you cherish you, you will see your own. This print is not used, that is, the rabbit is a bad mood, or when you want to sell the rabbit, he will blame your soul! "

Qin Shou said, he said, north wind went outside the mountain.

The mountain god looked at the back of Qin Shou, suddenly wanted to cry, and played for so many years, or was so miserable for the first time ...

"The king, you are not afraid that he runs to tell?" North Wind chased, worried about it.

Qin Shoucou said: "Caike, do he dare?"

"What do you?" North Surrey.

Qin Shoudao: "There is no case, he has any thoughts, will explode on the spot. Do you say he dare?"

The north wind is full, not daring.

Qin Shou saw this, huh, huh, in fact, he didn't make any hands and feet on the mountain god. Just scaring his means ... If he really ran to tell, with the means of Emperor Taiyi, Qin Shou's ban is afraid to have the mountain god. It's better to be true, and it is really implying that you are scared.

Secondly, Qin Shou bones still want to see what is the means of this field, especially the Emperor Too!

The man who hits the witch to crash, Qin Shou is long long.

Leaving the short mountain, the North Wind Tape, and quickly Qin Shou saw a small village. The village is not big, probably tens of thousands of people. So many people are placed on the earth, and it is also a big village.

But in this huge world in the land, it can only be an inconspicuous small village.

The people in the village, still the tao room, the whole village is very cold, only some men hold a spear to patrol, see women and children.

"How is this village so cold?" Qinshou asked.

North Wind Road: "The family has no status, this small village, every year to give hundreds of boy girls in the nearby demon king, so, there are not many people left. In addition, birth Children, usually they will hide, so excused to take away the monsters of the autumn wind. "

Qin Shou's brow wrinkled: "Is there anyone tube?"

"Tube? Who? Tianship is the talents of the demon, this world, the monsters are the biggest. Secondly the witch, and the people, in addition to the saints of the nine days, who will vote on these weak people? "North Wind asked.

Qin Shoudao: "Three Qing Sheng people don't care?"

"Of course, no matter, the three clear saints self-contained, it is said that they are the ancient spirit of the dish, they are equivalent to the ancient, and there is no family, they naturally do not put their energy in the field of the fairy. In fact, still No one has seen these three sages, what is going on? "North Wind


Qin Shou nodded slightly, but it is not as good as it is, and the three clear saints really ultracen outside the world? If this is true, it will not be human world in the future!

Qin Shou has not hidden, and the big shot is going to the village.

Several villages in the door of the village, immediately ran over, and asked tense: "Who is it? It is fine Liu Village, do not welcome all people."

North wind is really going to open, Qin Shou is first opened first: "Is it true that the family is not welcome?"

The village headed by the "Human family?" Is brave.

The north wind is also awkward, he did not expect that the king in his eyes turned out to be a family! However, is the people in the past? Is it a Town Yuan Daxian?

The north wind is thinking about it ...

Qin Shou said: "How, don't you welcome?"

The head of the village is brave; "Sorry, this little brother, now the demon is very horror, we have to prevent it. Do you have a small brother? What is the thing to come to our village?"

Qin Shou smiled: "Very polite, in Qin ..." Qin Shou suddenly didn't know how to do this, Qin Tian, ​​swallowing Can't use, the name of the future, Qin Shou fruit is discarded. I will add trouble to the future after you have troubles this time.

"Groid ..." Just then, the northern wind on the side was full.

The first village coulaency: "It turned out to be Qin Song ... Hey, Qin Xiao brothers this name is still unique."

Qin Shouzhen, can this? Subsequently, Qin Shou remembered the rumors that heard, it seems that there is only a haunting in the land, it is called Qin Song! Is it the rabbit master?

At the same time in Qin Shou's heart, he said in his mouth: "Purchase, what is the brother?"

The headed village is brave scratched: "There is nothing to call me, everyone calls me Da Yong, Wang Dayong."

"This name is very suitable for you, huh, huh ..." Qin Shou looked at Wang Dayong's thick body, and it can be a bodybuilder in the 21st century. At the very least, it is also a Schwarzene!

Wang Dahou said: "Qin Xiao Brothers, are you coming to our village?"

Qin Shou smiled, a waving, a piece of proficiency behind him flew over the air, Qin Shou backhand grabbed, these trees half-air, crushing into countless wooden boards! .

Chapter 26, North Wind, your relative

North wind, your relative

Qin Shou has a pole, the wooden board falls, instantly falls in the square in the middle of the village, turned into a high-rise attic, soil rose, becomes the courtyard! Qin Shou waved again, and the spring water was turned into a pond. At the same time, while the lotus in the pond was blooming, there were some plants in the courtyard, and the ,,, ,

Wang Da Yong is stupid, and the villagers behind him are also stupid!

The north wind is , he doesn't understand, what is the king of this king?

Qin Shoudao: "The poor road is to practice the number, cultivate a magical situation, naturally the return of the group. Today, pass this place, it is in this place, it will be in this place, it will be a long life, and the moon is like a long life. Know you can learn? "

Wang Dayong is not a fool, the villagers are not a fool! It has been bullied by the demon ghost for so many years, who is the blood in my bones not boiling? A , !

Wang Da Yong called: "Willing! I will wait!"

Qin Shou saw this, secretly shook his head, people in this era are really simple and cute! They are not afraid that he is a monster, trying to explore their hearts. If there is any antisense, will they kill them?

Subsequently, Qin Shou refused to think, it seems that the monsters did not have this! The human beings in this era are too weak! Who will worry about the antity

Does not make anti? Anger? At least humans have never thought of chicken duck goose dog cats will not rebel, and no one go to test.

It's almost almost, absolutely a gap, so that the monsters also relax.

Qin Shou waved all the people all, nodded: "Yes, your self-study, this bone is somewhat old, but there is no complete loss of the innate spirit. Now cultivation, can achieve something, but big Achievement is difficult ... "

Wang Dahou said: "Dare to ask God, can you have a lot of achievements?"

"Killing two demon ghosts still no problem, but wants to have a long life, but it is necessary to make it." Qin Shou said the truth, if Qin Shoukeng desperately, collect the powerful Dan medicine of the Tianwei Diki to give them a bone Not can't. But Qin Shou is not going to do this, sometimes, give too much, it is not necessarily a good thing!

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