The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 875.

The fireman did not expect his words that would cause such a big rebound, and he was turned around, he was half a day, and he was angry, but it was not well vent. At the time of nine Xuanshan, you can't kill, the most hurt people. What's more, so many people are talking about, whoever fights, no one is not good. It is also a trouble, and no one is not guaranteed after all, there is no big person.

And Qin Shou said such a way to alleviate the atmosphere, let him relieve him. However, he does not accept Qin Shou's kindness, but believes that Qin Shou is afraid of him! More proud: "Rabbit, you listen, I am the fire cloud!"

After that, the head of the fire cloud is higher!

Everyone he said, all scared. Some people exclaimed: "Fire cloud? The most outstanding disciple of the fireman?"

The head of the fire cloud continues to be high!

Too two real people will make a knife right away: "The second quarter is ranked second!"

Qin Shou listened, suddenly smiled: "I thought it was the first, it turned out to be a thousand years old! Hey ... Old 2, this stuff makes me evil."

Too two real people will make up the knife right away: "Haha, the second is not that you do you doing?"

The fire clouds, the fuzzy, a feet, roared: "You are looking for death!"

Qin Shou is not afraid, Tai second is dead, so two people are almost synchronized, and they don't care to fly, Qin Shounai.

One almost bounced into the mouth of the fire!

Qin Shoudao: "So, do you do it? Rabbit, I will find death, do you kill? This is Jiu Xuan Mountain, do you think this is? Your home?"

Too two is more shameless, I called; "I am afraid, come, kill me, oh ... God, I am eager to have been a long time this day. I don't kill me now!" "

Qin Shou immediately said: "Light said not to practice, do not move his hand, it is my grandson!".

Chapter 233 for the best master

Need master

Fire cloud: ....

In the face of these two shameless bastards, the fire cloud suddenly found that he used to learn what the family learned, the etiquette is all useless! These two bastards are not allowed to play cards by routine!

At this time, Qin Shouzheng waved the carrot, too second real person opened the clothes to expose the boutique ribs of the upper body, screamed.

The fire cloud is angry, but it is not possible to pick up, here is Jiu Xuan Mountain! Here is a place to dance! Here is the heaven and earth event, come to participate, the young Junjie of all major sects of the heavens and the earth!

Although I don't know anything in the world, I don't know anything unprecedented, I don't know, I don't even have anyone dare to destroy her rules! But one thing he knowing, so many years, never heard of some people dare to ruin the rules of Jiu Xuanshan! Even if it is the older generation!

If the older generation is like a bottle, the more serious it is, the more serious it is. Therefore, fire clouds don't dare to mess, I can only resentment of a new sleeve: "Jiu Xuan Mountain is the holy place to dance and dance, can you contaminate you this

Two idiots blood? There is nothing in your life, but fairy is not tarnished! If you don't want to die, then leave Jiu Xuanshan and I am fighting! "

Qin Shou gave a word in the fire cloud: "Hey! I thought it was a person, it turned out to be a slag! What is it, isn't you just shouting this kill? The rabbit, I didn't seek you Come to kill! What happened? If you finish it, you will swallow it again? Are you still pulling it back? "

The Tema True is going to say: "The king, can you talk so nausea? If people do not face, let him not face, we have faces, people with identity."

When you come out, the fire cloud is half dead, others collectively turn over the white eyes, do you want to face? If you want to face, there is no one who doesn't have to face the world!

And the five buds really look at the fire cloud, then look at Qin Shou, Silent Standing behind Qin Shou. In this regard, Qin Shou is dark, and this five buds are not stupid, know what to do. Although there is a fire cloud, Qin Shou does not need five trips to deal, but he is doing this, but it is equal to the expression of Qin Shou. This time, let Qin Shou comfortable a lot ...

For the silent move of Wuji Zhenjun, others have seen this, and they have fallen into a psychic state. If you just have a loss, it is worth a loss, but is it carefully?

Today, now, in addition to the emperor of the sky, the ancestral witch on the ground, under the sky, who dares to move him? If it is tested on this line, it is basically equal to the two majors of the heavens and the witch, it is definitely the way to fly Yellow Tengda! Not a hard way!

