The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 853.

However, Qin Shou is standing there, there is still an intentional will be back to the other party. I can't laugh in my heart: "The rabbit is not a few days, it is not good. In this case, then they are going to die! Today, the rabbit master wants to kill the chicken monkeys, but also the big flag, put all the demon ghosts ! "

Opposite, winning the clouds and stalking, constantly showing all kinds of magics, manipulating their magic weapons and a cake, three cookie, all cakes, and three cakes are also a heavy day, the power is strong, but it is always worse. I can't kill the two!

I can't win the cloud and the battle, I also born, I'm born, secretly sounded: "The magic weapon of this rabbit is very powerful, if it is the woman inserted

Hand, you, I am afraid of life. "

Torturing: "In this case, then withdraw!"

Win Yun is going to be sound, and it is suddenly called: "

Win the cloud, immediately open the sky, and I saw four people hidden in the void. In the eyes, it flashes a surprise: "If these four guys are successful, this rabbit died, the magic weapon is you! One person, how?"

"There is this meaning, but it is necessary to fight the four guys to take the robbing. There is a unbelievan guy, his hand is here, he can't be nearby."

Win Yun slightly: "Now, strengthen the means, drag this rabbit!"

Tuned; "Good!"

After that, I will turn back to the dragon and phoenix, and I will stir the sky and the sky, and the flames, combined with the magic weapons of two people, soared again, I actually pressed a cake and three cakes!

Almost at the same time, the fierce gods have been out, the four people are connected, the power is integrated into one, the fierce mouth spurting a poisonous needle, the poisonous needle blooms a black light, , shooting to Qin Shou's back!

"Be careful!" Heaven here, anger to add!

Qin Shou did not laugh, laughed: "It's good, you have four since you come, leave it in a few days!"

After that, Qin Shou blew up, a big flag rushed to the sky! The fire red flag, the wind, sprinkling a lot of flame lotus, put Qin Shou care under the banner. The black poisonous needle is flying out by a lotus!

At the same time, Qin Shou hiented the print, the golden bells and the dragon and phoenix jade three cakes broke out!

Dragon and Phoenix and Ming, the bell rang!

A slam, winning the clouds and stuffed out!

It suddenly skyrocketing from the ground fighter flag, and the whole Wang Yue Mountain is shrouded in and is still expanding!

Win Yun and Strike this, I am scared to turn! The fools have seen it. This rabbit is to be able to entertain the mountain, cover everyone in, and closed the door.

Tell your dog, caught the bage! .

Chapter 202 Drinking


Win Yun and the side of the sky, the big, you are, "It's a animal, there are three pieces of Xuan Huang to treasure! There is even a flat flame! Who is this kid, how is this kind of child!"

Winning the clouds and storks, the fierce gods want to run late, they are directly from the flames, and they ran two steps away from the wall. I bounced back on the wall.

When four people turned back, I just saw Long Fengyu and Golden Bell from the sky!

Four people looked at it, plumbeat, actually settled, and shouted: "The king is forgiving, we are willing to surrender!"

However, Qin Shou did not think of it, and two pieces of Xuan Huang gained it!

Four people saw this, it is also fighting, the fierce gods have rushed to the sky, roaring together: "Fight! Sister, run!"

The gods of the fierce gods cried at the same time, but the final result is that the three will fierce the two-piece Xuanhuang to treasure! They turn around them


In the fierce, the anger is unstoppable: "Do you have three bastards!"

"Big sister, you go with your peace!" The brother, the head is not returning.

The fierce eye looked at two pieces of Xuanhuang to the treasure, and I know how to resist it, it is unused, and it is simply closed eyes. This moment is almost the same.



The three sounds were brought from the body, but they were blocked by the flag of the flag, and then the golden bell was falling, and the three were shocking on the air!

"Is it very strange?" Qin Shou's voice suddenly came from the end of the fierce. Fierce turned back, and the result was falling, hey!

The fierce eyes dizzy and dizzy.

Qin Shou rumored: "The truth is actually very simple, the rabbit, I only have a mating ring. You are surrendered together. I believe it. Now, I choose one, the rabbit, I certainly chose big chest. ...

... chest and brain, really, this woman is finally awaited. "

Qin Shou screamed two times, and the monoclion flew out from the west wind and then put the fierce.

Qin Shou will fight the fierce, and fall back to the moon.

It's just that there are countless cheers, there is nothing, it is a good job of my current king's exhibition. Victory, representing continuation, failure, represents destruction, this is the rules, one glory, and a loss.

Qin Shou throws fierce to Dongfeng.

"Yes! The king!" Dongfeng understood Qin Shou, did not reach out to the fierce, but let the two foxs fierce, leaving him.

In this regard, Qin Shou is nodded, not afraid of the strength of the strength, but the eye is better! Otherwise it is easy to get uncomfortable ...

"Well, don't look at it, why do you do it! Read more! Western wind your lanterns have a good, just give me a begun, then let the demon ready for cooking! Today, there is no upper and lower No old, everyone put

Opened, let go, let's drink, play a quick! Qin Shou waved.

"Long live the king!" Numerous monsters shouted ...

Qin Shou smiled and said: "Do you have these grandson, actually dare to spend my bunny?"

The gods laughed, and they ran, and they went to each other.

"Rainbow ... Hey ... Rainbow?" Qin Shou looked back and didn't see the rainbow.

At this moment, the silent slope of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent of the east slope ran over, called: "Rabbit, rabbit, this is delicious, give you some points, you can't eat it?"

Qin Shou saw, almost cried! Just, he was killing, these guys who didn't have a lungs did actually ran to steal his delicious!

Qin Shou grabbed the bowl, and smashed the sun and ran to the gate of the mountain. Sure enough, there are almost empty, those who are still trying to make vegetables. On the other hand, with the rainbow, the group followed the lineup, is being very fast.

These demon seem to be grateful to the rainbow to take them to eat delicious, one is particularly attentive, make the original expression of stiff rainbow, face

There is a smile. Looking at the smile on the rainbow face, Qin Shou sighed, and the heart is not bad.

The kwap is asked: "Bunny, you are angry?"

Qin Shou took a sunflower little butt, the arrogant smiled: "What is angry? Isn't it meat? Rabbit, I some! Everyone is eating, then let go of it! One hundred ! "

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