The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 910

Too two live people all the way, Qin Shou has been running away.

More far, after shooting Qin Shou one, hurry to find a trousers, and then hurry, shameful ...

Both people ran, chaos, world, river, and Kongqiu and others also withdrew, five cylinders found Qin Shou, and didn't bring him. How much understands what is going on, sighing to fly to the north. . For a time, the original Jiu Xuan Mountain turned empty.

Qin Shou took too second to fly in the moon. The so-called heart

Like arrow, Qin Shou is now this kind of mentality, there are two big three beautiful women at home, come out for so long, I have thought about it.

Too seconds are on the back of Qin Shou. "" Rabbit, do you use it so fast? Run the fast wind, the face of the real person is deformed. "After the saying, Taichi people put the head Pre-exploration, a distorted face that was blown up, very personality.

Qin Shoudao: "Yes, it is much better than you."

"Pull ..." Taiyuan is not a way.

Just then, the front suddenly came from shouting, then two women down from the sky, drink a big drink: "The front of the Wan Mountain, Wang Yue Mountain, Qin Song, Qin Daoyou?"

Qin Shou immediately stopped, smiled: "Two beautiful women, I don't have to be so polite, and I call Qin Daoyou. When I shouted, I was embarrassed." I said that there is no mouth on my mouth. It's embarrassed.

Two women heard the words, and the pretrequent bloom was on a layer of cold cream. "You are tougery, who is commensted to your brothers? The speed of the hand is put down, take a trip to us! you!"

When the two women talk, the toes are high, as if they are not Qin Shou, but who is the A cat Aka Dog is like! Extremely arrogant, contempt!

Qin Shouton is not happy, grining: "The rabbit is smirked with you, it is given to your face. You give the rabbit, I put my face, but what is it?"

Two women are slightly tall, and angered: "Helping your face? Do you also give you a face? You are just a wild king, you have a famous surname in our sister, you are just A wild rabbit that has not been educated! "

When Qin Shouton fired, he went to the wrist, he said: "Although I don't know who you are, the rabbit, I don't know where I will provoke you. But let me make me very uncomfortable, consequence Very serious!"

Qin Shou said this, the eyes are fierce!

Two women saw this, slightly some fear, they have been high in a long time, and they are deeply separated, and they don't know the brilliant deeds of this rabbit. But the strength of this rabbit is indeed, and they have some tricks.

Once you launched a crazy, they have a self-satisfaction. As for danger, they are not afraid, they are afraid of punishment after the task!

At this moment, the Taijun live people whispered in Qinshou Ear; "Rabbit, the two women's wear is the sky of the sky! They should be a person's scorpion!"

Two women heard the words, suddenly loosened, since the other party recognized their identity, in their view, this rabbit should not dare to mess. Will you pass, you are behind you! At the same time, the lower barace is high, one of the women said: "What is your rabbit, what? Don't you go with us?".

Chapter 284 smashed the sky

Smash the sky


Two women relax, suddenly falling in the sky, a golden bell, a loud noise!

The two women have not reacted, and they have dizzyd it!

Subsequently, Qin Shou has handed over, directly income the sleeve, recovered the golden bell, shakes his head: "Who are you, the rabbit, I am not happy, you still go to death."

"Rabbit, you are crazy? These two women have someone behind it." Too two real people happened, did not expect this rabbit so fierce, and they can't catch people directly!

Qin Shou said: "Is there anyone behind? Who is behind them!"

Too seconds: "You are not curious, who sent them?"

Qin Shoudao: "This is not caught, I believe that the prostitute will come back soon. Let's go, look back in the moon, come out for so long, I want home ..."

After that, Qin Shou accelerated returned to Wangyue Mountain.

Only returned to Wanyue Mountain, and Qin Shouton felt a lot of air, and in these days, especially recently, even he had a little suppressed.

I heard that my king is coming back, the whole of the monster of the moon, even the demon king of the whole Wan Mountain, the demon is dispatched, blowing, taking the light, knowing, to welcome Qin Shou, I don't know what I thought New Year.

Qin Shou didn't care, others were good about him, he gave a banquet to others, and he took a banquet, and the big and small demon king was drinking, bragging, and a lot of time.

All people have sent a hair, and Qin Shou has time to get along with their own women.

In the big room, Qinshou plain legs sat on the bed, opposite, two big three women sat there, big eyes and smashed ...

Half, hugging the solemn sun: "Rabbit, don't you talk?"

Qin Shou looked at the three women and smiled: "The pressure is big, how do I feel, I am the rhythm of the Third Men?"

