The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the wild is the jade rabbit / Xiyou Laozi is the Yutong Chapter 959.


A juchuan man with a golden egg: "The middle of the middle is angry, the rabbit turns meat ..."

"Nothing, this meteor will come back. Let's hurry out, in the face of the middle of the middle, always feel the fur."

"It makes sense, I didn't find a woman to get married after I saw the fierce of the middle."

"Hey ... small voice, want to die, don't pull us!"

This naturally can't escape the slim ear. If it is often, the middle is absolutely immediately, and it will not kill them.

I clean up them! But this time, she didn't have a hand, but fell into a confused contemplation. Frightened crumples, self-speaking: "I don't dare to find a woman. Although the dead rabbit is not afraid of me, but he is completely two attitudes to me, and it is entirely ... this ... Why? I Is the character or wrong? "

Qin Shou was thrown out, nor to resist, and fly out. There is a slight-oriented golden egg, he is a hundred and twenty, trying to stroll out.

As a result, at this time, one person flew over, and asked him to meet: "The front of the Taoism is in the nephew, Qin Daoyou?"

Qin Shou took a closer look, a Wenri dressed white man came, and I saw Qin Shou and extraordinary.

Qin Shou scratched his head: "This Taoist friend, do you have anything to do? Do we have seen it?"

Wenyu smiled; "Self introduced it, in the next!"

"Dragon is ranked in the old five signs?" Qin Shou was surprised to watch the scribes, then squinted his eyes, and the eyes were shining in the eyes: "Are you stem?"

Haha laughed: "Old nine that two or five more people have no relationship. I am for the sake of the old six."

"Old six? ?" Qin Shou asked.

I am more happy: "Qin Daoyou really knows Xiao Six, the Qin Daoyou, come, I am going to put the water below, walk, let's take a chat."

Qin Shou is wondering, this dragon is not looking for him, but it is very enthusiastic? and also,

What is the ghost? He is completely no impression! But reaching out, don't smashing face, Qin Shou also does not believe that this time Dragon dare to talk to him, find him trouble! .

Chapter 360, someone chasing three thousand years ago

Someone in three thousand years ago

So Qin Shou followed him, and he waved, put a space on the table, chair, put the Joan jade, fairy fruit, Xiantao. This way: "Qin Daoyou, please."

Qin Shou is also welcome, a butt is sitting down, said: "Where is it? Where is this? I am not very good with the relationship with the dragon, you are so inexplicably thinking about it. "

I also said: "You also said, you are not good with the dragon, it doesn't mean that the relationship with our brothers and sisters is not good. Think of the Dragon, but is not a Dragon's direct children. So-called dragon The nine sons, but it is also the product after the combination of Zi Dragon and other creatures. Say he listened, called Longzi, saying that it is not good, huh, huh .... Even the Dragon is inside, there are "

Qin Shou wondered, a wonderful vigilance in his heart didn't matter, no matter how, the bigness of the show, it is difficult for him to make a vigilance of this person. Qin Shou can feel that is not to play with him, and there is no malicious to him.

Qin Shou drunk a wine: "Taoist friends can be seen, people can yell, you can say so, you can say it ... this is stronger than me. At least I will not be so calm ... right, What is the Tao friend looking for me? There is also a small six , I am not impressed at all! "

I got it, I've been very seriously asked very seriously: "I really don't impress it?"

Qin Shou Road: "It's completely no impression!"

; "Rabbit, how many girls do you bully? Little six although the temper is not good,

There is a bit of fake kid, people come crazy, but not so I don't have a sense? Little six in us, there is a sense of bursting! "

Qin Shou stalls; "If you say the little six, if there is such a personality, the rabbit is I can't remember! But I really don't remember when to bully such a girl! Finally, I have to have to Remind you, I am very pity, I am very pity, I have never done it! Of course, bad girls, I have never bulged, they are directly killed ... "

I don't believe it, ask: "Do you think about it again?"

Qin Shoudao; "I thought that the end of the world, I didn't have such a girl!"

: "That is strange, Xiaoxue ran to me today, it is a things, but also to burn the house, say that it is bullied by you ... I came out, I didn't ask how to ask Bullying ... Bullying ... Oops! I know! "

Qin Shou was shocked by a shocked move, said: "Do you know what it is? You can't say it, can you be angry?"

Head: "Rabbit, you are honest, are you doing my sister ...?"

"Which one is there?" Qin Shou's brain is all black lines.

"Which one is it? Men and women, can you still have to make it with me! It is definitely like this, you will put her, then I don't admit it? Rabbit, I follow You said, although our family is a little bit of a little, or is divided into naughty, but if you are so for her, then I can't do it! "The tone of the becomes serious.

Qin Shou followed more serious ways: "I understand the rabbit master, are you saying that the rabbit master I got on your sister? Don't be pulled, the rabbit, I haven't touched the woman for hundreds of years, and you My sister ... I am still making a good thing ... "Qin Shou said in a fake, while he was lasting and a woman, it was a future. When there were so many years, Zeng Dian said that it was big ... No. Zeng Zeng Zeng Sun ...

: "Don't you? Are you sure? Are you drinking too much, is you too much?"

"I will go, I'm a brother, I call you brother! Is there such a favorite? You are so eager for your sister being scourked!" Qin Shou asked with a speechless.

: "Must! If you don't pick up her, our brother has to be hurt by her, if you take her, we can liberate!"

"Feelings are you can't stand, want to give me? Okay, don't say it, do you have a photo? Hey, there should be no, the water mirror will be? Come, put your family Xiao Six bright me Look, the test is first ... "Qin Shou two eyes, soaring the Erlang Leap.


Qin Shou booth stalls: "I have never seen it, you said that I got her, didn't you see it?"

I waved, a short hair girl who was wearing a male child appeared in front of Qinshou. This era, the girl who is short-lived, Qin Shou Chang is so big, except for the first Xuan, I have never seen it! But Xuanjou is the result of the world, but this girl, full of rebellion! The eyes are full of aggressive, and the mouth of the mouth is slightly raised, how to see a naughty girl with a vitality!

On the appearance, this girl is indeed a beautiful beauty, the most important thing is temperament! In this era, this temperament is definitely unacceptable! But in Qin Shou's eyes, it is a little fresh green in Wanhua!

However, Qin Shou also understands that such a girl is definitely a guy who makes people. However, Qin Shou doesn't care, he is most good at tune the god horse!

So, Qinshi Road: "Very beautiful girl, no one wants?"

"Hey ..." a bit of wine sprayed out, call: "What is no one want? My sister really wants to marry, a big one!"

"Are you sure?" Qin Shou fox stared at the .

Cough two channels: "It is like this at least three thousand years ago."

"What about now?" Qin Shou asked again.

"After the more than 600 pursuits have been hit, no one chase ..." .

Qin Shou: "..."

Qin Shoudao: "Your sister is so good, is it her Qin Shou?".

Chapter 361 is not used to people

Be unsuitable

Head: "Nor, but my sister always likes to be a rare and quirky thing, and those guys are all implicated ..."

"For example?" Qin Shou asked.

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