I think this, everyone saw the eyes of the five bilies, nor is it simple to ridicule, but brought a little envious. Since the mountain ancestors have been extinguished, many people have begun to be self-critical. The extreme lack of security, looking for a sense of security, and looking for the safety of the mountain, more fast, more. So, a situation in which one is reached, looking for the mountain.

Similarly, the destruction of the mountain ancestors also makes many people master, and the strong feels the crisis. So they also practically laid down the strengths of the younger brother. As a result, the land fairy world quickly formed a large and small monsters gather, and the power of major mountains rose! Similarly, those demon kings that have strong strength, strong force have increased, and sincerely began to expand.

However, there are still some people who can't get down, it is still tangled.

It is an emperor, and the Avia level, let them gain, they are not willing. Let them stand in the mountains, they are all the strong people, soon they will be hopped, and forcibly collate.

So they couldn't stand the hill, and they simply locked the eyes in the height. I ordered the forces of Yadian Town, or so. But is the San Human hand? These people have to rely on, and people are still not necessarily! After all, not all Yadheng is like a mountain ancestors, likes crazy income gathering forces. Most of the Sheng, just a child, a few apprentices, a self-contained school.

The San Representative is a realm, a signboard! Even if I have no one, only one is sanctuary, his status will not be more than any countless disciple, countless disciples, countless yes! Only a lot of ambitions, the vanity of Van San will only charge, but these people are unsettled, followed by they may die at any time.

So these people are very entangled!

But the five bilies have given them another road! Although this value is not Yadheng, the influence is above the strong, and the San! Moreover, this guy seems not afraid of trouble! But there is a man in the sky, the goods eat the goods in both sides, follow him, it seems to be a

Wrong choice!

Thinking of this, some people who have no Lord present, began to help Qin Shouxi.

"Fire cloud, that's how you said it, how is it? The second young man Junjie said, is it worth money?"

"Just, fire cloud, if you are a man, now you will shoot, suppress this rabbit!"

"Look, he seems to be a man, don't dare to shoot."

"Okay, don't say it, change it, you don't dare! After all, here is a rule, he is mad, and you don't dare to kill here. If you just said, it is estimated that it is only fart, the wind, collapse "

When you come out, the fire cloud is angry; "Who? Who is fart! Rollaway!"

Qin Shou and Taiyuan people have almost no communication, while raising hands, looking at fire cloud, silently coming: "You fart, we testified!"

"Ah!" The fire of the fire of the fire, pointed to Qin Shou and Taiyuan people: "You have two giving me out, I want to challenge you!"

Qin Shou sat on the stone and said: "You should fight challenges? You

Is my grandson? Have this, your grandfather, the rabbit, I will care, you are unresolved. ".

Chapter 234, you come out

You come out and try

Too seconds followed the head: "Just, you said that you will fight, you don't fight, don't fight, you are not our son, grandson, do we get you used to you?"

Everyone heard the words, smiled and laughed, all sighs in his heart, this is the best of the main servant! These two mouths arrived at millions of army! Too damage! too dark!

The fire cloud is frying in front of these two baubles, pointing to Qin Shou and Taiqi, the straight bite, and just want to spit it.

Qin Shou quickly gave the tai second real person, too second to suddenly, the voice came back: "Is this?"

"Speed!" Qin Shou junction went back, the intentions exchanged quickly, the word in the fire cloud just wants to export, Qin Shou and Taiyuan people also called: "What do you make a grandchild?"

The words in the fire cloud are just export: "Well, good, good ..." The result is exported, the fire cloud is crazy!

It is known that he was brought by Qin Shou and Taiyuan. I didn't know what he really had to answer two people's problems and shouted.

Everyone laughed again.

Pig sperm is more following: "Since it is shouting, it is still not kneeling, give you grandfather? If you have a gift to give you a gift!"

Qin Shouli pulled his rabbit ears, smiled; "There is no gift, but I really want to see his grandmother."

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