The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 938

Qin Shou was relieved: "It is dangerous next time. Don't run out of one, everything has me, know?"

Rainbow is smashed, a serious way: "No!"

Qin Shou: "@ # ¥ @ ..."

Win Yun ran up and angry: "These people are too much, the king, you are not at home, they will find the door to go to the door. The three people used such things, dragged the flames, and then It is good to come out of a bald egg. "

Qin Shou shook his head: "It's not good or bad, they are a group. That guy is just a body, it is responsible for the protection of the three people. The three people are the death of Buddha The taxi, this time, it is just a deterrence and intimidation.

It has been. Now that the rabbit is behind, there is a heaven, there is a female scorpion, there is a Tongtian teacher, and there is back the secrets. Even if I stand here, let them kill, they don't dare to take me. Tagged people do this, just give me a lower Maver! "

Win Yun said: "What should we do in the future?"

Qin Shou looked at the West: "However, they don't know me, I can then scare, I don't report non-gentlemen, they dare to provoke me, I have to accept punishment! Win cloud, I am not there. You are responsible for the inner situation of Wang Yue Mountain, as for security, you don't have to worry. I will go to the Tianda to go, and some people dare to mess, hey ... Let them see the heavens will be powerful! "

Winning the cloud: "The king, do you have to leave?"

Rainbow is also concerned and disregard.

Qin Shou pinched the little face of the rainbow, laughed: "I haven't prepared it yet. I need to leave before walking. When everything is stable, I will accompany you, ok?"

Rainbow low, slightly, it should be.

In the next few days, the people in the land fairy were once again shaken, and there were countless people, and the mountains were uproots, and they fate over the monster Mountain.

The direction of the mountain! Then fall in a different orientation! Some mountains float in the air, and some mountains were buckled in the earth, and the scene was extremely shocking.

"Tianshan, People, Mountain! This rabbit is a big hand, five days, the foot is holding a hundred and eight mountains, thirty-six Tianshan, thirty-six mountains, thirty-six people Mountain. These mountains have been together, it is a peerless big array! Unfortunately, the old man is shallow, can't see the name. "

"This is indeed surprised, and I don't know if it is from the hands of it."

This is a human being in comments.

"Flower is quenched, practical, this array looks a lot, afraid that the thunder is heavy rain."

"Yeah, how many years? Insufficient thousands of years! Such a short time, can have such strength, it has been against the sky. If you can also master the array, my head is screwed down to him as a night pot!" One person secretly called .

"This rabbit may have no such means, but there is this means. Without the heaven, he can remove so many mountains?"

"I don't know how to look at this rabbit, even so conjunctive, polar," "Some people sour."

"Phaneous? You are all wrong, I heard that this rabbit took two consecutive three people to provoke the two major teachers. The previous battle is also attacked. He is afraid, this is only day and night."

"Hey ... Western two teachers is Tong Xuan, and Yadheng is a famous master! This rabbit encompasses two church mains, when it is dead ..."

"Hey, watch the show. Although this rabbit has a backing, but according to what I know, the two teachers in the West go to the Yuan Shi Zun. If I have not guess, the two major teachers have already have a saints. Hold the waist. This rabbit, I am afraid that it is not good after the day ... "

Everyone talked about it, saying that it is good, and it is bad.

And these, Qin Shou did not put it in your heart! Only he will understand what he is doing! The array of this hundred and eight big mountains is nothing more than a particularly strong array. It is a giant array of Qiankun. The protection capacity is more than a slave.

However, this big array is sick, Qin Shou will integrate Taiji two instruments, so, in this way, one hundred and eight mountains have changed, become a hundred and eight guards in two instruments! Once launched

Immediately, it will turn into a hundred and eight giants, killing all enemies! With the ability of the two instruments, dust-free, the ability of the world, and the ability to block the six-known knowledge, this hundred and eight mountains will become a horrible margin!

The core of the two instruments, Qin Shou decided to use the light and the mountains. Two magic weapons have reached the extreme, Xuan Huang to Baobao, wanting a hundred feet, and needs the water workfurt, and the big firing!

