The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the Yutong Chapter 893.

Qin Shou booth stalls; "This is hard to do, even if I trust you, it is useless. Let's two, you can't afford any wind waves, say more,

It is easy to be suspected. "

Kongqiu said: "It's true, so I chose to say and say, not to someone."

Qin Shoudao: "There are more Trust trusts, and the time is careful, I always feel that the things here have not finished."

"Well ..." said, Kong Qi got up.

Too second real person looked at Qin Shou, a sadness!

Qin Shoudao: "Do you see it?"

Too two real people angry: "This is your trust in me? Let me leave, then do you chat with the sound of the emotion?"

Qin Shou took the shoulder of the Too two real people: "This is my trust in you!"

Too two really called: "Which one is trust?"

Qin Shou is a serious way: "The absolute trust of your dishes is, you absolutely don't hear our two emotions, for this, I trust you!"

Too two true: "23 ¥ @ ¥% @ ..."

Qin Shou finished, hurricane, the province, this old man was crazy.

Sure enough, how long, the roaring of the Thaesi people rang, just a little bit of deterrence ...

Waiting for the second truth, Qin Shoucai Shijan came back, smiled: "Is it finished?"

After the truth, the truth was, there was no movement.

Qin Shou smiled: "It seems that your temper is still not small.

"Stop! What is the secret?" Sure enough, the old guy of the Thai trorism was more than the woman, and immediately hooked.

Qin Shou smiled: "You listen, I said, I have a mouth, into your ear, can't let the third person know, know?"

Too seconds, I nodded again, took the chest and touched my breath, and I didn't have the oath.

Qin Shou Dao: "Okay, I trust you, this is the case, Kong Qiu suspected that the murder is in this hill, and it is two murderers! These two people, respectfully fire clouds and gold! And it is very likely to shoot again ! "..

Chapter 260


Too seconds: "This also uses him? I think so too."

Qin Shou Road; "Do you think so too?"

Too seconds: "Of course! Don't forget what I do! These bends around the small trick, can you deceive my old family?"

Qin Shou immediately came to the spirit, said: "Come, talk about ..."

Too two real people immediately slammed their faces, sitting straight, seriously: "The real thing is thirsty ..."

Qin Shou took a few points and uncomfortable, took out a bottle of wine. After drinking two mouthfuls, Too two lived, he took a bike, and he took a deep breath: "I am hungry ..."

Qin Shou's face was a black, and a large piece of dragon drums were launched.

After this old man took a few mouthfuls, he took up, looking up his day, sighed: "The wine is full of meals.

Qin Shou said: "This is almost, so I don't do it.

I don't force the rabbit, I will do it, you say you have more. "

Too two truths: "It is better to be as good as you ..."

"You said?" Qin Shou blocked.

Too two real people immediately opened the topic: "Rabbit, in fact, this mountain is complicated, it is more complicated, said simple and simple, you listen to my thin way ... In fact, this problem is very simple ...

First, don't you think this time Jiu Xuan Mountain is very strange? I got, don't answer, see your sleep, pure big eyes know you don't think. This nine Xuanshan dances, and has always been a young generation. After all, the people who have encountered a bottleneck, which is also an extremely difficult bottle neck is not a dance can be solved. So they generally won't come ... pay attention, I am talking about the older generation, including the three, the gods, chaos, and the three respects of the audio. They are all living too many years, I have long been the old guy. Well, it is a different class, and he is very good, basically every time. But others, I have been from the future!

These olders' guys suddenly came, they were weird, even more weird, and the immortals of the fairy were always a reply.

, Do not apply, the will not send anyone to anyone. This is also the rule of Jiu Xuan Mountain, of course, you are an exception ...

Other old guys can't take the initiative to invoice, even listen to their conversation, they didn't expect to receive invitations. This is more quirky ... This invitation is inexplicable, I am very suspicious that this is a nominal of the , I sent an invitation, and I made these guys. As for why ... either a network, or tiger, who knows What about it.

The second, this Jiu Xuan Mountain is not starting yet, I started to die, a dead outside, a dead in the mountains, but they all have a common point, they all come to Jiu Xuanshan! And it is killed by people almost instantly ... can have this strength, and only the old monsters. But each other people can see that these old monsters do not have the necessary, even have no chance! So why do you kill these two people?

I estimate ... Hey. That really fierce is a nervous atmosphere, let everyone suspect ... Why should he do this? "

Qin Shoudao: "Suspected, will not trust other people, do not believe

All others will fall! Live will be ... "

"Drafter!" Too two real people in the Senssen, while making a movement of your neck.

Qin Shoudao: "You said for a long time, the conclusion is not almost the same as Kong Qiu?"

Too two real people shake his head: "That is not the same, he said that there is no head, I said, but I said, I also analyze the objects that each other may start."

"Who?" Qin Shou asked immediately.

"Who do you say is the easiest way to fall?" Too two real people came over and asked.

Qin Shou's face suddenly changed, from the sky, the rapid rushing to the small hole of the !

"Rabbit, what do you do?" Although he didn't know what Qin Shou was going to do, he hated Qin Shou, giving him a hurt, let him not hurt, this is undoubtedly a good thing in the fire. ! So the fire is so dry ...


"You TM is looking for death!" Qin Shou double eyes red, roaring, pulling out the mountain print directly to throw out!

The wind didn't have a haloy, and I was directly smashed by the mountain, scared the death, he knew that this rabbit was anxious, but did not expect this rabbit to be so anxious! The previous battle, Qin Shou only mobilized the strength of the mountain, the fire has not been ordered. However, if the call is not as good as this, the air wind can escape under Qin Shou's fist, it does not mean that you can harden the mountain and run away!

So the air turning is running!

Qin Shou didn't have time to take care of the fire, but go straight to the hole, seeing to rush in, and suddenly there is a long joy! Then, the long river appeared, and there was a rigor and rushing, and the ribs sounded, and many people were soaring!

Qin Shou suddenly turned, the gazing of the gaze has been rushing up, and it is highly said: "It is Kong Qiu!"

After the latter, chaos, the three sorrows, Yan Yu and others immediately followed it, Qin Shou looked at the knots outside the hole in the beginning, and then looked at the attacked Confucius, some hesitated in his heart.

Just then, kissed, blocked in Qin Shou, "Qin Daoyou, the , according to the rules, anyone can't enter the inner. You come, you are going to force it. No, it is not a fairy? "

Qin Shou turned into a white eye: "Are you eating brain?

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