The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 928

Fang Ya fell to the generous sitting around the female, staring at Qinshi Road: "Have you seen me?"

Qin Shou shook his head: "This is the first time."

Fang Ya nodded: "I feel so much, but I can feel that you have seen me before."

Qin Shou Zhang Zhangzhu, eyebrows are frightened, and Fang Ya is still trustworthy, and she is not afraid that she knows his time and space, but Qin Shou is clearer, and the shuttle time and space violates the will of all saints. ! Think about the future, and Yuan Shi Zun, who is still connected with Qin Shou Relations, and the Yuan Shengzun are immediately reversed, thereby visible. At this time, the Fang Ya is not a saint, and even if an individual is recognized, it is not a good thing.

So Qin Shoudao: "Please don't ask later, I don't want to lie to you, I can only say, I know you, but you don't know me."

Fang Ya also didn't think so much, said: "There are many people ..."

Qin Shou booth stalls: "Yes, a lot of ..."

The woman suddenly said: "But his estimate is only one."

Qin Shouzhen, Fang Yaxi head crumpled, it seems to think about anything.

At this moment, the boy came in, and he took the baggage: "There are two people who claim to be asked for the Ziyong Mangaro."

The woman said: "Zi Yanong Mao friends?"

"It is two people, self-proclaimed people and pick people." Boyzi.

Qin Shou listened, the eyes flashed a cold! These two old guys have finally appeared, he is going to see, they have many times in this time! I can walk around the two saints! However, since the rabbit is coming, this history must be rewritten!

The fierce light in Qin Shou's eyes did not cover it, and the female and back is clear.

The woman is curious: "Do you know these two people?"

Qin Shou nodded: "I have heard that the demon is confused, confused by many people in the West, the scammers who mission around ..."

Hand Road: "I have also heard their famous heads, in the West, their influence is not small. Have their own teaching, seem to call Western teaching."

The girl said: "I also remembered, when the Ziyong Palace listened, there was indeed these two people. Just have no intersection, I don't know why I have seen it today."

Hand Road: "I don't know if they come in and ask?"

The woman immediately let the boy lead two people.

Qin Shou has been squinting, and there is something in the heart.

Soon, the two of the two fairy-style bones came in. Qin Shou recognized the governor, as for the attractions, at this moment, the temperament is also very different after the sacred, but it is a bit Unfamiliar.

The two seems to have to know that Qin Shou is here, it is not unexpected, and he has a baggage: "I have seen two gods, Qin said friendly."

Qin Shou nodded did not speak. At that moment, he thought many methods. The two now don't know him at all, Qin Shou can close to the past, and they will pull the relationship, and they are looking for the opportunity to die. But Qin Shou did not care, deal with others, he can play like this, but deal with them, Qin Shou doesn't plan to use it, he wants to use his fists, fist to meat directly to kill two people!

The two estimates that Qin Shou will be so cold to them, so after returning, I have left it.

"Two Taoist friends, how can I have time to come to my female palace today?" The female scorpion saw the mountain.

At first, the people got up and said: "I don't think about it. We have come to see the girl this time because of the crime of the interception."

The female frowned wrinkled, obviously didn't want to talk about this, but still

Asked: "The interception is the teaching of Tongtian, why come to me?"

At the point of view: "There is between the heavens and the earth, the demon, and the witch is divided into the world." Nowadays, a sudden emergence, and it is rapidly, and the Niangniang is developed, is it? "

The woman said: "The heavens and the earth are the heavens and the earth of the Wancha, and more saints are willing to teach Cangsheng. Why don't I wish?"

"Non-also, the sect is more, the teachings will naturally conflict with each other, the faith is different, the battle is constant. It is better than the witch and demon, although the top relationship is close, but the following is still constant. If it is not a mother, the ancestors, I am afraid I have already played up. And the three clear saints, the Tongtian teacher is to kill the Sheng, the main killing, killing, if he is teaching apprentice, the character is natural as he is general, , is not self-discipline, the future is friction, the girl may guarantee Tong Tian The teacher will speak like the scenery of the mysteria in the past, since ancient times, the battle of teaching and teaching is over, and the era of being overwhelmed; never have a Tenthon of the Gem of Changsheng ... Even the era of Changsheng in the Wancha. If it is not a Niang Niang Don't make a sophoresis, condense the thousands of cultivation into a family, now I am afraid that I have already made a pot of porridge.