"Hey ..." Win Yun is amused by Qin Shou, getting up: "

I will give you a tea. "

After finishing, win the clouds.

Win Yun, the sun jumped immediately, fell down Qin Shou Hui, choose a comfortable posture lying well, then said: "Bunny, you tell me what you leave after you leave. I heard that Jiu Xuan Mountain Everything is big over there ... ... "

Kwai words have not been finished, I'm asleep.

Qin Shouton is somewhat speechless, look up to the rainbow road: "What is going on?"

Rainbow shakes his head: "I don't know, the sun is getting more and more sleep, and there is very little time between day. However, the power in her body is getting stronger and stronger ..."

Qin Shou closed his eyes, feeled in the body of the lower smalrow. Sure enough, there was a force in the rapid growth. Especially when the sun is asleep, this strength is twice as fast as usual! Today's sun is already an emperor master, and it may break through the emperor at any time, reaching the Amitle! Qin Shou saw this, in addition to shocking in the heart, the strength of this gimmick is too fast!

Qin Shou is already genius, and there are so many cheats, even if

Therefore, the speed of the improvement is not so fast!

Look at the rainbow, Qin Shou's heart is still, the rainbow has reached the Nine heavens! That is, it is possible to step into the respect! You must know that when Qin Shou is walking, the rainbow is a heavy day!

Qin Shoudao; "Rainbow, have you recently not taking the drug Wang Du radish? How do I improve this fast?"

Rainbow laughed; "Our physical fitness, strength improvement is no strange. Look better, every night ..."

"Night? Is it okay at night?" Qin Shou seems to be a tail as if he caught the tail, and his heart is tight, he is tight: Don't come to an old king!

Rainbow has gradually adapted to the environment, the expression is no longer so stiff, although the smile is still a bit reluctant, but still laughs: "Night ... you look at yourself."

Qin Shou scratched the head: "Rainbow, you have learned bad."

At this time, winning the tea in the tea, giving two people, then hugging the sun. However, even in sleeping, the sun is refused to easily hicked, and the dead is holding Qin Shou.

Qin Shou helplessly: "Nothing, I am holding, you do it."

Win the clouds and nodded and sitting. Her identity will be under the next person, can't be used with rainbow, sunflowers.

Rainbow Road: "Tell us about what you leave after you leave."

Qin Shou touched the Babao: "Now not to say, wait for the sunflower, let's talk together, you still talk to me, after I leave, I am very curious."

The rainbow won the same way: "Win Cloud, you said."

Winning the cloud knows that the rainbow is not good, so he said: "After the king left Wang Yue Mountain, because the king's Shen Wei is still there, no one dares to provoke it is right and wrong, and it has been very calm. Of course, Wan Meshan always has a foreign demon Wang I want to enter here, so these talents are some chaotic origins.

Today, Dongfeng, West Breeze, and ischalled, thieves, and Hui million to patrol the Wan Shan Mountain day and night, only allow challenges, not allowed to massacre, so the wind of the whole Wan Mountain will be so calm. Today, the big demon kings in the Wan Meshan are really welcome to lead the Wan Mountain. "

Qin Shou nodded: "I didn't expect that I was not here, you did so good ... Yes, there is a reward!" That's that, Qin Shou slightly, said: "Win Cloud, you come over, I have something wrong." ask you."

Win the clouds, then look at the rainbow, the rainbow doesn't seem to care, this only gone.

Qin Shoudao, you are bent over the ear.

Win the clouds, red, thinking, is this rabbit estrus? If he really asks her to bed, how should she answer? Is it half-pushed, or refused? Winning the heart is a bit messy. I have seen Qin Shou Benzhao's wins, Qin Shou is a very handsome person. After a while, she also found that Qin Shou did not like the cold and ruthless, but very attached to the feelings, his favor of Kwai, the caring of the rainbow, she saw it in the eyes.

In this era, a man can do so subtle care for women, she is still the first time! It can be said that it is unique! .

Chapter 285 Everything is calculated

Everything is calculated

Powerful strength, background, with chassis, have a house, there is a hand, the young reasons, the character is good, which is undoubted to win a gathering point in the mind. The only place for winning the clouds is somewhat unsatisfactory, Qin Shou grows too slow!

Going out, there is a circle, and it is only a little higher after it is.

