The old man is a jade rabbit

The old man of the flood is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit. 973


A loud loudness, mad is still tumbled by Tie Yu's punch! And Iron Feather is like a broken bamboo, it is necessary to kill!

Qin Shou was shocked, knowing that this iron feather should be very strong, I didn't think it would be so strong! And such a strong guy, Qin Shou did not impressive!

Just when Tie Yu is about to rush out, the mad roaring, the four fierce array, the tail, the hit and the iron feather hit together, the tail was blown on the spot! But Tie Yu is also blocked back!

Qin Shou saw this, yell: "I still see a fart! Let's go together, we have more people!" Qin Shou spoke, has killed it, the mountain is in the air, a turn is bombing!

Tie Yu snorted, behind the back of the steel wings, the wings opened, and the mountain was swept away!


The mountain is actually collapsed!

However, Tie Yu also suffered a little loss, and it was not composed of it!

At the same time, the four people who were mad were also killed, and they were together, and the smoke behind, turned into a strange monster, monster Zhang mouth, tongue!

A slap, pumping on the armored armor, the helmet is squeezed, but there is no broken!

Qin Shou eyes suddenly lit up, called: "This helmet has problems!"

The madness said: "This seems to be black iron armor! The baby of the black iron old ancestors is the baby! How can I be on this guy!"

"Is it still used? Xiang Liu kills countless, when the black iron old ancestors die in his hand

in. This kid claims to be Tieyu people. If it is right, it should be the fierce nephew! There is no strange thing in this black iron. "."

Qin Shou didn't matter what the iron feather is, since it occupies cheap, it will maximize cheap! Qin Shou keeps up, one hand gold bell, one hand and mountain print, turn up, I have smashed the past!

Tie Yu also felt the crisis, suddenly turned, the double wings suddenly became extremely huge, called, pumping to Qin Shou!


Two loud noise, Qin Shou only felt some numbness, two magic treasures did not smash the wings! Tie Yu took the opportunity to escape, slightly smoldering: "Shen Gao Leopard, Jinyi brother, what do you still look?"

Jinyi Bang and the Shenfanta were scared by this sudden battle! They just have to deal with Qin Shou, such as people in today's court, and the Shengao will want to retreat! After all, today's heavens and the earth, or the Lord of Tianship, even if Yuan Shi Tianzun is not happy!

I really want to have trouble, once I was caught in the deiest, no one is hard to hide!

However, this sound of Tie Yu, but also let two people come back. Tie Yu and them, Tie Yu has been shot, that is, there is no back arrow, there is no war!

The Jinyi Ban took out a crystal knife of a thin wing, a crystal knife, and the temperature surrounded was significantly reduced, and then the crystal knife disappeared in the hands of the Jincoan.



At this moment, Qin Shou's brain came up on the crisp, the old high of Mars splashed, almost at the same time, and a knife disappeared on the head of Qinshou!

Qin Shou old face a black: "You remind you too late ... Fortunately, this stuff is not too strong, and the rabbit will still live!"

Seeing this scene, the Jinyi Mon was shocked, and he was not the strongest, but the killing still didn't have any problems! As a result, in the head of Qin Shou, just played a spark, Qin Shou did not lose! This is shocked!

Tie Yu also surprised Qinshi Road: "Your head is hard enough!"

Qin Shou smiled: "It is better than you, this body of the eight shells, hard to hardened with liver."

Tie Yu said: "The mouth is enough to be enough, but I have a look at your head in the end!" After that, Tie Yu killed Qin Shou!

Qin Shou saw this, my heart is sigh, it is really a person! It is obvious that it is still fierce, this person is a bit mad!

The four big beasts saw this, immediately want to shoot, Qin Shou immediately said: "I am discouraged, you go to catch the Jinyi Gong and Shen Leopard! This iron feather, I personally come! Your uncle, the rabbit, I have to look, Where did he come in the arrogant capital! "

"Can you do it?" I am worried about myself.

Qin Shoudao: "Wait for me, he will answer you again!"

During the speech, Qin Shou has been systematically changing to diamond! A boxing, void vibration, the power is not bad better than Tie Yu!

I am discouraged, immediately shut up, and kill the Jinyi Gong and Shen Leopard together with the !

The Jinyi Bang is good at the assassination. As a result, after the night is broken, the frontal capacity of the frontal battle is far less than the four big beasts, and suddenly fleeing around, the wolf is ignorant.

As for the Shenfanta, hurry out the apricot, took out the blood jade, and then screamed; "Don't come over, otherwise I will not recognize people!" ..

Chapter 381 of the Law of Diamond Fix

Law of the diamond flesh

I am aware of this blood jade, I know that this is not able to fight, but I don't shoot.

Shen Gao sees this, with a relaxed tone, he dare to attack Qin Shou with a blood jade, but he dare not kill these four big guys! These four everyone can kill and say that if they kill, then they have a big scorpion! At that time, Yuan Shi Tianzun can't guard him! Because the girls are likely to personally shoot, clean up this rebellion!

Of course, dealing with Qin Shou is different, Qin Shou does not have a duty, nor a God, although there is a hidden, it is just everyone's call. Even if you kill Qin Shou, Tianstrings can not be articles here.

Qin Shou saw the Shengao Leopard and the Jinxiu Mon were suppressed, and they were relieved, and the half-air and the Tieyu people bombarded a punch! Qin Shou only felt that a giant is coming, but it will still surpass him a little! For so many years, he is still in the first time, and the flesh can make him lose!

However, Qin Shou is shocked, it is ecstatic!

Just after the punch, the strength was in the Qin Shou body, Qin Shou has not changed the diamond flesh, and the diamond is more closely, and the flesh is invisible again! Although this improvement speed is not obvious, Qin Shou knows that this may be a way to truly exercise the diamond flesh! Beaten!

Although Qin Shou suffered, he did not retreat, but he screamed, fierce

Stepping before, the second box tightly went out!

The Tiemun people were surprised by Qin Shou's giant! Who is he? 300,000 years, the absolute enchanting of that era, never put the people of the same era in the eyes! Today, he is Yadheng, Qin Shou is just a respect, a large grade, several small gaps, he can't repeated him to press Qin Shou, which is caused by his self-esteem. Great strike! Then it is anger, boundless angry!

Tieyu people also gave up other means, killing directly, his self-esteem did not allow him to lose to anyone on the melee! Even if this is a swallowing spit, even if the opponent is a big witch! This is the pride of Tieyu people!

Tieyu people have a punch, and Qin Shou roaring together, constantly showing Tongtian, mobilizing their own strength, improving the heavy punch against iron. Two people's fists, crazy, hit in the air, Dangdang's voice is endless!

Among the crazy attacks of Tieyu, finally noted the changes in Qin Shou, and suddenly thought of what, "Diamond flesh? You embark on the road?"

Qin Shoudao: "You also know the diamond flesh, know another road?"

Tieyu people laughed: "I certainly know! A dead road, I will never be a dead way! Rabbit, your future has been destined, today I have also destined, I will become the first to kill the body with diamond flesh Strong, haha ​​... "

Qin Shou cold laughed: "You laugh, I will let you cry!"

After finishing, the two people continue to hook, Qin Shou did not hide, but Tie Yu Road

The power of people is too strong, and Qin Shou has never retired, or after the end of the terrorist power of Tieyu. However, the Tie Yu people didn't want to go, and the skills of the fight, Qin Shou's skills used far beyond him!

The memory from the war murderer, and the memory have made Qin Shou have a unparalleled melee skill, and 3% of the whole body can be built!

Although Tie Yu is also a Master of Competition, but most of the biggest fighting power has been burst.

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