The old man is a jade rabbit

The wilderness of the wild is the jade rabbit / the old man is the jade rabbit 999.

Some people are happy, no thoughtful people are almost vomiting for three liters! Pointing to Qin Shou, anger: "You are killing bamboo bars!"

Qin Shouton is not happy: "Not thoughtful, you are not interesting to say. How do you think that the saint is the land of the land that is coming to the way? Again, even if it is a difference in land, I have to bring some peaches, what is apple dirty pizza? Don't go wrong, land! "

Qin Shou is a feet, a land with a hat drilled out from the soil, nodded at: "Sifang Wang said!"

Qin Shou immediately rewarded two big peaches to the land, smiled: "This is your horseship hard, go back."

Land father-in-law quickly! He is just a state of gods. These people are present, which one is feet, blowing, can destroy him! At this stood, it is a good time to fight, or a good time. As for the horses of Qin Shou, I will throw it in the future ...

Not thoughtful, the eyes are angry, and they can't find the words to refute.

Too two is called: "I said the grandchildren, how many oil water do you have never had a year? Don't say anything else, a holy mountain will make you make a big hair! Nowadays blood, disaster, still Leisure? "

Not thoughtful, the murderer glanced, the Tai Vi is completely not afraid! This guy has a background, knowing that it will win, immediately, I will get up, one looks at it; "Do you whisper? I said the truth, fair words, still? Grandship, not grandfather, I prefer the rabbit , This thing you didn't do! "..

Chapter 417 Pressure Pressure

Power pressure

"You dare to call you, I kill you!" No thoughtful people threatened.

Too second real person immediately looked to Qin Shoudao: "Rabbit, he frightened me! It's okay, my little heart, every breathing jumps, I am exhausted. No, you can give me a collection of funds, heart acceleration Diving fees ... "

Qin Shou played a response: "Hey, you are a little bit!" After finishing, it's not a thoughtful man: "Not thoughtful, you scared my friend. Those who have just said, still double. Yes, I just didn't say it. So, I want a hundred pieces of eight heavens to Xuanhuang to treasure! Thirty million best yuan stone! Also, this holy mountain I want! "

"What?" Not thoughtfully roaring directly!

Qin Shoudao: "How? Is there a problem?"

This time, this is not covered, too second to run, pull the Q Q Q Q Qin, complain; "Bronbit, will you negotiate? One hundred pieces of eight heavens Xuanhuang to treasure, you are eight heavy days Xuanhuang to treasure It is a big cabbage! I am slaughtered, he nor! You have to point it! For example, this is not weekly ... "

I just grateful to the beginning, I am grateful to this too second to help him talk, after hearing the back, not the thoughtful people directly! This is more detrimental, I have to make his industries in the pot!

Qin Shou Xiao secret looks not thoughtful: "Not thoughtful, you are not bad in the city."

"Don't think about it! Even if you fight this life, you will take it away from me!" Not thoughtful people are really anxious! "

Qin Shou stalls, "That is not to talk, come, take away, take back to the Criminal Department to investigate. Oh ... Yes, this is nothing around himself, give me a seal! No Know what it is to check the seal? It is posted on the seal, start today, only the amount is not allowed! All the activities stop! When the investigation is finished, when will start business, "

In this way, people in the middle of the city are crazy, and they are very embarrassed by one, this dead rabbit is really! If this is, it will drag a thousand years of thousands of years, this is not a ghost town! This is equivalent to indirectly destroying the city!

Not thoughtful, staring at Qin Shou, biting his teeth: "Sifang King, you can think of it, if you really do this, it is a hate, no death!"

Qin Shou didn't think about it: "I don't understand the ages, I only know, this is not weekly in your management, there are a lot of problems. Let you manage it alone, I am afraid of chaos! If you don't even have an empty shell, you are unfortunately. The most important thing is that you are pulling a group of people to die with you ... "

Everyone in the city, he heard the words, and one was silent. They just saw the fun before, but now, they also see it! This is not a rabbit to find such a simple, this is the two majors in the game! And they clip in the middle, as long as someone has a mouth, they will be crushed into a powder!

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly personally.