Qin Shou looked at the side face of winning the clouds. He is a heart. He is too easy to be shy. I have no other ideas, the rabbit, I have no other idea ... Well, this bun is getting bigger and bigger, I don't know When you can eat ... "Thinking here, aiming at the chest of the cloud. But immediately, I will return my eyes, one is actually, the voice asked: "The one happened this evening? How did this rainbow and a strong strength ... ? And your strength, how to improve it?"

Winning the clouds, first, then, then it is crying. Listening to the front, she almost misunderstood, and now I understand what Qin Shou wants to ask. Let's take a look at Qin Shou's ghost head, and then look at the color of laugh.

Rainbow, winning the cloud, now understand anything, and smiled and said: "The king, if you really want to know, it is better to be optimistic about yourself."

Qin Shou grabbed his eyes and swept the chest of the cloud. "" You don't like these bad people, how do you like to hide it? Do you think you will see yourself! Distance is not long, hey ... "

Win Yun was seen in the eyes of Qin Shou's fire RE, quickly retreat, returned to the seat.

After a few people talked to a meeting, Qin Shou took out to the graphic flag to the rainbow, let her guard the mountain gate and give him a law.

Qin Shou took blood Dan on Jiupo Mountain, but also swallowed the enemy of the kiss, plus the big red lotus fire, there has been no time to calm down and absorb digestion. Now returning to your chassis, it is also assured, the leg is doing well, the breath is condensed, and the energy is started to refine these energy.

Just then, a light lit up, swallowing the people came to Qin Shou, directly integrated into Qin Shou's body!

So long, the swallowers have realized many ways. These power instantly injects Qin Shou vitality, a variety of energy, and the integration of the road, Qin Shouton has a feeling of explosion! But very fast, it is pressed by him.

Going down, he and two people who swallowed people, began to refine these energy and the road, Qin Shou's strength is again flying again!

At the same time, nine days above, the inside of Tiantian, the Hall of the Prince.

"How did Huaye and Chen Hao have not come back?" On the main hall, a man wearing yellow splendid robes, leaning against a seat, a feet throwing on the table in front of the table, and asked very pleasant.

"Little this goes to see ..." A belonging to the sound.

Not long after, the man ran back, a shock, anger and a bit of fear: "Prince, not good, you can let the flowers and Chen Hao invites the nephew, the result Grab the two sons! "

This prince is the boss of the nine sons of the emperor, nest!

Nest, I heard the words, haha, smiled: "These two love have really lived up to the hope of this king, these two usually have no brain, and the woman with the top, there is really anger that the rabbit is anger. Very good, haha ​​... "The nest is very happy.

Some of the genus is somewhat, try to ask: "The Taizi Temple, what should we do?"

The nest will move the foot from the table, slowly get up, and the expression is getting more and more serious. When I stand up, I am quite a few points of the emperor's momentum. I don't dare to lift it! The nest is a word: "This king is impossible for a woman who has not yet arrived, to deal with the rabbit. Otherwise, the father is crime, or my good brothers can tell, say that I am intoxicating in the woman color For a woman to play with the rabbit, isn't it very much? Now, this king has a good excuse ...

Well, this king heard that the two loved on the nickname, specially demolished the two love before the invitation, Shangtien tea talks about the sky, Nai this rabbit looks at the color, and I took my two love. This is to give me the behavior of the green hat on the royal family. In order to maintain the dignity of the royal family, this king has to shoot this rabbit!

how about it? What reason is this reason? "The nest is looking at the heart of the heart.

I dare to say bad, I am busy, slap the Horses: "The Prince His Hall is good! This reason is too wonderful, in order to maintain the dignity of the royal family, in order to rescue your love, two plus together, will only set off

Out of your tall, even if the demon emperor is there, it will only be rewarded! "

The nest is moving; "You still don't understand the person of my father, I can hide his mental eye? If he wants to know the dragon to go to the pulse, the finger is that it is, don't ask me at all. I Do this, just give the world, as long as the face is going, the father is not shameful, the royal family is not shameful, the tians is not shame, if you can occupy a big meaning, he will not blame me. "

The heart: "The Hall of the Prince, there is a little worried, the demon emperor seems to be very favored to the rabbit. If you know that you are deliberate to find him trouble ... I am afraid ..."

The nest is confident: "My father is watching the world, not looking at people! He wants that the demon is full, the two is not unable to let a person live. Good father, explain him Useful, as a useful chess piece, I don't kill him, staying with him. But I have to let him understand, at the end of this day, there is nothing in the tie, he is just a dog! We like, slip, no I like it, I will pull it out, if this dog doesn't know, I also grab it with the owner, waiting for him.

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