The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 905

Black dress with white striped robe, empty hands, the neck is a golden bell, but a pair of eyes is a red!

Qin Shou double-eyed red is like a blood, and it is very staring: "There are a lot of questions, there are many ideas, and you need more. That is, you want me to die, step on my body. ! "

When you come out, everyone feels a chill ...

The kiss is also a little fear, the rabbit in front of you is too peaceful, and it is not like the kind of rabbit who can't start with the kind of wind and fire! Such a rabbit makes the kiss!

But the kiss is clearer, and the bow does not look back! He shouldn't say it, he said, now I want to retreat, no place!

So I kissed the neck, swept a look, countless demon king, he understood that these demon king did not count. But it is more or less behind them to drag a force! When these numbers reach a certain number, no matter who, they must be sufficient to kill their consequences! This is the rehearsal of kiss, he gambling Qin Shou did not dare to provoke so much forces at the same time! Otherwise, those who will spit a spit, this rabbit is drowning.

several times!

I thought this, kissing deep breath, said: "Rabbit, we don't want you to die, just a most stable way! You help us, prove your own innocent, after you go out, you fold Damaged life, you can help you find the Tianshi Treasure to add back. "

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "You are good! The rabbit master, I am in the long run, the life is like the long river, there is no end! If it is a life, it is more than just life, but also the Tongtian Avenue! Moreover, you are not scattered, you can find these waste-saving, you can also find the Tianwei Di Treasure to add life? Those Tianwei Di Bao, have you seen it?

Finally, on the death of these waste sagments, it also matches the future of the rabbit, and is the same? Do you die, who is it? Take me fart! "

Everyone was covered with the face of Qin Shou, and an old face was red! Indeed, if Qin Shou is only an ordinary person, even just a small demon king of the level, they naturally have a way to supplement life.

But the strength reaches the master of the Emperor, and the life form has already changed, and the power of life containing every cell is extremely pound.

fill! They want to lose their life, and ordinary increased birth medicines are not valid! At the very least, the little medicine king can play a role! Want to supplement Qin Shou's loss, there is no hundred eighty true medicine king, or a no death, there is no drama at all! And those things, they are just listening, have never seen it, what should I get to Qin Shou?

However, Qin Shou's words also angered them, they didn't do it, but they also not be pointed at the nose to scrap. So an anger looks at Qin Shou ...

I saw this, immediately took the lead: "Qin Song, you can't help us! But give you a drink to elute the crime! Do you want to carry a designed murder of many demon kings?".

Chapter 277 crazy rabbit! I'm fully refined!

Crazy rabbit! I'm fully refined!

Everyone should be withdrawal, yelling, let Qin Shou have proved their own innocent, otherwise it is the killer waiting cloud cloud ...

Qin Shounhen, smiled, smiled, happy, to the : " , closer eyes, the next scene you won't want to see. I am afraid to pollute your eyes ..."

It's a glimpse, then staring at Qin Shou Road; "You ..."

"Don't say anything, I want to do it, no one can stop me. These slag, but also use it, and finally not cheaper those killers, used to strengthen the array? It is better to give me a heart ..." Qin Shoudao .

He looked at Qin Shou. She saw the extremely resolute color in the eyes of Qin Shou! I finally sighed, closed my eyes ...

Shi Zun and Chaos are almost at the same time: "Start!"

I didn't hear Qin Shou and the emotion of Qin Shou and Yu. How did I suddenly close my eyes?

Next moment, Qin Shou moved! Suddenly disappeared, when I appeared again, the boom in the half air, a humanity became ten people! Exactly

It is a person who adds a nine-head!

Lu Wu, Bi Fugi, heavy bird, ghost car, hook snake, poor, havery, big wind, etc. all appear, the nine fierce beasts roar and kill the Quartet!

And Qin Shou's body, one waved, the mountain print was thrown out! In the air, zoom in, directly to kiss!

I was shocked, and I called: "Qin Ge, you are crazy? Do you actually kill everyone?"

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "I am crazy? No, no ... is you crazy! A group of antices are also brought to compare with my life? Do you say that I am a killer? That rabbit, I will Let you pay for you, when a killer! Today, I will die! Kill innocent! "

I heard Qin Shou said that everyone's face has changed, they didn't expect that this rabbit was so crazy! So many people's joints were forced to force, but they didn't have a fan, but they launched the anti-kill! And it is a crazy slaughter!

Where is the kiss? Run!

As a result, a portal just opened, and he hit it in.

! The moment, the face is the mountain, hiding!

"Walk!" Kiss took out a monk to use!


The golden bell suddenly falls from the sky, and the golden clock that is swallowed with the Yinfeng bead is already three days of Xuanhuang to treasure, the power is great!

When I suddenly suddenly was shocked by the golden bell in the same place, the soul seems to be out!

When I have returned to God, I don't know anything!


The Mountain India will kiss the heavy smashing, then the mountain is suggested slowly, and everyone sees clearly, and the kisses that have just been hopped have been smashed! The flesh has begun to fly quickly, and it is the form of ontology. Just then, a Yuanyuan rushed to the sky, ran!

"Where to go? I will wait for you for half a day!" Ying, a big hand arrested, one will kiss, then no matter how to be righteous, threaten the sound, directly throw it! "

Others see this, but also feel cold in the feet, directly to

The top of your head! I don't know who took the lead shouted, run!

"Run? Who is you running?" Qin Shou doubled, four huge portals appeared, blocked all people's four squares! No matter which door they drilled, they will rush back from the other door, turn around, can't go!

"Attack!" Someone shouted!

However, some people have a faster attack, and the huge mountain is still bigger than Jiu Xuanshan! Dropping from the sky, as popular, the earth is generally horrible! The person below immediately gave up the attack, everyone joined hands, fighting against the mountain!

Unfortunately, the absolute gap of strength is popular, and the mountain is popular. They are only anti ants, and they are more ants. How to fight against popular impact?


At that moment, the world, the world, and the chaos stood up. They couldn't see the situation below the mountain, but they smelled the bloody! Those people are absolutely dead!

Jin Zun grew up his mouth, and his face did not reply: "This rabbit, fierce!"

Tiezun bar, the mouth: "Stupid as the boss! Is it not finished under the shock of two leaders? This time, I have to be a big murderous madness. Hat! Yes, the forces behind those people will also join hands to tell Tianship ... If the nest will take the opportunity to launch a difficult problem, ... ... This rabbit is not too good. "

Chaos haha ​​big laughs; "Interest! Interest now, I will now understand why the neckline, after they look at him, even the baith, the born, it is, this guy is a person!"

The world is awkward: "How do I feel that you are planning to become a five-fuse?"

After chaotic, I scratched the head: "Don't say, this is really a good idea. But, this is going to see this rabbit is willing to be willing, I am afraid that there is too much to grab the people after going out, I don't come to me, ... "

The world is getting angry: "After the show, let's go, this is clean ... ?"

The world said that this suddenly stunned.

I saw that the mountain is slowly lifted, and the people of countless people are pressed below, but these people are all pressed by the bones, blood donation, lying on the ground, mourning, China ...

Chaos Zhang Da has a mouth, whispered: "Is this rabbit who did not dare to kill?"

At this time, Qin Shoufei arrived in the air, Huang Gaofeng out, Zhongkou is a huge black hole, the following people are screaming, all by the golden bells, then Qin Shou is in half-air, starting one by one Handprint, legal, and golden bell, there have been infinite flames!

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