The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Journey to the old man is the jade rabbit 943

After that, Qin Shou full body is boiling, instantly turns into a diamond big rabbit, Tongtian, a boxing! The power of this fist, directly let the ridiculous words in the black main mouth! This fist is followed before

Boxing ratio, the length of the difference!

Black Lord has no black shield defense, a bit bite, the dragon body has turned, and the dragon corner is hit!

"The dragon corner is good, hey ..." Qin Shou smiled, a punch in the Dragon corner of the Black Lord!

boom! The two hit together!

! Black Lord only feels loose dragon angle on your head!

"Hey" is screaming in the pain, and the black is not worth it. He rolled out later, rolling out, he clearly saw that Qin Shou was very satisfied with a paragraph of the dragon corner, right He waved!

"You ..." Black Lord is a half-dead, but I think that Qin Shou just said the horrible power, and some are like a bit of cold. Nowadays, he has difficulty there is anything, a bit bite, do not say anything, so he will drive the disaster of killing, turn around!

"Run? How do you run?" Qin Shouxi smiled, opened a portal in front of the black. However, the reaction rate of the Black Lord has exceeded Qin Shou's expectations, suddenly turned, running in another direction ...

As a result, I ran two steps, so on a casserole, the Black Lord turned to the tail, and the tail counterattacked

! One turned, anger found, a huge crystal fist came over from behind! When it's a punch, behind, you can't hide!

Black Lord has a roaring, a roaring, roaring, and then a dragon corpse falls from the sky! The As for the Yuan God in it ...

Qin Shou once said on a side: "The taste is general, but also think that the strong in the peak can be somewhat different, but though."

Kaatu haha ​​laughed: "Yuan Shen can have anything, the real delicious is this dragon meat, the rabbit, since it, I will go to my Chengdu to carry the heaven, what is the grand bonfire? This Dragon meat is the dish of the shaft! "

Qin Shou smiled: "Oh, good, but let's talk again. That, I still have a private thing to deal with, if you have nothing, hurry to drag this guy away, deal with it."

Quarter-in, see Qin Shou, Qin Shou immediately made a movement of the waving, caught in the flies. Let's take a look at the in the cloud in the cloud, and praise the head: "Well, you talk, I will go first, ... this meat can not eat. I will thirteen ..., twelve The tribe is called, celebrates together. "After that, Kaifang will hugely like huge

The peaks of the mountains are gone, and the biggest meteor is gone.

Looking at this super giant is far away, Qin Shou feels that the bulb on the head is gone. Hurry to come to the face, the result is faced with the eyes of the , Qin Shou suddenly doesn't know how to open ...

Hey, a ritual: "Thank you, this Taoist friend is helpful. If you are grateful, if you don't have to give up, you will sit on the cold house."

Qin Shou scratched his head: "That, , you haven't known that I will come?"

: "Should I know?"

Qin Shou bitterly said: "One is exactly the same as the long phase, the woman named the slogan made me. As a result, she didn't come, but in turn came a few long worms ..."

I heard this name, I was obvious, and then stared at Qin Shoudao: "How can you know her name? If I have not remembering the wrong, she will not tell anyone of her real name to ..."

Qin Shoudao: "It is a latter to tell me."

This is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

, Said: "Taoist please sit, how do you call?"

"Qin ... Qin Song, song song." This is the first time Qin Shou, take the initiative to explain his name. It is also the first time I don't want to use the name of the name.

is obviously made by Qin Shou's name, then laughed: "The name of the Taoist friends is so much." After finishing the tea cup, I went down the two glasses of tea and asked: "Daoyou said it is What evidence can you invite you? "

Qin Shou immediately took the osmanthus cake written in the shape of the legend, put in front of him, said: "Hey, this is what she is walking," I left me. "

After looked at it, I looked at it slightly: "This is indeed her writing, but how can she let you come here? I have been here from the future ..."

Qin Shou stared at the : "That, this thousand years, you are in the middle, it is the same or ..."

I looked at Qin Shoudao: "What does it mean?"

At this moment, the silver brilliance in the Moon Spring became more and more brilliant, and the brilliance was straight!

: "This will become like this every time when the moon rises, the moon is rising, and the brilliance is dazzling." "That is surprised to look at Qin Shou Road:" Taoist, how do you use? This kind of eye looks at me? "

Qin Shou's face is incredible, just in the moment of the light of Moon Springs, the bodies of the is divided into two, one is sitting here, the other is like the immersible general appearance, behind the body, facing His strange smile! .

Chapter 338 I am top!

I am top!

Qin Shougang is about to talk, and the forehead is light, as if it is tired, it is low, and the eyes are closed.

" ? ?" Qin Shou tried to call two times, but unfortunately did not have a point in his reaction.

Qin Shou is on the table, makes it over, calling: " , are you?"

"You are near, I will slaughter you, stewed with the dragon meat tonight!" He suddenly opened his eyes and said.

Qin Shoudon understood, this thousand years, two people are in the same! And from the current situation, these two is that one is day, one is dark night ... but carefully think about it, Jiu Xuan Mountain's , has always been transmissive ...

Therefore, Qin Shou is also a confused, no solution, mouth: "big sister, don't you shocked? Your closed eyes, it is scared."

"Scary? Who else can I scare you at the end of this day?"


Qinshou booth stalls: "Of course, some people can scare me, Yuan Tian Tianzun, the old guy scared me ..."

Looking at Qinshi Road: "You have seen Yuan Yuan Zun? He should you don't have a good thing?"

"Threat me, let me have a three-year thing, saying that I like to be like, if I am free, no one can manage, I am still too lazy." Qin Shou.

The sluggish and smiled: "Indeed, if there is a big freedom, who will manage those messy things. Rabbit, you know why I let you come here?"

Qin Shou shook his head: "Don't know ..."

The middle of the way: "I have been to the female palace, I have seen a person!"

"Who?" Qin Shou curiously asked.

Holdly: "Fuxi!"

Qin Shou Road; "Fuxi? Have you seen him, what is the relationship with me?"

Holder: "Fuxi said with me, I have a robbery, this is difficult to follow you.

related! I thought before, since my robbery is related to you, will you kill you will not have this harm? So I shot in Jiu Xuanshan, but I was still very hesitant, so I only used a bordered to deal with you, let you gamble, if it passed, I will let you, if it is dead, then I will live it. . "

Qin Shou heard here, the brain is all black lines, laughing two times: "Then I am lucky ..." He is a big one, this guy is really full, you said to What do you do? Isn't this giving the rabbit master?

Hold: "Your luck is true ... Who do you drink?"

Qin Shou is grades: "Two cups, my drink is finished, just drink your. Who lets you put the teapot together in two cups ..."


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