The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 783.

The co-workers are flat, not to say, stare at the emperor: "What about you?"

Emperor, a sleeve, sitting on the carriage, said: "The world is the treasure

German people. "After finishing, laugh and don't speak, but the firm look in the eyes, everyone looks out!

Qin Shou saw this, the heart is somewhat wondering, if the magic weapon is really not good, the emperor should not do this. After all, it is not worth it for a not made magic weapon.

At this time, Qinshou Ear sounded a sound: "Kid, this thing has a weird, if you have something, remember, don't look back, hurry!"

Qin Shou wondered, the heart is shocked, two ancestral wits are here, will he be dangerous? Also, don't you say it? Isn't the magic weapon not? How did you come here?

Qin Shou wanted to ask something, he took a back: "Don't talk, don't be emotional, your ability concealed the six knows them. If this time only has to work here, this below should be me The thing that is calculated, the spirit of the soul of the soul, the first day of the sky, the power is good, especially for the soul. However, now the emperor is here, the baby is likely to be the first day of the day! If this is true, the emperor is also good, and it is even, even I can't stand by!

Although congenital Lingbao is not going to Xuan Huang to treasure, the power of the Lingbao of Nine Heaven is extremely terrible. Tianstrooms are now bigger and bigger, we can't let this magic will give emperors. "

When Qin Shouton, there was a lot of doubts in his heart, nine

Is it still the most powerful magic treasure? What is this ?

Qin Shou finally didn't endure, Zhang Qou asked: "I have a uncle, I have always don't understand. Some people say that the most powerful magic weapon in this world is ancient ax, and some people say that it is a dish. Some people say that Pangu ax will open the earth, some people say that it is a role. Which is even more powerful? Also, these two magic treasures are ? "

I have an eye of Qin Shou. I immediately understood what the core of this group is, so I explain: "Pangu is a branch of the ancient times, there is no plate of anti, and it will not open yin and yang. Pangu is ancient open sky The thing, there is no one, even if it is separated, it will not open! These two magic weapons are the Xuanhuang treasures of nine heavens, and the power is endless! However, the ancient ax is already smashed, and the plate is full of fading. The retained. However, Hong Yumao said that the power of the ancient power is too powerful, so it is not appropriate to fall into the square, so the plate is always in the purple palace.

When the Bao Cliff was born, the original wanted to discure, but Hong Yulu did not give him. However, Yuan Tianzun This guy is also a temper. I didn't get the temple. I went back to use the Dafa Forces. After collecting a piece of the ancient ax, I created a plate of ancient! That is, the temple in the eyes of the world, the spiritual treasure of the innate nine heavens, the power is still very good.

So, if you ask the latter, it is powerful or the ancient ax, then I can only say that the ancient ax is powerful. But you have to ask the former

It's still a powerful, I can only say, I don't know. These two magic weapons have never been done, no one knows who is more powerful. "

Qin Shoudao: "Breaking the sky, the opening of the day is still, if you count, the dish is more powerful."

Shake the head: "It is difficult to get a chance to be sacrificed by the day, if you have the opportunity to be sanctified, open the sky, refine the fire water, you will know. Now tell you, you don't understand."

Qin Shou nodded, no longer asked, his doubts in his heart have been solved.

He wondered before, if the congenital Lingbao is the limit of the magic weapon, then these horrible existence during the flood season, what the magic weapon should use to match their strength?

In the future, congenital Lingbao can be so cockroach, because there is no master between heaven and earth, the most powerful estimate will level, even lower! Such strength, the first day Lingbao, may not be a slag.

But the flood is different, here will be above the level, there are still several levels, the strength is also a counter-sky! Such strength, congenital Lingbao can not keep up with their footsteps!

Qin Shouben thought that the congenital Lingbao will have a qualitative change. The world is the most powerful of the innate nine heavens. But during the Yellow Times, Qin Shou's temples were in the temple of the sky, and did not think that the cost of the disc is too powerful.

Although I was almost in seconds, I was still in the eternal Tiandian, and I saved the life, and I killed the sky. But at that time, Qin Shou, strength is also limited. Today's Qin Shou strength is extremely powerful, then looking at the past, the temples at the time is the congenital spiritual treasure of the nine heavens. If you are right, you don't have to take your hand, Qin Shou you can get him! .

Chapter 104 Faultu


Therefore, the more thinking, the more doubts in Qin Shou's heart. Nowadays, I finally have an answer. The ancient circle is not true. It's just that Yuan Shi Tianzun is!

But the problem is coming again, the power of the fairy four swords seems to be unsatisfactory!

There is a whole world in front of you, Qin Shou doesn't ask, it is stupid. So, Qin Shou asked: "Uncle, I heard that Tongtian's leader has a four sword, power is endless, but really?"

