The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the Westward Journey is the Yutong Chapt

That slap, as if it will turn over the sky!

The wolf also wants to block it, and the result can't stop!

Qin Shou hurriedly called: "Don't kill! Don't stay, the rabbit, I have to roast!" ..

Chapter 210 Movie Rabbit

Ferocious rabbit

He listens, the hand is, the tening is turned back to 50%! Even so, the squatting, the wolf is still blurred, and he hits the ground, and it will not be able to move.

The golden peak behind him, the frightened look at all, shouted: "Hey, you can't be so good! My father is the golden winged Dapeng!"

I laughed: "If your father wants to be a demon, I will definitely take you, but you can't provoke someone who can't provoke today, so go to death!"

Jinfeng looks at Qin Shou, then look at it, he knows, he is really kicking it on the iron board today!

Win the cloud and other demon people to see this, suddenly understand! This rabbit never lied, he really stood behind the emperor! Such a background, such a mountain, maybe 10,000 demon mountain is not an empty talk!

Suddenly everyone's mind is active, not simple


Qin Shou wants to have this effect, he wants to rise, must have its own site! Have your own forces, this forces don't see how much he is busy, but this is an identity and symbol! At the same time, you can condense him!

Experience him from the power of faith, naturally can't let go.

Seeing that Jin Feng is about to die under the claws, at this time, a big drink came: "Hey, speed fast!" Demon teacher! "

When the big hand suddenly became the origin, look up, frown: "Kai Yangxing Jun, you said that the mouth is okay?"

Kaiyang Xingjun was carrying his hands, saying faintly: "I have no courage, pretending to be a demon, you can don't believe, but the consequences are at your own risk!"

I made a difficult color to Qin Shou.

Qin Shou immediately smiled: "Brother, today's things are here, the face of the demon teacher can't give it. This is Kaiyang Star?" Qin Shou smile

Oh, I came to Kaiyangxing.

Kaiyang Star Junki laughing does not laugh: "When you open Yang Xingjun, what do you have? If you are fine, don't hinder our return to Tiandi."

Qin Shou grin said: "There is no need, just tell you, this person is left but ..."

"But what, how do you dare to be fierce? I am here, you have the ability to play me! Haha ..." Jinfeng laughed.

Qin Shou glanced at Jinfeng, and his face flashed a difficult color.

Jinfeng thought that Qin Shou was afraid, continue to call Shu: "Are you not very mad? Have your ability to play me! Come! I am here, come!"

The voice is falling, Qin Shou waves, and the golden bell is suppressed! At the same time, Long Feng Yuxi followed! Two pieces of Xuanhuang to Bao also dropped at the same time, and the face of Golden Peak became changing! Why didn't he think of this rabbit?

In front of Kaiyang Star, the demon teacher dared to shoot!


At the same time, the two magic treasures have dropped, and the golden peaks quickly released the beasts!

At this moment, Qin Shou's eyes flashed a smile, hand shaking, the treasure money flew out, and slammed in the mountains!

Jinfeng saw this, the face suddenly changed, "I called:" My Wanchao! Kai Yangxing will help! "

Kaiyang Xingjun just wanted to shoot, and the coffin is a lot of coffin!

Kaiyang Xing Jun angered: "Rolling!" A palm shot on the coffin!

Next moment, Kaiyang Xingjun asked the ghost, whispered, and ran behind the legs! When I ran to the distance, I looked at his right palm. I turned into a gray! If the reaction is slow, this is only a waste!

I didn't dare to open Yang Xingjun shocked, fear, and the other side of Qin Shou has shocked, one will be defeated by the money.

Income in the income. Then the two magic treasures are at the same time, and the golden peaks screamed, and the hands were blown at the same time!

Qin Shou has a big life, and I will take a light and die. I instantly cut off his ears and noses. After the two magic treasures were once again, flealed his legs!

Jinfeng blinks to be cut into a stick, screaming in the air ... blood sprinkled, scared to see the back of the excitement, do not dare to go forward. The rabbit in front of me is too fierce! The monsters have, no matter what they don't care, they will hurt this. So, what about others? There is no demon, it is afraid that it is difficult!

Kaiyang Star Jun saw this, Bun Rura, roaring: "Rabbit, you ..."


Qin Shou took the back of Jinfeng, Jinfeng is like a football, and rolling into Kaiyang Star Jun, Kaiyang Star will have to reach the Golden Peak.

At this time, two magic treasures have once again, and another tiger isoty.

Can't win the clouds, and now I have been hit by two Xuanhuang to Bao Bao, and I am screaming on the spot, I'm hit a half! Qin Shou quickly took the tiger and the wolf tiger.

This laughed and turned back to Kaiyang Xing Jun: "Kaiyang Star Jun, are you very eager to live again? Hurry back? What is it in this stupid?"

In the side of this, I shook my head slightly, I looked at Kaiyang Star: "Star Jun, still something?"

Kaiyang Star Jun bite the teeth: "Bunny, hello, you are very good ... Waiting for anger of the demon!"

After that, Kaiyang Star Jun took the golden peak and went to the air.

Qin Shou gave a difference between the back of Kaiyang Star Jun: "A Samsung Jun also dares to manage the leisure of the rabbit? This time, let you go, come back next time, I want your dog. Life!"

The Kaiyang Star Jun listened is very clear and clear, and the altitude is almost turned to kill it. But I think that the strange coffin behind Qin Shou

And the existence of the land flame flag, then suddenly. Qin Shou, which is protected from the flames, congenitally in the unbeaten place, plus the coffin, two pieces of Xuanhuang to the treasure, he is not worthless! Especially the fear of eternal Tiannea, let him not dare to look back.

Kaiyang Xingjun is gone, and when he suddenly laughed, a thummond against Qin Shou: "Rabbit, you are forced! This blend of Kaiyang, I have already seen him uncomfortable! This guy is in the mountain family Behind the waist, the eyes have always been on the brain. This time, it's bad to be bad, and he is mad! "

Qin Shou gangle: "Brother, this time, thank you, for a while, I took two bottles of good wine to see your brothers. Yes, you can let it go.". "

Chapter 211

Local tycoon

When Don suddenly scratched his head: "The rabbit brother, you have to say this, I can be difficult."

Qin Shouzhen said: "?"

: "Madamians, now habits, and say something to show personalities, different. Estimated, you let him go, don't do it."

Qin Shou: "@ ¥ @ ... 7"

I sent it away, Qin Shou was free to see wins.

Win the clouds, on the chest, go on: "This time, thank you ..."

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