The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 923

When Tongtian's teacher will be angry, Qin Shou is not worried now! When I met, the Tongtian's teacher did not speak so much, but he was in the next nine days with the coffin, it was obviously a person who changed a person, and the Qin Shou and Yan Yue, like a full age. Qin Shou estimated, the things in the coffin, certainly reached a certain agreement with him, otherwise he won't be so good to Qin Shou!

Although I don't know what the agreement is, I don't know if the final result is good for Qin Shou or bad! However, Qin Shou is inquiry, there is power without expired, or to maximize interests as much as possible! So the road; "The teacher, this is the virtual. I really have to encounter not afraid of death, I am still dangerous, you see, you have a good baby? Give a two-piece body? Map, what is mixed, Qing Ping, Qing Pingjian, industry fire lotus, twenty-four, sealing gods, all sent me to protect the body? "

"Your rabbit, you are greedy. For your baby, don't think, I see you have killing machine, take it out." Tongtian's meaning is very clear, that is, the Qin Shou body will see the light! Seeing that the light is blending with the fairy four swords, plus other magic weapons. Original

It is quite a big place, but unfortunately, Qin Shou now has a sudden rise in strength, and its role is getting smaller and smaller. It's really radish!

Although Qin Shou understood the meaning of Tongtian, but his abacus hit, his hand turned, and took the mountain, handed over, "Thank you for helping to improve the magic weapon."

Tongtian's face is green! The mountain is itself is the eighth day of Xuanhuang to treasure! Retreat again, that is, the Xuanhuang to Bao, the nine heavens! There are not a few in the middle of the talents, how can I give Qin Shoucai? If it is refining, he still uses Qin Shou to come? I have already refined myself!

Tongtian teacher dry cough and said: "This print is the printer of the earth, the main life, not the main death ..."

Qin Shou hurriedly faced his skin: "The Lord, you see, this print can become boss, what is it died, this is the primary life?"

Tongtian teacher snort, Qin Shou quickly shut up! Tongtian's teacher continued to say: "I said that the primary life is the primary life. Are you a saint or I am a saint?"

"You are, you are, of course, you are a saint, I just suggest it." Qin Shou's mouth said that his heart is squatting: "The ghost."

Obviously, this thought was written by Tongtian, a stick, and a stick on his head. Qin Shouton did not speak, and once again took out the golden bell.

After the Tongtian's teacher swept, he was surprised: "Where did you get it?"

Qin Shoudao: "My sister is done, I'm okay, is there a problem?"

Tongtian's teacher is awkward: "Do you have a sister? Is it a rabbit?"

Qin Shou:

"Not a rabbit, I don't know if her body is, it is very beautiful." Qin Shoudao. .

Chapter 308 I am?

I am going to you?

Tongtian teaches the main road: "What is her name?"

"Don't know ..." Qin Shou shook his head directly, he did not meet with Fang Ya, if it is a chaotic name, pass the words, it is a big problem. After experiencing this, Qin Shou has already understood that the times are different. When the year is good, it is now not necessarily you! Everything has to rely on fate and their own efforts!

Tongtian teacher nodded and threw the golden bell to Qin Shou Road: "You have a self-organized edge, take it back. Is there anything else?"

Qin Shoudao: "Is the big chance not calculating?"

Tongtian's head shook his head, Qin Shou was also helpless, I had to take out to see the light and handed it to Tongtian. Tongtian's teacher swept away and saw it, and his eyes flashed a different color. "You can be a heterogeneous, but you can eat radish, but you can turn into a sharp sword, some means ..."

Qin Shou whispered; "Do you can get it? Do you not do this? Do you have something else ..."

Tongtian's teacher didn't have a good look of Qin Shoudao: "The PRC will use it to me, let's stay, this magic will help you upgrade to the eight-day Xuan Huang to treasure. Higher, you just don't think. "

Qin Shou listened, the heart is ecstasy, seeing the light and death, it will become a chicken rib. Now I can jump into the level of eight heavy Xuanhuang to treasure, what is the fighting power of Qin Shou? But the face is bitter, "" The teacher does not have to be so small? Can you get it directly from the sky? "

"Nine heavy days? The Xuanhuang to Bao, the nine heavens in the sky, is all after the beginning of the heavens and the earth, was refined by the old ancestors of Hong Kong. Even if it is a saints, I want to make a nine days. Xuanhuang Huibao, is not an easy thing, there is not enough Tiantian and, it will not work! Ok, don't talk nonsense, take it, I want to refine the magic weapon, you want to see, I don't want to see, I will happen. "Tongtian's teacher waved.

