The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the jade rabb

Qin Shouqi saw the light death, and the bear is a radish! The hurt, the hurt of the bear magic king tears come out soon, and the sound of jumping, squatting with the brain: "What are you doing? Didn't you see me? Do you say that I do the dream? I woke up. I woke up? , You are gone! "

Qin Shou, a radish smashed in this stupid belly, this group of hurts

I ran far away, I ran while running: "Anti-anti, I have a dream and have been."

"Be your grandfather! You a stupid bear, rolling over! You run two steps to try, don't believe the rabbit master, I will hit the wolf tooth stick, broken one?" Qin Shou drunk.

The bear magic king heard, a god, scratched his head, just right, painful. Subsequently, he said to Qin Shou called: "It is not a dream, it is almost being cheated!"

Qin Shou looked around: "Your brain, you can live now is really a miracle! Come, reach your head, the rabbit will give you two buff, let you grow your mind!"

Bear magic Wang angry: "You think I am stupid, make it in the past, definitely being you! I will not pass, how can you?"

Qin Shou instantly disappeared, appeared in front of the Bear, a radish knocked on the brain of this goods!


One of the bear's two eyes, only feeling that the head is full of Venus, and turns three circles in place. It is not moving on the ground.

Qin Shou smiled, Golden Bell, directly put this stupid, and then picked up him again!

Focusing the bear magic king, Qin Shou entered the mountains, just sweeping an eye, Qin Shouton was happy.

I thought that this stupid beaker found that the five-star grass is running over.

In order to take place, the results come in, this guy is ready to be here! Some houses have been built in the mountains, but also excavated many caves, and they are always standing here!

As for the five-star grass ... This death bears don't seem to know, there is more bubble on the side of the grass, I don't know which fertilmas!

Qin Shou Dazhao: "This idiot ..."

, Qin Shou can also understand the stupid bear. There is no inheritance monster, you will suffer in the day, if it is a general Tianwang Di Bao, it will be aura, let people look at it. But the five-star grass grass is different. This stuff is the power of the stars, all the aura is restrained, and it is not placed. People who don't know, it is easy to treat it as ordinary grass ...

"Fortunately, the bastard doesn't eat the grass, if you dig this grass, the rabbit, I am not taking his skin!" Qin Shou finished, a waving will take the bubble on the side, Otherwise, look down on the appetite. .

The 40th star kills!

Star kills!

Time passed by a second, and it was time to see when the five-star grass is blooming. Qin Shou is also nervous. He is very clear, when the geotexta is mature, it is the most prone to trouble!

The value of the five-star grass this world will not be said, what is it is not unfortunate.

But in the same time, in the Tiangong, the man in the northern seven in the Northern Temple, a man who was a unicorn suddenly went to the heart, opened his eyes, and smiled and smiled: "It's really very Good things! The injury is there, there is still a variety of variables in this year? It's really this, this god looks, and some people dare to move? "

After saying, the fighting wood got up, pushing the palace door, nor called a man, born a big tree under the foot, the big tree is carrying the woods to fly to the air, the lower world is going.

Qin Shou went directly below, etc., finally waited until the five-star grass of heaven and earth, the grass leaves gently shake, and there is a starlight to fly, just like fireflies. This is a sign of the top five-star grass.

At this time, the sky was brought to a big drink: "Where's the little thief, dare to get a little bit of God?"

Qin Shou was unhappy, he did not swallow the Tianyun Demon, and it was really scared by this beloved voice. But swallowed

After the Tianyun Demun, he clearly knows that the five-star grass this world is the first discovery of Tianyun Demon, and the care of today is careful!

Suddenly, I didn't want my face. Qin Shou's heart's fire suddenly slammed up, looking up, Zhang said, said: "Where is the stinky! This world, five-star grass is my servant day and night. Water, take care, how come you? If you don't want it, give me, the rabbit, I just lack this! "

Doumang heard, the old face is red, this world of five-star grass does not feel today, nature is not him. Today, Qin Shou Zhang said that he is raising. He ran over is his own, and he will not come to Taiwan.

