The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 883.

Jiang Lu: "I have also heard of the queen, this is a legend, and he has witnessed an era. He will absolutely experience the dragon and phoenix robbery! Some people say that he must know what happened during the Longfeng period, but it seems to be seen some kind Restriction, can't say it. "

Qin Shou bar is a mouth: "As for, what happened to dragon and phoenix robbery, even let him remember, don't dare to mention?"

"You have questions, ask yourself." Chaos suddenly opened,

Then get up: "The Ninghuang, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Qin Shou turned his head, sure, the queen is coming, and the emperor is in the emperor, and the four people in the chaos, the post, Jiang, Qin Shou have nodded: "It seems that I am still in time, you have not Come and marry me behind. "

When everyone listened, suddenly laughed.

Qin Shou smiled: "I don't know if someone else, but the big brother and the uncle of Jiang Zhi are the people who are divided into people."

Chaos, followed by a slap in the past, Qin Shou hurried behind the Jiangmai to avoid refuge. This slap is not really hard, just scare Qin Shou, after the empty, fierce Qin Shouyi: "You die, turn around, is there, is it, is it?"

Qinshou booth stalls: "I don't say it ..."

Chaos still want to say anything, Xinghuang, laugh: "Okay, chaotic Taoist friends, you don't have to see it with this kid, it is rare to see a face, don't you drink a cup?".

Chapter 245, a diaper, three thousand feet

One urinary three thousand feet

Chaos may be fierce, but in front of these people, he is very refreshing, laughing: "Haha, you can drink a cup of people with the galaxy, no more! However, less wine!"


Qin Shou took out a large wooden barrel, patted the wooden barrel: "Good wine, a lot of uncle, how?"

Chaos first stunned, then widened his eyes, pulled up the sound: "Really? The ancestors said the wine? Kid, where did you stole?"

After laughing: "Shot is his uncle, there are two barrels of wine, there is no unclear. He has a token in his body ..."

Jiang off said: "This kid is now better than I am better than me, the emperor and the block are his uncle. It is said that it is always orally orally. It is better than us. Well, the mountains There is a part of the tribute, but most people think that it is his reason. So giving him an outer number, called the junior

. Now this is a very loud, it is only better than your four fierce, almost. "

Chaos listened, once again, then laughed: "Intellect, interesting ... So, have we followed someone?"

Qin Shou hurriedly called: "Stop, don't say this, don't know, I thought I was your illegitimate child. The rabbit master is also a celebrity, you can't shout. And say, you are a nor American, I Didn't do anything, Mountain people are not me to destroy. "

Chaos Opened the mouth and smiled: "What is our four fierce? If you are people, you also believe in this world, a lot of things are unclear, our four are just too lazy explanation. "

Hou said: "Rabbit, you don't have to doubt, Chaos Tao friends are right. In fact, they are really misunderstood. Poor, I like to drive ghosts, so the ghosts are very annoying, poor suppression The ghost ghosts ran out of the government, this was called the murder by the ghost; The guy is a gluten, she recognizes the reason, and the temper is stubborn. Once he is sinned, he will not die, who blocked him, so I am a nor American. As for , that is, a greedy guy, but he claims to be a gourmet, food god.

teacher. His favorite thing is to look for delicious, then use the best way to take food, eat it. I thought that he had an extremely picky of ingredients, so there was there, killing a dragon, only tip the dragon, killing a phoenix, and taking the eye. This seems to be in many people, that is, the devil's average behavior, so it is also a fierce. However, I am very rarely killed, and I am also guilty.

As for the last thing, it is really fierce ... "

It's not happy when it is chaos, and I am a little beads: "How do I fierce?"

Xinghuang said: "The normetric name of chaos is because it is a mistake to eat again, this guy has changed back to his own appearance, holding his tail, smirking for a few days. And, good and bad, head mixed After chaos, I saw a good person, I saw the bad guy, relying on the fierce. And that state, he lasted for five hundred years. In these five hundred years, how many people killed himself, but I don't know. Not a sin, this sin cannot be all on him. "

Qin Shounhen, looked at the chaotic channel in a face; "Uncle Chaos, let's discuss something?"

