The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 787

Co-wants to be very reluctant: "You have dragon corners, I have a dragon scale! It seems to be ambiguous." The big hand opened, it is a purple falling triangle scales.

Emperor Jun said: "I am now curious now, what is the piece of Xuanhuang to treasure, I can feel that it is the top day of Xuan Huang to Baoyi."

Total Treatment: "Wenyong's Xuanhuang to Bao, for us, but for the general monks, it is also extremely terrible. This little child is good luck, it is a piece of Xuanhuang. When I was treasure. "That said, the co-satisfied and deeply swept a great emperor.

Qin Yuan saw this, suddenly realized that this is very embarrassing, it is not good, this is the eight-year-old, the emperor is full of Qin Shou! Otherwise, with the emperor of the monet, the zone of the zone of the zone, the zone of the world, should not escape from his control! He is even more impossible to commit such a low-level mistake, let it run! However, why is the emperor do this?

Meng suddenly said: "Okay, the magic weapon is solved, I think we should say something is right. Congress, emperor, you come here, should you not be in this magic weapon? Congenital Jiu Zhong Tian's spirit Bao is also good, Xuanhuang is also a treasure, and you will not let you come to the point. "

The common work is flat, and there is no talk.

The emperor carrying hands and has not spoken.

Sentences to see this, bitter smile: "You two guys still sell Guanzi now? Beiyuan, reappear, it is said to be the battlefield of Longfeng Group, and there will be three extremely huge wars. Dragon and phoenix Visiting, the same, also buried hidden dangers here. Emperor, you come here, but for this battlefield? Co-work, North City is not far from your total, you should be safe for your tribe, Come here? "

Squiry said this, the two no longer concealed.

Total Treatment: "Indeamentally, I have inducted the grievances here, suffering is extremely heavy, it seems to have something is brewing. I have been here for more than a dozen times, but I can't find the channel to enter the battlefield. And

And, they did not hurt my people, so I didn't have too much tube. But recently, it is getting more and more heavy, especially for a few more time, the few thieves stolen my water fire, it seems that I have been slap in the palm of them!

At that time, I learned that this battlefield is getting closer and closer to the fairy world, and it is possible to break the soil at any time. As everyone knows, once the war is awake, it is very troublesome. You are not afraid, but they have a great threat to our people. Term, you ran from the south to the north, nor is it a lively? "

Squiry smiled: "Fuxi gave me a flying pigeon book, saying that there will be big hassles, I want to come over. I owe the Fuxi, I was alive."

Emperor Handson: "I can't think of it, since Fuxi has invited you, why come to me?"

Shotsheng: "Are you also invited?"

Emperor Hands Tao: "Yes, I will not come at all. Congress is coming, although he doesn't matter, it is enough to suppress everything here. I am also a lot of ..."

When I was working, I got a look at the emperor, but behind, he also listened very much.

Emperor continued to say: "But Fuxi still sent me a letter to send me a letter, please come over. He didn't say anything during the line, but I could feel his dignity. What seems to be there?

What is much like. "

Qinyuan looked at it, didn't dare to plus. After all, she is not Qin Shou, the outer households, the sky is not afraid, she usually, although the ghost machine is not born. But the rumors of the three big BOSS in front of me, I have long been like a mountain. Three people in front of me, as if I saw God, except for awe, there is no other.

Meng suddenly turned to see Qinyuan: "Little girl, you know the most ghost of the top ten demon, talk about your opinion. Don't be afraid, just say, no one will blame you.


Chapter 110 Xuanhuang Fantasy

Xuanhuang Magicone

When Qin Yuan suddenly grateful, he could not ask her, when she was air, but she pulled her with a circle of three people. If you say something today, Qin Yuan even feels that after going back, the Top Ten demon gods must go around her ...

However, Qinyuan is still some afraid, after all, Meng is a ancestral, not a demon! The tube is not a day!

Emperor saw this, huh, huh, said, "Let you say you said, the so-called bystander is clear, you can have some different views."

It is not a matter of common, and his shelf is coming to the enemy. It is a bit a bit. In your own tribe, often shirts around, sometimes and some big wits, wrists. It is a typical rough incense. He also understands that he can listen to others and have benefits to yourself. So he doesn't talk, anyway, two people have stated, he refuses to use it.

