The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the Laozi is the jade rabbit 914.

! You smoke a few big mouth, it is equal to the face of the Tiantian ... "

Qin Shou did not think about it; "so many emperors, this virtue is not good, change it."

"The demon is worried as a jade? This nest is not rolling or not, it is impossible, but ..." Tian Yuan did not talk.

Qin Shoudao: "Don't say half of it, you said that this is nothing." Qin Shou asked.

Tianyuan said: "However, if he is very troublesome, the waste should not be impossible! But he is now doing something for you, so you'd better think about it. Either I will help you Live in the emperor, you go to the nest to come to two big mouths, this is full. He doesn't look for you, you can't find him trouble. Second, don't go to the nest today, let him toss If he is tossing enough, I will take you to find the emperor, abolished the prince of the nest! When you want to smoke him, how do you smoke him! "

Qin Shou sat in that set after a meeting, said: "I think, I still take it directly."

The Tianyuan is surprised to look at Qin Shoudao: "I thought you would choose later.

, You know, you can make him more robbery! Revenge, don't you pursue it? "

Qin Shou shook his head: "You don't understand me, my principle is that I have been revenge not overnight! I have the ability to revenge, it is best to report it now, too much, dragging it, I said, I really choose On the second, Uncle, the emperor is definitely being mad. I am equal to the slap in the face of the emperor and the East Huang Taiyi, forced them to change the Prince, the days after the days are afraid, it will be too comfortable. "The mouth said that Qin It is more clear that he is very clear, even if he doesn't pull the nest, the nest will not live! After a war, these guys are the soul of the back of the back!

How must Qin Shou will sin two demon emperors for a killed person? not worth it!

In addition, Qin Shou is in a hurry, this is that he improved the good mouth, good grain, even if you don't have to use it, your own hand, the woman is still useful, the strength is powerful, in order to cope with the future! Therefore, it is necessary to calculate it, or the first interest is maximized, and the most cool!

What kind of revenge is the cool? You make me uncomfortable, I immediately retaliate back, you are more unhappy, this is the most cool!

Instead of Yue Wang, it is a lot of years, and I have burst into great out. That is a kind, and it's hard to be better than! Anyway, Qin Shou doesn't want to live, just want to be cool!

Tianyuan naturally didn't know what Qin Shou thought, but for Qin Shou's rational analysis, it was very recognized, nodded: "Yes, you are more intelligent than I want to be, there is no head of your head, In this case, you don't go back to you, you don't go back to you. "

Qin Shoudao: "Hey ... this is it?"

The Tianyuan asked: "Why can't you?"

Qin Shudao: "The grandson of the nest is also the Taizi ... I have this past? Then tell him, come over the grandson, squat, the rabbit master I want to smash your ass?"

The Tianyuan smiled and said: "If you don't even have this kind of power, how do you make my man? Well, if you have a man in a man, he also called your uncle, huh, huh "

Qin Shou: "@ # ¥ # @% & ..."

The Tianyuan saw Qin Shou fir, asked the next consciousness: "You look at me.

what? "

Qin Shudao: "When you laugh, it is very beautiful ... Well, although you are also taste when you get up, I still like you to laugh."

Tianyuan: "@ # ¥ @ # ... & ..."

Half, Tianyuan Road: "For so many years, you are the first person to tell me."

Chapter 295, the wine, the sorrow

Rice meal

Tianyuan Road: "You don't want to find a nest to trouble?"

"I am my uncle, my uncle is , isn't it asking, casually? I am not anxious, sleep first, I am full, I am full of strength, I have to work together." After that, Qin Shouzhen is lying The lack of sleep is asleep.

This feeling, Qin Shou sleeps very sweet ... It is also a few way to sleep! This sleep state, he is only experienced there in Fang Ya, it is an absolute assured ... rest assured, sleep, there will be no danger!

And not in other places, even in the Tianmen Mountain in the same year, now Wang Shan Mountain, Qin Shou still can't fall asleep so embarrassed, the master is too much, must always be vigilant. Qin Shou, I don't want to die half a way ...

I don't know how long I have slept, and the Qin Shou sleeps comfortably, this reaching a lazy waist, playing a yawn, open his eyes.

In front of it, the sky is low, quietly looks at him quietly.

Qin Shoudao: "Hey ... What do you do?"

Tianyuan Road: "No one told you, when you sleep, it is particularly rich. Very interesting ..."

Qin Shoudao: "For so many years, you are the first to say, I haven't said so before."

"It seems that I also got your first time ..." Tianyuan is very happy, Qin Shou is very painful, how can this, how do you hear him so uncomfortable? I have to take her to take her!

Qin Shou made a way: "It's so comfortable, I haven't slept for a long time, yes, how long have I slept?"

"One day overnight." Tianyuan Road.

Qin Shou slam, and then a little embarrassed: "That, do you see me a night?"

Tianyuan Road: "Yes, what is strange?"

Qin Shou's heart: It is not surprising to see the ghost ...

However, this, Qin Shou, did not say it, but said: "Well, no matter what, I like this feeling."

"You like, it will be often coming soon. I have n'thing else here, it is quiet." The sky is faint.

Qin Shou lined up: "Indeed, not only quiet, the heart is quiet ..."

Tianyuan Road: "Now, where are you going?"

Qin Shoudao: "Who will not go, open a meal! Sleep well, of course, I have to eat, say, what do you like?"

The sky is stunned, and the road: "Eating?"

Qin Shou Road: "Yes? Is there a problem?"

The Tianyuan will throw away the people around you, whisper: "Nothing, just haven't eaten too long, have been forgotten what tastes. What do you want to eat? I let the gods give you to eat."

"Food God?" Qin Shou's eyes suddenly lit, and the craftsmanship of the gods didn't need to say, it is definitely strong than Qin Shou's half-hanging! But Qin Shou refused to think, laughed: "This time, next time I will eat the gods, this time I do it."

Qin Shou said, jumping to the shore, putting a pot bowl, starting. This time, I don't have a barbecue, but I have made a few hometown of Qin Shou's hometown. The so-called hometown is the earth.

Northern potbread, southern plum dish buckle, Sichuan boiled fish

... although Qin Shou cooking can't, it is a magical means, and the ingredients far beyond the chef on the earth. In addition, there is a provenent's head, every dish is now drifting hundreds of thousands of times, and it is sure that there is no problem, the taste of making it, it is not better than the earth!

After a few dishes, I got two glasses of red wine, point two candles, and the candlelight dinner began.

Qin Shou got up, said: "Tianyuan beauty, please!"

The Tianyuan has been watching on the side, until Qin Shou came, this slowly got up and came to the table.

Qin Shou helped the chair to learn the gentleman's practices in the past TV as much as possible, but very fast, Qin Shou found that he is not a gentleman! So, decisively gave up, the big sorrows were opposite: "I want to give you an exotic style. As a result, I really can't come to the way. Or planet ... ..."

"Hey ..." Tianyuan was amused by Qin Shou, smiled: "You just move, although not good, but I showed a respect for women, this is difficult to be expensive. But this is obviously not suitable

Take you ... "

Qin Shouzhen, said: "Why?"

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