The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 781.

At this point, Qin Shou naturally understands that he is also a pros and cons. If this is really ancient battlefield, the ancestors are afraid of being miserable, and they will be able to kill directly by the horror masters of the ancestral level! That magic will not keep it ...

For the magic weapon that can raise strength to the explosion level, Qin Shou said that he is not a heart, it is obviously lie! However, really mixed in, can he really touch the fish?

Just when Qin Shou wondered, there was a loud noise in the distance, and then the water of the Tianhe roll back!

A voice came: "Cooperate, if you have a grievance, despite looking for the prostitute to go. Put the grievances in the innocent people, there is no too much!"

Subsequently, a bird sounded, a huge, like a carriage of Wanjing Guanghua, slowly flying from the West!

The carriage has no car, the car is eight Tianlong, but a badge on the carriage, but it is very dazzling, then it is a three-legged golden


Qin Shou saw, the heart is shocked, the three golden black badges, is it a golden embarum? In Jinwu, it is possible to call the board and dare to throw it back. There is only one person, and the East Emperor is too well-known, the super master - Emperor!

Sure enough, we have worked together: "Emperor, you have too much! I lost it is a water fire lotus, I will cultivate the baby's next generation! But I am steal by a shameless little thief Of you say that I can't be angry? If I go to break your Fusang tree, you can still talk to me with me now? "

The emperor is a sleeve, standing up, a dress is flying with the wind, when it is a flying!

Qin Shou didn't like a man, but he had to say that the style of emperor is his most handsome man who has seen it for so many years!

Emperor Handsham: "Total Taoism

Co-launched: "Are you threatening me?" After finishing, the Tianhe immediately twisted, turned into a huge dragon horizontally in the sky! " Qin Shou is dark, this dragon pulls back the earth, you can use the Galaxy ...

The emperor looked at the common work, and he did not send, the two were relative, as if

The spark was collided, and the atmosphere at the scene became incomparable.

Qin Shou said: "You said that these two guys will not look at each other, kiss one, then love each other?"

Qin Yuan said, and his face suddenly changed.

Qin Shou said, regret it, these two but the masters, if they are full of fullness, they are afraid that the sound of mosquitoes can listen! What's more is the voice of Qin Shou.

This is not as before, before Qin Shou people speak, they are both voice chat, naturally nothing.

Sure enough, the next moment, the two horrible guys in the half-air turned, and the eyes were like the ancient cold ice.

When Qin Shouton, there was a feeling of flying in the ice, the whole body was frozen, and it did not even move! At this moment, Qin Shou finally knew how horrible the masters of the ancestral level! I am afraid that I have to kill him, I don't have to use my God, a look, or a thought!

The murder of the co-industrial eye turns, and the emperor's eyes are also extremely unhappy!

Qin Shou has already felt that a horrible murder fell, and the whole body had a sense of hot pain, as if to be tearned!

In the original, I would like to help Qin Shou to share murderous.

However, at this time, one hand pressed Qinyuan, then a breeze blows, Qin Shou's murderous, pressure is all! Qin Shouyi is sitting on the ground, the brain is all cold sweat, and behind being cooked and wetted!

"Your child, it's really troublesome. Last time is a business sheep, this time, I will directly provoke the emperor and common workers. If I am not just nearby, you don't die, you will come." .

Qin Shou shocked the heart of the gods, it was a moment, and he went back to God. After seeing a woman who is standing in front of him, take a closer look, the consciousness said: "Muzi Uncle!"

When Qin Yuan saw the wood, the first reaction was to block the Qinshou, but unfortunately, was pressed into ZAI in the wood and could not move.

Muzi huh: "Your little child, the book is not small, this chasing woman's ability is not small. This Qinyuan is one of the top ten demon gods. The pursuit don't know how much, and it is going to go with you. Together. It's a little means ... "

Qin Yuan said, pretty face, listening to the dialogue between Muzi and Qinshou, the fool also knows that the relationship between these two people is not bad. At least the wood does not hurt Qin Shou, Qinyuan is relieved. Muzi, she naturally knows, but she dares to plus the words, and the light eyebrows are there. At least the small head is running fast. She found that the more it has been in contact with Qin Shou. life.

The strength of this guy seems to be never endless, and the speed of the way is improved, it is simply scary! The magic weapon on the body is also an endless, people who know, but also make people feel shocked!

Qin originally thought that her own came is big enough, now it seems that

This blend of rabbits appears to be bigger!

Qin Shou's thick face, naturally not blush, but laughing two times: "Fortunately, this is yourself to send the door, ..."

Qin Yuan said in the eyes of Qin Shou.

Muzi huh, turned it, turned around, looking at the common and emperor: "Two, a joy of less than a thousand children, you are also true, there is no loss, why?"

Emperor looked at Qin Shou, slightly touched: "Indeed, ,,, .

Chapter 101 Rabbit's good tooth

Rabbit's good teeth

At this time, Qin Shou's brain is already a machine! He knows that the wood is not small, powerful, otherwise it will not scare the flyingness. But Qin Shou has also believed that the strength and rivers of the wood are similar. Never thought that the wood was even one of the twelve ancestors!

Twelve ancestors are uncle, the zombie is a big uncle, the wife is one of the top ten demon gods, there is a sister and other recognition ... Qin Shou suddenly found that this flood world may not be so terrible!

I received a lot of jade, laughing and laughed: "This jade is not bad."

The emperor smiled carefully: "This is the product of Minghuu, Sun Star, I refined the gadgets, for this little guy, there should be some use. It is a compensation for previous behavior."

The collection of jade will throw jade to Qin Shou: "Emperor Jun You, really feel extraordinary, wear."

As a result, the voice fell, he heard it!

Then the body of the great shore of the emperor shocked, and his face is a little quirky. It's a bit awkward ...

Then I heard the voice of Qin Shou slightly sound: "Uncle, this is broken ... Do you make sure this is a good thing?"

Wooden dry cough two times: "This, you have to ask you uncle.

Qin Shou is smart, immediately climbed up, calling: "Uncle, the uncle, you are not wrong?"

Emperor's old face is red, it is about to change one. Co-workers but laugh, smile is very happy!

In these few days, the common work was depressed, come out to play a autumn wind, and the old nest is stolen! Who is he? One of the twelve ancestors, the sky, the man who is able to compete with him is countless!

The beard is awkward, the natural mood is not good! What is more depressed is that he doesn't know who is the black hand in it now!

Depressed for a few days, the emperor gave him the next medicine water, was angered, Qin Shou was unhealthy, but let the work together! Can see one of the two giants of the Tianship, there are not many people!

Ask, what is the uncomfortable feelings that can be treated a uncomfortable person? A: See a more unlucky!

Nowadays, this is this, so I will naturally don't let the emperor will move back, and I immediately laughed: "Dijun, you are so high in the territory, the sky is facing the world, the baby is countless, and there is a small child of the millennium. Playing the means, what is like this, your face can be lost to your family. Haha ... Heaven, you can really enjoy it! "

During the speech, a swing of a waving, a blue shot to Qin Shou, Qin Shou grabbed, a face is awkward, it is a blue Dan medicine!

After the collection, after the eyes, the scene was surprised: "Cooperate, you are still

Got, is this still blue? This thing, the genius in your family may not have the opportunity to get it? "

The work is standing: "That is nature, since it is an apology, it is necessary to do it, and even some people, clearly rich one side, but the small family!" After finishing, he looked at the emperor.

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