The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 945

"Your rabbit, the ambition is not small, I want to pursue , I have a relationship behind her woman ..." China-Hong Kong.

Qin Shou's heart is hitting, is it a woman who does he have other women?

However, if the middle of the middle, I will let Qin Shou peace.

Hold: "However, between the sky, the rules is such a realistic. What kind of strength, what kind of position, what kind of woman! Rabbit, you will follow the things, I don't care, but I have no mood tube. But You have to remember that before you didn't make a saint, it is best not to expect to have a relationship with her! Otherwise, you are harming her! "..

Chapter 340, big moon

A big moon

"Why?" Qin Shou asked.

The middle of the way: "You will understand later, now you don't ask, I will not tell you."

Qin Shou scratched his head: "The words are half, will die, you dare not tell me full."

"Can't!" The legendary and brittleness replied.

Qin Shouton was helpless. I glanced at the Yanyu Spring Road on the side: "Don't say even if it is, why is this spring so unique?"

Come into the past, look down at the scenery in the moon spring: "You look at it yourself."

Qin Shou bowed, shocked: "It turned out to be a moon in this way ?!"

Hold: "I was also very surprised when I saw it. The void creates a lot of hairs, and the Zifu Tiandi created the trocardius. However, a round of moon in the inside of a spring is very strange. And I found it. And I found This moon is not a constant, it is growing every year.

! The world below this spring is also expanding, it looks like a human Zifu Heaven, with the cultivation of cultivation. "

Qin Shoudao: "It is also possible that this is in cultivation, he absorbs the power of the sky, and strengthens yourself ..."

Zhangzhou: "Who know? I observe it countless years, this month I also detected many times, but there is no spirituality. Maybe, all this is just a coincidence ..."

Qin Shou did not believe in the evil spirits into the Moon Spring, and opened the power of the eyes carefully.

Scientists in the earth say that the moon itself does not illuminate, its light comes from the reflection of sunlight. But this moon in front of you is really in your own! How to see is like a huge night bead!

Qin Shouli is on the ball in this month, and the knowledge is fully expanded, and the moon is shrouded, and the results did not find out! Just as Qin Shou was ready to collect the knowledge, the nine tub suddenly woke up, called: "Boss, what is your gout?"

Qin Shou Road: "The moon, is there a problem?"

Nine cork: "I don't know."

"You don't know, what are you surprised?" Qin Shou turned over white eyes and jealous.

Nine cork: "Just because I don't know, so there is a problem! If this is really so ordinary, can it grow up every day? Can he let go of yourself?"

Qin Shou listened, suddenly awakened! Yes, if there is no problem, this place is a super big stone, the stone will grow up? Will you put light? Obviously it is impossible!

Qin Shou Road; "Nine-cart tube, what good suggestions?"

Nine tube: "I have two suggestions! Which one do you want to listen?"

"Take it to listen." Qin Shoudao.

Nine cork: "The first suggestion, directly resistant to, what is the reason he is, and go home and slowly study!"

Qin Shou is a heart, this idea is in line with his act!

The nine tube continues: "But the benefits are the same, this place is not known to be something, maybe you go back is a night pearl, or it may be a lucky star, it is more likely to go back to a disaster star!

Such a wonderful thing, there is no reason to exist, and must have a certain cause. "

Qin Shounang said: "What is reasonable, the second suggestion?"

Nine tube: "The second suggestion, this thing is throw here, every time you come, maybe there will be gains. Let him develop, do not touch it, but if it is good, you can't you first Get your hand, may also be grab by others. "

Qin Shouton tangled up, looked at this huge night Mingzhu brand, Qin Shouzhen wanted to take it away. However, Qin Shou is more clear, it is not his site, but the chassis of ita, swallowing the chair of the black, Qin Shou knows that this month is a great advantage for the and the middle, if it is to resist It is necessary to pass through the middle and hi.

I thought this, Qin Shoufei went out.

Changing Qin Shou came out, I asked before, "How? What? What is found?"

Qin Shou smiled: "You don't know how many years, I didn't find it. However, this month is definitely unforgettable ... Yes, that, I considered a problem."

"What is the problem?"

Qin Shou scratched his head: "You let me protect you, I am no problem, but stay here must not work. You can see, can you go with me? I am now a lot of chassis, one hundred and eight Dashan Arch, there is a large array body, guardian from the flames, the sky is still from the power of Wan Xing. You have to clean it, you have to come to the moonlight, I can come to you, the most important Is safe ... "

The bloody is squinting, staring at Qinshi Road: "Do you want me to leave here?"

Qin Shou booths, "there is no way, I can't grow here."

"If I say, if you leave, you may die at any time, how would you choose?" "Changhuang asked coldly.

Qin Shou heard the words, the eyebrow wrinkled, for the first time, when faced, the face showed serious faces, a pair of scorpions were extremely solemn, ice cold! Look at the middle, the heart is following a heart!

Qin Shouyi said a meal: "No one can hurt the , so no matter what you do not agree, you have to go with me!"

"If you rely on you, want to take me? Do you think, can you do?" The blindlight of the blind!

Qin Shou Yang Wangwang said: "I can't do anyone alone, but if you add a prince, then, the emperor? If you are not enough, I will find a few helpers again, I just bundle it to safely Place! "

In the middle of the eyes, it flashes the color, not angry, calmly stare at Qin Shoudao: "You know, you do this, I definitely don't like it. In the end, you are afraid that you can't get her Heart ... "

Qin Shou also stared very seriously: "Even if you can't get it, I don't allow her to have a danger! This is not available!"

The float continues: "Are you got?"

"Nothing is not willing, my dream is smarter than you. I don't think she will misunderstand me, so your worries are excessive." Qin Shou is very affirmative. .

Chapter 341 Planet


"So, you are saying that I am not smart enough, is not enough to understand people?"

Qin Shou looked up at the sky: "Just me say? I forgot ..."

"Sad bunny, this time, the next time, I dare to say my bad words, hehe ..." After the middle of the way, "said Chengdu's bonfire in Chengdu, has burned, let's take a look."

Qin Shou turned his head and said: "This is a bonfire? These grandson is so bonfire?"

I saw the distance, a mountain was ignited, the mountain became a fire, the four surrounded by a large group of giants, there were many gods that didn't become big, but all the sky, the other people like the flies, the Black Lord's dragon After two giants, I used a iron fork, and I turned over the rolling roast, Qin Shou swear, this is the most spectacular barbecue way he has seen in this life!

Hold: "Although it is rough, don't have a flavor. Let's go, I haven't eaten meat for a long time ..."

It's first to fly out one step by saying it.

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