The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 785.

The three people in the sky are looking at it. They are full of smiles. They also discovered that this dead rabbit and the original is not going to go to the magic weapon, or just started to go to the magic, later simply Be in

Let's play!

The key is the gameplay of these two little guys, let these three guys are very cool! Look very happy, I can't find a reason to stop Qin Shou's continuing.

Qin Shou didn't matter what the above is thinking, he is now as much as possible to get some magic weapons, then enhance strength! Strength is the capital!

However, Qin Shou is not a person who is a big evil, and Qin Shou is not difficult for those guys who are governed. But soon, Qin Shou is depressed, and these guys have succeeded! Let Qin Shou want to grab it!

In the last helpless, Qin Shou Dadi drunk: "Who dares to grab a piece, the rabbit, I have not finished with him! Cry it is not good!"

So everyone hides, as a bird and beast, run. Anyway, there is something to gain, no one wants to die with this background big scary rabbit, in case this death rabbit is serious?

Qin was originally to Qin Shou, and a thumbs up: "Domineering!"

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Must! Collection!"

After saying, Qin Shou took the light and died, and he bite a bite, and then throwing out of the light, changing into a big network, starting crazy to catch the magic weapon. A cake is not idle, flying out, the hour is like a black hole, four absorbing treasures, then embarrassing the clothes for your younger brother.

"The magic weapon of this mixed kid is really special, it is a carrot ..." Cooperation bar.

The eyes of the emperor have fallen in Qin Shou's golden clock, said: "This little child is good, the golden bell has a lot, quite a few enemies of the East Cross."

It is a common work: "The magic weapon is like a person, there is a potential magic weapon, and the genius is also countless, but will be able to ask a few people in the avenue? But this bit is really good, I seem to feel very much."

: "The law of this refining is very means, it seems that there is a witch's technique, and there is a technique of the demon family. There are three clear refining techniques. Incident, but also integrate. It can refine this hour People, strength is afraid that they are not under the saints. "

The emperor heard the words, and the eyebrows chased: "Today, the saints are so many, who will not give this little ghost a sight?"

"The saint of the saints, can you guess? If you guess, you are not emands." Cooperate ridiculous.

Although it is not very good, it is not very good, but the emperor is bright, this is not wrong. I don't want to argue, if I think, I will count, my face suddenly changed! Then the eyebrows wrinkled: "Some means ..." Subsequently, look at Qin Shou's eyes became an old, and finally became a smile.

Some of this scene is a little inexplicable, don't understand what medicine is sold in this emperor.

... ... ...

The emperor smiled: "You don't have a white feet. I have hidden his sky. Although your combat power is strong, it is strong, I can still have a bit more."

After that, the emperor took out a token and crushed.

If you go to the mouth, you will swallow back, turn it back: "Emperor, you are a king, actually use the sky machine! Let the old man help you cover the sky? What do you see?"

Emperor smiled: "Don't say, what do you think I have seen, I saw anything. I got it, you first met this little ghost, you didn't count his past, future?"

Shake the head: "He is a little fascinating, it is not true. I don't want because of my intervention, affecting his air transport and future, so there is no forced calculation. ..

Chapter 107? Sew Mang?

Gather? Sew Mang?

Why, what do you forcing? "Say it later, there has been a uncomfortable and angry in the eyes!

The emperor shakes his head: "Don't be excited, I didn't affect his future air transport. I could swear. As for what I have, I am unable to tell."

The emperor said, the face of the collections also eased, nodded: "You are a trustworthy, you said that there is nothing. As for what you calculated, I don't want to be deep. I don't want to be deep. This level, you should be very clear, everything is variable, even if it is, it can change, let alone the future? "

: "Indea But I think, I know some interesting things. Ok, I don't say, my big nephew seems to be almost the same, it is mainly coming. Cooperation, magic weapon is spiritual, Have the German! Do you dare to gamble with me? "

"What?" What does the common work really don't understand what this emperor is going to do.

Emperor Zhang said: "I said, with the magic weapon and I have a big reason. So I got his thoughts. However, since you want, then you have to face a reality. You will fight, there is naturally, there is countless I have been separated from the results in a short time. If you have a thousand years of thousands of years, there is no meaning. Of course, you must play, I am also happy.

