The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 835.

The generals are called: "Qin Gener is the true hero! It is willing to follow the Qin Gener to fight the world, willing to be a horse!"

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Reassure, the general, since you entered my moon, I will be responsible for you! Never let you make cany

! Unlike some people, don't live their lives! "

After that, Qin Shou fell into the forest.

Win Lin Anges: "Your rabbit, less you pick up! Do you don't know what you do, you don't know how to make a good, and you will kill him!"

However, let the win forest are angry, there are hundreds of demon kings under the hand, there is no one is willing! No one is afraid, in case you go out to challenge the imperial group, what should I do if I want to go to the moon? Grenade, Win Lin no matter, let them go, what should they do? Also in the Go?

Qin Shou saw this, smiled; "Good, a Phoenix family, good wind! Under the order, thousands of people, the result is not, haha ​​... I am really laughing."

Win Lin suddenly turned back, staring at those demon kings, angry: "Your waste, usually tell me that you are faithful, but today, it is a fear of the end, it is really waste! The Phoenix people can have people willing to play, kill the opposite group, kill kill Wang Yue, take that rabbit? "

"At the end will be!" Finally, the Phoenix family came out of an old man.

The old man must be red, there is a double wing behind it, but this pair is not a Phoenix Witch, but a pair of golden wings, which is very strange.

Win Lin saw this, point my head: "It turned out to be the general of winning, the general shot, I am relieved. I went to Wang Yue Mountain, I will go to the Phoenix Mountain!"

"Xiefang Master!" Win Kui quickly watched.

Opposite, Wang Yue Demon King whispered to Qin Shou Road: "The king, this win is not simple, although it is a queen, but it is called the unstable hand under the queen. Although the ingredients of bragging are much more, his strength is indeed weak. It's hard to be enemies ... "

Qin Shou has not spoken, the opposite group has been actively war: "The king, this winner is mostly blown out, I really want to fight, I can kill him! Since I went to the king, the king should be small should have Doubt. This doesn't matter, the little thing will remove the head of the winku, when it is called! "

Qin Shou listened, Suddenly god! Although the British group is not strong, this kind of fierce, Qin Shou likes!

Qin Shou smiled: "Good kid, you rush, the rabbit, I like

Joy! In this way, if you slaughter win, the rabbit, I personally pass you the magic of you! And help you break through the emperor! "

When Qin Shou said this, I have already used the head of the head to make a careful full body observation, the body of the body and other gods are different. He is actually a heterogeneous, three thousand in the body. heart! These hearts have a large small, but most of the hearts have accumulated a thick heaven and earth! These heavens and local elements are not scattered, as with stones, these heart cards are mainly.

Really can run, only one of the main hearts of the left chest!

Qin Shou passed the head of the provenent, if all the hearts were all started, they can completely break through the emperor! Unfortunately, it seems that I don't realize this problem. Because these hearts were killed by the Yuanqi card, there was a vital pseudo-equipped layer. If it is not strong in Qin Shou, it can't be seen in it.

However, this matter, Qin Shou will not say it.

The opposite group has not received his complete trust, and now it is good, if it is

The opposite group kills the wins, Qin Shou really believes! Qin Shou, I don't think that the woman in this overbearing, will also play with him, what is the rabbit who is not in her eyes, and puts the spies.

Most importantly, Qin Shou can see the inner authenticity of the people, any spy is invalid.

It is precisely because of these factors, Qin Shou dares to say such a big.

It is true that Qin Shou said, it seems that the strength of Qin Shou may not be better than he is in the view.

The opposite won is even more unscrupulous. Put a card in the quarter of the millennium, upgrade to the emperor! Haha ... "

In the words of the forest, full of ridicule.

Qin Shou smiled and didn't argue, said: "Don't you have no life, you killed him!"

Win Kui in the top, arrogant: "Rabbit, you are really ignorant! Let a antity to kill Phoenix? Haha ... is a big joke! It's a group, you are here, give me death!"

Win Kuitan is empty, the golden double wing behind suddenly starts, and the bears are burned, and the speed suddenly increases, as transients will disappear!


Behind the same group, winning, sudden appearance, a boxing on the back of the group!

Dongfeng called: "Be careful! His speed is extremely fast!"

It is a pity that it is late, the speed of winning is too fast, come to no trace, instantly pursue it, bombard!

The opposite group was won, and it was directly in the earth!

The earth exploded a big pit, countless cracks spread to all sides, like a big earthquake.

In the deep pit, the explosion is constantly! Win Kui is like a madman, And the opposite group is always not!

Dongfeng came to Qin Shou's side: "The king, he is a group ..."..

Chapter 179 Angry Phoenix

Angry Phoenix

Qin Shou laughed: "What are you rushing? The game is just beginning, the brain of the group is actually very good."

"What do you mean?" Dongfeng's disregard.

Just then, in the big pit, the laughter of winning is suddenly stopped! As if the big rooster, the big rooster, the big rooster, can't make the sound!

Then, the crisp sound of the bone break, everyone touched his neck with consciousness.

Qin Shou smiled: "It is not a meaning, the advantage of the group is my strength, the advantage of winning the wins is the speed. If there is a vast sky combat, the opposite group can't touch the edge of winkui. But ..."

Dongfeng Seconds: "But if you show weakness, guide the arrogance of extraordinary and angry, you will enter the foundation with him, so you can limit the mobile space of winkui. It can counterattack!"

The opposite Winnam heard the words, and smiled. "It's a blessing! The antite is a antity, you can kill the Kui? It's a big one.

joke! "

Almost at the same time, a movie slowly flew out from the big pit, and drag a huge thing in his hand! It has been reversed the neck, there is a four team wings behind, two pairs of phoenix wings, a pair of gold wings win!

Qin Shou immediately called; "Small, I have given me the woman's face! I want to see her face to face the face! I will take out your shadow, I will shoot! Millennium is rare to play wonderful Face moment! I am curious, this woman sees the moment when the winku is spike, will be a wonderful! Oh! I saw, this expression,, ! Sister, you wear clothes, don't harm! "

"Sad bunny, you are dead!" Yin Lin is still not angry, there have been more than a dozen Phoenix Croyal Experts!

In the same group, I was going to go, but I saw a silver light on the side, and I went up with a huge rhinoceros!


More than a dozen Phoenix masters, the scene was crushed into a meat! When the soul of the soul, he was taken away by the Dongfeng, and then respected to Qin

life. Qin Shou directly threw the mouth, swallowed!

Yin Lin also couldn't sit again. She is anxious to find Qin Shou's trouble. At all, I have not waiting for the assistance in the coming, and the emperor master has only her. The remaining is the masters of the queen. These people usually Bullying people. But the Dongfeng of the moon is not enough to see!

Winning Lin Song, Zhang Zi spit out a fire red sword, pointed to Qin Shoudao: "You are dead rabbit, this is going to leave a living road, since you don't want to live, then I will send you to death!"

"Haha ... Win Lin, what the wind is blowing you to Wang Yue Mountain?" At this time, a solar lauga came, and then the Longfang owner rushed over, and it seems that there is a meaningful horizontal win. Lin and Qin Shouchang, blocked the way to win the forest.

Win Lin see this, willow herb is inverted, and the Dragon Femina is said: "You have to block me?"

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