The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 837.

On the moon mountain, Longfang Lord and the winning forest are not open, crazy, two people, you come to me, you are not lively. At this time, Longfang main scorpion was condensed and saw the thief dragon rushed. Drinking, I will win the forest, the rogue thief dragon said: "How do you say?" ..

Chapter 181 Picking


The thief dragon was crying on the spot: "I will go to the Phoenix Mountain negotiation. As a result, I don't know why it is siege, and I will escape. Now I have returned it. Before the closure, the old age will let the Square kill the forest, completely destroy the Phoenix people plan!"

In this way, Longfang was scared, and his heart flashed a doubt, and his fox. Although the thief dragon is his own letter, this news is too incredible, he does not dare to fully believe. Kill the wins, the consequences are too serious, if the information is wrong, he will die!

At this moment, Longfang Lord saw that the personal maid of the winner flew over, whispered in the winning forest ear, and went to the forest and angry, angered: "Good Dragon, actually want to drop the stone, Danger? Running old running! Dead fat, today I first slammed you, then bring people to the gantry, kill the old animal! "

When I listened to the thief dragon again, I thought about the thief dragon, and my heart suddenly disappeared, followed by the bovy angered: "When I will wait for me, your dare to be old? Win Lin, I really thought that I haven't played you? Just let you, you are concerned, now, kill you! "

Win Lin haha ​​laughed: "Waste fat, take you?"

After that, the winning forest once again killed again, Longfang Lord took out a piece of jade, Yushu's air became large, and the inside drilled a Jade dragon, and Yulong took the tail to win the forest!

Win Lin said: "Yulongyu? I didn't expect Dragon to give you this money. I actually gave you this Lingbao. However, do you want to win me?" After the Lin said, I also took out a piece of jade throwing air, Yupei flew out a jade phoenix!

Qin Shou scratched his head: "The magic weapon is almost the same ... These two guys are not very discussing?"

It is a low voice: "The king, these two Yutong, a name called Yulongyu, a name called Yu Feng Yu, is said to be discovered by the master of the dragon and phoeniases. The two each took a piece, but it is flat. Little, I also heard that these two jade is separated, there is only the level of nine heavens congenital Lingbao. If they can be mixed together, they can break out the power of Xuanhuang to treasure! Even, as long as the opportunity is enough, you can advance to Xuan Huang Bao! "

Qin Shou listened, the eyes suddenly looked up, and Xuanhuang went to the treasure. He has experienced it from the golden bell bit. This level

The number of magic weapons, the power is extremely anti-day, killing the killing of the masters such as killing chicken!

There is a piece, you can suppress a paradise, the emotion of the ethnic group. Therefore, Qin Shou immediately made a thought of two jade, just now, he didn't plan to shoot, but looked quietly.

In the sky, Longfang is more and more crazy, the horrible remaining wave is increasingly devastating, and everyone watching retreats.

Just then, Dongfeng came back, whispered in Qinshou Ear whispered: "The king, the dragon and phoenix two people don't close you, and they also have a reinforcement on the road. Time is over, We are very disadvantageous. "

Qin Shou, I listened, and a fruit in his hands was smashed. He said: "This dragon fat is really not to force. He is still ready to treat him as a friend ... He can't stand himself, or you must look like a family Since they want to play, the rabbit will play with them! You come over, listen to me ... "

Dongfeng bowed, Qin Shou whispered in his ear: "¥ @ ..."

"Little understand! Don't worry, king, guarantee the completion of the task!" After that, Dongfeng quietly changed his body, hiding. Wang Yue Mountain

The little demon also quietly left a lot, and then integrated into the army of the dragon and phoenters.


In the sky, Yulong Yufeng hit together and broke out a horrible flaw!

Almost at the same time, the winner appeared in the fire, the sword is crazy attack!

At this moment, some people were called: "The bastard of the Phoenix family, you actually sneak my brother!"