At the same time, the foundation of coexisting approximately, Meng, the emperor, these two guys are a bit great to Qin Shou! And these two guys are usually not such a person! He doesn't think that these two guys will be white and no reason. There is a di having a demon, everyone is doing things, and there is no big mistake!

So, I will not go to this matter because of this, it is unpleasant and unpleasant in Qin Shou. Missed behind, possible

More benefits.

Qinyuan saw that the emperor was opened, and it was a self-satisfactory look. The last thing is gone, so he said: "I really don't know, I don't know right, I think, Fu Wei is It may be a state. "When I said this, I didn't talk.

Everyone heard inexplicable.

Total Works: "You are a little girl, can you speak all? What state? You are clear?"

Qinyuan smiled: "Not I don't say, but I dare not say. No matter my guess is or wrong, the consequences are not what I can bear."

Total Treatment: "What are you afraid? I will support you, Fuxi wants to dare you, I will help you hit it!"

Dijun suddenly opened: "Don't say it, some things, you still don't participate in it. Current work, don't you want to do what Fuxi wants to do? Do you dare to look at me?"

"Going down! This is too heavy, if it is very soldier, first kill again!" After the finish, we will jointly move the meteor to the bottom of the underground.

The emperor immediately followed, and the two peerless came back and down to the abyss.

In the sky, the sentence is blinking, and finally sighed, a waving Qin Shou appeared four vines, and there was a yellow small in the top.

Flowers, flowers are bright, shaking their heads, very cute.

After finishing these, Meng fell, keeping up with the steps between China.

At this moment, Qin Shou is refining the gangluo in the golden bell. With the more and more law of Qin Shou, and the madness of a cake, finally the glaucoma is blown, exposed My body! Herone is a cyan stone!

The stone is very commonplace that there is a precious place.

But after a cake saw it, immediately called: "This is ... this is, Xuanhuang Fantasy! Heaven, how can this thing here?"

Qin Shou immediately asked: "What is your ghost? What is this? Is this not a magic?"

"It is not a magic weapon! Boss, that ..." The biscuit said behind him.

Qin Shouton is anxious: "What do you do? Is there something! Don't worry!"

"Boss, this is Xuanhuang", I don't know why I know it. But this thing is useful to me, it is useful! If I can eat him, I can instantly reach the grade of Jiu Zhen Tianliang! And, just give me some time, or give me a congenital spiritual treasure of one or two, I can easily break through the level of Xuanhuang to Baobao!

This Xuanhuang Fantasy, for our magic weapon, it is equivalent to the Money for you! Eat him, as long as the qualification is not too bad

Congenital Lingbao can upgrade to Xuanhuang to the hierarchy! He can eliminate Lingbao to the Bao's barrier. "A biscuit said.

Qin Shou touched the Babao: "One cake, what you mean, I want to feed you a Xuan Huang to the treasure, then take it in a two-two-year-old day, you can climb to Xuan Huang to Xuan Huang Hierarchy? "

A piece of cakes heard the words, and I know that my request is a bit, I am a bit embarrassed: "It's so truth, I know that this is very good ..."

"Thanks to your grandfather! This stone has any use of the rabbit, I don't care, you have followed me for so many years, it is also my mission magic weapon, can you treat you? Eat! But your kid does not break the Xuanhuang to treasure, look back, I will knock. Broken you, refine one! "Qin Shou Dadao.

One cake is listening, not only is not angry, but the ecstasy is no longer, screaming: "The boss is mighty! Boss, you can rest assured, I will never give you a face! Isn't it are Xuanhuang to treasure, proper!"

After that, the sound of the biscuits sounded rushed, obviously it has begun to attack Xuanhuang Magicone, I want to refine it.

Qin Shoujing feels quietly. This is the first time Qin Shou feels a cake to attack a magic weapon. Qin Shou asked very curiously: "A cake, the same is the magic weapon, its grade can be higher than you, can you swallow him? I am seriously suspicious of you, even if you hurt him, it is difficult."

A biscuit: "Boss, don't look at me, although my grade

Not as good as him, but I can have a weapon to deal with the magic weapon! What's more, this guy is also the ranks just stepped into Xuanhuang to treasure, and the brain is not very spiritual. Second, the wheel properties, he is a plate, I restrained him! Strong than me, eat it! "

After that, the clock hammer in the biscuit suddenly fell down, and then slammed like a big hammer with the mountains, and the squat was on Xuanhuang Magicone!

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