The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the Yutong Chapter 895.

When the Tema, the real person listened to Qin Shou, did not pursue it, this is relieved, but it is still afraid that Qin Shou has repented, try to ask: "Do you really don't blame me?"

Qin Shou nod, the last breath of Taiyuan people also loosened, and the four-hit-raised bage is lying on the ground, and I am relieved, I am really afraid that you have found me running, and then catch back Cartes to my chrysanthemum, rabbit, not I said you, what you stuffed, I can get them into it, you get a wolf tooth stick, in addition to let me go to the toilet, really ... Hey ... rabbit, don't you rift? "

Qin Shou Du test said: "You will talk nonsense, I promise to put it into

go with! If you don't let him bloom, I will let you bloom! "

Other people on the side, all of the brains are all black lines, this is a way to get along with the wonderful combination, really can't help but ...

Too second real person hurriedly raised his hand: "Let's talk about it, there is a knot outside, you will be blocked the whole Jiupo Mountain! I ran a few laps, I didn't find the way to go out! I also tried it in my own. Strength, basically can't break up. "

At this moment, a loud noise, the whole Jiu Xuan Mountain was dramatically shaking, then the explosion continued, Jiu Xuanshan continued to shake, at this time, the voice of the gaze came: "After the back, chaos , River speed stop! This method has a weird! "

Everyone understands that there are several strongest people!

No, the queen, the post, chaos, the river, Yu Yu and others have come back, then sit together, a face is gloomy, like water!

Chaos: "I need an explanation in the neighborhood, although it is powerful, but we join hands to break this comment!"

The gazing royal bit laughed: "We can do this can be broken, but what do you think? Jiu Xuan Mountain will be flattering, in addition to us, you have to die!"

Chaos is not a way: "If you die, what is it?"

Jiangxi said: "Do you have not found it? After we attack this, the array is more powerful. This method seems to absorb our strength and grow!"

Chaos heard the words, frowning frowned: "That is to say, we don't have a chance to test, either a drum to destroy him, or just wait, right?"

Jiangxi said: "Yes, and from the current situation, everything here is considered to be counted. This method is very targeted, just able to block us."

After the sigh: "It seems that the other party is really going to make the people here, otherwise it will not arrange such a big battle! I am curious, who is, there is such a big ambition!"

Xinghuang Road: "Can you do this, the other party is the master of the Method, or it is a powerful existence, the at least be a San!"

In this way, all the eyes of people fall in chaos, so many people here, the only thing that may step into the holy level, and only chaos!

Chaotic fiercely glanced behind: "What do you see? If I want to kill you, use this way? Directly kill it! Which is so much bend around, I'm annoying!"

: "I believe in this, chaotic shots have been simply simply. Similarly, I also believe that I will not do this." After the saying, I will shut up, obviously he is suspected that the Queen and Jiang flow.

Kiss said: "Star Emperor Bo Guartong, I didn't remember the wrong, the Song Emperor is also a master master? There is also a raised predecessor, in fact, the minister, you inherit the strength and memory, the cloth should also Are you hard to be? "

Qin Shou immediately uncomfortable, chaos is ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, These two people are bright and unsatisfactory. If it is what they do, Qin Shou will never believe it!

So Qin Shou Yinyang strangely; "some people said that the most impossible people, but most likely. I think that the murderer is not in a few of the strongest people. He is likely to be easy, after changing, Tibet In the crowd! "

In this way, everyone who originally opened the distance and kicked it again.

A larger distance, it is prepared to each other.

Qin Shouxi smiled: "Look at your virtue, people kill the golden, like killing chicken, if you want to kill you, how do you think more than Jin Yu?"

Although Qin Shou's words are not good, it is a fact that everyone has a little ugly, more is a helpless. The enemy is too strong, they are too weak, the enemy is dark, they are in the clear, there is no qualifications in the next preparation! .

Chapter 263 Grave Grass

Grave grass

Kiss said: "You seem to be a little truthful, but you will only make people feel more panic, even more divided. Rabbit, what is your heart? Also, when Kong Qiu was attacked, you But rushing to the cave house, coming, it is not blocked ... I am very sure you are tiger from the mountain. "

"Hey! I only have you and firemaking waste. You two count a fart tiger, even the cat is not counting. I am going to find a man, that is because the murderer is a person who is in order every time. A person in the cave is the most dangerous. Of course, I have to go see, don't be like you, the head, not only doesn't help, but also stop me. I want to say that the suspects of you are big! Well Even if there is no suspect, it is a slag!

