The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 992.

Qin Shou smiled: "I have a flying sky, can you?"

"Fei Tian brand?" The broken leaves were united.

next moment…

Broken leaves in front of you ...


The broken leaves only felt that the collar was mentioned, and then the clouds were drifted, they were directly thrown out. He finally understood what is a flying sky ...

and Taichi people suddenly stupid, this rabbit is too fierce!

Qin Shou threw the broken leaves, surrounded by the guards, but also rushed up the handsome guy who welcomed the three-person clips, and won the three circles of Qin Shouri!

Too second truth is on the front: "Rabbit, what?"

Qin Shou smiled: "What do you do? I not only there is a flying sky, but there is also a storage card!"

After that, Qin Shou waved, sleeve, and these handsome women were all incorporated in the sleeves. Suddenly the door is quiet ...

Those who are preparing to go to the holy mountain, and pass through the holy mountain, all dumbly, one by one, watching the eyes of Qin Shou, look like the monster! The holy mountain has been established for so many years, Qin Shou did, or one!

"Who is this person? Is it so arrogant?"

"Hey, Shengshan dare to provoke, this kid is really big!"

"This is a good show, the majesty is provocative, see how the holy mountain will deal him."

"More than just holy mountains, there is also the rules of not week! Not thoughtful people are estimated

I am angry, I am free to move in the city, ... "

The news here is soon to pass, and more and more people watching the lively.

Unfortunately, when they gathered together, Qin Shou took a long to go into the holy mountain!

Although the holy mountain is a mountain, it is not a mountain, but a huge city! From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, it is a building, a building is incomparable, brilliant, gold and silver jade shop, crystal inlays, all kinds of Tianwei Bao can be seen everywhere, even the flower grass in the flower bed is all kinds of cherish herbs!

That is straight!

: "This is straightforward? When you have seen my dragon's Crystal Palace, you know what is rich!" Although the words, the big eyes also exudes excited light! Although gold and silver, jade, crystal is not so much money in this world, but it is a rare item, and it is not an easy thing to shop. The most important thing is that these things are really beautiful under all kinds of light, and it is very beautiful!

Compared with the two people look honestly, Qin Shou can not be so honest, look at it, look at it, still eat it!

The other two people have a bitterness, covering the face opens, so asever, it is reluctant to be used as a man and Qin Shou, and the shame is still calculated, it is easy to provoke!

At this time, I came to two black men, and the two men had a sign of holy mountains, a red dot on a holy mountain.

Too two immediately emotional Qin Shoudao; "Bunny, be careful, this is the law enforcement of the holy mountain. It is white for the holy mountain to do business. It is black. It is estimated that for so many years, you are holy mountain. The first handled object ... "

Qin Shou did not think about his mouth, said: "The Rabbit, I am the least lack of flying sky."

Too second true: "234 @ ...%"

"This Taoist, unauthorized holy mountain, destroy the holy belief of the holy mountain, take a trip to us." A black man said.

Qin Shou nodded: "Where are you going to with me?"

"We let you go with us! I think about three breathing time, three breathing did not answer, we will work hard to take you ... Ah!"



The roof is blown to open two holes, and the two black people enforcements have been thrown out.

Qin Shou smashed the ear: "Unfortunately, the rabbit will only give you a nonsense, time, you still fly."

Tai Si real people smashed, and the sad reminded: "I know, this rabbit is

Where is it, this guy is a cruelty! "

... ...

Just then, a cold snorted: "No matter who you are, here is the holy mountain! Since please don't go, then send you to hell!"

During the speech, a huge black bears came from pushed, took out a black cloth bag, hooded to Qin Shou!

Qin Shou looked at: "The attraction is stupid? It turned out to make these shrimp crabs to deal the rabbit master in the future? I really don't know the so-called!" Qin Shou spoke, a slap in the past! .

Chapter 407, two buddies

Two buddies

A huge handprint sweeping a horrible!

The black bear saw that his black cloth was swept away on the spot, and then he didn't know anything in both eyes!

Too second real person saw that the black bear was swept by Qin Shouyi! At the same time they have just entered this palace, half a palace is flat! Many people screamed from the ruins, ran to one side, horror, angry, there is a show, excited, there is also ...

Hey: "What is this rabbit going to do Ä? How can this suddenly become crazy?"

Too second: "I have a little understanding, here is the Western teaching, the rabbit is not dedicated to the West, nor a day two days, in this alarm, it is not very unpleasant. No wonder the holy ± recent wind water Since then, even the shallow mountain, I heard that Western teaches Yuan Tianzun and Tai Shang Laojun is relying on the mountain ... "

"Hey ... This rabbit knows that this is the area of ​​the Western teaching, but also do it, he is crazy? Is it not afraid of being siege?"

Too two really smiled: "Since I understand the causal, I am not afraid. Siege? Shantou, you follow the rabbit time or short, time long, you will understand what is siege!"

Qin Shou swept the half palace and shook his head: "This brittle tofu is like

This project is also to think about the buildings of Sheng Mountain? Give the holy mountain! The attractions are also, we spend money to play, just use this to make a gathering to entertain us. "

"Your wicked person, rest, you have a woman! One grass on the holy mountain is we carefully designed. You are telling the meaning? Don't you do more than this better?" At this time, A black man rushed out, but this person was slightly large, and the eyes were deep, it was obviously a personal fine, not the few more. I know that I am willing to provoke, I don't have it, but I've been in the truth.

Qin Shou haha ​​laughed: "Are you teasing me? You are carefully designed for a long time, it is this kind of tofu slag? When you touch the broken clothes? If you come back, you say that it is better than this than this. It is not seen. I have seen a lot of places better than you. Don't say anything else, I have a palace, you can rush all the palaces you here! "

"It's a joke! This look of friends, don't know how to call it?" The old man said disdain. In order to build here, they have done countless human materials, he does not believe, just take out the palace of a person to surpass the palace of the holy mountain!

Qin Shou smiled: "Look at your expression, you don't believe it, or do we gamble?"

Too two truth and ,, Don't understand Qin Shou, they still know! Qin Shou has a good palace!

"I think this Taoist is the first to report the name. Laoshi in this fairy world

Still some friends, maybe, this is the big water rushed to the Dragon King Temple. "The old man laughed, as if not angry at all.

Qin Shou Head is full of old foxes. This hometown is clearly in the bottom of the first to explore Qin Shou, if it is Qin Shou, he is afraid that he will turn his face immediately.

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