Not thoughtful, more urgent, if these people were scared, it was really a ghost city without week! The base industry established by his hard work is basically abolished! Not Zhoucheng is very important to him, it is related to him, so it is absolutely can't let go.

Thinking of this, no thought to Qinshi Road: "What do you want?"

Qin Shou, I laughed: "This is not your city or you, but management, you must give it! Otherwise, who knows that you will not fight."

Not thoughtful, he wants to have his intentions in the nearby city! Otherwise, with his strength, a city, earn more wealth, there is no use of him! He doesn't care about management, he cares about this city!

However, if you let others involve the management of this city, there is no concern about our concern.

Qin Shoudao: "Eth, the whole city is completely easter, or let the management right, you only have these two roads to go. Not thoughtful people, don't say other, light you and Western teaching, telling them to this, I There is a way to kill you! Don't think that you are powerful, you can ignore me! Or that sentence, my body, always have your life! "

Not thoughtful by Qin Shou in the face of so many people, so reprimanded threats, and the face couldn't hung up! A gathering sleeve: "You are just a small quarter king! I want to threaten me again? This matter I will freely check the two demon emperors, say the Qingyuan Committee! No week

The mountain is a given, naturally, it should also be considered by two ourseli! As for you ... no qualification! "

After finishing, there is no circumstances to sprinkle, go straight to heaven.

Qin Shou also does not block, and the development is now basically constitutive. Who doesn't know that the two demon emperors and Qin Shou are wearing a pants! This is not thoughtful, it is that Qin Shou does not give him a step of giving him the horse, and I have rolled down my slope! Like the result, just this horse's posture is too good! He can be said to be lost!

Everyone saw this, they have shed, and if they are strong, they are bullied by this rabbit, and they must go out. So what else? Suddenly, everyone watching Qin Shou's eyes with a fear!

Although everyone is afraid of heaven, it is really fearful but the two demon! Those Tianbing will, they just give the demon's face, express cooperation, if it is fear, there is no! Even strong people, don't take the sky, God is serious!

But today, Qin Shou personally gave everyone a class, what is the gastritis of heaven! What is the name, the people are not official!

A rabbit, a half-dead, this is the power of the official!

After the worship, he has lived in the near future, naturally knows how big is the strength and influence of not thought, and the sky, he hasn't seen anyone who can forced the climate! Moreover, it is not based on strength, just relying

He's power!

Qin Shou patted Qing said: "Learn to go, the second sense is not so good! Since playing your sister's banner, you will give your sister to face! ..

Chapter 418 Trust


Otherwise, your sister's face makes you lost, you still count a fart. "

After reading the head, I said it clearly.

After the scene, I laughed; "The rabbit, the things here will be given you, I just have to look. Also, after, I will learn to learn from Qin big brother, don't blend all the day and those who bought the dog friends! "

After the Qing Dynasty, it should be obviously dealing with things.

Then the mysteria is also helpless. She only has such a her brother, and it is also aware of him, but she is indeed lacking some points on the aspect of educational brothers.


At this moment, a bus took on the brain of Shouqing, Qin Shou, said: "Sister training you, this attitude is good, sincere! If you won't, then you will follow them Go to Tianzhuang! "

After seeing Qin Shou shot, it immediately retracted the neck, smart, and lunned. He is really afraid of Qin Shou, this guy's means let him understand, this person can't afford! He before, let him understand, and the truth of it!

After the rear, the satellite won, but this rabbit is absolutely willing! Therefore, after afraid that Qin Shou is more afraid of more.

After the scene, the martyr gods saw this bitter, turned away.

After the scene, there was no way to go.

A tea opened a big long leg, came to Qin Shou, said: "A tea will see the future of the future, you can take me more. I will take me more. My Yin Mountain, it is not too late."

Qin Shou turned a white eye: "A tea girl, when you dare not talk, don't make the knife in the bunny, my waist, I am scared."

A beautiful face is a red way: "You first take your hand from my legs!"

Qin Shouqi cough, recovered the evil big hand, dry cough: "This is not to see your legs straight, help you check, is it inside, is it installed?"

"Leave less! How do you prepare these people?" A tea looks to the fairy and others in the sky.

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