The land fairy is not easy to calmly calm, is there still been able to watch it again? "The passive people got up.

The woman's brow is locked, she naturally understands, but she thinks of course, the three clear saints is also a saint, when there is no desire, will not kill too much. But she ignores the difference in teachings, which is the most likely caused two major teaching contradictions ...

At first, the people saw the meaning of the woman, and he hurriedly came: "We are not only for the maiden."

The woman said: "How to solve the problem?"

Taoist said: "Nowadays have been taught, and we will pretend to be in the outside, if you want to let Tongtian's main to collect back to Returian, there is no face to hit his face. This is obviously impossible, so, the interception has been established It became a foregone! In this case, why are we not generous, directly let the world intervene in the segment, divide, involve the disjunction? ".

Chapter 316 Rolling Eggs


The female eyes flashed, laughed: "This is a good idea, but the two this time should be another thought."

"The mother is impatient, we naturally be unpaid, we are willing to lead the sheep, lead the Western teaching, fight the interception!"

At this moment, Qin Shou Yinyang was strange: "I see the fight against the interception is a fake, you want to lead the female sorrowful girl, playing the saints of the saints, bringing the Western teaching into the other regions of the fairyland, Damaguan, Grab alloying is willing? The position of the saints is still empty, and the two minds are really not small. "

At this time, the brows of the attractions and the quasi-triskers have frowned, and Qin Shou is equal to the instant to smoke the front of them! The two are looking at it, do not understand, why is this rabbit to target them! But let's think, it seems that this rabbit and Tongtian's relationship is good ...

Think of this, take the people: "Qin Daoyou can be wrong, our Western teaches no saints to sit in the town, and how to grow, it is just a small education. If the female

Turning us back to the West. We came this time to come with sincerity ... Of course, we are not true to the Tongtian, just don't want to develop too fast. The so-called, the tree is striking, the forest is big, there are people, Tongtian's lake is there, there is no class, the door, the Dragon Snake is mixed, and it is difficult to keep a mixed phenomenon. And our existence, can slow down his expansion speed ... "

The vicinity: "The speed is slow, the disciples are elite, good entry, good character, no door, there is a lot of friction in the future."

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "I can't agree with this words! If you say something wrong, what do you count ?!"

When you come out, it is quasi-channel, the color of the people's face is incapacitated! Attend the Taoist's laughter, the squid: "Qin Daoyou, you can listen to this."

Qin Shou waved: "With people, for good! And Wolf words, He Qi? I don't know where you are in the world, you will think about the believer of you? Expansion? When it is an idiotic dream, not self-strength! I see that you are uncomfortable is a fake, I want to take the opportunity to expand my forces? "

"You!" It is very popular with it.

The attractions have angered: "Rabbit, you need blood exports! We come with sincerity to come from head to our head, but because we don't know the Tongtian's relationship, it almost become intercept. Master ... Today, are you helping a Tongtian, is it? "

Qin Shou's heart sighs, it is the old monk of the future, a lot of mouth is going online!

Fortunately, Qin Shou is not a vegetarian, laughing: "I have the same relationship with Tongtian Teaching Lord, I don't need to judge, my mother is self-contained. Again, even if I follow the Tongtian teacher, I said it is wrong. What? If you have a saints, this confrontation can talk about it, but unfortunately ... two waste. "

The passerby suddenly opened: "We may not do it, if there is a saints," "

Qin Shou is immersed, and his most worrying thing is really going! Arrival is in full swing, what is the explanation? Yuan Shi Zun, too old, the old man, will be old and old, quietly squatting, watching it?

Qin Shou Road: "Oh? Let me listen."

The attacked people gave a look at the people, if not, there is no need, he didn't want to move out, the result is that the person did not hold back, or said.

Qin Shou saw this, but laughed, laughing very happy, he knows that these two people have to go back! Thinking of this, Qin Shou sat on the chair, quietly taking tea, formed a huge contrast with the opposite of the tat.

In this way, the eyes flashed in the eyes, and the performance of Qin Shou's performance made him feel the threat! Huge threat! Heart: This rabbit is a good strength, the most important thing is endless, and the speed is terrible! Moreover, the mind is extremely old, the city is very deep, and it is very tired to us, I am afraid that it will be a big trouble!

Thinking of this, the attractions have made a certain decision.

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