The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the Yutong Chapter 866.

I can't think, even in pondering his feasibility, although the feasibility is almost, Qin Shou is a heart ...

"Hey!" The gardeen's bell suddenly sounded!

Qin Shou hit a cold war with the annoyance of the heart of the heart, scattered by the bell!

Qin Shou found that at this moment he has been wet in the sweat! Qin Shou, smeared: "The recent strength improvement is too fast, actually gave birth to the heart of the magic ... a cake, you just don't shoot. The Magic is a big complement for me! My strength improved too Fast, I need a heart to hone the soul. "

A biscuits smiled; "Boss, that is your own heart, not your attraction. This kind of heart, I estimate that the beads in your body will not be able to consider you. If you fall in, it is likely to connect I am calling you ... "

Qin Shouzhen said: "My own heart is so fierce?"

A bisot: "Of course, your own heart is the foundation for your strength. It knows you most about you, and I know how to deal with you. If you can always keep the Lingtai awake, there is nothing. But you just Advance! "

Qin Shoudao: "Okay, don't say, I just can't clearly

Ming right? You directly say that I just felled, don't you get? One cake is good, look back, give you a wife. "

Pie: "@ ¥ @ ... Boss, I am a magic, what is the use of my wife?"

"Of course, I am a baby! Right, how do you think East Cross? If that Ling is a woman, you can try it. When you give me a born, I will give me a short, Huang Huang, the rabbit, I am not Cough ... Are you not happy? "Qin Shou said.

A biscuits were crying: "You think more, unless you give me freedom, let me cultivate into a demon spirit, otherwise I can't marry and marry the child."

Qin Shouzhen, then touched the Babao: "This can be considered, wait for the rabbit, I will finish it, give you freedom, you love it into ..."

A biscuits said: "Boss, are you not teasing? Are you so easy to let me? I am the first place in your hand!"

Qin Shoudao: "Yes! It is because you are my first, so I will give you free! Is there a problem? Do you have a free, don't you help me do? Let me do this? Dinning you with a grandson? "

One cookie listened, mourning: "Half a day, still give you work ..."

Qin Shougen is straightforward: "Still! Who are I?"

"Zhou Ziyin! Iron Chemise! Huang Shiren!" One cake immediately called. One cake is Qin Shou one, when I joked the Buddha in the past, Qin Shou returned to the earth, which is also a cake at the time of Memory from Qin Shou at the time.

Qin Shou two eyes turned: "Do you want to mix? Do you want to free?"

A cake does not matter: "In fact, when it is not very attractive to me, ... Boss, you play, recently, I have some feelings, it seems to be advanced. But old rules, Give me some mouth grain? "

"Hey? ? You won't want to eat a more advanced Xuan Huang to Bao?" Qin Shou wondered.

A bisot: "Not so exaggerated, just, the general Xuanhuang is the treasure. I only need some sacrifices ..."

"General Xuanhuang to treasure? Your uncle, you are only a heavy Xuan Huang to treasure, you said, how do you tell me how many?

Is zero heaven's Xuanhuang to treasure? what? Qin Shou drove.

A cake was shocked and quickly called: "Boss, I can't help. I didn't advance, I need a few samples, swallow them, analyze the direction of the next step. Otherwise, blindly advance, for me Not good ... "

Qin Shou nodded, this thing is to understand. One cake is a step from the waste upgrade, he all the way is almost all touching the stone crossing the river, and there is nothing to refer to. .

Chapter 220 Ms. Mountain is destroyed

Mountain is destroyed

There is also no teacher ... I rely on this ç method to advance, it is not too much. So, Qin Shou touched Moa. "" Wan beasts give you, can you advance? "

A cake smiled: " ..."

Qin Shou hurriedly interrupted the sound of this bastard: "Don't say it, you grandson, I will know, you will definitely aim him. Give you, but you can listen to it. Do not allow chains, otherwise ... "

"Get it!" The excitement of a cake.

Qin Shou shake his head, he said: "What is the break of the magic weapon? It is still so excited, this is good, hey ..."

Pie: "2 ¥ @ ..."

In the end, Qin Shougang came to the hand, and there was still no beast. Although the beast is not bad, the potential and power is far from the same cake.