The fool didn't want to see it! What kind of opportunity is it? The opportunity of others can not come, Qin Shou can not send out.

Qin Shou is very real, on the side, takes all kinds of snacks, one side

Eating while looking.


Tongtian teacher sits in that half-day, but didn't have it.

Qin Shou couldn't help it, asked; "The teacher, you slept?"

"You are on my side, the mouth is similar, how do you refine? I am waiting for you to finish it, when do you start to refine!" Tongtian's leader in the eyes, he used to refiners, Disciples watch, who dares to be like this dead rabbit? Which one is not a respectable hand, the low eyebrows, the fart dare not put one. Can this rabbit? If you don't stand it, you will work, you are sitting ... As a result, this bastard is lying! He is still sitting!

It's almost, it's still that I haven't finished it, and people are depressed.

Qin Shou quickly took the things, a good job, said: "Well, I started from now, it is not sent, but I don't put one."

"Hey!" After the Tongtian teacher snorted, he began to do it ...

Then, Qin Shou went to sleep himself.

The sage refiner, the opportunity is rare, but when the saints refining, use the Dafa to cover everything, it is useless. Tongtian's lady is that the fire is constantly changing, and the violent energy will be closely strict, and Qin Shou is not seen, it is better to find a place to sleep.

This is not a weird, eight-day Xuanhuang to treasure, nor is it so good, many Yada's life may not be able to get it. Of course, the rich second generation of the family is another, such as the nest ...

Qin Shou didn't know how long she slept, and when he woke up, Jinding sat around him, and looked at Qin Shou.

Qin Shou quickly climbed up, touched his body, a transcript: "Golden Sister, I just fell asleep, didn't you do it for you? Your eyes, I am watching my hair ..."


When the Tank of the Jinling was suddenly heated by Qin Shou's words, raising his hand in his head is a burst, and the apricots are: "Re-tell, I turn you into a shorturuna!"

Qin Shou hurriedly, said: "This can't blame me, your expression

Who is changing, it seems to be cough ... Don't say this topic, that is why, do you do this? "

The Master of the Master: "The Master is finished, I will send it to you. In addition, the Master said that you woke up and see him."

Qin Shou quickly viewed it, and sure enough, he put a carrot on the side, more rushed to the past, hurry up and bite a bite, and the vitality is more enough! I have eaten a little one, and now I am filled with the Yangtze River! That feeling, I don't know how many times more than the original place to absorb the vitality! This place is not an attack power, the ability of this assisted cultivation is also worth the city, not under the general eight-day Xuanhuang to treasure.

Qin Shou hurriedly received it, then stared at the Noter of Jinling: "Jinling Sister, you can change it, you can go out, I estimate that your master should give you two wedding."

The Jinling Virgin said in Qin Shouyi: "Not allowed to say! I am grievance, because you have a balance of the bastard! Master respect, how good, you actually ran to sleep ... you ... Under the way, it is estimated Just have such a stupid rabbit to do this! "

Qin Shou scratched his head, did not think about it: "Hey, I thought it was, I thought it was, just this! I asked, you have seen the main refining eight heavens Xuanhuang to treasure?"

The Jinde Manta shook his head: "Master respects very little refiner, the only refining, just let the congenital spiritual treasure. What happened?"

Qin Shoudao: "You have the opportunity to see, I will understand that I will sleep. OK, I will see the teacher ... He thought that your teacher is very big, let me see, finally ... ..."

Qin Shou sighed, seeing the Milley of the Mint, a mist ....

Chapter 309 Go Home

Come back home

When I saw the Tongtian's teacher again, Tongtian's director didn't open the mouth: "The last month of the month is a good day, I will announce the world, the soldiers, the rabbit, can you be willing to be my apprentice?"

Qin Shou hurriedly shook his head ...

"Well?" Tongtian's teacher looked at Qin Shou. He thought that this rabbit would be very happy to be his disciple, where, this guy actually shakes his head to shake with the roll. Tongtian teaches the main frown: "Rabbit, you can think about it! Between the heavens and the earth, there is no saints, I will open the teaching, I must be a thousand people to come to the DPRK! You are now in my interception, and even a generation of disciples, or even You can give you a master. When you are, it is also a person in the Wancha, you are not willing? "

Qin Shou booth stalls: "You will spare me, just, you think, you think, I will sway this Tour Palace every day, are you happy? I still want to get more than a few days, I don't want to get started. A few days, I was kicked out by you. "

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