Route, this time, in order to get this magic, I deliberately go to the East Cross and Apricot, huh, huh ... "

"You are telling me how shamed? But I am embarrassed, I will have seen Xuan Ming, there is a bone sword, maybe play with your apricot," said this Currently, we will jointly take the lead: "Do you know, I know you don't want to participate, but borrow my Gengjin, there is always no problem?"

I have a smile: "You know, I can't borrow."

Tonging to work, two eyes turned, swear: "Exatro, really, your guy is charged!"

In this way, Qin Shou, the joyful Qin Shou, who took the way below, suddenly stopped in half of the air, looking up, said: "Pretend to be harvested? Hey, the uncle is not a harvest?"

Tonging to smile: "I almost be cheated, he's of course not gone, he is a temper! Grandma leg, you have two bastards, change each other, disgusting each other, interested?"

Qin Shou is a bit confused, and the wood is harvested. So in the end, the wood is a harmonious or a man?

Emperor looked at Qin Shou's confused look, haha, smiled: "The big nephew, the wood you know is a temper, not a harm. Just, this guy has always changed to the same thing. Tiandi five lines , Golden water, soil, metallic natural graphic wood attribute. Members are wood gods, and they are golden gods. He has accomplished the birth of the birth, and the two guys have been

They are fighting, and the blocks become the foundation of the wood attribute, often turned around the appearance, and experience the way of the gold, seeking the method of restraining. And the fear of the fear of him, also used the same method, changed to mens, experience the power of the wood, seeking further restraint.

Therefore, there is a sentence between this world called: Teset Mang's incompetence, change to each other.

These two people make many people headache, including me. If it is not the Geng Gao Gao Gao Shu, I don't know, we still don't know that he is not a harmonious. "

Qin Shou scratched his head, at this time he also responded, if there is not a wood, you will not shoot him at all! He earlier!

So Qin Shoudao: "No matter the uncle of Muzi is a good, it is also a harmonious.

He said, haha, smiled: "Kid, you, I love it,"

Co-discipline: "I don't like listening! Senior, no matter how, this guy takes the East Cross, I don't have to do it. You have to help me!"

Emperor said: "Who is said, the law is outside, turning into a dish is a slag? I brought a slag, you also want to find a helper?"

Tonging to work with the old face: "Is this not a discocent?"

The emperor smiled: "Co-workers, I think you have no need to urgently

Have a fight. I said, you and I fight, there is no thousands of years, I am afraid that it will not be able to win. Moreover, this world will also be collapsed, so there is no benefit to you. This way, I have a fair way, and I don't have to use force, just fight, do you dare to gamble with me? "

"What is gambling?" Co-know, a emperor he is not afraid, but plus an East Cross, he will trouble. Winning is unlikely, the most is unbeaten by the flesh. But it is definitely there will be ... for the sake of face, you don't want to fight.

Emperor Handsome: "and simple, you and I have some side to see the trajectory of the magic weapon, who is flying, who, how?"

A total of a brow: "The problem is that I don't trust you at all, and the ghost knows that there is anything, which will affect the flying trajectory of the baby."

Emperor Zhang said: "I know what you are worried about ... rest assured, we can swear, there is absolutely not to do your hands and feet, all luck! Of course, such a fun game, light, you are not intended, this is, Ten, Tang, big nephew, Daughter-in-law, you are also coming together. Let's five people stand one side, spell the luck, how? "

Although Qin Shou didn't know what medicine was sold in the emperor, this is obviously a good thing. I don't dare to do it! So Qin Shou immediately called: "Good!"

Qin Yuan immediately followed; "Good!" At the same time, the smart face excited red puff


Before Qin Shou, I have to recognize these two uncle, pull the relationship. At that time, Qinyuan also felt that it was a bit for Qin Shou's face. After all, the girl was thin. But now I really have a big nephew, this is a big BOSS that is collected.

Others Qin Yuan is unclear, but the emperor's power in the Tiand, and the prestige of the land fairy! She is too clear! That is definitely below the saints, counting the existence of two! In terms of tiabs, the Emperor of the Emperor is a person who wants to be a gift! .

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