But Bouuki also is typed in it. Under the way, in addition to the Witch he did not dare to play hard, other races, he really didn't put it in your eyes! So, the eyebrows were picking, and there was a cold: "Your small child is rude! This god is nine days, one of the twenty-eighth, the first star of the northern Seven, the patron is also! Tian Xia Wanmu, Everything is governed to this god, I said it is mine, is there any mistake? Again, this world, five-star herbs are gathered with the strength of the star. The power of the star, there is the force of the north, now I will take Go back, what is wrong? You are so fast, this world, five-star grass, I will give you some reward. If you don't listen, you, you can't guarantee! "

Qin Shou was killed and quite rushed, and he pointed to the face of Tiandi's five-star grass: "You really don't want a face!

The grass is the rabbit, I, you want, line! There are not many nonsense, come up with your ability! No matter, you will get out! "

Boucai laughed: "Okay, good, good! Good, a ignorant little scorpion, dare to have so provoked, kill you today!"

After saying, the fighting wood suddenly shot, and there was a star in the sky, and there was a big tree in the fighting wood, and the big tree was dancing. It turned into a thousands of feet in an instant.

Qin Shou smiled: "The big moment of mace, the rabbit is like!"

During the speech, I took out the light and died, and I went to the trunk!

"Radish ..." Buchen, why, how did he think that this is a powerful guy who is oscillated, it will take out a radish to fight his mission magic, and fight forum!

"Radish? Is it looked down on the radish?" Qin Shou wondered, the heart is not cool, the radish is half, just take it back, bite a large piece of a large piece, and you chew it.

Tommy is happy: "You are really ignorant! It's really useful to use radish, then you will die."

The trunk has been approaching, and Qin Shou has hid. however…

Qin Shou suddenly pumped back to the radish, and the trunk of the trend is a radish!



"What?" Bouuku made a dream, his congenital magic weapon, Huumuku, turned into a trunk of the radish! This is simply like dreaming of general fantasy!

After Qin Shou interrupted the trunk of the fight, I bite a radish, and I said: "How? I can't look down on the radish of the Rabbit now? Tell you, the rabbit, this radish is not Said, you are still a half-dead or no problem! "

Qin Shou can feel that the strength of Boucun should be around the sky, which is higher than Qin Shou in the realm, but the combat power ... Qin Shou can only be huh ...

Boucun is coming, and the eyes are lightly staring at the radish in Qin Shou's hand, laughing; "It seems that I am small to see you. However, since you met my Bouukui, then you will I don't have a living road! Regenerate! "

Qin Shou has not responded yet. I saw that there were countless tender buds on the radish, and the tender buds were blooming. Subsequently, then the land of Qin Shou was blown out, countless plants were crazy, and Qin Shou was instantly by these huge times. Plants are trapped in the middle, almost squeezed into a pork cake!

Bouban, I saw Qin Shou, was trapped by a hit, hitting the head: "Small Taoism, I will send you to the road!"

During the speech, Bouuki came to Qin Shou in front of Qin Shou, and there was a long sword in his hands, and a sword wanted to Qin Shou's brain.

Qin Shou saw this, his big mouth, smiled: "You finally come over!"

"What do you mean?"


Qin Shou force, the surrounding plants all collapsed! The violent power is full of full body, and the radish in Qin Shou is swept away! The speed of the speed, the drill, let the fighting wood is not too late to avoid!

Crisis, fighting wood, pitching, swords!

, !

The treasure sword in the hand of the fight is blown on the spot. I haven't waited for him to react. The chest is hit by radish, and I flew out, the chest is all swept! The visceral sprinkles fall, seriously injured on the spot!

Qin Shou is in the principle of you to live, instantly chase it, half of the air radish, straight to the brain of the fight! This is already in order, you have to kill the wood! .

Chapter 41 Shang Sheep VS?

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