Chen Hao took Ma Qitong to order the most expensive meal in one of the most expensive hotels in Yuanshan Town and ate it. A huge table of dishes, only two people sitting, Chen Hao ate freely, and Ma Qitong was similar.

“Brother Blood, are you so extravagant in eating?” Ma Qitong also let go a little now, and asked curiously. “How? Isn’t that weird? Chen Hao asked.

“To make money is to spend it.” Chen Hao said calmly. “If you don’t have money, go pick up the mission.” So no need to save money. “Oh…” Ma Qitong was stuck for a moment, not knowing what to say.

“You’re wondering, why am I killing people?” Chen Hao asked. “Well, why be a killer?” Ma Qitong couldn’t help asking.

“I was raised as a killer, and I don’t know anything but kill people.” Chen Hao said calmly. “I don’t kill civilians, I don’t kill women, I don’t kill children.”

“As long as someone posts a mission to kill someone, that’s a vendetta. I take money from people and remove hatred from people, which is very fair. And who to kill and what task to take, I also set. ”

“Therefore, I can take this money with peace of mind, and I can spend it with peace of mind.” Chen Hao said a lot of words in one breath, and then he closed his mouth and drank shark fin soup slowly.

This is a bloody speaking style, and Chen Hao has shown it very well.

Ma Qitong looked at Chen Hao, as if she knew this dangerous killer for the first time, and she suddenly felt that this killer did not seem to be as terrible as she thought.

“What, do you think I’m different from a normal killer?”

“Brother Blood, you’re a good killer.” Ma Qitong said.

“Oh, naïve.” Chen Hao snorted disdainfully. Make Ma Qitong’s face turn red, so as not to be embarrassed. “Killer, full of blood, where is the good killer?” A killer is a killer, there is no good or bad. ”

“Kill is kill, there is no right or wrong.” The so-called good and evil are only the definition of human nature. Chen Hao shook his head and wiped his mouth.

“I’ve eaten well, do you still want to eat?”

“Huh? I ate well. Ma Qitong nodded.

“All right, let’s go.” Chen Hao stood up and walked out of the box, casually threw a pile of money to the cash register, raised his legs and walked out of the hotel.

“This bloody thing is a good time, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with being a killer.” Chen Hao thought maliciously in his heart, his bloody lifestyle was indeed refreshing.

Unfortunately, the blood is blood, he is him. The difference is very big, it is okay to experience it once in a while, he can’t stand it for a long time.

“Brother Blood, we’ll do it now.” Ma Qitong chased out and asked. “Who knows, just have fun.” Chen Hao said casually.

At this time, a car stopped in front of two people and several men in black. The two stopped. Chen Hao’s eyes flashed with a cold light, and a huge killing qi burst out of his body, making him breathless.

“Grandpa, our boss wants to invite you to talk.” A man said sweating profusely and trembling. “Your boss?” Chen Hao’s eyes narrowed. “Yes.” Ma Qitong whispered.

“Oh, Ma Yunfei’s father.” Chen Hao made a sudden realization, withdrew his killing qi, and said, “Okay, lead the way.” ”

In the woods, Chen Hao met the owner of the Ma Group, Ma Yunfei’s father, the big drug lord, Ma Shichang. Ma Shichang’s face has some wrinkles, but he is well nurtured, his face is calm, but his eyes are full of essence, although he is just an ordinary person, but his body is still filled with a majestic and fierce atmosphere, which is the temperament of the tyrant.

“Bloody, this is my father, Ma Shichang.” Ma Yunfei said.

“Ma Shichang, your face is familiar to me, and your head is very valuable on the killer list.” Chen Hao said lightly. His words made the people around him break out in a cold sweat.

Ma Shichang was definitely a fierce person, and generally speaking, people who spoke to him like this were already dead. But Chen Hao is different, he is now a killer blood, with great strength, this is his strong capital.

“Hahahahaha, interesting, then do you have any idea that my head will go to change money?” Ma Shichang laughed. “Very thoughtful, but I promised Ma Yunfei not to take your task, now think about it is a bit of a pity.” Chen Hao said regretfully.

“Well, have a personality, I like your character!” Ma Shichang said. “Yunfei said he hires you to do things now, so that as long as you promise to join us, I will give you a position as a core member and give you another 20% of the shares.” How do you see it? Ma Shichang threw out a huge olive branch.

Even Ma Yunfei was surprised on the side, you know, the core members of the Ma Group have almost never changed, even if they have been reduced, they have not absorbed people, but they have opened up the quota for a bloody time. And 20% of the shares of the Mars Group, that is not a small amount!

This is definitely a very lucrative benefit and no one can refuse him.

But Chen Hao said without the slightest hesitation: “Forget it, there is no interest.” ”

“Oh?” Ma Shichang looked at Chen Hao in surprise, he originally thought that he had thrown such a big bait, even if Chen Hao did not agree, he would hesitate for a moment. But Chen Hao didn’t even hesitate at all, and answered him in an instant.

“Why? I think I’m already very sincere. ”

“The benefits are great and tempting. But for me it’s not as important as I thought. Chen Hao tilted his head and said lightly. I was used to being free, and without money, I went on a mission to kill someone, and it was very easy. With you, I’m not so free. ”

“Well, it’s direct. But now you are being hunted down and killed and hiding in China. If you want to stay in Yuanshan Town, the employment relationship is not enough. Ma Shichang said.

“What conditions? Who to kill? Chen Hao’s murderous qi slowly escaped, and an unusually dangerous aura suppressed everyone’s heart. The people around them were nervous, they tightened their grips on the guns in their waists, and as long as there was a slight mistake, they would immediately pull out their guns and beat Chen Hao into a sieve.

Chen Hao was exerting pressure, the bloody attack was very strong, and now at this distance, I believe they all understood that they had enough time to kill Ma Shichang and Ma Yunfei.

In fact, he wouldn’t kill them because the mission forced him not to do it. But you can’t do it, it’s okay to threaten.

“I have been running amok for so many years, and few people can threaten me.” Ma Shichang’s eyes flashed with a dangerous light, and the people around him invariably drew their guns and aimed them at Chen Hao.

“It doesn’t matter, now there is.” Chen Hao was unmoved, and the killing qi on his body became a little thicker.

The atmosphere in the field instantly became sinister.

Chen Hao’s face did not change at all, but the killing qi on his body was getting heavier and heavier. The cold sweat on the faces of the people around them also increased. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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