Everyone he said, I saw a tiger demon is a bloody fall. Then the other Tiger demon kills the opposite side of the fox, the fox demon has not run two steps, and they are killed by a knife, and the Yuan god escapes. It is swallowed by the tiger!

As a result, the Phoenix family immediately came out of a group of people, roaring; "Bold Tiger demon, you dare to kill people? Nash!"

"Do you think only you have someone?" Tiger demon is not afraid, a waving, the call is bought out.

When the Phoenix is ​​seen, hurry to pull people around. This is the hostile relationship. Under the enemy of the enemy, everyone's brain is pulled in a large group.

From the monsters of each forces.

At this moment, a bat to fall from the sky, sneak attacking the group of Fenghuang people, a big mouth, one waved, a bombard, hundreds of demon!

This is like a bomb's guidelo, and the Phoenix people have shot, and the dragon is chasing this, and the scene is getting bigger and bigger!

Longfang, see this, the brow wrinkled, the things under the eyes are not his arrangement, and suddenly there is such a thing, he feels a bit strange, said: "Win Lin, things are a bit wrong."

Win Lin Zhang said: "Hey! Dummpering people, you are not right? Get cheap and sell it? Everyone listened to me, kill! Oil the dragon and those who are mixed!"

Win Lin is a gunpowder barrel, under a variety of violent, at all, no matter how much! The Phoenix National Army He listened, and he roared immediately, and the whole army killed it.

Longfang mains see this, the big say: "You are stupid!"

"You dare to marry me? Go to death!" Win Lin chased, a frenzy!

Longfang is helpless, ordered: "Kill back!"

The Dragon March followed, and the Phoenix is ​​completely made into a group.

The two parties of the army are crazy to kill, for a time, the magical treasure, the magical power is countless, the broken arm is residual, blood flows into the river ...

In the chaos, no one has found that a group has quietly retreated, and these people are the first person. The injured tiger demon, the bat demon ran, returned to the camp of Qin Shou.

Before the tiger demon, Zhang Wei spit out a light ball, and it was the Yuan God of the fox demon. "The king, no mission.".

Chapter 182 Substance


Qin Shou satisfied, I said: "Don't do it, I just let you disconte them, although your method is a bit embarrassed, but the purpose has achieved the best results. Good, really good! Who is this idea? "

The Tiger Demon is changing, it is the Dongfeng!

Dongfeng Road: "It is this little fox, and she is willing to give life for the prime plan."

Qin Shou smiled: "If you die, you have a reward, since you have no fox, the rabbit will pay you a flesh. But this flesh, the rabbit, I will give you someone else, I will give you infinite The vitality, and a magic, help you cultivate the flesh. Waiting for you to restore the flesh, come to me, and your benefits! "

The god of the little fox is in the air, and even worship.

Qin Shou waved, a spot flying into the eyebrows of the little fox, then the small fox fainted. The amount of information is too big. She will not be absorbed by half a half, Qin Shou is not worried.

Subsequently, there are other demon people to take her.

In the sky, the two army have already killed the sky, the Phoenix is ​​because of the death of the Baolian Demon King in Qin Shou's hand, it hits the strong dragon army, and the courtesy will be a little effort.

Qin Shou saw this, laughed: "Okay, the big drama also looks almost, Dongfeng, ischalon, with this king go out to kill the enemy!"

After that, Qin Shou turned into a change in a fire phoenix, rushed out.

Dongfeng will have some changes, plus Qin Shou, teaching God, returning to seventy-two changes, and the change is difficult to fall.

Do not change the change in the absence, Qin Shou has taught all changes, and it can turn into a barbarium, and barely hide the shape.

Three people are only walking, they are not happy by Qin Shou in the chair, grinding the tiger teeth, looking at the left and seeing, and finally turned into a way, and turned into a demon king. Snoving, I have to go out Kill the enemy!

At this time, a big hand appeared behind the sun, and took her with her collar and put her back and put it on the chair.

When Kwai Toned: "Which born dares to catch me?"

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