The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 95.

Qin Shou also knows this truth, immediately goes forward, a deduction of Yuan Baotian's arm! Anti-hand is a big ear scale!


Yuan Baotian turned three circles!

I stared at Qin Shou Road: "Who are you?"

"That is still so arrogant? Look at the box!" Qin Shou directly put Yuan Ba ​​Tian, ​​riding on him, squatting in his fist, stunning, I am scattered!

The distance between the distance and the Tiger are looking at it, and suddenly the war is rushing.

Qin Shou saw this, and he said: "Rely, bullying is hard? Is it a peach? Give you two!"

Qin Shou grabbed Yuan Bazhen threw the past!

Emidual and Ruhu immediately retired, then determined that Yuan Bazhen did lose its fighting power, this has rushed up, a punch kick.

After finishing, Ji Ji felts: "Funhu, our brothers' combat power is still weak, and the gurt is still!"

Qin Shou: "Sure enough!"

Emidicon looked back to the boxing: "Thank you, praise."

"I am a praise ..." Qin Shou was free, and he opened the topic: "What is going on?"

"Yuan Bazhen almost was scared by you scared to some critical secrets, plus him called the woman's name, nature attracted the woman

Caution. Then I will pass the power of the email, but the strength is a little slag. Empty.

Qin Shoudao: "Two strong points than you."

Emason: "That is the Buddha's mana has not recovered, recovered, and the breathing has turned over her respect!"

Qin Shou was too lazy to take care of emperor, asked: "This guy is now dizzy, what should I do?"

"What can I do, bundle it? Otherwise, I don't know how many people who want to have a bad. .

Chapter 52 wants to do things

Look again, Zhu Chang, who has died, Ji Ji Lu: "It seems that I have to go to the government."

"What?" Qin Shou asked.

"This guy is not damn, the land house will not collect his soul, his soul will definitely be taken away by the woman. I have to get back him. Otherwise, he will fly to smoke, and the Buddha will don't want to go back." Empty.

"Can you do it? There is her site!" Qin Shoudao.

Emason: "Don't do it! So I am also a dragon gold, Luo Han. I didn't see it down. I was an acquaintance. She is not you, specially killing!"

Qin Shou's face is black, raising his hand, a whiteboard, but let the emperor have hide, Qin Shou is helpless: "I am going to grow up! This little is a lot of body, I can't do it?"

Emperor, I am ready to start.

Qin Shou saw this, asked: "You can do it? Do you want me to go."

"Do you have a styling?"

"will not."

"That is not."

"You can teach me!"

"Then there is no time, wait for me to come back and teach you." Emperor finished.

"Such a great righteousness?" Qin Shou was surprised, this guy turned.

Volt: "He will not ..."


Qin Shoudao: "Dragon will not undergone the temples, how can he go?"

Volt Tiger: "Golden body, as long as he and the gold part is one, it is very simple."

"Can I use it?"

"I heard that stewed can make calcium ..."


Emptite, Qin Shou hurriedly chased it, as for Yuan Ba ​​Tian, ​​naturally ran by volts, this guy is not working, and the hard work is very excited.

When I arrived at the temple, Qin Shou just saw that I was running out of the golden body from inside. The main hold of the temple took his thigh, and he called: "Emperor, no! The ancestor said, this golden body can't leave the temple!"

"Do you tell you if there is anything you can't leave?" Ji Ji.

Hosting shaking the head; "No."

"That is fine."

"You can't!"

"Really can not?"

"Really can not!"

"Don't you borrow it?"


"Let me believe that I will make you bigger!"

"That is not! Hey, how to become big words?"

Emptite, huh, a punch!


Hosting the surface, it is really a big word!

Qin Shou took the past and looked at it: "This is clearly a word, Ji Ji, you should return to the privately."

"Roll, I want to go, you help take care of it here." After that, I will run outside.

Qin Shou grabbed the emperor: "Remember, the golden body can not be lost, no matter how it is!"

"Know!" Ji Ji felt Qin Shou, a longitudinally drilling into the soil.

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