"What?" Chaotic asked uncomfortable. That history is his life, who is not too happy to mention him.

Qin Shou grin said: "You smirked me with a tail, show me?"


Chaotic slap in the palm of Qinshou out!

Qin Shou turned over in the air, fell on the ground, and his face was uncomfortable: "If you don't give it, you will not give it to you, but also started. Hey ..."

Everyone saw this, suddenly laughed.

The next time, four people sat in the east, talked a lot of secrets. And Qin Shou, very few, have been squatting on the side of the post, what to baked, what to eat, get started, the next mouth, the chaos reached, there is no grabbing, running over In the side of Qin Shou, this will barely eat a few mouthfuls.

One night, Qin Shou listened to many secrets of heaven and earth, and it was more and curious about this world. He found that the more things he know, the secrets of this world are also more and more, the more people can't see, can't see.

However, really let Qin Shou's heart is bored or before. The outsiders can't see, but Qin Shou can see it, and the invitation is not the same!

The one written afterwards, it is indeed from the hand of the hand, but gives the river, chaos written invitation, but not from the hand! I am very like, 999 points of infinite nine cycles! The outsiders can't see it, and only those who are extremely understanding, they will see the strangeness.

At this point, Qin Shou believes, it will also see it, but he did not say anything, Qin Shou did not say it. He is still trustworthy after the back, he believes that there is no reason to have his reason.

In the early morning, everyone spread, Qin Shou bored, run to the mountainside, take off his pants, drink a lot, come to a feat of three thousand feats in the wind! As a result, the following is the sound!

"This breaks the weather, big morning, clear sky, it is still rain! No, this rain is still taking ..."

"It seems to be urine ..."

Qin Shou hurriedly put on his pants and ran it. Not long after a group of demon

The blame runs up, the result is also seen, and a flashing person who is awkward.

On the way back to Qin Shou, I met after.

"Rabbit, come over." After the end of the way.

Qin Shou scratched his head, got it in the past, said: "The big brother, what?"

After that, he was stared at Qinshi Road after each person nearby. "Have you seen it?"

Qin Shouzhen said: "After the big brother, do you think about this?"

After turning around, we have an answer Qin Shou's question, but said: "Jiangli, chaos, or even the invitation of the emperor has problems. The invitation is not from the hand! Yesterday, yours I saw it, you also see, right? "..

Chapter 246 is not as good as the mountain

It is better to rely on the mountain

Qin Shou understood, why did she ask before? However, Qin Shou must not say to know the , otherwise, after a pair, Qin Shou's lie is immediately exposed. Then his identity may be unveiled, he doesn't want to give his future entertainment model to survive mode or even death mode ...

Qin Shoudao: "I have the heavy hunting of the heavy bird, and the opportunity is coincidental, I got a magic weapon for the help of distinguishing the authenticity. I can see that the words of the two invitation are the same, but the word If people, they will be contaminated with people's breath. The word on the invitation is a clear breath, and the other is a bit of murder. Of course, I have a little bit of the gas, just A feeling, very strange feeling ... "

"Rhyme! Word rhyme!" After the words suddenly opened: "Everyone has its own charm, this gody is not to come, not very familiar people, I can't see the word rhyme. You distinguish Ability, indeed strong, no wonder you comprehend the speed of the sky is so fast. "

Qin Shou knew that he had a pass, so I laughed: "There is no way, live in this world, if you can't take the wind, the waves are flying, afraid that it is too fast."

After the haha, I laughed: "This should not be said from your mouth in your mouth, there are not many people who dare to move you."

Qin Shouno's mouth: "Yes, but dare to move me, but it is very important."

After shooting the shoulders of Qin Shou: "You can think of me so much, I am really afraid that you live in euthanas, forget the crisis. Today, this world seems to be calm, but everyone knows, this world Never calm, no one may die in the next moment. Only the strength is powerful! "

Qin Shoudao: "Yes, it is better to rely on yourself, if I am now a saint, then you can walk, hehe ..."

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