The most important thing is that now in Qin Shouri has an eight-day mysterious Xuanzhou to Bao, Mountain! And Xuan Huang to the nine heavens to the garden ... One

Attacking, it is enough, but more, no big use.

On a few days, Qin Shou went off, and I felt that the fire of the whole Wan Mountain is a bit wrong. One of them talks, I don't know what to say.

In particular, Wang Yue Mountain, suriens, maids, where is it, and where is it.

Just as Qin Shou walked out of the closed closure, when the gate of the main hall, finally understood what happened. I saw a small lady, sitting in the main hall, a bad face, holding a tea cup to drink tea. I have no personal accompanying side ...

Qin Shou smiled: "Hey, you are a little girl, how to run me this? Nothing did it?"

Dao Jing Wen said, "Don't shout the little girl Xiao Xiao Xiao, my age can be bigger than you! I told Chen, you can call me Chen Dao, or brother."

Qin Shou listened, almost a mouthful of old blood sprayed on this boy, stunned: "Tick Chen? Is it?"

Toward Chen: "Is there a problem? How can I not make a charm?"

Qin Shou hurriedly shook his head: "Nothing, just think this is very domineering! I think you are not a problem in the future."

Although I was tight, I was a look of adults, but I finally made a child's heart, I couldn't help but laugh, I couldn't help but laugh. "When an emperor, there is nothing Yes, your rabbit, what is going? I came to you for these three days, you can't come out, even if you let a little girl to receive me, the girl is still a cow, I said something uncomfortable. If she threw me, she left me! It's too bullying! "

Qin Shou knew that the little girl was definitely a sunflower. But think about it, he hopes in the moon, in addition to the sun, others can't accept this small hook! Now, although I'm not the West hook Chen Tianhuang, the status is not so respect. However, the demon emperor's bideway, this position is equivalent to the driver of modern leaders, where to see the official level, the money is very!

On the moon mountain, it is good at communication, Dongfeng, Western Breeze, and win clouds. But they are either Qin Shou's hand, or a slave, it is not suitable for reception.

The rest is rainbow and sunflowers. Rainbow cold, simple, not good

Words, it is impossible to go to the hook. Finally, it's a sunflower. It is also a little princess. It is not a long time with Qin Shou. It is not afraid of it. Naturally, I will not care about this small way. I can't help you. played!

Qin Shou smiled: "You also said that it is a little girl. You a big man with little girl generally insight? Yes, come here, come here, don't you come to play? Do you have something, talk directly."

I have listened to Chen, and I have a lot of my face. I have a little bit: "I will come here is the emperor of the demon, he said, you have done very well, before you promise your strength, you will fall after three days. Let you get early. Cut the mountain door, bathing clothes, greeted Wanxing's power. "Say this, hook Chen said," Rabbit, I really take advantage of the whole land fairy, you can pick up the number of two hands You can get ... "

Qin Shou smiled: "That is nature, who makes the emperor are my uncle."

Hook Chen Wei shook his head, obviously disagree with Qin Shou's point of view, he is too understanding that the emperor is the emperor, how can I influence the world? Tinch know, there is definitely there is still other kind of cat, but

It is not to think, and I don't dare to ask, I can only press my heart.

This truth, Qin Shou understands. If you change the average person, it must be è fear, but Qin Shou is different. He only knows that you have thousands of best, I just have the benefits! Take advantage, improve strength, this is the most important!

: "Not only is your uncle's question, you have blocked the mountain ancestors into the Wanyue Mountain, but also a great job. At that time, the demon emblem had something, it could not take care of the following things. Today, the mountain ancestors have been destroyed, Tiandi Four Trials If you have a little family, you can still stop for a long time, this is also a great merit. "

Qin Shou heard, the heart trembled, strong in a hurry, the ambitious Mountain family was destroyed? At this point, Qin Shougen has not, Qin Shou has smelling from this bloody massacre.

Qin Shou did not have a rookie who was in the wilderness. Under the management of the demon heaven, there is no matter how many people have not happened. Although the small friction continues, the murder is fired, the demon fight is not fighting, but in general, the fairyland is still a peaceful.

Today, the sky is suddenly shot, what is the Mashan family? Shock other people? Killing chicken monkeys, let some people restless people again?

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