The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the Yutong Chapter 845.

First of all, the Xiaguang demon king is chasing, and the people of the Phoenix and Dragon are killed! Then rushed into the Wanchao City, killing the Quartet, and the results were angered, and there was a goddess. After three days and three days of war, the Xiaguang demon fled. However, some people saw that the Xiaguang demon is still in the nearby Meshan ...

The second message comes from the thief dragons and the masters of the phoenix and the dragon, this time is the real power, surpass the emperor! However, these people did not kill the moon mountains in the first time, but they were looking for Xia Guang demon kings. Among them, there were several games on both sides. As a result, Xia Guang was injured and escaped, and the dragon and phoenix family had death!

The third message ... I have to go to the New Year!

Qin Shou didn't care what is going to be made outside. His every day is that the two people from Dongfeng and Western Breeze are turning on the golden bells. Directly to the holy sound of the gathering, and dissatisfied directly, refining into a mixed medicine!

Qin Shou himself is in the room, every day, stone!

Sweep two gambling stone squares, Qin Shou's harvest is the biggest, that is, these stones! Clear, can quickly enhance his soul, let his yuan

God is getting stronger, the potential is getting stronger!

Coupled with the aids of two major cheats, Qin Shou's road is almost a big step, step by step! In addition, there is a lot of monsters that are naturalized, alchemy, and the five internal organs in the body, the nine-day ten places, his strength is also sitting in the rocket, usually, tap!

In the New Year, Qin Shou's strength has been quietly reached in the abroad, quietly reaching the Emperor's nine heavens!

In the bottleneck, Qin Shou once climbed again, helplessly, I had to give up the stone, and I came out.

When I went out, I saw the sun on the big stone on the door, and I held the chin and stared at the mouth of the mountain.

Qin Shou came to the past and asked; "What are you doing?"

"Bad rabbit, two months of unreasonable people, people are bored." Kwai lying on the stone, directly taking rolling.

Qin Shou smiled: "Hey, I still have rolled, get up, I want to play, I will walk with the rabbit!"

Knone listened, immediately climbed up, and then jumped, puff it into Qin Shou Hui. Qin Shou took the firecracker, and the sun asked curious: "What is fun

? Say it! "

Qin Shou Yang Wangwangwang: "New Year, I don't know if it is snowing."

Just then, Dongfeng ran in, called: "The king, one of the tennisers, the business sheep, don't let her come in?"

Qin Shou directly took a burst, said: "What? What is the woman of the rabbit, you can't stop it? Do you still want to make anti?"

Dongfeng was in the day of Qin Shou. I only knew that Qin Shou went to see the emperor, and where Qin Shou and Shang Sheep have legs. Bright way: "I will let her come in ..."

After a while, the merchant sheep came in, and the drums glared at Qin Shou Road: "Sad Harbed, what do you mean? I really want to see you, the result, don't come?"

Dongfeng listened, a neck, hurricane. The result is not going to go out, but the ass is one foot from Qin Shou, and it is going out to Sand. .

Chapter 192, Snow Pine

Snow pressure

Qin Shou scratched his head, a bit embarrassed: "You can't blame me."

"Don't blame you?" Shangmei is more fire.

Qin Shou immediately called a response: "Must blame you!"

"Why ?!" Shangqi screamed.

Qin Shoudao: "You see, the relationship between has been determined to have been so long, but you will go home for the first time, our family's servants don't know you, isn't it your fault?"

The pretty face of the business sheep is red, lifting the long leg, kicking, Qin Shou quickly flashed, smiled: "Passive manual foot, monkey, slow in bed at night."

"Strong rabbit, I killed you!" The business sheep is in the middle, chasing it.

Qin Shou ha laughed, running out, and the result is a palace, Qin Shou is stunning! The two months did not come out, the original green oil in the outside, has become hungry! The sky is still in the sky.

Snow, the demon makes a fire together, hit the scorpion of heating, steep roast the meat and potatoes.

As a result, the Westfeng Road passed, and even the little demon came away, and the big man: "One of the law, I am afraid of this cold? I will give me a pitiful, I will give me a job!" Then, this The goods will be baked, and the potatoes are very confiscated ...

The merchant sheep saw this, laughed: "The rabbit, what kind of soldiers are there, don't bring the face, haha ​​..."

Qin Shou wondered, immediately screamed: "Western wind! What are you doing?"

The West is scared, running over, nod the road; "Dawang, I am not an inspection? A few little demon is too unlike, open a small difference ..."

Today's west wind, no longer in the past, when he was a monster king, especially after hearing Qin Shou's context, the original arrogance and unwilling moment. Seeing Qin Shou, more than Dongfeng is still attentive, and the Dongfeng's Dongfeng has complained several times.

Qin Shoudao: "Who asks you this, barbecue, potato full!"

Western wind stunned, then quickly sent it.

Qin Shou received a smelling, screamed; "These little dectuffs are dead, let's put so much salt ... forget it, you take it back to eat. Rabbit, I still bake ..."

Western wind has no choice but to say: "Is the king still do?"

Qin Shoudao: "Nothing, you can play it yourself. The son, go out to see the snow scene?"

Shangyang said: "Don't be called!"

Kwai said: "Go! Let's go together! A person is playing snow, it is not interesting! I want to be a snowman, a big snowman!"

Qin Shou smiled: "Well! How big is you wanting, how big! Go, go out, snow, fight the snow!"

After that, Qin Shou one, pulled a big one, two beautiful women, played. Wang Yue Mountain's scenery is still very good, only the mountain gate, there is not much far, the merchants of the merchants are turned, laugh: "Rabbit, such a good scene, don't you plan a poem?"

Qin Shouton is stupid when it is poetry? He is better at doing your body!

The sun on the side, watching the lively, not afraid of things, and clapping

, Then look at Qin Shou with a worship of the eyes, the hope of hope, the skin of Qin Shou, I can't bear to refuse!

Under the helplessness, Qin Shou smiled: "Okay, the rabbit will make a poem in the scene, maybe it is not good, you can't joke me."

"Reassured, we must not laugh!" A big one and two beautiful women at the same time, but the eyes, Qin Shou see how it is not reliable!

Qin Shouton is not cool, just at this time, Ling Machine moves, Qin Shou smiled, he didn't really be poetry, and even plagiarism! After all, Tang Poetry is not anyone else!

However, Qin Shoubu creates two artificial poetry or no problem, anyway, there are two people who have no literary people, should be paid, should be.

So Qin Shou did cough, and the eyes turned, and fell on a straight pine, said: "I will take this pine tree, make a poem, you listen!"

Two women have nodded, waiting for Qin Shou to make poems, they are very curious, this boutique thing can make something!

Qin Shou took a breath: "The snow is pine, Qingsong is straight! The sky is treated by the earth." Only, Qin Shou jumped

Come, laugh: "How? I am a poem? Take a look, but also rhyme!"

Shangqi's mouth: "It is still rhyme, but you are also called poetry? Is it not sick yourself, ok?"

Just when two people argued, the sunflowers suddenly pulled the corner of Li Qin Shou, and I asked "" Who is the rabbit, big snow and Qingsong? "

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