The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 936

Qin Shou is also not angry. In the face of true villains, it will always be comfortable than facing the fake gentleman. At least Qin Shou thinks. So said: "I have no provoke for Shen Dao friends?"

Shen Leopard laughed: "Of course, there is no big name in the nephew."

It is a Hachi, and the means exceeds the means. I am just a way to go to the windmill, do something I need to do. Of course, if you feel unhappy, the Shen Leopard is here. "

Qin Shou haha ​​smiled: "Taoist friends are so refreshing, I am not so embarrassed. If you pay, you can talk to me, what is your picture?"

Shen Leopard smiled: "My picture is very simple, this sky is quiet for so many years, has always been the Lich two people, the so-called, the heavens are turning, today to my house, everything is inherent, I should change it?"

Qin Shou is shocked. When Qin Shou, Qin Shou felt that the Lich War was not so simple. Now, now, this is a big cat! If there is no three shadow, the fool does not believe!

Qin Shou Road; "You said this, say to me, isn't it afraid of being blotted?"

Shen Gao's relaxed laughed: "Dao You although it is, it is nothing to conceal. In fact, there are many people who know, but there is no ability to block, but there is no!"

Qin Shou thought about it, even if everyone does not go out of Yuan Shi Zun, it is done, if someone goes carefully, or

Cannot find some close. Qin Shou continued: "It seems that the Taoist friends have a bamboo. I don't know, what is Tianzun to find me?"

Shen Gah shook his head: "I don't know, according to reasoning, now I have explained it, the rest is Xu Xu. The teacher suddenly finds you, I am afraid that only the teacher will only eat. Taoist, arrived The teacher is waiting for you on the mountain in front. "

Qin Shou is extremely over, and it is true, see a green alpine IQ in front of the front, one person hangs white, sitting there. A chessboard is placed in front of it seems to be pondered.

Qin Shou didn't think too much, flying directly, arched: "Meet Tianzun!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked up slightly, swept Qin Shou, and Qin Shouton had a system of full body secret by him. However, Qin Shou knew that this is just a kind of illusion. Now there is a lot of things in his body, and Yuan Tianzun is absolutely impossible to see him at a glance!

Sure enough, Yuan Tian Tianzun wrinkled, "" Your bunny, the secret on your body is a lot. Sit, accompany me, I have finished this chess. "

Qin Shou wondered, suddenly smiled and shook his head: "Tianzun, you look at me high, Go this place, I will not."

"If there is a meeting, what is the difference? It is a falling tree ..." Yuan Shi Tianzun Road.

Qin Shou heard the meaning of it. This is a hint of Qin Shou. This will not play chess, but in this world! However, Qin Shou furnished can't understand, sit down, said: "Since Tianzun said so, the kid is a plate of mall and the sky.".

Chapter 328 Saints Agreement

Saints Agreement

After that, Qin Shou picked up a black child, and set it out to find a hollow!

Yuan Tianzun suddenly stunned, then laughed: "Just angled me, I haven't arrived yet."

Qin Shou scratched his head: "All said, I won't play chess, let Tianzun joke."

Yuan Shi Tianzun shook his head, dropped white words, then Qin Shou's black son was killed!

Yuan Shi Zun continued: "Rabbit, will not play chess, chaotic chess, it is easy to mess with a chess game, so in many people who are about to lose, if someone will stir, this is a good thing. But in the eyes of the versatile, the most annoying is the people who sprout. If you look at chess, you may live a game, or you may have a lot of chess, you will be dead. "

Qin Shou's heart is cold, Yuan Tianzun is beat him!

Qin Shou's psychology has a number of thoughts, but Qin Shou is not panic. He is in a principle, what you said, I am Bai Ding, I

I don't understand! I will be tender, can you be? Around me? I can't understand the rabbit master!

So Qin Shoudao: "Tianzun is too right, so, will not play chess, it is best to play chess. I used to give me chess, but I have to lose, I use a trick, I will use the trial."

"Trick? What trick?" Yuan Shi Tianzun asked.

Qin Shou got a smile; "Tianzun really wants to know?"

Yuan Shi Tianzun nodded ...


Qin Shou waved, a plate of chess flying out, scattered a place ...

Qin Shou smiled: "Directly playing is just, anyway, a game, no house is not lost, I am afraid of ..."

Yuan Shi Tianzun stared at Qin Shou. Qin Shou looked at Yuan Shi Zun, a simple appearance of a face, let Yuan Shi Zun also touched this dead rabbit to understand what he said. Yuan Tian Tianzun thought that he met a smart person, some words were bitten, but now, it seems that it is not straight to the white point, it seems to be said to be said to be said!

So, Yuan Shi Tianzun said: "Rabbit, I have to say some ..."

"What do you want to say?" At this time, a female voice descended from the sky, Qin Shou looked up, and saw a woman in the Yaqiao, a woman who was dressed in a seven-color Yunxia. Nature is naturally elegant!

Yuan Shi Tianzun still does not move, there is no consciousness of being raped, but it is easy to smile: "It turned out to be a female manta and the soil lady arrived, two Taoist friends, this is for this rabbit?"

"You can don't have a rabbit, this is my brother."

Yuan Shi Tianzun is stunned, look at Qin Shou, then look at the soil, then laughed: "Then I want to congratulations, there is a brother."

After that, she naturally heard the ironic taste of Yuan Shi Zun, and the Qing Qing as her brother, she got a famous slag. Nowadays, there are many brothers, equal to a slag, and there is a slag: "Tianzun, you ask me to see my brother, is there anything? I am his sister, there is something to tell me directly."

Yuan Shi Tianzun shakes his head: "Nothing, just recently listening to the disciples to talk about this rabbit, so I am very curious, so I see him, and

He planted chess. Just didn't think, he actually overturned my chessboard ... "

The semers were stunned, but then, the woman was laughed: "This is in line with the act of this rabbit. Tianzun, I think you will not be a descendant of the guy? As far as I know, he Not dead yet. "

Yuan Shi Tianzun's face slightly changed, then got up: "His myth is already shattered, and now it is different, he will return it, what?"

After the end of the ground: "This is domineering, I remember, if you encounter him in the future, I will help you."

Yuan Shi Tianzun has a change, deep sucking, arched: "I still have something, go first."

After that, Yuan Tian Tianzun got up and went.

When Yuan Yuan is awkward, Fang Ya is cold and said: "With a big bullying, the face of the people!"

The woman hurriedly said: "Okay, my sister, I want to be listening to him, increasing trouble."

Fang Ya said: "Others are afraid of him, but I am not afraid of him! Brother, nothing

Is it? "

Qin Shou shook his head: "I can have a happening, if he wants to hurt me, don't take this means. How come my sister?"

Fang Ya said: "Shen Galay found you, it was taken by the Emperor, and heard your conversation. He knew that Yuan Shi Tianzun is looking for you, so he will notify the female sister. The female sister is notified to me, we will Get up. My brother, but no one can bully! "

Qin Shou hurriedly gave a girl in the girl: "Thank you, Niang Niang!"

The woman smiled; "Aya and I love the sister, since you are her brother, natural is my brother. Not to mention, Yuan Shi Tianzun is looking for you, mostly because you give us a scratching thing, the heart is uncomfortable So, it is also because I am from me, it should be it. Yes, Yuan Tian Tianzun and what did you say? "

Qin Shou hurriedly greeted two women to sit down, and then said the Yuan Shi Zun.

Fang Ya said: "He is warning you, don't let you intervene in the fairy world."

Women's road; "Saints game, you are chaotic, if it really affects his chess bureau, it is not allowed to kill!"

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