The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 841.

At the same time, a streamed moment is shot to the moon mountain!

Qin Shou suddenly opened his eyes, opened a portal, stepped out, appeared outside the moon!

"Rabbit, Help!" Huaidian demon king called!

Qin Shou brows wrinkled, he also saw it, this presence of the demon king has been sucked, now it is back to the light, the last breath hangs, refuses to die. As a result, this sound, his life is rapidly lost.

Qin Shou sighs; "Save you can, but."

"I am willing to call the minister!" Said the demon king.

Qin Shou nodded, raised his hand, a voyage, hung him.

The gem of the demon king tone, he is also enough, directly cut off his soul, expressed heartfelt. Qin Shou did not pick up, but to the moon, Wang Dongfeng, one shot, and the flying flying!

Qin Shou Road: "Bring him, I believe you. As for the soul, you stay. The soul is lacking, the avenue is difficult. The future battle, your current strength is not enough! I need you to become stronger!"

The gem of the demon king, and then did not dare to delay, and they directly worked directly.

Qin Shounan nodded, took out a piece of water fire flower petals and a water fire lotus lotus to handed over: "Eat it!"

The genius demon king is still there, and it is a peerless treasure. It is swallowed. Next, the flesh of the original dry went, started slowly recovering, gradually applauding, full ...

Qin Shou saw this, nodded slightly. This water fire lotus is the integration of the water and fire, and the vitality is extremely strong! You can live and die, the bones of the people are life-saving.

Not long after, the genius demon king is restored, and after complicating, after Qin Shou, respectful arches: "Huai Tian, ​​see the king!"

Qin Shoudao: "Since you followed me, you can't use this name. From today, you call us wind! Just Dongfeng, you have already met.

I will not introduce it. You come with me, I have something to ask you. "

Although the name of the demon king thinks that this name is very exquisite, but it does not dare to violate it. The power of the martial arts has been seen in Dongfeng, he doesn't want to eat. What's more, his life is Qin Shou rescued, giving him life, he also recognized.

Following Qin Shou into the palace, Qin Shou Road: "Let's say, what is this going?"

Hua Tian demon king smiled and said: "To tell the truth, I don't know today. I went to visit Xia Guang demon king. When I was doing it in bed, she suddenly clamped me, crazy absorbed my Yangyuan, Then, like a plunder, absorb my essence blood, Yuanqi, if there is a life-saving baby critical moment, I have inspired my potential, and then I used the life-saving spirit. Now I have been killed by her. I can't imagine. How can she be so strange!

However, when I walked, I found that she seems to have a problem, the eyes are big, and the whole body is stiff, like the corpse that has just been awake. "

Qin Shou touched the next Baudao: "So, the Qixiang demon king

? "

Western Wind Road: "It should be the case, just, I didn't find that she had a different. Suddenly, it is very strange."

Qin Shoudao: "You know, what kind of secrets have Xiaguang demon king?"

Western wind shakes the head: "What secrets can she have? In addition to the tunnel to the underground cave, there is no secret."

Qin Shou was surprised to watch the West Wind: "Do you know the secret of his boudoir?"

Western wind is a glimpse, then the road; "the king, you know?"

Qin Shou knew the Western Strict, laughed: "When I first came to Wan Mountain, I passed the Pixia Mountain and was stopped by her demon. I killed the little demon, changed into a small demon, mixed in Over. You know, where is the underground network? "

Western Way: "I also secretly followed it. There is a ice crystal palace in the deep place. The palace is served in a gourd. Xia Guang demon king will go once almost every month, I want to get the blood sacrifice, I have to get the gourd. But I know a lot of people in gourd, she wants to get it, it is an idiotic

dream. So I didn't care ... "

Qin Shoudao: "You didn't play the idea of ​​the gourd?"

The Western-wind is tempered: "That gourd is too strange, I don't dare to touch. I listen to someone said that there is not only magic weapon between the world, and there is a magic treasure. The gourd sucks the essence, afraid is a kind of magic treasure Although it is strong, it is not a touch, it is not a greedy person. I am not a greedy person, this Wan Mountain has made me satisfied, my days are not bad, so I don't want to take risks. As for Xia Guangmon, she likes it, let her go well, there is a book, there is no such thing, and they will be lost. "

"You are thinking, I also have seen the gourd, I have been very strange. I doubt the change of Xia Guang, it is related to the gourd." Qin Shoudao.

"Dawn, you mean?" Asked the West. .

Chapter 187 Horror Light Demon King

Terror Xia Guang Demon King

Qin Shoudao: "I mean, close, sleep! This Ten Mountain is already enough, then there are not many fun, less than a few more, we don't have to provoke us, we will watch it!"

Western Wind Road: "But that is the magic treasure?"

Qin Shou smiled and said: "Love who wants to, wait for them to come out, the rabbit is † ."

After that, Qin Shou turned back to the palace.

Western wind was rushing out, and he went to see Dongfeng to walk. Two past competitors, now the same like meet again, smile, go to chat.

Qin Shou is not really sleeping, the words of the demon king, causing Qin Shou's attention, this Wan Mountain is getting more and more dangerous, Qin Shou wants to mix, strength is crucial!

There is also a huge vitality in Qin Shou's body and a variety of heaven rules, there is no absorption. More blood Dan is waiting to swallow, he wants to take these crises.

Before the explosion, improve your strength as much as possible!

As for the sun, this girl is sitting at the door of Qin Shou, helping the role of the law. Incident, studying Qin Shou taught a variety of gods gates.

Among the rooms, only two people in Qin Shou and the swallowers, the two did not say anything, and the legs were sitting and quickly entered. Swallow people pass him to Qin Shou, and help Qin Shouhua opens those pounds of energy, and finally it is to help Qin Shou care law.

Qin Shou himself doesn't matter, only the crazy absorption of these energy, while the ambulance of the ambiguity is swallowed, plus receiving the comprehension from the swallowing people and the understanding of the head of the proven, Qin Shou is equivalent to thousands of people. At the same time, I'm governing the general, the speed of the provenance is terrible!

But even if it is like this, Qin Shou is not satisfied! Directly open the Zifu Tiandi, copy all the ways, put it into the Zifu Tiandi!

There are countless believers in the Tiandi, looking up, I saw countless avenue rules, like physical, like heavy rain,

The fall of the squat, the people can't help but sit down, understand the Tiandi Avenue,

Subsequently, these comprehension accompanied by the willingness and feedback to Qin Shou! But this information is very messy, everyone is different, how much is not the same, if you change the average person, you will be crazy!

However, Qin Shou is different, he has a provenent's head, and Wu's head is to deal with the most powerful existence of information. It is not afraid of more information, it is afraid of information is not enough! Instantly combing these huge information, organize into a complete way, then pass it to Qin Shou!

For a time, Qin Shou Wu said a second, which is equivalent to the other people to know the millennium! In the case of such cheating, under the general, it is estimated that Qin Shou can do it.

Qin Shounang's speed is getting faster and faster, and the gap between the royal and emperor is beginning to become narrower, as if you can cross the past ...

Just in Qinshou Environmental Road, when breaking through the emperor.

Pixia Mountain!


A loud noise, the three people fleeted! At this moment, a black cloud flew out, half-air, cited to a dark gourd, Hulu mouth opened!

The bone bone is shocked: "Save me!"

The ghost tree is turned back, and the iron will grasp it. "Save it, don't want to die, just run! Run!"

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