"Zhu Xian four swords? What is it? I only know that there is a shammatogram and a sword in the hands of the Tianshi. The sword in the , is produced by the fairy chart, once the spread, the heavens and the earth are all sharp The sword, every treasure sword is the congenital spiritual treasure, these killing swords can be combined together, the more the amount of the merger, the greater the power, and even the Xuan Huang to Baojiu is heavy! It is called between the heavens and the earth, the first murder. ".

Qin Shou immediately thought that in the Time and Space Tunnel, I saw Tongtian's Lord to control the fairy chart, and the scene of countless fairy sword ... It seems that the scene is not fake, but true!

Qin Yuan suddenly opened: "If you harmonate, if you make a fairy chart, it is the first murder. Is it not possible to fall?"

: "The saints of the people's treasures are all in Xuanhuang to Baojiu, these babies are not going to be up and down. Say the fairy chart and the sword is the first kill, because they are killing, They are giving birth to killing. And the disc is a mellower, the merits of the sanctifier, not the main killing, so it can't be said to be the first murder. Each has the director, each has a characteristic, the evaluation is natural. But really Comparison, that is, then. "

The intersection of the distance is said: "Those magic weapons have a fart! You want to obey the words, turned into a plate, all the magic weapons are slag!"

: "Okay, then you go to see the soil or Xuan Ming. If they agree to let you the main plant, I have no opinion."

A total of old face is red, dry cough: "Forget it, this will be said later."

Qin Shou saw it, and the common work is very jealous of rear soil and Xuan Ming! Qin Shou is wondering, is it the same as a ancestral, is it weak? Still talking about work, is a fake, afraid of women? But this, can't ask, so you can happen.

Emperor Jun said: "Co-work, this magic weapon will be willing, I advise you still don't fight with me."

A common work eyebrows challed: "Why, do you think you can win me?"

Emperor Jun said: "There is no more grasped things, I don't do it. This magic, I have a reason, and you are useless."

Co-worked and laughed: "Haha ... is a joke! I have a boy with you? I also said that the East Cross is with me, can you be willing to give me the Emperor?"

Dijun is not angry, it is light: "If you have this, you can go to yourself."

After a total of slightly silence, he said: "There will be one day later."

The emperor just wanted to say anything, and the earth suddenly shooked, and then a Dao Guanghua rushed into the sky and shot the clouds!

Then, a dark hole appeared on the North, the hole is very large, and there are more and more light flying out!

Someone grabbed a little light, then the trunks: "It is the magic weapon! Although it is just a general magic weapon, this is the magic weapon!"

Qinyuan is treated, called: "Fa Bao rain? When the first day of the Jiu Tian Tian, ​​it will cause magic treasures! The following magic weapon, when it is a nine days, Tian Lingbao!"

Qin Shoudao: "Wait a minute, the lady, you said slowly. Is this what is going on?"

Qinyuan said: "You are a stupid, this you don't know? The innate spiritual treasure of the nine heavens has a spirituality, which is equivalent to the great energy in the thousands of people! When they don't have unearthed, they will distribute the light of the magic weapon. Similar to the energy of energy! The magic light will evolve some minerals around, eventually become magic! The quality of these magic weapons, and the grade of minerals.

But the congenital Lingbao of Nine Heaven can turn ordinary earthstones into a general latter day.

Therefore, the congenital spiritual treasure of nine heavens is unearthed, often with countless magic treasures, it is unearthed! These magic treasures are also rushed out, and they are for the sake of seeking the day. In order to cover the congenital spirit of the nine heavens, he has the opportunity to escape, not being caught, refine.

And the scene of this sky, the scene we broke out, we call it a magic weapon! "

Qin Shou is called Qi Dao: "I didn't expect this to say that when Xuanhuang Huibao unearthed, what kind of scene will be. Right, such a large scale rain, will it be Xuanhuang to Bao to be unearthed? "

I have a smile: "Your kid thinks more, Xuanhuang to treasure is generally the Lord, but it is divided into the Baoji Cliff. There is also a part of the congenital Lingbao machine, the congenital Lingbao advanced to When Xuanhuang is treasure, it will absorb all the aura, these accompanying magic weapons can't escape the destiny of the absorbed. Therefore, if the Xuanhuang to treasure is unearthed, there is inevitable that there is no magic rain. "

Qin Shou scratched his head: "This is not something wrong with this Xuan Huang Zhi Bao, and he has a child."

During the gathering of Dan ... The jump of Qin Shou's brain, some speechless.

Qinyuan said: "There may also be a priority of the Tiandao in the magic weapon.

Ok, I am going to grab it! "

After that, Qin Yuan rushed out.

Not just Qinyuan, a lot of demon ghosts, or even the masters of the Witch also shot, and they have robbed all kinds of magic weapons.

In this regard, emperors, common workers, and do not have the meaning of stopping, this general magic weapon, almost in their eyes and dirt, reach out. Therefore, those demon ghosts are naturally robbed, but when Qin Shou arrives, it is not so happy!

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