Chen Hao connected with the military personnel, determined the time of operation, and replaced the communication equipment. “They’re probably not going to be with me, so pay attention.” Chen Hao said.

“Okay, I get it. Haozi, be careful. Chen Pai disguised himself as a hawker at this time, and without a trace, he and Chen Hao turned around and left for a moment.

Chen Pai noticed the Tianyue beside Chen Hao, but he didn’t ask. On the one hand, it was because there was not enough time, on the other hand, it was because he believed in Chen Hao.

They use secret language that the average person can’t understand.

The “Chinese Sword” operation is a long-planned operation by the top level of Huaxia against the drug trafficking gangs in Yuanshan Town. This operation was commanded by Lin Qing, and it was operated jointly with the Wolf’s Tooth Special Brigade and Xuanyuan Valley.

And Chen Hao is the “sword”

All actions were based on Chen Hao’s intelligence and Chen Hao’s analysis, and the commander and the main battle unit had a very close relationship with Chen Hao. The commander of the operation said it was Lin Qing, but in fact it was Chen Hao.

This is an absolutely unprecedented mode of action, Chen Hao is not only the command center, but also the main initiator of the operation, but also the main force.

That is to say, the Huaxia military and the public security department joined forces only to provide assistance to Chen Hao.

Of course, this fact was known only to Xuanyuan Gu and Lin Qing.

At this time, the Ma family and his party were eating, their tables were placed on expensive delicacies, drinking high-end wine, and the dining environment was magnificent and very grand.

But the faces of the people who eat are full of haze, which makes the atmosphere of eating very depressing.

“Sister, are you done eating?” Ma Yunfei looked at Ma Qitong and asked. “Well, I’m done.” Ma Qitong said obediently. “Well, go upstairs after eating, we have something to talk about.” Ma Yunfei said.

“All right.” Ma Qitong shrugged and got up and went upstairs. Ma Qitong knew exactly what her relatives were talking about, but she was not interested in knowing.

After watching Ma Qitong go upstairs and wait for a while, Ma Yunfei, whose face was somewhat gloomy, looked at Ma Shichang and said slowly: “According to our intelligence, the border defense troops have begun camping and training again.” ”

“In three months, they’ve been pulling more than twenty times, and it’s not new at all.” The boss of the Ma family said. “Isn’t it true that our relationship is heeding the call to strengthen training.” The second elder of the Ma family said casually.

“No, it’s not true.” Ma Yunfei wiped his face, and his face was very solemn. He is not a fool, so many times in a row, there is definitely something strange, can not help but make him suspicious.

“I have a bad hunch that their frequency is too frequent and seems to be covering up something.” Ma Yunfei said.

“It could have come to us.”

Ma Shichang looked at Ma Yunfei’s face and did not look like a smile, paused, stood up and said, “I’ll go make a call.” ”



“It’s me, I have clouds on my side, is it going to change the sky?”

“Changing days? No, I’ll tell you if it’s sunny on my side.


Ma Shichang hung up the phone, closed his breath, and walked back. On the other side of the phone, a man in a suit and leather shoes put down the phone, smiled and said to the policeman next to him: “It’s done.” ”

“Old Li, this time you are retiring after your achievements.” The policeman said.

“After lurking for a few years, my bones are going to rust.” Old Li Haha smiled and said, “Go, have a meal at night?” ”


“Rest assured, it’s all right.” Ma Shichang said to several people.

Ma Yunfei’s face relaxed slightly, and he said softly: “It’s okay, but I think we have recently converged a little.” “Old man, are you too cautious?” The boss was stunned and asked strangely.

“No, this time it’s very wrong, very good.” Ma Yunfei pinched his eyebrows.

“Hope it’s my delusion.”

“Or shall we go and see the goods again?” The second elder asked.

“Well, let’s go to a tea plantation.” Ma Yunfei nodded.

“By the way, what about Blood?”

“Bloody has been training his little apprentice lately, leading her everywhere, and now he should be on the mountain.” The second elder said. “Well, that’s fine.” Ma Yunfei nodded.

“Go, go to the tea plantation.”

Three jeeps drove out of Yuanshan Town and headed for the tea plantations.

Chen Hao and Tianyue stood invisibly at the mouth of the town, watching Ma Yunfei and his party leave, and smiled slightly: “Sure enough.” ”

He pressed his headphones and said, “I’m the Silver Wolf, mind you, the target is out of town, three cars, a black jeep, three in the middle, Target Two, Target Three, Target Four.” Route Fourteen, the target is the hiding place. Complete. ”

“Understood. Complete. ”

Chen Hao turned off the headphones, reached out and wrapped his arms around Tianyue’s waist, and picked up her small body, which instantly disappeared into the same place, and once again appeared in a field that had flashed in the tea garden.

Chen Hao took Tianyue through the wilderness and soon joined the Lone Wolf B group members who had already lurked here. Here were paratroopers and hygienists, who greeted Chen Hao, and their attention could not help but be drawn to the sky and the moon.

Tianyue was now wearing a capable exercise suit, and his body exuded an air of indifference. But the appearance is very young, which makes them very concerned.

“Silver Wolf, who is she?” The hygienist asked.

“My sister, the same door, came to help me this time.” Chen Hao said casually. “So small?” The paratrooper couldn’t help asking. “I’m 18 years old.” Tianyue said coldly.

The paratrooper’s mouth opened wide, quickly closed, smiled awkwardly, and did not speak again.

“Notice that the target is up the hill. Complete. The hygienist said.

“I saw it. Complete. “The old high voice sounded in the headphones, and at this time he was standing on a high place, well hidden.” Silver Wolf, what are your plans? Complete. ”

“Three drops, grab.” If they can’t catch it, they will kill them, and they will all have sins in their hands, and they will die early and die. Chen Hao said immediately. I gave the order with the highest authority of Xuanyuan Valley to allow it to be executed! ”

“Got it.” The old man nodded and said, “A fights silently, and Group B responds.” Catch them, special circumstances allow to kill. ”

“Number one, execute the plan. Today during the day, the town of Yuanshan was stormed. Complete. ”

“Understood, finished.”

“Silver Wolf, are you going to go up?” Old Gao asked. “I’ll shoot, but not now. There were eleven people in their three cars. Everyone has weapons, not excluding heavy firearms. Be careful. Chen Hao said.

“By the way, I’m followed by a little girl. It’s my fellow disciple, don’t hit the wrong person. ”

“Understood.” _

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