There is a saying in my hometown, and I am afraid of the same opponent, I am afraid of the same teammates like pigs! "Qin Shou immediately reversed.

Too two truth decisively supplement the knife: "Two friends, what are you thinking?"

"You are looking for death!" The fire heard the two truths called them two, and suddenly became anger! Unfortunately, the Thai real people are not afraid, and they will go back: "Find

Death your grandfather! This real person is here, you are so cow, there is a thing, do it! I don't kill me today, you are my grandson! "

When the fire, I just wanted to shoot, I saw Qin Shou pulled out the mountain print, and I looked at him with a face. I am scared that the fire is not daring to move ...

Qin Shou smiled: "This is right, everyone is coming to see the fairy dancing, don't move, shout, shouting, don't be civilized, look your quality."

At this time, the fire is almost vomiting blood. It seems that it is from the head to the end. It is the first to start the bunny. The wind is not much with the wind. However, the fire also knows that there is no face with a dead rabbit, but he wants his face, so he all plays all other, and it is simply closed.

quickly opened the topic, led these two people to fight again, so he said: "Two good, don't argue, I still think about how to pass this time. The other party is ready, and everywhere Accident counting first, if we can't master the first hand, but if you take your nose by the other, I am afraid that I will be more and more passive. "

After: "Yes, but the core of the problem is the one, who is the murderer!"

Qin Shou Dark kicked a feet too two real people, too second real people immediately understood

The meaning of Qin Shou, screamed: "People who can do such a thing of the livestock, they must be two animals."

After that, the Tai second real person swept the eyes and kissed his eyes. When kissing and fired, it was anger. Although this old did not die, although there was no name last name, who didn't know that these two are two? Big two people can't attack, otherwise it is not my own two heads?

Qin Shou looked at the colorful changes in the expression of two people. This is so comfortable in my heart. "" Don't marry the two animals, the other side is not coming out, no one can. I want to say, everyone It's spread, wash and sleep, what should I do at night, say that I haven't seen the dance of the fairy yet ... "

The fire is cold and said: "Every time, do you still have a meal?"

Qin Shou lazy glanced glance: "When is this time? Isn't it died? Never the cross is not the same as me, who is sad, I am If you pass by, you can help you read two scriptures. Don't stand me, I will ignore me, I believe I will give you two scripts. "

The fire is almost broken, this dead rabbit is not a spell spell why him die?

Qin Shou saw the fire and did not speak, and he worked, this was satisfied with his hand: ",, if it is fine, I will leave. Oh, yes, your cave is not too disappointing, I can go in. Don't live together? "

When the fairy suddenly stunned, so many years, or once again encountered such a wonderful person! I actually took the initiative to live together!

Others have not blunded, kiss is anxious! He is planning to take the door to knock on the door, if Qin Shou runs to the , isn't it equal to the same life? , noble and elegant, sacred and people self-embarrassing, come to the age, never someone touched! Don't say that you live together! Even if it is just a simple coordinate, there is no excessive move, but it is not good! Always make people feel that it is tarnished!

That, the value of the is going to discharge! Even, under the nest, not only don't give a kiss, but also punish him a crime of the eye! That's really stealing the chicken, not a rice!

So I didn't want to kiss, I called directly: "No!

, can you live with you? "

Too two real people immediately squad; "Not a man, is a male rabbit, you can also call him a male rabbit ..."

Sign in a disturbance of a dozen, the saying: "Whether it is the public, the mother, or ..."


Qin Shou suddenly violently, and directly took a punch!

I didn't expect this bunny that this dead rabbit didn't dare! Without being guarded, suddenly was smashed by Qin Shou, on the nose, blood donation, flying out of two or three, people flew well in the half air, turned over five or six, talented, steady, Big drink: "What are you doing? What do you do?"

Qin Shou said that it is more than a kiss: "What do you say? Do you still let me?"

Kiss angry: "When did I marry you?"

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