“You just said you’re God?” I didn’t know that God was so sneaky as to see people. Chen Hao’s eyes drooped, the movement of his hands was a moment, and the corners of his mouth drew a hint of a playful smile.

His voice just dropped, and he slammed his bone fan into the air.

Unlike just now, the color of the bone fan at this time is extremely red, if you just look closely, you can see that Chen Hao just cut his palm in an instant, the bone fan in his hand seems to be alive, and the blood continues to drip down along the lines.

Blood continued to flow down from the palm of Chen Hao’s hand, but not a single drop was shed into the soil, and all of them were sucked up by the bone fan in his hand.

The jade-like bone fan was like an evil creature at this time, emitting a terrifying red light, and the whole thing was held by Chen Hao in his hand like a blood claw.

The bone claw followed Chen Hao’s strength towards the direction of the crack, Chen Hao felt the fan in his hand tremble for a moment, and then he heard a low cry like satisfaction.

A huge fire dragon shot straight into the sky, screaming up to the sky, and the air around it became hot, and the fire light shone on Chen Hao’s body.

The fire dragon flew out, more powerful than the wind just now, and violently repelled the surrounding creatures.

Chen Hao couldn’t have imagined that there would be such a powerful force, he didn’t lift up a breath, he was hit into the air by this force, and the clothes on his upper body instantly turned into ashes, revealing his broad chest and strong abs.

Everywhere the hot wind went, all the tree creatures were reduced to ashes, and there was no chance of even burning.

Chen Hao’s back was slammed into the ground, and his whole body was burned except for his jacket, but there was no damage at all.

Chen Hao’s eyes stared into the sky without blinking, and his dark pupils were illuminated by the fire dragon.

A huge fire dragon slashed through the sky and slammed into the crack.



Chen Hao looked up into the air, and he saw clearly this time, that invisible hand, formed by the wind, like a dragon’s claw, huge, and was actually able to grasp the head of the fire dragon he sent out.

The invisible dragon’s claws squeezed tightly and pressed down hard, as if trying to squeeze the fire dragon to death like a small worm in the palm of his hand.

Suddenly, Chen Hao and the people around him heard a dragon groan, very real, a very frightening pressure, just listening to this dragon groan could make people dare not look up.

Chen Hao’s expression remained unchanged, and his gaze was still fixed on the fire dragon in the sky.

The fire dragon roared angrily, like a real dragon, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed the dragon claws in front of it into its belly.

The flames on his body flipped wildly, cracking and splitting, illuminating the black crack in the sky.

“Aaa The scream of the slaughtering pig broke the sky, and the sky was already shattered, hanging in the sky a little shaky.

The person hiding above was wrapped in fire and jumped from above into the endless sea.

With a bang, the other party is to illuminate everything on the bottom of the sea.

Fu Bomeng jumped up from the ground, just looked at Chen Hao and ran away in an instant, Chen Hao saw the direction he was running, and his heart tightened.

The direction in which Fu Bo was running was really the direction of Xie Xiong, whose hands had been cut off by him, and Chen Hao would not have imagined that the other party had jumped in his direction so quickly in order to save Xie Xiong.

A trace of cold killing intent flashed in his eyes, and Chen Hao knew that Fu Bo was going to kill Xie Xiong.

His feet stomped the ground, his body shook a little, like a leopard, and Chen Hao chased after Fu Bo.

The fingers holding the bone fan moved slightly, wanting to directly fan the person in front of him, and Fu Bo, who was in front of Chen Hao, took the lead in sensing the chill behind him, and stepped to the side, and the whole person rolled to the side.

Dodged Chen Hao’s attack.

No matter how low Xie Xiong’s IQ was, he could feel what Fu Bo’s killing intent had just come to his face, even without his arms, the other party’s muscular body jumped up from the ground violently, and his movements were very agile.

“Fu Bo, what are you going to do?” Xie Xiong jumped backwards, away from Chen Hao and Fu Bo, staring at Fu Bo with angry eyes.

Chen Hao knew why Fu Bo wanted to kill Xie Xiong, because of the rules of the Lord Divine Paradise, if the three of them went up together, their abilities would be greatly reduced, but if one of the three of them died, this rule would be broken.

This Fu Bo’s brain really turned very fast, and he also saw Fu Bo’s actions before he suddenly noticed this loophole in the rules!

The three of them froze in place, staring at each other, and neither of them made any rash moves.

Chen Hao’s ears moved slightly, still maintaining the same posture as before, just glancing at the raised sand with the afterglow.

He was very sensitive to the breath around him, and in an instant he noticed that there was someone in that place!

As he expected, a slender whip quickly broke through the sand above, like a python, fiercely heading towards Xie Xiong.

“Find Death!” Chen Hao let out a roar, and a huge wind blade with a large hand waved out from Chen Hao’s fan.

The wind blade rolled up layers of gravel, forming a thick wall of sand in front of Xie Xiong’s body, and the next second it wrapped the other party in the sand and dust and rolled into the air.

“Boy, your opponent is me!” With a bang, a black shadow burst out from the silent sea, the waves rolled up, the other party’s four claws opened widely, and his body slammed into the west in the direction of Chen Hao.

Chen Haomeng saw that Fu Bo’s face was instantly sideways after seeing the comer, his heart was frozen, his thumb was under the handle of the sword, and he picked it up with force, and Yu Lingxue was picked out of half of the sword body, quickly rotating his body.

The terrifying blue light struck the black shadow in mid-air, and the sword body slammed into a humming sound.

Almost at the moment when Chen Hao struck, Fu Bo, who was standing on the sidelines, also immediately took a shot, only to see his five fingers open, and countless dense silver threads burst out of his hands.

Head for the air to get the black shadow.

That black shadow didn’t expect Chen Hao’s reaction speed to be so fast, he couldn’t dodge it, the blue light directly penetrated his body, and then a fierce scream emanated from the black shadow’s mouth.

“Poof!!!” The man fell violently from the air like a broken kite, and a large amount of blood spat out of the other’s mouth.

The silver wire shot out of Fu Bo’s hand instantly found the opportunity and quickly headed towards the black shadow, very fast.

But at the moment when he was about to attach the other party’s wrist, the man’s hands hit the ground with force, and the whole person rose from the ground like a toad.

The silver thread that had been hidden in the sand quickly sprang out of the ground and hit the opponent upwards. _

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