The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man of the West is the jade rabbit 955.

"Kwong, your opponent is me!" Just then, there was a big drink in the sky, then one person snorted from the sky, wearing white cranes, holding a sword, the empty fell, a sword to jutong!

Kao Feng looks, I have a smile: "Who is it, it turned out to be a Xiang Yun said! Can you nail me?" Khan Father said that the best of the best, the best, the people!

Xiang Yun said, and the heart of the world, Xu Huang Yijun, turned into a group of Xiang Yun, Xiangyun flew out a white fairy crane and praise! The praise is extremely infinite, the crane is going to go without a trace, wings like a knife, one one bird fights together, it is difficult to divide the victory!

Qin Shou looked up, the opposite of the scheduling; "Rabbit, you don't have to expect to knew the father! Since the Master finds Xiangyun people, it means that Xiang Yun said that the people can block the praise! I didn't expect, I have been a long time. You gave it down. Rabbit, do you forget what I said with you? "

Qin Shou smashed the ear: "Remember, tell me about the game, oh?"

"You ..." Shen Gao saw Qinshou stupid, and the teeth of gas. When the Yuan Yuan, I said a bunch of Qin Shou. As a result, this dead rabbit was directly installed, did not understand, perfectly broke the plan of Yuan Shi Zun. Today, this will come!

Qin Shouyi's head: "What are you? The last time, we are the friends, this time, you come to my house to grab things, you are robbing! Off your apprentice, or who is the apprentice! Let's take an account today! Forget it! "

Qin Shou said, take out the golden bell, directly to the apricot yellow flag!


The golden bell sounded, and it turned into a terrible impact wave shock on the apricot! Apricot Huangqi suddenly trembled by the town, Jinlian broke a large piece! However, the apricot yellow flag is the apricot yellow flag, and the defense is invincible, nor is it blowing out! The Shenfanta inside did not suffer any injury!

However, Shen Gao is still scared! He knows that Qin Shou's strength is good, but what is the level of last time? In the past few days, Qin Shou's strength came to a big step, directly reached the respect!

And Shen Gah is just climbing the level to the king level! Under the absolute gap, the apricot yellow flag has become so sturdy!

Shen Gala immediately called: "Qin Daoyou, there is something to say. Here is the place where Kaifang is not a moon. I have no hostile to you!"

Qin Shou smiled: "Shen Gao Leopard, your face is very fast. Do you feel that you are not counted? If you don't say anything, the rabbit is what I feel! And where is it, what you said, I am talking about it! "After the finish, Qin Shou shouted:" Khan Father, here is my home? "

"Must!" Khao Father immediately shouted back.

Qin Shou's stalls on the Shengao Leopard: "You see, it is true here. You try to go to my family, I can't think about it, how do you say this?"

Shen Gao Leopard face is extremely ugly, although standing in the apricot yellow flag, but he has a feeling, this flag can't protect him today! Think of this, Shen Gao quietly touchs the bag ...

Qin Shou's eyes became sharp: "Dare to play a trick ?!"

Diamond flesh, Tongtian! The golden bell direction direction, the bell mouth is right for Shen Leopard! Qin Shouyi boxing in gold!


At this moment, the bell is no longer dispersed, but it is concentrated from the hourly mouth! The horrible sound wave, instantly tear the void, the world's fragments are involved in the storm, swept to the Shenfanta!

Qin Shou knew the golden bell, smiled; "Thank you Xingye to give me the guidance ..."

"Who is the star?" Asked in a curious.

Qin Shou Yangdao Wangwang said: "It is a very happy person, hey ..."

On the other hand, the storm swept, the apricot is constantly impacted, the golden lotus bloom is in an instant, the golden lotus petals of the sky is shocked, and the apricot yellow flag is constantly trembling, curved, Emit

,, as if it will be broken at any time!

Inside the Shenfanta saw this, a bit bite, no longer stop, take out a spirit, throw it down, big scream: "Bad rabbit, I have not finished with you!"

After that, the Shen Gala will reach out to the apricot yellow flag, ready to go!

However, at this time, a big hand that is full of diamonds appeared, and grabbed the flagpole of the apricot yellow flag, and Qin Shou's sound diamond test came: "Do you want to do?"

Shen Gala is scared, launching a spirit, and disappearing instantly!

And the apricot yellow flag stayed in the original place!

In the distance, I smiled: "It's a timid Shen Leopard, it is actually scared by you, even apricot yellow flag is."

Qin Shou, on the ripping, laughing: "Mainly the rabbit, my illusion ability is not bad ..."

"I look at his strength is too bad. The power of Apricot Huangqi is attracted by the golden bell. You take the opportunity to show illusion, affecting him ... If you change someone, you penetrate the illusion of illusion, may not be useful. " flat mouth."

Qin Shou immediately went to the road: "Sister, where is your person? How to help out people ..."

Oh, a look, delicate: "I am standing in justice!".

Chapter 355 Depressed Yuan Tianzun

Depressed Yuan Tianzun

Qin Shoudao: "Justice? Is there anything more just than help your husband?"

"Hey! Don't chew with you, don't help praise one?" .

Qin Shou shook his head: "The guy doesn't have to help, he hasn't exercised it for too long, let it go crazy. I have to pick up apricot yellow flag first ..."

After that, Qin Shou runs to the side of the Apricot, and then caught the past!

As a result, at this time, the apricot yellow flag lit up yellow light, and the flag is rolled out, and Qin Shou fell out, then sprout, instantly!

I saw this, I was shocked, and I was running and asked: "What is going on?"

Qin Shou vomited mouths: "What is the situation, the disciples can't be played, the master runs to help."

, exclaimed: "Yuan Shi Tianzun?"

Qin Shou nodded: "Yeah, the saints intervened our talents, this face ..."

Bang ...

It is very coincidental in the sky, and Qin Shou immediately shuts down. he

Know that the consciousness of Yuan Shi Tianzun is definitely around, so they will open two sentences, solve the hate. However, since people threatened, Qin Shou naturally continued to provoke ... but this Liang Zi, he is a note.

The apricot yellow flag is gone, Qin Shou stood a stomach, suddenly turned, staring at Nauxiangyong, killing the gold beam!

Xiang Yun said angrily: "Khan Father, is your witch not the most focus on the fair branch? I am playing with you, what is this rabbit walking?"

Kaoyu one listened, a shot of the brain, a look!

Qin Shou saw this, it is about to open, let this guite blend! As a result, he listened to the praise: "Xiang Yun said, the rabbit will die together!"

Xiang Yun said, then he only called; "When did I say let him come together?"

Kao Fu called: "Just said, I heard, don't believe you! Hear your hands!"

Xiangyun said with a grief and indignation, all people surrounded by everyone, then ...

Hello, and the two two big wits have rushed out from the mountain! Coupled with Qin Shou and Kao, Xiang Yun said: "Tianzun is me!"

In the Yuxi Palace in Kunlun Mountain, Yuan Shi Zun suddenly opened his eyes, and he snorted: "You have a rabbit, my people do you dare to kill?"

Yuan Shi Tianzun is going to work, suddenly heard the voice of the boy from outside the door: "Tianzun, Tongtian Dafa seeks!"

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