The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the jade rabbit 900

Chaos: "You look at it yourself, there is a lot of death. These guys are very poisonous, and when they shoot, they will attack those demon kings, quickly entangle me and the world, we want to save people Will not work."

Qin Shoudao; "We just tried it, here the dead, the array of outside will become strong! Nowadays, a group is dead, and things are in trouble."

Chaotic listening, suddenly anxious: "In this case, why don't we join hands? Break out this array, so much for others, how much is it?"

The river shakes his head: "If you can easily take it, they will not make us up with us."

Too seconds: "Just, if I am them, I must calculate the power of the big array, then according to the strength of the power, choose the invitation to be strong. White, if they don't eat your means, Will not ask you! Otherwise, why do they only invite you? Between the heavens and the earth, so many Yada, respect the master of the nine heavens, why don't you ask? ".

Chapter 270 Tai Quality?

Too two truth?

Although the words of Taiyuan is not listening, everyone also understands that the truth is such a truth.

Chaos: "But I don't want to try it."

Qin Shoudao: "If you tried, it's okay, you can't die some people who are not coherent. Anyway, they are going to die ... if it can't be broken, what? Chaos, can't break, big array absorbed our strength It will become more scary! If this is the big array, we are equal to the grave of the grave! The four people's strength, everyone also saw it, not Yadheng! Single alone is not as good as anyone So, as long as defense, don't die, you can play with them! Jiu Xuan Mountain is so big, I really don't think they can hide a thousand years! "

"As long as the time is enough, they can hide for three or five days in this nine Xuanshan, which is the same person." Too seconds.

Chaos slightly orally: "It is good, then defense, then carpet search!"

Shi Zun said: "That will gather people ..."

At this moment, the World Zun also knows the seriousness of things, and it is not sinned by the face.

Most importantly, everyone finally saw the four true fierce! For each other's alert, there is a lot of light ...

Several super masters come together, organize the demon kings on Jihuanshan, the efficiency is still very fast. Two consecutive massacres, let these small demon kings, one thing is a little wind, and the grass is a feeling of soldiers. In terms of fear, they urgently need a safe shelter. Several most powerful powers are undoubtedly the best shelter.

So everyone responded to the call, gathered on the big platform of Jiu Xuanshan. And several masters are sitting on the north and south of the East West!

Oriental chaos, Western, Northern World, the South Jiangliu, the Dangdang is the center of the town!

Qin Shou, Yan You, kissed, and the four people were sitting in the north and south of the East West, which was the four parties of the inner ring.

Jin Zun, Tiezun, five-tube, and Kongqiu and others constitute patrols, walk around. As for the Tai second real person, the strength is too weak, directly being ignored


However, no one noticed that the most uncomfortable Taiqi real person, after chatting with Qin Shou, disappeared in the crowd.

After all people gave, Qin Shou began to ponder, first of all this big array is not so terrible in his eyes, he is free to break this big battle! Before he wanted to do, but everyone apparently didn't believe he can break, plus the attack is too sudden, so it will stop.

After that, everyone will ignore the things that Qin Shou can be broken. It is estimated that no one believes that Qin Shou can take it.

Qin Shou is also a bachelor. Since everyone does not believe, he is too lazy to prove. Qin Shou didn't care about it, he cared more about the four murderer! In vicars, Qin Shou touched some things, but there were still many mystery, many questions needed! Under the confusion, Qin Shou selection will remain completely solved here! Otherwise, he calculates the left, and he will insomnia ...

As for the Tai second real, this guy is the master of the water, the strength.

Not very good, the searching intelligence is a master. Have his mixed in the crowd, Qin Shou does not believe that four guys can hide how long ...

Yes, Qin Shou did not believe that four guys hid in Jiu Xuanshan. He affirmed that these four guys must be in the crowd! Otherwise, they can't make the gaps in Qinshou and others, and they can find the gaps in the people at any time!

Therefore, Qin Shou did not feel that the people of the guards will be dangerous, but the people in the inner are more dangerous!

Qinshou places were sitting on their platform, and the brain flew quickly, and a white bird flew out, then quietly smashed into feathers, sprinkling the whole Jiu Xuanshan. Great wind's feathers can check everything!

Subsequently, Qin Shou went to wake up the nine tube, let him not stop the information that feathers pass back, find the fall of the four guys!

Qin Shou is arranged here, and others are not idle, and they are moving, and the means are looking for the four murderer.

Kiss, although the fire style is not cool, but now it is related to his life and death, but you have to put down to meet, cautious layout defense.

Over time, the atmosphere on the top of the entire Jiu Xuan Mountain is getting more and more nervous, and the air seems to be solidified! Everyone understands that the four people have been hidden. Once they are found, it is a battle! At that time, and pool fish are inevitable, die is alive, and the reactivity is full. What is fighting, running now, is the only way to live!

Therefore, one of the tea does not want to don't think, it is very eye-catching, the nerve is tight, the muscles are also tightened, and they are ready to escape at any time.

"Who?" At this time, Qin Shou suddenly opened his eyes and asked.

"The rabbit is me!" Too two really got sneak away from the tree.

Qin Shou's eyes flashed a touch of color, asked: "It's coming back so soon?"

Too two real people nodded: "I investigate an important news, so come back. Rabbit, things are somewhat bad ..."

During the speech, the Thaesi people have been close to Qin Shou.

Qin Shou brows wrinkled: "What happened? Who is dead?"

"Not who is dead, but ... you have to die!" The second triple suddenly violently, black shadow flashed, a knife rushed to Qin Shou's throat!

Qin Shou was shocked: "You are not too two!"

"Late late, die!" The other person smiled.

However ... next moment!

Calling, big flag rolling! The opponent's face is surrounded by: "Least Flames !!"

Hey, the other party is flying out with a flag of the flame flag! Although it is no attack, it is absolute exclusive! The enemy will be swept out by him.

The other party landed, Qin Shou has already slammed out, and the golden bell will thrown out! The golden bell of the glory of the blink of the greenery has reached the realm of Xuanhuang to the three-day three days. Under the whole power, the bloom is infinite, the inside seems to be a fierce beast, the beast is in the rushing,! .

Chapter 271 Soul Knife


When the golden Zhong Zhong is set, it will cover the person!

"Three days of Xuanhuang to treasure? Good baby, but you can't catch me!" The other side relaxed, the knife in the hand swept, the cold light Senson, the wind and the wind boiler with endless Chinese! This is a magic knife!


A loud noise, the golden bell was swept away by a knife, and there was a black knife mark on the clock body, and he could not be dispersed for a long time.

The other side laughed: "Qin Ge, die!"

"Be careful!" Qin Shou smiled and said that the other side heard the heart, his head, just saw the mountain print came over from behind! Three days of Xuanhuang to treasure he can not be in the eyes, but how can the eight-day Xuanhuang to treasure he not afraid? In a critical juncture, the other party suddenly released a jade Ding Ding, Dading was selected on his head, sprinkled with Dao Jiyu Guanghua, shrouded it. Obviously, this is a beam!

After having this beamper magic, the other party did not look at Qin Shou, and directly kill it back, and even gave the eight-day mountain yin to retreat!

Qin Shou saw this, the eyes flashed a surprised color, how much he was very clear, dared to dare to face the people, I am afraid it is a madman! If the guy is not a fool in front of you! But I don't dare to be a thing, Qin Shou's chance is coming!

Qin Shou waved the golden clock, Tongtian trip to run, the golden bell is rising, and the Suzaku is again resurrected. At the same time, a white tiger is also appeared, the fierce breath, the violent Gengjin is very violent!

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