There are two instruments in this two instrument, just a magic treasure suppress one, form two instruments, absorb the power of heaven and earth, the power of the earth, and the power of the rivers, the power of the sanctuary, Under the day and night, Qin Shou did not believe that these two magic weapons can't break their own limits, reaching nine heavy days!

At the same time, two magic weapons can also enhance the power of the array, Qin Shou estimate, once the completion of the big array, even if the Taoist and the quasi-triad people come together, it is difficult to attack. Once dragged, the two people don't die, and they have to be laminated!

Of course, today's two instrumental dust catritions have also been changed by Qin Shou, more people who know, know more, today, his height is not white eyebrows.

Real people can match. When the white eyebrows were too clear. Although the dust in the two instruments is very powerful, there is a drawback. That is, his eight doors are too obvious, and the death of death is very easy to be recognized. Only the hidden hidden hide is .....

Chapter 331


The two instruments of Qin Shou laying were integrated into space, so it didn't live in life and death. All is dead! Without a mispricted license, no one goes to a dead door, only one world, endless world, let you have a large world, can only be in the world, it will come.

As for the golden bell, this is Qin Shou's mission magic weapon, naturally cannot be separated.

After five days, I didn't know success, and the white mist rose, and all of the hundred and eight mountains were all shrouded. It completely disappeared in the sight of everyone.

"This method seems to be very good ..."

"Who knows what is this array?"

"White fog is linger, seeing it is not true, if you don't experience it, it is difficult to say clearly."

"I look, it is the mystery ..."

"Would you like you to try?"

The other party immediately didn't move. Which one is a fool, stupid is dare to explore the situation of Qinshou? People who carefully observe, generally

Law, I have seen the scene after the law, everyone can feel the murder of the cold, do not dare to go up.

Qin Shou is only in place, and the fingers are calculated, and the night is getting closer and closer. It is five days. He also rushed to see the middle, but also went to the Western teaching, and there is a little more ...

Qin Shou, a good woman, ran a trip, first told the four everyone in the door, let them help look at Wangyoon Mountain, and then come to visit the golden pocket, the golden pocket is refreshing promise Qin Shou, help Qin Shou to see the moon mountains. However, Qin Shou has been knocked many yuan.

In this regard, Qin Shou can only pinch the nose.

As a result, he went to the moon mountain, and he saw a team of Tianbi to send this thousand people and boy female crying and crying came to Wang Yue Mountain. Bringing team is a white scrutin with a feather fan, a man, a temperament, let Qin The life difference is thought that people who encounter Confucianism. Unfortunately, this era, Confucianism has not yet, so Qin Shou immediately dispelled this thought.

The man took the sky and the sky, and didn't enter the land of the moon. It was quiet outside. In front of Wang Yue Mountain, Kwai is sitting outside, holding the shirt, and looking at the man in the sky.

Qin Shou saw this curious on the front: "Kwai, who is bullying you, actually this picture?"

The sun jumped immediately and pointed to the man who said: "It's he! This guy meets, there is something to tell me, let me go to my family! It's really this!"

Qin Shou listened, suddenly laughed, the sun is very annoying others say she is small, although she is a bit small ...

Kwai is still uncomfortable: "You are not bigger than me!" If you have abandoned people! "

The opposite man saw Qin Shou, go forward, the trip: "In Bai Ze, I have seen Qin Daoyou. This girl, I have no disappointment, your ice is smart, it's awkward, and there is no one. The beauty, but it is a man, if it is too much to talk to you, if you can't get rid of Qin Daoyou, is I not sinned? "

At this time, I just had a sunflower, and the little face glowed, I was smile, but I was embarrassed, so I turned directly to run, while running: "Your guy will Speaking, I will go back, let's talk, hehe! "

Qinshou looked at the back of the little girl, and the Bai Ze gave him: "

It is the smart hat in the demon, Mr. Bai Ze, a long time, and today's seek is unimagled. Not only is the intelligence, this is more than me. "

Bai Zhe said: "Qin Daoyou said, Qin Daoyou's name, I am like a thunder, today see it, it is really famous, it is really a true hero!"

Qin Shou shook his head: "Okay, don't be here, this is what is going on?"

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